Simply Survive

Summer hadn't followed Targas into the room. No, she'd stayed standing where she was, almost afraid to move. Her body felt like a live wire, ready to snap at a moment's notice and she could feel bile rising up in her throat. It only a took a moment for her body to let her know it was NOT happy and Summer went to her hands and knees quickly, expelling the contents of her stomach, bile and food and blood exiting and splashing on to the floor. She could feel it then, the virus from the Tracker she'd attacked trying to spread through her system and Summer's vision went hazy, unfocused.

She sat back on her heels, feeling the world spin and tilt around her and when she opened her eyes it was to see Targas eating...the Tracker. Some part of her wanted to tell him to stop, horrified, but more of her was fine with the sight for reasons she could not fathom at the moment and when he was done, she smiled faintly at him. It wasn't in approval, but she wasn't thoroughly disgusted or judging either.

Not when she'd been ready to truly kill their own teammates.

The woman closed her eyes again, seeing flashes of red, symbols before her mind's eye and a high-pitched, constant noise started to sound in her ears. It was annoying at first, but as it escalated, it brought pain and Summer whimpered, holding her head, willing it to stop. It didn't and the whimper morphed into a cry as she curled in on herself until her forehead touched her knees.

Her body was fighting the virus, but that was not where the noise or the pain came from and Summer started to see flashes of something she didn't understand. Creatures she'd never encountered before but somehow she felt she knew. Pale and vampiric, hairless, walking on all fours as often as they did two legs. One of them turned then and looked at her, seemed to truly see her and Summer felt her world fade to black.

The pain faded along with her consciousness.
Targas saw Summer fall unconscious and immediately rushed to her side, disregarding the rest of the group. He took her in his arms and opened his mind and reached out to hers and closed his eyes, he needed to focus. He could feel the virus pushing its way through her body and that she was having troubles with fighting it. He put a hand over her heart and called on his body to help hers and felt a spark ignite between his hand and her chest. His 'antivirus' was as angry as he was it seemed. Something still didnt feel right though. He could feel the pain inside of her and sought to stop it but as quickly as it was there, it was gone.

Come back to me. Tell me what happened. Show me what happened.

He called to her through their bond, trying to stir her back into consciousness. He ran his hand through her hair, continuing to call to her. He looked back to one of the others.

"Bring me some water. Now."

Sev wasted no time in bringing him a canteen and he backed away quickly once he handed it over. Targas laid the canteen by his ankle as he held her in his arms, waiting for her to wake up. He rest his head to hers and closed his eyes again, trying to get a feel for what had happened to her but couldnt get anything. He gently put his lips to hers, hoping that the intimate contact will spark her awake as he called out to her again, Summer...come back to me.
She was floating, drifting. Red. Why was it always red? The symbols wrapped around her, pulsing to a rhythm all their own and she couldn't help but feel like they've betrayed her. They've brought her Targas, but now, the cost that was demanded was high and she already fought against it, trying to break past the blood-red runes. She heard Targas' voice then, pleading, commanding and the strength came. She would get back to him.

Summer struck out at the swirling red, pushing against it until she broke free, stumbling into the darkness of her mind, once again listening to the call that would bring her back home, back to the man that held her heart. As the light began to grow ahead of her, the red symbols faded away, not gone and not satisfied, but dormant once more as the woman woke. She gasped, sucking in oxygen like she'd been starved for it and her pale blue eyes, panicked and scared met Targas' gray ones, stilling there as she shuddered and slowly started to calm.

In that moment she wanted many things. She wanted to simply be held, to be reassured that everything was all right. She wanted to be far away from here, somewhere safe. She wanted to go back in time and still be on that ratty bed, happy. Summer wanted many things as she stared at the man who held her, but what she wanted and what she did, what she knew she needed to do were two entirely different things.

"I saw them. They're here. They're...they're looking for us."

The woman didn't try to explain any further in words as she reached up, her hands finding either side of Targas' head and her forehead touching his own as she let the information she'd gotten flood into his mind.

