Name: Tore Drekal
Age: 25
Race: Zabrak
Place of Residence: Geonosis
Personality: he is the tpye of person to revel in combt willing to do what it takes to finish off his foes but he still has a sense of honor as he is not willing to fight or kill unarmed opponants. he respects the chain of command a great deal s he know that a good commander cna make or break any battle.
History: he was raised by his mother in the wastes of korriban, here had had to learn how to fght to survive but this only made him relish the feeling ofdefeating foes that were stronger and more powerful than him. eventually hs mother revealed to himtht she was a sith adn that this was only the first part of his training. over the years as his mother trained him in the ways of the sith he found out that he had a distaste for attacking those who couldnt fight back or where unarmed when his mother asked him about this he simply said that they werent worth the effort and that there was no honor on killing them.
Sith Rank: Inquisitor
Military Rank: (Where do you rank in the Military. Ranks from lowest to highest, here they are Rookie, Lieutenant, Captain, Commander, and General.)
blade is silver in colour
Specialty: Open Combat
Master: (Only fill this out if you are a Padawan, this person has to be another player's Character.
Accepting Acolyte's: Yes
Acolyte/Student: (Only fill this out if you are Inquisitor rank or Higher, this is the Acolyte/Student you are teaching the force and combat to.)
(Initiate's start with 8 points to Distribute. Acolyte's start with 13 to Distribute. Inquisitor's start with 18 to Distribute. Enforcer's start with 23 to Distribute. Darth's start with 28 to Distribute. Count starts with 33 points to Distribute.)
Strength: 8
Speed: 8
Agility: 10 (encompasses Flexibility and Reflex's)
Intelligence: 6
Knowledge: 6 (different in the fact that this encompasses information that you possess about planets, the Galaxy, enemy units and powers, ect.)
Finesse: 11 (how Fluid/Graceful you are in combat)
Stamina: 6
Weapon Skill: 12 (Encompasses Lightsaber Skill as well)
Midi-Chlorian Amount: 7,500
----Force Stats----
(Initiate's start with 2 Force Points to Distribute. Acolyte's start with 4 Force Points to Distribute. Inquisitor's start with 6 Force Points to Distribute. Enforcer's start with 8 Force Points to Distribute. Darth's start with 10 Force Points to Distribute. Count starts with 12 Force Points to Distribute.)
Force Core: 6 (Ability to use Core abilities of the Force)
Force Control: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Control Category)
Force Sense: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Sense Category)
Force Alter: 5 (Ability to use Force Powers that fall into the Alter Category)
Force Dark Side: 8 (Ability to use Force Powers that are specific to the Dark Side)
Force Mastery: 8 (Basically their master over all things Force, having a high mastery with this will improve every Force skill that you use's overall power. So Specialized force sensitives can use this to help improve their otherwise lacking areas.)
----Force Powers----
Initiate's start with 1 Power. Acolyte's start with 3 Powers. Inquisitor's start with 4 Powers. Enforcer's start with 5 Powers. Darth's start with 6 Powers. Count starts with 7 Powers.)
Force lightning
Consume essence
Force drain
Force scream
----Personal Spaceship----
(Must be Inquisitor Sith Rank or Command Military Rank to have your own Personal Spaceship.)
Ship Appearance:
Ship Name: Maw of maleficarim
Ship Type: small frigate
Ship Specialty: combat
Ship Weapons: 1 top mounted turbo laser, thre fount mounted laser cannons and a proton torpedo battery
Ship Equipment: Hyper drive, energy shields
Ship Crew: Run by two astromech droids based on the design of R2-D2
Ship Military: has four HK-77 battle droids on board for any militray purposes