Spam bumping!

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Original poster

Just a quick question, could be answered here or a PM. I am curious:

When an RP post is being requested, and in order to bump the post back to the top for people to see, is it still considered to be spam to say

"Still looking!" Or something similar? I am because saying "Bump!" is not permitted on the forums. Thanks!
Anything that provides actual information about your search is allowed. :D Still searching tells people, obviously, that you are still searching for more partners. Bump, on the other hand, is just a random word that is used to push your thread back to the top of the forum. It doesn't tell people anything about whether things have changed, what you are looking for, what you want to do, or provide new information about your search. It is, therefore, nothing but a spam (aka, inappropriate) word that doesn't relate to your thread. :D
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