It was a simple plan. Fleeing their home-world, the aliens had thought to settle here, on Earth. Something on their ship had malfunctioned, though, and they'd crash-landed, resulting in the capture of some of their numbers. Their presence had released a virus, but not a perfected one and it had killed and destroyed the world. Now, though, the virus was perfected, harnessed by the aliens and placed in small vials along with a bonding ritual. Hundreds were scattered, waiting to be found. The humans that found them, activated them and then died were of no use, considered as weak as any of the others who succumbed to the lesser viruses, but those who lived, who bonded, who adapted and developed....those humans were sought out by the aliens, rounded up.

They wanted to leave this world, but their numbers were too few to repopulate somewhere else. To keep on their legacy, a part of themselves, they had come up with this solution of human-hybrids. They would start over and then they would kill the rest that proved useless before leaving Earth to its fate.

Summer opened her eyes slowly, meeting the male's. They will come for us.
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(Vhat a tvist!)

He drank in all this new information and nodded, looking into her eyes and trying to pour as much reassurance as he can into her.

Then let them come.

He held her in his arms for a few minutes, comforting her and doing his best to calm her down before someone behind him cleared their throat. He slowly stood up and helped her up with him and turned to face the group.

Delta was the first to speak up.

"So..Uh...What the hell was that?"

"A genetic recombination of my DNA and that of the Stickies. I had found an artifact left by them and it compelled me to keep it hidden until I find a strong mate. When I did, a ritual was performed and it encoded its DNA into ours thus altering our genetic makeup. Apparently this has been planned and they have hundreds of these devices across the world and are creating hybrids to repopulate. They will be coming for us. We also dont have time to sit around anymore. This mission is a bust and we need to get you all out of danger. I refuse to let people die because of me."

He finished his statement with a strong, orderly tone and immediately turned and grabbed his rifle and slapped a new mag into it.

"Come on hon, we have some aliens to kill."

He almost sounded enthusiastic about the prospect of going after them and thats what he was going to do. He wasnt going to run, thats not his style. He was going to go and get into a fight with them and convince them by force to back off and that they were the stronger mates. There was also one thing that he had with Summer, and that was love. That was the most dangerous weapon he had in his arsenal.

"No but seriously, what the hell was that?" Delta asked again as he was grabbing up his gear.

"It was my body going into an enraged state. My concious was shut out and replaced by a hunter-killer mode similar to the Stickies, and like them, I altered my mass to become stronger. When I returned to a docile state, my energy was sapped and I was filled with a hunger for the flesh of what attacked me and so I consumed it. It accelerated my regeneration and destroyed the disease that was trying to take hold. The pure strain inside of me destroyed the corrupted strain in minutes. Thats what all these undead are, they are the product of a corrupted strain of virus."

"And this 'pure' strain, what does that mean exactly?" Kilborn was the one who asked.

"It means the pure essence of a Sticky. They have evolved their genetic coding to make it perfect and thats what they are in all technicality. They are the perfect hunters and they are creating hybrids to repopulate. This is the one problem that they have overlooked: Humans have ambition and desire to survive and more importantly, we have love."

He finished what he was saying and looked to Summer before going back to readying his supplies. His expression contained the most calm desire to kill he could maintain. He was going to keep her safe and nothing was going to take what he had from her. They made a big mistake messing with him.

The rest of the group finished packing and was ready to go, Targas putting Summer's pack on his other shoulder and began to carry it until she was ready.

"Lets go."
(Thank you, thank you...*bows*)

Summer calmed under Targas' care, but as he spoke to the others, she felt like she was in a fog and while the words soaked into her, able to be remembered later, she didn't exactly comprehend them now. She felt like she'd been drugged. The world felt...unreal, distant, everything slowed. The panic inside her had faded, but so had everything else it seemed and the auburn-haired female followed the others as they started off into the subway line, having to climb over the wreckage of the train. She was aware of her surroundings, but wasn't worried about them and even getting a cut on her palm didn't seem to faze her. She hardly noticed it and Summer looked around carefully before she started down the line.

She took an entirely different direction than they'd come from and didn't appear to hear the question aimed at her by Kilborn when the large man inquired as to where she was going. A hum had filled her mind and before her she could see a red cord of energy, disappearing down the line, pulling her with it.

Something inside Summer screamed of the danger, but the red thrumming through her body lulled her into forced compliance and she continued to walk, not even keeping her gun up anymore. And then she dropped it completely, the clattering sound loud in the tunnel and perhaps the biggest warning that something wasn't right.

