Name: Known simply as "Mindeye" - she has lost her real name to the ages.
Division: Psycho
Age: 210 ~ 220 (Due to decelerated growth rate of Altrerians, she seems like a 21 year old)
Gender: Female
Species: Altrerian - a race of people in which each family has a special ability. Should two families mix, usually the ability of the "dominant" code is passed down, but occasionally abilities will merge and become a hybrid. The dominant codes tend to correlate with the largest and most successful families. Children are traditionally raised by the family of whom they have the ability, easily noticed from birth by a mark in the left eye which is identical to the house's banner. Likely, the house banners are designed to incorporate that mark. Altrerians originate from a planet in the Andromeda galaxy, however, due to the destruction of said planet in an artificially caused earthquake, Altrerians moved into space and built huge metal fortresses floating on the surface of stars, using their highly advanced technology to somehow repel the heat. Altrerians are carbon-based life forms, like humans are, and as such, require oxygen for respirational purposes. The physical capabilities of an Altrerian are very much the same as those of a human, though certain abilities may enhance this. They do differ in one aspect though - Altrerians have a natural life span of around 800 years, extended to 1000 with medical capabilities. It is thought by medical scientists that this is because Altrerians as a species do not aim to procreate as normal life forms do, but instead aim to achieve perfection, thus the body repairs damage instead of killing damaged cells like a human does. Altrerian regeneration is a little higher than that of a human due to this same reason. They can't regrow a limb without specific help from a power that can do that or anything though. They'll just heal from a scratch in 2 days rather than 3.
Race: High Breed (officially) - High Breeds are a sub-group of Altrerians who build their cities at the cooler poles of the stars they live on, to utilise the star's magnetic field more effectively. High Breed simply refers to the fact that those who live in High Breed cities belong solely to high class families. Interbreeding is common here, but so is gene experimentation. Mindeye is infact an experiment to try and build an 'artificial Altrerian'. That is, take a High Breed Altrerian zygote while it is still just a single cell, freeze it to temporarily prevent growth, then manipulate it's genes. Altrerian abilities are coded for by only one chromosome, so manipulation is relatively easy. In this circumstance, they were trying to improve the telepathy ability of a certain family. They technically succeeded.
Surprisingly giant image.
Image not representative of powers; for illustrative purposes only. Actions protrayed in image have a slight chance of not reflecting my own opinions though I do admit that does look like a pretty fun midboss stage.
Abilities/Powers/Skills: Mindeye's ability is officially nameless, since the High Breeds would get in big shit if the government found out they were making experiments, so her ability is usually referred to as Mindeye as herself is.
Mindeye can be considered an upgraded form of telepathy in one sense, and a downgrade in another. She cannot read thoughts or speak to someone telepathically, as normal telepaths can, however, she can retrieve memories from the person, even ones that the person themselves have forgotten about. Unusually, she is not only limited to retrieving memories from people. She can also gain 'memories' from objects. She can easily do this with electrical components to read storage chips, and even for non-electrical items, she can still gain some information - for example, she can gain a list of people who have ever walked into a certain brick wall, as well as the date and time they walked into it.
On the non-ability side of her skillset, she is also a rather talented user of certain experimental technologies of her race, and knows quite a deal about how to make them too.
Personality and History: (I accidentally ended up merging the two)
Mindeye is... a rather screwed up character. No one knows why, considering her high class upbringing, but she was always very dissatisfied with life, and ran off about 60 years ago to "seek thrills". Since time is experienced kind of in slow motion for an Altrerian, this equates to roughly 6 years of an average human's life span. She rather quickly encountered a passing criminal organisation who picked her up, and began to aid them in their activities. She joined forces with an electricity specialist and a strange person who could use some kind of pocket dimension as storage and became an universally infamous vault cracking organisation. Their pattern of attack was always the same - Store Mindeye and the electricity user in the pocket dimension. Place a portal to this dimension by a vault door. Appear from the dimension. Use Mindeye to read the code and lock mechanisms of the door. Use electricity and magnetism to control the lock mechanisms without a key. Begin loading things from the vault into the pocket dimension. Enter the pocket dimension. Close the portal, leave pocket dimension through second portal on getaway vehicle.
After about 30 years of this, the police caught on to their strategy and captured the pocket dimension guy, forcing them to make the two remaining to make their own way out of the vault. The electricity user was killed in this escape, but Mindeye managed to get away. For the next 20 years, she returned to a different star's Altrerian community, and worked as an assassin with a 97% success rate - considerably higher than most others. It was here she gained her knack for technology. Of course, this is also where she began to lose her sanity - as one does after their only 2 friends are assumed dead, and as one does when one is witnessing death at their own hands every couple of nights. She was quite a feared assassin, as there was nowhere one could run to be safe from her - she always knew where you were as long as you passed by an object to get there. As they do though, the authorities caught up with her eventually, ironically using the pocket dimension technique she was so fond of herself.
She has been in the Spiral Serpent for 9 years now, and still has 39 of her 48 year sentence left to serve. Apparently, due to Altrerians being a rather obscure race as one that only other Altrerians can actually approach the cities of, the officials of Spiral Serpent simply assumed her to be human with an anti-aging technology, and gave her a sentence fit for such a type. This amuses her greatly - the fact that the greatest vault raider and the greatest Altrerian assassin shall serve only the equivelant of 4.8 years in prison for her offenses. In prison, she eventually met up with the the dimension user, however, since the asteroid she hasn't been able to make contact with him and fears the worst. (I may make him a character, I may not. Who knows?)
+Has ample amounts of patience, and being in the prison doesn't bother her much
+Incredibly fast and agile partially from personal strength, partially from training and mostly from biotechnic implants.
+Has the mechanical claws shown in the picture above. They are sharp enough to easily cut through flesh, but will only scratch stone or metal. They do not retract - instead, their form can be dissolved into material that looks like a normal nail, hence why the guards were unable to remove it - they could not find it.
-Relatively fragile physically, relies on dodging over blocking if ever in combat.
-Hopeless at interacting with people besides her two former teammates.
Very little, but certainly isn't comfortable with the idea of returning to her hometown.
Physical Strength: **
Endurance: *
Agility/Dexterity: ****
Luck: ****
Mindeye: **** (Kinda hard to rank this when she's the only known user. Basically, she can draw pretty much any information she wants to know from an object as long as it actually knows that information)
(Incredibly fast and dextrous, with a strangely high luck-drawing strength. Her physical strength isn't something to be underestimated, but she's certainly not the best arm wrestler in the compound to say the least.)