Simply Survive

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(( Hope everything is okay... And you so stole me idea. :P Well, sorta..I can still work with it. ))

Summer watched the display without interfering, but it wasn't because she was afraid of the creature or hesitant about fighting them. No, it was because as they growled and snarled and wove amongst each other, the woman started to see flashing images, too many to make sense of and each growl in her ear started to make sense, to weave itself into a gray rope before her, twisting and growing, every thread representing a Tracker. They were all connected, mentally and she was seeing that connection.

No. She was PART of that connection. But why?

Why can I hear them, see what they see?

{They are Syhariy and you are Syhana. Humans assumed that what you call 'Trackers' were mutated creatures of Earth. They are in fact, however, as alien as the Stichinias.} The latter name was for the Stickies, as she and Targas had learned - apparently the humans had shortened it and the name had stuck, the real version fading in everyone's mind. Summer didn't know about the first part though and she frowned, continuing to watch her mate carefully.

What is a Syhana?

{A Voice. The Voice of the Syhariy. It is a rare and honored talent and as far as we know in our collective memories of this planet, you are the first hybrid to possess such a skill.}

And that skill is?

{Approach them and you shall see.} the voices cryptically replied and Summer stopped questioning as Targas came back to her. At the male's words, she nodded, voice quiet. "I know." She touched his arm then, a clear sign for him to still and she gave him a glance, both a reassurance and a request for him to let her do something - they were very adept in looks like these now - and she started for the pack with a confidence she didn't exactly understand but trusted.

As she grew closer to the pack, they stilled, alert on her, tongues working the air, but it was their minds that Summer felt, took note of as the gray cord, the cloud of it wrapped around her own mind. It was curious, cautious, but wild and there was a violence behind it that she understood easily. Summer finally stopped, within mere feet of the alpha male and the two faced each other in a mental stare-down, their bodies absolutely still, but their minds battling.

Summer was the stronger, though, and it didn't even require intelligent thought. It was instinct alone that cowed the alpha to her will and the creature whined, finally dropping to the ground, lowering his head to the cement. It was sign of submission and Summer crouched, reaching her hand out to set it on the male's head. Red shot from her hand, a symbol searing itself to the alpha's face, pulsating there and the same mark was on the inside of Summer's palm when she pulled away.

She felt the entire pack then, knew she could control any one creature if she wished it or a multitude. She breathed them, felt them, was them and the woman smiled slowly as the alpha rose, nudging against her like a great dog might.
He watched as she walked over and began to assert a dominance that he couldnt and it was rather interesting. He wondered how far that dominance would spread over the pack.

"So where to now?"

She seemed to have a grasp on the pack, both literally and metaphorically, so he thought it would be best to have her lead this one. He was curious about it all though and sought answers inside his head.

What is she doing?

Its obvious. Shes controlling them.

But how?

She is Syhana.

And what does that mean?

She speaks for Syhariy, what you call 'Trackers.'

I see.

He cradled his rifle in his arms as he walked over to his lover and nodded towards the city.

"I assume you have an idea of where to search?"
Summer looked back at Targas' question and her eyes glowed red as he approached, turning toward the city. She didn't answer right away, letting her eyes close as a myriad of images flooded her mind, at first making little sense but as she swiftly got the hang of matching up and sorting through the pack's memories and information, the picture started to become clear. The Syhariy behind her snarled and paced, and Summer opened her eyes again, blinking away the sweat that had gathered near her lids.

"The south side of the city, there's a prison there. That's where they've taken up residence." The red-head brought her fingers up to her temple, brow furrowing. "They...they're doing something there. The pack...the pack stays away from there."

Her eyes faded back to blue and gave a faint smile to her mate, glancing back at the creature's behind them. "Well, at least we have an army this time." seems as though they do. He opened his bag and counted how many timers he still had: eleven. It was much easier to blow up a factory than it was to destroy everything by hand. Luckily for them, certain paramilitary units like what they were doing and will trade explosives for other things. Luckier still, he still had enough plastic explosives to level a large building.