At all.

She wasn't in control of her body anymore and in her mind's eye, Summer could again see flashes of the Stickies as if they were drawing her to them. And the red symbols inside her were both fine with this, but at the same time in an uproar. She was now half them and yet still herself.

The Stickies had very little idea what their hybrids could do, what they were and even as they coaxed her to them, able to connect to their DNA inside her, Summer's human side fought them, anger struggling to rise inside her. She needed to FEEL!

The woman mustered the will to make herself lurch to the side, into a sheet of metal that sliced her leg open and pain erupted through her. It made the connection falter, gave her a chance to gain some more control, but it wasn't enough and she stumbled, slowly starting to walk again as she bled and her body began to heal.
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Targas sensed the distance growing between the two of them and that was reinforced when Kilborn began to question where she was going. He looked behind him and could see her wandering down the other end of the tunnel and he could hear the drum of the energy inside of them beckoning her on.

"Shit. Keep on going without us."

They wouldnt but he still said it anyways as he turned around and ran after Summer. He caught up to her and stood in front of her.

"You need to snap out of this hon."

He held his hand out to her chest and pushed his mind into hers. You need to snap out. We will go to them soon but they will not like it. Come back to me.

He focused with all his might to try to drown out the energy and the hum of the evil force inside of her, trying to replace its malevolence with his demeanor and his face. He would be damned if he let her walk right into certain death.

You need to be stronger than them. Prove to them that they have no power over us.
Summer could have wept with relief when Targas stopped her mad walk and she looked at him with a mixture of very real human fear and an indifference that wasn't born of anything she felt for him. His words spoken aloud didn't register in the least, but his mind invading her own did and the woman gasped, her heart starting to fluctuate between the alien rhythm that drew her, commanded she listen and obey and the bond to Targas that coaxed her back to herself, back to him.

He could try to help her, shield her, but in the end this had to be Summer's battle to win and the war within her was terrible. This was the bane of the female hybrids - they were the bait the aliens used. Their minds were different than males, more emotional, focused on so many things at once that it was easier to slip in and form a connection without their noticing. The aliens pulled them in then and the males followed.

It was something Summer knew she couldn't let happen.

She retreated inward, giving no outward sign that Targas was reaching her other than her stillness. Desperately she searched for something, anything to latch on to, something that wouldn't change, something so irrevocably human and hers that it couldn't be touched by an outside force. Pain, anger, sadness, happiness, joy, so many emotions their species shared, but there had to be something, anything that was different.

Targas' face became clear in her mind then, past the red symbols and energy, past the blind desire to obey and the wild instinct that couldn't decide what it wanted, past her human doubts and uncertainty. It came to her then and Summer really couldn't believe she'd not thought of it before, seen it and inwardly she smiled, confidence flooding every inch of her being. It made the thrum pause, falter and she gave it no time to reestablish itself as her eyes opened and locked on to gray ones.

I love you.

Summer said it strongly, but she let herself feel it, too. She felt the potency of it, the strength of such an emotion as it rippled through her like a wave. She stopped fighting it, stopped doubting, stopped thinking and just let it be...and the results were nearly instantaneous as the thread pulling at her snapped, unraveling beyond repair and Summer laughed, her mind clearing of the fog, focused on one thing and one thing only.

The man before her.

He was her strength. Her love for him would be her shield. She'd discovered what he already had, but for her it a was bit different. While his love for her gave him the desire and strength to fight for her, the will to resist the call by the Stickies, her love for him was protection, a wall against the compulsion. As long as Summer focused on Targas, she wouldn't have to fight, she'd be safe.

A smile came to her face then and Summer moved her hand to take his own, her other one sliding to the back of his neck and her voice was soft and sure, more sure of anything she'd ever felt before and this time she didn't care if it was reasonable or not. It just was.

"I love you, Targas."

