Six-Word-Stories: Week 7

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Gencha WILL be MINE!
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, from 5pm-10pm US EAST
Writing Levels
  1. Douche
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Fantasy, Sci-fi, Modern, Warlike, and Furry RP's.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

Well I say it's six.

Welcome to the Seventh Six-Word-Story writing contest! It is a weekly exercise with a simple, yet brain-churning idea: Turn a picture into six words.

Simple enough, right? Well, maybe. IDK. There are a few rules however for sly foxes:fox:.

1. All words count as as word (very redundant, but it means that even single letters like 'A' and 'I' count as a word)

2. Acronyms (like N.A.T.O. and P.O.O.P) and conjoined words (like they're and ain't) each count as separate individual words (N.A.T.O=4 words/They're=two words)

3. Punctuation does not count as words.

4. Six words. No more. No less.

Without any further ado...umm...let us!

"Blow thine enemies to tiny bits."
Huh, guess the picture itself took part this week. Funny thing, right?​
That golden snitch lost its wings.
Divine intervention has never been deadlier.
Oops. Pulled the pin too early.
One way to dispose of evidence.
Villain and hero, rivals and lovers.
He fell, and they were lost.
Nobody listened- inanimate objects are mute.
Count to three, and no more.