Summer time

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The Queen
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In the mornings usually but only during the week. Weekends are devoted to the family.
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*cue Will Smith's Summer Time*

It's officially summer! I love the summer. Give me the beach, give me the sunblock, someone hand me my sandals! I love the warmth and the pool and all the things!

What are some of your favorite summertime activities?
I hate summer with a loathing passion. D:<

However, I LOVE swimming pools. I just haven't had a chance to enjoy mine much this year because the kids are always in it. 😂
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Summer suckssss. It's too hot and too sunshiney.

But I will say this. I love having my kid at home during summer break. <3 #1 I get to spend more time with him and #2 I get to sleep more. 8D I consider summer to be the 1 season of the year when I actually get to, like, sleep.
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I LOVE the summer! While I'm not much of a beach person for the crowds and the hot sand, I do love collecting driftwood and seashells or just watching the waves and feeling the breeze and I loooove swimming. I would live in a swimming pool if only it were possible.

My favorite summer activity, though, has got to be camping. I look forward to camping trips every summer. I like the hiking through the woods and cooking food over a cozy fire. It's such a great time :D
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being naked somewhere in nature (clothes are just unnatural^^)

and since public nudety is not a crime around here, I will sure take advantage of it :3
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