He looked over the pack of mutated trackers and wondered how they got like that. Even with radiation, it would be hard to get that kind of change...unless whatever the Stickies are doing made them. He wasnt a fan of the trackers but he was never one to support genetic modification, as that is how he became who he is today. The Stickies had to be stopped.

"You lead hon."
Summer smiled and took off, perhaps surprising her mate, but she knew he'd catch up. The Syhariy were directly behind her, a swarming mass of deadly claws and fangs, but none of them ever surged ahead of the small auburn-haired woman that led them and as they traveled through the city, one or two odd outsiders joined the pack, in it for the hunt if nothing else and each one melded into the gray threads that surrounded Summer, bending to her will.

The woman started to slow as they got closer to their destination and she slowly let her form change, everything but her hands which she kept as fingers instead of claws. Last thing she wanted was to slice through her own gun...again. Targas had laughed so hard...

Summer smiled at the thought and looked back at said male as she ducked behind a car, seeing the fence of the prison in the distance. She glanced at the Syhariy, splitting the pack and sending them down two different streets, out of sight for the moment. They'd be ready when she called them. Red eyes looked their mate, excitement stirring in her face.

"What's the plan, babe?"
Plan...plan...plan...What WAS the plan?

He gave her a blank expression and made hand motions and noises that implied explosions then he shrugged.

"I dont know the layout or what to expect in here so I say that we have three angles of attack. Seeing as you already split the trackers, I say that we have them attack from the sides while we go through the front door. Then we blow this popsicle stand."

He thought his use of puns was silly but he didnt care. He opened his pack and started making rough charges for planting.

"Unless you have a better plan of attack. You are the one with the hunter-killers afterall."

He didnt know if he was jealous of that ability. It was cool, for sure...but what effect does it have on the host? What happens to her?
Something was wrong.

Summer watched her mate with a growing worry, red eyes fading back to pale blue as she spoke, quiet and slightly unsure. It was something she'd not felt before around Targas and she didn't like it. At all. "Perhaps we could approach from the roof. Might be a safer way to plant the explosives." she offered and then looked away. Her gaze came back a moment later, though, determined but still concerned and Summer crouched, taking his hands in her own, waiting until he looked up before speaking.

"What's wrong? And don't tell me it's nothing. Something is wrong. Please tell me what it is. Why are you upset with me?"

Perhaps he wasn't and Summer was willing to concede that, but at the moment, that was what came to her, what made sense; she'd done something and now he was mad. Why else was being so....short with her?
Targas shook his head.

"Im not upset with you, Im worried about the effects of your bond with the trackers. Ive also never seen you do this before and part of me is jealous of that level of control."

He shrugged with that.

"Other than that, nothing. I will be fine when this is all over."

He tried to give her his best reassuring smile but felt he failed at that.

Ill be fine love. Im just worried is all.

He gave her a kiss on the lips, forcing a wave of calm over himself and tried to calm her too. He pulled back from the kiss and looked into her eyes and smiled at her with them.

"Lets go have some fun."

A grin swept over his face and he readied himself, placing the charges in his bag and loading his rifle.
She wanted to believe him and he said all the right words, did all the right things, but...maybe she was just imagining it, but Summer couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Targas and she didn't like it. Still, maybe even HE didn't know what it was. With all the changes they went through, this might be him in the midst of another. Or perhaps he did know what was bothering him and just didn't want to share because she couldn't fix it.

Whichever it was, she was going to have to accept his answer for now and Summer nodded, kissing him back gently before she stood. Her mind swept out to the pack - and she almost felt bad about doing that, not wanting to make it obvious to her mate what she was doing - and she made a note of where they were located and directed them around the sides of the building. She commanded them to use whatever force they desired to subdue their enemies.

On a huntch, though, she also commanded them not to harm any prisoners their might be. Complying the pack started on their tasks and she turned her attention back to Targas, smiling widely at the grin on his face. At least that was familiar.