Her lips met his then in a kiss more passionate than the ones before it and Summer felt the red energy insider her soar, connecting with his own and she was aware of the heat that swept down her arm and then slowly spread across her chest and down her stomach, over her hip and down her leg until it reached her ankle, but didn't bother to look at the glowing marks that had appeared on her body. No, her mind was on other things entirely.
(I would be lying if I didnt go "WOOT!" and raise my arms in the air)

The electricity that coursed through his body at the words she spoke and the touch of her lips to his sent him into a euphoric high. He felt positively glowing...wait, no...he was. The energies that surrounded her enveloped him and he could feel the power behind it but more importantly, he felt the power behind her feelings and he embraced it fully.

"I love you, Summer, and if you ever scare me like that again, I will have to kill you myself."

He said that last statement with a mocking tone, reminding her of the threat she had made to him but a few minutes earlier.

"Now we need to get out of here for now. We will pay them a visit later." He patted his rifle as he said that, smiling mischievously. He took her hand in his and began to walk her away from the wall of radiation and picked up her gun, handing it back to her and giving her another kiss.

"Dont lose this, you will need it."

He continued to walk on, her hand in his, and kept her close to him. It wasnt out of fear she would wander off again, but out of the desire to be close to her. He felt at peace in her proximity and he liked it and didnt care about anything in the long as it didnt come as a threat to her, that is.
( Hahaha! And I would be lying if I said I didn't just laugh at that comment. :P )

"If I ever do that again, you have my permission to kill me." she retorted with a grin and nodded to his comment about paying the aliens a visit. The thought didn't scare her now. No, now she was angry and Summer took back her gun with sure hands, humming happily in her throat as his lips made contact with her own again. She could get used to that, addicted really, rather quickly she was sure. The thought only made her happy.

And the fact that he didn't let her go even as they started back down the line settled everything inside her, calming the red energy and making the wild instincts inside her as docile as a purring kitten. She felt home, like she'd found her place in the world and to have such a feeling after years of wandering and restlessness was heady. The woman wanted nothing more than to relax in that moment, perhaps pretend they were NOT walking through an abandoned subway full of creatures that wanted to kill them in a post-apocalyptic world but the last time she'd done that, Targas had been injured and it didn't matter to her that he'd healed.

She wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

Summer made her mind shift back into focus, back into 'mission-mode' and her senses started working toward a purpose again, her ears still pretty much useless in this place, but her nose worked just fine and she found that she was starting to feel like she had an extra sense, an alarm radar that had nothing to do with her eyes, nose or ears. It was just a sense of things and right now it was it was...uneasy.

They'd gone about two miles now underground and Summer suddenly stopped, eyes narrowed as she inhaled deeply. She knew that smell. What was that? Oh.

"I smell fire."
Targas squeezed her hand and picked up his pace. He would be damned if his freedom would be blocked by something like a fire.

"We need to move fast then. Good thing we brought those extra canteens, huh Kil?"

Kilborn chuckled and agreed with him. The group of them increased their speed and hurried down the tunnel, approaching where the entrance was. Judging by the smoke, the entrance was aflame. Targas stopped the group, thinking about how to approach this when he heard a drumming in his head.

"They're here."

Out of the fire came a grey monstrosity hunched on all fours, trilling as it sniffed the air around it. Its mouth distended and a gutteral noise came from its 'throat.'

"Nog ooboshu c-chtenff. Stell'bsna shtunggli mg-sng'wahl c-shugg." Come visit our society. Pray for contact yet share space in our realm of Earth.

Kilborn, Delta and Sev all raised their weapons but Targas held up a hand.

"Stand down. Ya tharanak n'gha li'hee mnahn'hlirgh. Hai bug fm'latgh llll Hell." I promise death on pain of worthless heretics. Now go burn at Hell.

He was speaking as broken as it was in its own tongue, making his threat strong though and grinning in malice at the alien in front of him.
Summer felt the pulling energy beat at her mind, trying to reach her, but she kept her hand in Targas', kept her focus on him and she was not effected. Mentally she was fine, but nothing could stop the revulsion she felt at seeing the creature that emerged from the fire. It was repelling enough with its appearance, but the woman could feel it, sense it like kin sensed another and the malice in its being set her on edge.

The Sticky's words grated on her ears and she bared her teeth, mentally translating its language. They didn't normally speak this way. Like the ability she and Targas were developing, the Stickies spoke mentally, but she was not about to engage this creature in something so intimate, wasn't about to let it have any hold on her mind. She snarled at the creature, every muscle coiled for attack.

