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Bloody Jaw

Original poster


What do you prefer to be called?
I prefer Jaw or Shark

Boy, girl, or a mystery?
I'm a mystery aha

How old are you?
Late teens

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?
New to the site not roleplaying though.

Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?
I do a bit of both but mostly single partner!

Do you like running through grassy meadows or sitting under the cherry blossoms?
I like sitting under the cheery blossoms! I find it more relaxing and I'm not so much a cardio person.

SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?
When we grew up,
Our shadows grew up too.
But they're just old ghosts
That we grow attached to.
The tragic flaw is that they hide the truth
That you're enough.
I promise you're enough.
I promise you're enough, I promise you.

You are Enough by Sleeping at last! Great band, you should go listen to them.

So, that's some of me aha! I'm bad at introductions forgive me. Anyways, again hello!
Welcome! 8D
Hi There, Jaw! >:3 Welcome to the site.
Hey dude. :) Welcome to Iwaku.
Welcome to IWAKU! If your ever bored and need a RP partner PM me.
*takes a bow* Welcome and I hope you have a wonderful time here!
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