She laughed and together they started for the prison. Scaling the fence would be rather easy and then...then the fun would really begin.
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(Sorry for delay, was finally starting my story :3 )

Targas hopped the wall and started shifting his form, growing in size and mass. He felt the anger inside of him swell...almost unnaturally violent this time around and he fought to control it. Why was this happening now of all times?

Its time.

He heard the voice inside his head contort its face in a twisted smile. He found himself with just as twisted as a smile and started cackling maniacally.

"Its time...oh yes it is...time time time, tick tick tick, tock tock tock. Time to break, time to smash, time to kill. Oh it's time indeed."

With that he jumped and spun into the air and he grew at a remarkable rate, shedding his human skin in the process. He landed on the ground as a solid slab of muscle, the striations of the muscles visible across every inch. A bony plate forced itself over his face, covering everything above his mouth. He continued laughing in pure happiness, the desire to kill showing in his grin. The teeth in his jaw twisted and formed a jagged maw and his tongue lashed out, almost like a tracker's.

"Time time time! Oh lets go! Mustnt waste our time! Huahhaha hehehehehe HA!"

More bony plates force their way over the spine and neck, his muscled hardening around the calves and forearms, his fingers becoming sharp, bony plates. His muscled rippled and red glyphs started glowing around his body, slowly circling and red chains darting between them all. After a moment, they locked down and chained his body together, the muscled and plates binding together and fusing to the body.

"Play time!"

He leapt forward and smashed through a window into the compound.
Summer had never felt any misgivings about Targas' transformations. Not when he towered over her, not when he ate the undead flesh, not when he ripped hearts out or roared in savage glee. No when he smashed things or ripped another creature apart or when he hunted with her She'd never questioned whether he was okay, sane, in control during those times. She'd never wondered if he knew her, would recognize her in his rage.

There were firsts for everything she learned rather quickly as she watched her mate.

The red-scaled woman found herself shaking, genuinely scared in that moment that Targas might be gone, replaced by this maniac creature she couldn't recognize and she stood long after he'd crashed through the window, unsure and hating that. In the end she knew she had to take a leap of faith, to believe that whatever had wasn't permanent, and Summer moved in toward the facility....but she entered via a different route, not entirely ready to face what was inside.

{He is your mate! Follow him!}

Shut up. If I wanted your opinion, I'd ask for it. she snarled back, the sound bloodcurdling and the voices inside went silent. Summer glared at the building before her and started up the side. Her lithe form crept across the roof until she came to an entrance and breaking the lock, she entered the prison. The smell of Stickies was overwhelming, gag-worthy and the female snarled, feeling her own blood lust come over her, but something far more controlled at the moment than Targas' was. Patience.

She crept her way down the stairs, hearing the chaos below and hesitated, at the junction between going down to the first level and continuing on the one she occupied now. A strange smell decided her and Summer turned away from the lower level, working her way on this floor until she came to the first Sticky guard and her own fighting began.
"Hehehehehe! Hahahahaha! Come out, come out wherever you are!"

His tongue lashed out, tasting the air and tracking the Stickies around him.

"Come...find...ME!" His voice escalated into an enraged snarl, turning towards the Sticky leaping towards him. His face twisted into a wicked smile, his tongue lashing out and wrapping around it, slamming it to the ground.

"Oh ho ho! Someone wants to play! Fine then!" He leapt through the air and landed on its back, punching into its back with his hands. Blood spewed over his body, his muscles absorbing the blood in an instant and feeding his hunger, his ever expanding hunger. The Sticky screamed in pain and tried to lash out but that was silenced as he punched down into its spine.

"TiiiIiiiiIiimmme, is on my side...YES IT IS!"

He picked up the corpse of the Sticky and threw it at the nearest girder, forcing it to buckle under its weight and crash into the tables of stuff below.

"Do you all know what time it is!? Hehehehehe HAHAHAHAHAH!"