"C-nafl sgn'wahl. C-nafl hrii, nafl-nyth Alien scum." We not share space. We not followers, not servants of Alien scum. She took a side-step closer to Targas, loyalties clear as she hissed the rest of her words to the gray monstrosity before them. "C-k'yarnak orr'e, nnn-s'uhn, wgah'n c-'bthnk." We share spirit, protect pact, control our body.

The alien focused on her, sensing that she was the weaker of the two respectively and its guttural language was like the growling of a dark creature, tempting and repugnant all at the same time. "Nog. C-uln hai, grah'n fhtagn. C-tharanak syha'h-yar. Athg r'luh Shagg." Come. We summon now, lost one (to) sleep. We promise eternity (of) time. Agree to secret Realm of Dreams.

Summer smirked, fangs elongating and her eyes swimming red. "Kiss my a**."
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"Go frak yourself."

Targas lowered his rifle to the ground and began to take off the protective layers of his armor, he felt that he was going to need the breathing room so to speak. He turned to Summer and gave her a kiss before letting go of her hand.

"Ill take the big one, you take its mate."

As he said that, a smaller and more lithe Sticky jumped out of the shadows, preparing for an attack. The male stepped forward, closer to Targas and growing in size as its muscle mass increased. As Targas stepped forward towards it, he channeled his rage and hatred into his own growth, making him a sizable opponent to the Sticky itself.

Release. Be careful. I love you.

He let his anger go and sent him into a blood fury, charging at the male and it to him. They both lunged at each other and slammed into one another in mid air but it had more mass and he ended up being slammed into the ground. Hatred boiled up inside of him and he realigned his bones to create a dense mass of fist and began pounding at the creature. It grabbed his face and picked him up, slamming him into the ground and doing it again three times. His rage began to burn white with a truly blind fury and he screamed. His muscle mass increased again, making him the size of the female sticky and he bent back the fingers of the creature attacking him.

THe sticky roared in pain and swung its open fist at him and knocked him back several feet with a meaty thump. He staggered back but charged in, footsteps becoming heavier as his body density shifted for momentum and damage. He slammed into the creature, knocking it back a few feet and kicked at one of its knees, snapping it out of place. The creature threw him over its head and charged back at him, blind with its own rage.

Crush. Kill. Destroy. Crush. Kill. Destroy.

He rolled onto his feet and leapt in the air and swung a heavy fist down onto the creature's head, slamming it to the ground. Its skull made a crunching noise but it didnt stop it as it leapt forward, sweeping him off his feet and into a wall, cracking the concrete behind him. Pinned against the wall, he began to smash down with his elbows into the creature's back but he was cut short by it biting into his leg, tearing a sizable chunk out of it. He roared and snarled and bit down on the creature's back, biting out its own flesh and consuming it to heal himself. He shifted his bones in his hands to become more pointed and sharp and began to tear into the Sticky's back, ripping up its flesh and devouring it.

The Sticky released him and threw him aside into the stairs and leapt on him, maw going for his neck.


He punched up with his dagger-like fist and into the open maw of the creature and puncturing into its skull. He felt the red energy inside of it ebbing and pulsing around his hand as he held its brain in his hand. He kicked the now dead creature off of his body, holding the glowing organ in his hand. The energy wrapped around his arm and funneled into his person and he roared, not out of pain, but victory. The energies inside the brain died down and he tore into it, devouring it in seconds.

He looked around for Summer, instinct telling him to follow and protect her.
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Summer nodded to Targas and though she felt worry for him, she also knew to trust him and his strength. Just as she had to trust her own. His words ghosted through her mind and she sent a wave of love back to him, not having time for words as the female Sticky leaped at her, jaw wide, ready to rip into her smaller form. Summer dodged, rolling away and then came back up with a snarl of her own, feral instinct taking over her mind, changing her swiftly as the two females collided this time with a flurry of slashing claws and teeth.

The Sticky was larger than Summer by far and unlike Targas, the female did not feel her body grow so she relied more on her mind and vicious techniques to fight her opponent. The Sticky started to shift, started to grow into an opponent more powerful than Summer could defeat as she was and the auburn-haired female again disengaged, her mind working on overdrive to figure out what to do.

