Skyrim RP

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Original poster
I really need help making an rp. I'm not the best with organization. I want to do a roleplay where it is like the world of skyrim, but people can play as anyone they choose: apothecary, innkeeper, black smith, traveler, mercenary, etc. Anyone down to help out??
I've never played Skyrim, but I'm well-versed in fantasy RPs and similar settings. I know enough on it to get by.

I tend to be good at RP organization, so I'd definitely be willing to help!

My suggestion would be:

A plot explanation
Then a list and description of open roles/occupations.
Followed by a short description of the factions.
I've been more or less constantly GMing TES roleplays since early 2012, one of which lasted 2.5 years. I can help organize your ideas and relate my experience of what works and what doesn't, but I'm rather busy for games at the moment so won't be able to participate in the game.
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