He leapt through the air, bounding off the walls and floors with the agility of a Leaper towards another Sticky. Its mate jumped out of a nearby room but he just shrugged off its attacks as he bounded towards the male. The male in front of him roared but it was not expecting his tongue to lash out and into the open maw of the creature. His tongue grew a barbed end at the last second and impaled into its skull. He pulled back on it and whipped it towards the mate.


The two stickies collided and flew into a jail cell, crashing through the bars.

"Oops, did I do that? I guess its time for me to make a bigger mess! Hehehehehehe!"
Summer snarled as she finished off the guard, having learned through a month of experience to just latch on and start draining the male Stickies before they could start changing and shifting on her. If she allowed that, she was not strong enough to fight them off. So her method was strike fast, strike true and keep them from ripping her apart as she drained every last drop from their bodies and then snapped their necks for good measure. She leaped off the tumbling male and into the corridor, sniffing the air again, following that scent that was so familiar and yet so strange...

She came to the prison cells and froze, shocked beyond belief at what she'd found.


Rows of them, at least twenty-six in a rough count. They were all different, no one looking the same, some appearing more human that others, many of them alien-like now, but they were all in pairs and they were all looking at her. Summer knew her purpose then, a deep driven desire that she heeded as she started breaking the locks to the cages. They'd been shielded with some alien technology but she broke those devices too and those in the cells came flooding out. Some fled immediately, some stayed with her and others....they started flooding the halls on rampages of their own.

Summer laughed, watching them and she followed those leaving, heading for the first level and battle. She came to the catwalks above the prison cells below and leaped over the railing, on to the back of a female Sticky, latching her fang into the creature's neck. She ripped at her throat until, biting through until the head was severed from the body and then gave a screeching howl....that was echoed back to her from outside.

Trackers started to burst through the windows then and it was all out chaos.
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He smelled for his primary threats, noticing the influx of hybrids.

"Tick tock tick tock. Come out my new friends! Lets have a grand old time! HEHEHE HAHAHAA!"

He picked up a table and started swinging it around like a bat, hitting anything that moved. Luckily, its mostly the Stickies. He spun in the air like a ballerina dancer and landed on a table, swinging it in a circle and smashing it around a female Sticky.

"Ding dong, dong ding! The time is now DEATH!"

He leapt through the air and landed on the railing on the second floor, cackling maniacally. He rallied the escapees around him and screamed.

"Its time my friends! ITS TIME TO PLAY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

His muscled bulged and pulsed red as he leapt at a group of Stickies with the hybrids at his back. They started with their new dance, one of blood and gore...and the time to play was now. Heh, thats what it was...playtime.
He really was concerning her, but Summer decided to let her mate be as she continued on with her own work, feeling as if she couldn't lose herself completely in it because he'd lost himself enough for both of them. It was a caution that got her a few more injuries than she would have liked as she fought, but that's not what made the female snap. No, it was the sudden fraying gray strands in her mind, the deaths of the Syhariy around her. Pain streaked through her skull, down her limbs and her scales started to run red with blood, leaking out of her pores.

Summer screamed her pain and anger, feeling the deaths of those she was connected to, the Syhariy she felt fond of and loyalty to so suddenly. The red-head found her rage growing, slipping past her control and for the first time, her body started to grow, too, her features changing to something resembling a dragon's face and her vertebrae cracked and shifted, her skin ripping open as wings unfurled. She roared, black fire spewing from her mouth and she sprang at the Sticky attacking a female Syhariy, HER packmate.

The alien never had a snowball's chance in hell.

The black fire consumed him as her claws ripped through his flesh and Summer sprang away just as quickly, finding another target, another killer of what she considered hers and thusly did she start making her mark on the battle, the charred remains evidence of her rising fury.
He heard her rage and his face twisted up in a mixture of rage and happiness. She was mad.

"Ooooooooh! Time for you to be grounded! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEE!"

He leapt through the air, crashing into another alpha and tearing into its neck, forcing his tongue into the creature's body and lashing around. He wondered if he could tap into its brain and absorb it with his tongue. That would be cool.