It wasn't working, though, and it was only when Summer felt claws slash across her stomach, nearly gutting her that she realized her mistake. Release. The word and its true meaning swept through her and Summer slowly let go of her conscious mind, doing as her mate had commanded, though she'd not understood it at first. She let go of everything but the raging creature inside her and then roared out, feeling her bones shift and snap, change in a matter of moments. She hadn't grown in the least, but Summer knew she didn't have to. Blood red scales and symbols over that covered her body. Her fingers and toes were now talons and blades protruded from the backs of her elbows. A long tail whipped behind her, powerful and a curved blade on the end could slice through metal if she wished it. Summer appeared as a dragonlike, demon thing and the screech she gave out could have come from the depth of hell itself.

She met the Sticky again with an unnatural strength and a savageness that outmatched the alien. It was born of love, the desire to defend and protect her mate. The two females didn't engage with brute force as often as the males, applying cunning to their attacks, lithe and dangerous as they battled with speed and deadly strength when they connected. Hardly did they make contact without inflicting serious damage, but it was becoming clear who was the faster, who's claws and teeth bit deeper.

The Sticky was already dying, slowly and it started to slow, to stagger. Summer stalked toward it then, her tail lashing violently behind her and when she became aware of Targas drawing near, she snarled at HIM, a clear message in the sound.

My kill.
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Even in his fury, he knew better to get in the way of a kill and he knew she had it. She was an apex predator and the most beautiful thing he had laid his eyes on. He paced in place as he waited for her to finish off the creature that lay dying on the ground near her but suddenly became aware that there were still three others in the area.

He turned to face the men he came here with and found them in defensive positions behind some debris. He laughed but it sounded angry and evil but he didnt care. He suddenly became aware that there was still a fire blocking the exit and he grabbed the corpse of the Sticky and began to beat out the fire. He tossed aside the body but not without tearing a chunk out of its flesh and shook off his larger form. He consumed the flesh of the Sticky before he fell to his knees and shuddered as the flesh went down his throat.

He looked over to the other men.

"I dont plan on attacking you. These things tracked Scout and I so we killed them. We will likely have to leave the compound as I have said earlier."

He looked away and finished off the chunk of flesh.

(For the sake of me wanting to do what Im about to do, I will say that you have killed the Sticky. By all means describe what happens, I just want the following scene to play out.)

He walked over to Summer, still in her enraged form and looming over the corpse of the dead female Sticky and coo'd her over to him. He ran a tentative hand down the length of her arm, feeling the scales and all the protrusions alike. He took his hand in hers, not caring if he was cut by her claws and gently squeezed her hand. He brought his other hand up to her face and cupped it, stroking it with his thumb and put his forehead to hers, looking into her eyes and only showing love for everything she is.

"You know, you are quite beautiful like this, Summer but it is time to take a relax. We will go back to the camp and rest. Take a break please and dream with me, will ya?" He smiled with genuine love and happiness at the thought of it. "We are safe now and these two cant hurt us anymore. Come now hon, come into my arms and smile with me."
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Left alone with her kill, Summer attacked the downed Sticky with a ruthless fury, ripping at the creature's pale throat with her teeth. Blood filled her mouth, pungent and bitter and she growled in satisfaction to feel the life force draining out of her enemy, the blood gurgling in her throat. The energy from the Sticky exited its body in a swirl as if picked up by an invisible wind and Summer gave a banshee shriek as it entered her body and she started to heal rapidly as she stood.

Targas approached her then and her red, cat-slit eyes met his gray eyes with recognition past the feral light that shone in her face. She let him touch her, feeling her body respond just as readily in this form as it did in her normal one and when his hand came up to her face, she leaned into his caress with a soft growl past her bloodied fangs. She inhaled his scent as he drew closer and her tail stopped snapping like a whip, calming to sway near the ground as his words washed over her.

A purr rumbled through Summer's body and she smiled, her form changing even as she did, peace and love soothing away the feral-state. She was soon human again and Summer didn't waste a moment before wrapping her arms around Targas and letting her head lower to rest underneath his chest, her heart already in sync with his. She sighed out slowly, letting the last of the rage drain away.

