


Original poster

Hello everyone! My name is Sunseeker, but you may call me Sun for short. If the title (or giant picture) hasn't clued you in yet, I'm currently looking for a roleplay based on the new game Spiritfarer. Usually, I don't do fandom roleplays, but so rarely comes a game that ensnares my interest in such a way that I can literally spend all day playing it without fail. Thus, my imagination has been captured by its captivating allure, and I am here now looking for a partner willing to explore the setting with me.



Now, usually this is the part where I could ramble on about partner requirements and expectations and demands and yada yada yada...but...I want this roleplay to be as relaxing as the game. So, I think I'll be lenient when it comes to what I demand from a partner. However, I will give you a rundown of what you can expect from me, so you can have some reference as what to expect.

A Little About me.
  • I can write up to 1k words in a post, but expect 400-500 words.
  • I can post at least once a week, but I try to be faster.
  • I'm a very communicative person, so I'll tell ya whenever I can't post for awhile.
    • This also means that I like to talk OOC, so let's be friends. But, no pressure of course.
    • I also really like worldbuild. Just because the world is sorta set doesn't mean we can't have our own little twists. Just throw any ideas you have at me, and we can go as far as we'd like to.
  • Do note that I have a heavy preference to play male characters.
    • I might also prefer MxM roleplay, but again...no requirement/expectations on your part, so play whatever you like! Male, female, non-binary, Trans. All that!
      • However, if you're gonna roleplay as a trans character, make sure their respectably characterized. That's gonna be your one requirement if you choose to do so.
  • I'm 19 years old, but wait...this isn't in the star request sub forum. So...no sexy times here...sorry.
The Roleplay Itself

As far as the roleplay goes, it's gonna follow the game pretty closely. Basically the spiritfarer finds lost spirits around the world using their ship and...fares them to the Everdoor when they no longer have any baggage back in the mortal plane.

I'm gonna say it right now, I definitely want to play as a/the spiritfarer. Selfish, I know. But, I just love the concept so much that I just have to make a character exploring that.

However, you can play as whatever ya want! Maybe you want to play as a spirit unraveling their past so they can move on to the next world in peace, OR, you could play as a co-Spiritfarer. I mean, a spiritfarer could definitely use a buddy that sticks around while their query dies left and right.

The sky's the limit!

In Conclusion

If you're reading this, thank you so much for reading my little thread! If you are interested or have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a pm!

I hope to see ya soon!​