He watched in pure adoration as his tongue surged with red energy and siphoned the creature's brain into his body. He felt all of its rage and power surge through him. He convulsed and screamed in both pain and pleasure. He bent the will of the creature to his own and forced it to help him, his own size doubling up again as he started flailing wildly at every sticky in his path. The others that were following him broke off away from his crazed rampage, probably for the best.

"Honey! Its time for DINNER!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, sure that she had heard him and he started to cackle again.


Where am I?

You are in your mind.

What is happening to me?

Nothing. You are just going a little mad is all.

Will anything happen to her?

No. You arent that mad. In time, when we are gone, you will be fine. Until then, this will become worse unless you can have her help you.


You are the one she loves, you will find a solution.

Its time to stop this.


"Its time to stop this!" His voice cracked as he forced his way back into his sanity, tired of the wanton destruction that he was causing. He knew he was and had scared her. That was reason enough to force the change back. He sat there, naked and without skin, crouched over a dead Sticky and eating it.

Come. He reached out to the other hybrids in the room. They came to him, curious as to what had happened. He turned to a particularly lithe looking one, "Go outside. I left a bag there. Bring it to me. Go through the broken window."

He turned to the rest as it took off to retrieve his bag.

"I want you all to go collect as many black vials as you can." He flashed the image of what they looked like in his mind. "Go."

They all took off to the lower levels and he could hear fighting. There were enough of them to be able to hold themselves. He ripped off a piece of the Sticky and began to walk the prison, observing all the damage he had caused. Damn, that was bad. He needed to find Summer, no doubt she was in a bad frame of mind right now...and judging by the screams and smoke, she was.

As he started walking towards her, he decided that he needed to force some skin on his face first. It would look terrifying if he didnt have an actual face. The hybrid he sent off returned a minute later and handed him the bag and he directed it down to the others. The amount of C-4 he had should make this place crumble. Yea, it was time.
She'd heard him - how could she not - but Summer hadn't dared go to him. No, she'd run in the opposite direction, her mind fragmented and scared. She had no idea what was going on or if it would ever stop. She was in pain and furious beyond belief. New raw power surged through her and the fire that crackled in her body demanded kindling. The gray in her mind demanded revenge.

Summer gave the flames and the gray voices what they wanted. She didn't know what else to do, had no other purpose.

Her destruction was different than Targas' but no less impressive. She scorched everything in her path and the hybrids stayed out of her way because she didn't seem to differentiate friend from foe. They were all burnable. They could all die. She wreaked a path of chaos and terror, her screaming shrieks like that of a banshee as she worked her way through the carnage of her own actions and the Syhariy followed in her wake, feasting, attacking when necessary.

They were her defense from the rear and she was their offense, as her rampage continued and her mind slipped further away, growing quiet.
He walked casually after her, following her path of destruction and chewing on the flesh in his hand.

"My my my...she is quite upset isnt she?"

He wasnt asking the question to anyone specific but judging by some hybrids running away with scorch marks on them, she wasnt in the mood for caring about who she cooked. That itself was bad and he needed to stop that. He sighed and looked around, fires and destroyed devices and dead bodies everywhere. So much carnage, is this what they have become? The very creatures that they were hunting? Or were they something worse?

Thats what the madness was. He needed to stop that before it got any worse. He forced his legs to shift into 'sprinting mode' and took off after her. Yep, she was mad. He could feel her but she wasnt all there...she was slipping away. He needed to snap her out of it and just saying 'hey' wasnt going to work...damn was this going to hurt...

Targas sprinted and leapt through the air, tackling into her and taking some rather sharp spines into him in the process. There was also the problem with the Trackers that she had following her, of which were now leaping on him and tearing into him. He snarled but shrug it off and forced the anger not to swell inside of him. He rolled her over onto her back and pinned her there, well aware of the fangs and fire that she has been spouting. This was a risk he had to take.

The Trackers were tearing into his flesh and he screamed again, still suppressing the rage inside of him. No, he had to do this alone. He bit at his wrist and tore it open and put the wound to her mouth, forcing the blood down her throat, knowing she would taste the difference in it. Then he headbutt her.