"Sleep sounds good." she whispered back, a smile in the words.
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He tool her hand in his again and walked over to the group, motioning for them to follow and giving a stern gaze to reinforce their need to leave. They followed in silent compliance. Within a few hours, they reached the base with little trouble. It seemed as though the infected had decided to steer clear of the two hybrids as they walked together in tandem.

The group received strange looks as they had returned not only early, but covered in blood...well at least Targas and Summer. He ignored their looks as he went to the showers, still holding her hand as he walked into the shower. He looked back at her, wondering whether or not she wanted to join him.

The others went off straight to the office, no doubt he was going to hear about this later but he didnt care.
Summer had no problems ignoring the looks this time. Too much had happened for her to be worried about what strangers she didn't know thought and even if she was shunned by everyone in the entire world, it wouldn't matter as long as she had Targas. The woman followed the male without protest to the showers, but when he stopped in front of one stall, she hesitated and bit her lip, a blush spreading across her face.

She smiled, but shook her head, slipping her hand from his, but leaning forward to give him a kiss. "Not this time." she whispered to him and then flitted away to a stall across from him with a chuckle. They might have been mates, might love each other, but there were some things that still needed to come with time and this was one of them.

Summer smiled at the thought because it meant a future and as she washed the blood off her skin and hair, that's where her mind wandered; to the future and what it might hold with Targas and for the first time in a long time, she could picture something happy. Something full of color and not the gray tones around her, not full of death and a dull existence. It was nice and she exited the showers - having changed into spare clothes from her pack; a pair of shorts and a tank-top - with a relaxed demeanor. She towel-dried her hair as she walked, grimacing at the matted mess she had to take care of, but not greatly upset by it as her eyes searched out Targas.
Targas finished his shower a few minutes before Summer had finished hers and took a moment to collect his thoughts outside, staring up into the night sky. This was going to be a long night of tests and interrogations...he knew it but in the end he didnt care. He slowly walked his way over to the office and he glanced over in time to see Summer walk out and he smiled at her as she locked eyes with him. He took a moment to smile at her and think of happy thoughts, steeling himself for the impending issues that were to come.

He slowly walked into the office and closed the door to face the consequences of what will happen.

(Dun dun duuuun!)
Summer made her way to Targas quickly, sensing his unease and she understood why when she saw that their destination was the office and therefeor their Executive Officer. Oh, this was not going to end well. The woman took a deep breath, sealing her resolve as she followed the male inside and when the door shut behind them, she felt like it was a sound of finality. She didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't to see Williams and two other men with her, all of them with stern expressions.

Sev, Delta and Kilborn were nowhere to be seen, but they'd given their report and there really wasn't much more for them to do anyway. It was now up to the Officers to decide their fate and Summer met their eyes squarely, unafraid as her chin tilted proudly and her heart beat steady.

The first man to speak was older than the two by at least twenty years with a large scar crossing over his face. He was called Officer Natter and among the three, it was he who would need the most convincing if they planned on pleading their case at all.

"Do you understand why you are here?"

Summer's first inclination was to be sarcastic, but she curbed it and answered as respectfully as she could. "Because we've displayed startling new abilities and you're probably wondering whether we are a danger to those around us."

The man leveled a look at her. "We don't wonder; we know you are. You are here because we must decide the best course to take regarding what we are to do with you both."
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"I had already deemed that it would be a threat for us to stay here, as I have told to the other three that were in here before us. The virus creators will be looking for us and wont hesitate to come after us. I had no inclinations that you will allow us to stay but I implore you to give us a night of rest and some supplies in the morning so we can set off and kill the ones who started all of this."

The commander looked at him with a stern and serious gaze, contemplating his words.

Dont worry hon, I know what Im doing.

He awaited the scrutinizing gaze of the woman to come up with an answer. She sighed and nodded her head.

"Only because you have been with us so long, Targas. However, you two will be placed in the same room with a guard posted. I know you wont hurt anyone but its to put the others at ease. Im sorry things had to come to this and I do wish you two the best of luck, you will need it. Someone will bring you both a meal tonight. Write up a list of supplies you will need to take upon this task you have and give it to the door guard. You're dismissed."

Targas nodded and turned to Summer, waiting to see if she had any questions or remarks she wanted to ask.