That...was less than pleasant. He did it again and every time, he forced his thoughts into hers. Stop. Calm. Stop. Calm. He was bleeding from his forehead in but a few seconds but he was not in the mood for caring. The Trackers on the other hand, were sufficiently killing him. He turned to face them and roared at them, "DOWN." The dominance in his voice was almost startling as he demanded they back off and they did for a moment, but that was all he needed.

He headbutt her again, Summer. Calm. and planted his lips to hers, not caring for the blood nor fangs nor fire. This was what he needed to do. Dont lose yourself like I did, Summer. Now is not the time. Now, I await your judgement. He sat there on her, staring into her eyes. The Trackers started to come at him again but he just sat there and took it, wincing in pain and tears starting to roll down his face. This couldnt be how it ended, could it?
She'd screeched in blind fury when he'd taken her down and Summer had fought him, lashing out at him with her fangs and the fire spurted in dark waves, but for some reason they would not come with the same intensity anymore and she didn't have the mental power to figure out why. She needed to kill the attacker on top of her first. That was what fed her anger, what fed into the Trackers who tore into the male...and then blood was entering her mouth and Summer felt something....something try to get through to her.

It wasn't having an easy time of it though, but that was before the pain erupted in her skull and she cried out, both angry and hurt. The voice invaded her head and she thrashed against it, trying to get away. And then more pain. The pain kept her from slipping further, kept bringing her back, making her think, made her listen and Summer screamed at the last bash of pain against her head, screamed her pain and protest, screamed against the conscious mind rising within her.

She didn't want to come back! There was nothing to come back to! Her mate was gone! He was-

The thought cut off as his lips met hers and though a lick of flame would burn his lips, the rage seemed to die, smothered and she actually heard his words, understood them and Summer stared up at Targas, her red eyes locked with his. It took the tears to make her realize what was happening, what her pack was doing and Summer turned her head, snarling savagely at the Syhariy. They immediately backed down, whimpering and submitting to the lethal fury she directed at them, knowing they'd done something wrong.

Summer didn't explain it to them as she turned back to Targas and kissed him, pulling him down to her, demanding and angry, loving, relieved and grateful all in one and her mind flooded his, sharp and jagged, but her own.

You a**hole. That fraking hurt!

And by that she meant she loved him. Summer just wasn't sure she could actually say those words at the moment. She needed to curse a little first.
Man, hed lost a lot of blood and flesh...he wasnt feeling so hot. In the end, he didnt care. She was back. He slumped over and started dragging himself towards a corpse as his legs were torn to shreds and he was paralyzed from the waist down as it was. He couldnt really be mad at them though, they were protecting their pack leader. He drug himself over to a was too burned for him to recognize but he didnt care. He tore into the body, not caring about anything. He needed to heal.

He half-listened to the screams and fighting down stairs and throughout the rest of the prison, focusing on devouring the entire corpse...leaving little to no meat left on the body. It wasnt enough.


He began to drag himself down the length of the hallway, looking for something not so crispy. He found a rather dead human, damn shame for his death too. But he was still warm and that is what he needed. He needed blood. He ate his body in meat and flesh but the other corpse was too charred for any blood to survive and he needed to replenish what he lost. He tore into this one too, consuming the entirety of it all and including the spine. He needed to eat what was damaged.

After a few moments of lying there in pain, he listened to the fighting die down and judging by the cheers, the hybrids had won...but at what cost? What have they lost? He shrugged the thought off and got up onto his feet, shaking as he stumbled down the hallway to his mate again and collapsed to his knees at her feet.

I love you too.

He looked up at here with a big grin on his face, blood covering everything of him...he was naked again. He looked down at himself and chuckled.

"Well, I suppose its better than me having no flesh."

He looked over to the Trackers and put his hand out, waiting for it to cautiously make its way towards him and he put his hand on its head, feeling its intelligence.

"These are good dogs. Really good dogs."