Silver Satisfaction: Character Index

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Mundane Monster

The most uninspiring of monsters
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Transgender
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Animal based, Scifi, Modern, Horror, Comedy, Slice of life.
Post your character here once they have been accepted.

Name: [The name of your character]

Alias: [Everyone should have one]

Race: [Any organism that I mentioned in the Glossary is fine]

Age: [17+]

Years in Prison: [How long were your rotting in Revelation?]

Appearance: [So anime is okay as long as it's not too cartoony, I'd like to stick to a more realistic anime, that doesn't look like a cartoon. Also include with a picture or description, what they wear for their supersuit.]

Crimes: [You don't have to list every single one, but give a brief rundown]

[Give me at least five adjectives and a short description of how your character fits into those adjectives. This description can include any instances.
Here is an example;
Vindictive: Princess hates being one upped or slighted and she has the memory of an elephant. When she believes that someone has wronged her, she resolves to get them back. One time when she was at a gala, her friend accidentally stepped on her dress, tearing the entire back off and revealing Princess' backside to the entire room. The next day Princess 'accidentally' put nair in her friend's shampoo and then the next month at another gala, she 'accidentally' yanked her friend's wig off revealing her patchy bald head.]

Institution Review: [Now in one to two sentences in the pov of a prison guard, describe your character.]

Weapons: [Could be just about anything]

Powers: [2 powers max. and they should be somewhat related. Provide a brief explanation for each]

Skills: [These are not powers, but skills. Where your character is trained in, and this may be physical as well it may be mental. Three major skills, three minor skills]

Power Weaknesses: [If you're a fire manipulator, you're weak against water etc. I need at least three.]

Negative Traits: [Whether this is physical or mental, I want two negative traits that balance out your character. These are not power weaknesses.]

History: [Here is where you tell me about your character's childhood, adulthood, trials tribulations and most importantly, how and why they got caught.]

Relations: [Who's are your character family and friends?? How old are they and what do they do? Do they shun you for being an evil fuck? If they have powers please list them.]

Theme Song: [optional, but I do like them, and would prefer them]

Misc: [anything I forgot]
Name: Connor McKinley

Alias: Onii.

Race: Human (Remark)

Age: 22

Years in Prison: 5

His day to day appearance, minus a shirt.

His 'Imma kill you now' get up.

Crimes: The brazen and brutal breaking and entering of Town Hall. Successfully arrested once several minor Syndicate members came and beat him black, blue, and unconscious.
Several cases of assault.
Multiple cases of mugging.

Stubborn: Call it stubborn or call it determination, in the end its the same. If Connor firmly believes in something, then there is little that can be done to change his mind. For example, his single minded belief that his massive sword has a demon trapped inside which uses it's power to appear when Connor needs it instead of admitting to the fact that supernatural beings such as demons don't exist and he has the power to manipulate matter.
Hateful: No one quite holds a grudge like Connor. You know those Syndicate members that arrested him? They're on his shit list. That cab driver that he payed to take him close to the town hall and thought he was cosplaying, he's definitely on the list.
Slow: He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. If he can't take the problem head on then it's not a problem he can solve. Which is one of the reasons he walked in through the front of Town Hall instead of, say, anywhere else.
Prideful: He is the coolest and the best. He has said, and I quote. "That Princess? She ain't got nothing on me. Hits like a little girl I bet. I could flick her with my pinky and she'd go flying. That Captain Vitality? Bull shit, man probably wouldn't even last a minute. Then he'd take an hour to recharge before he's ready to go at it again. And Mr. Screemo? Get me some earplugs. I hate listening to that crap. I listen to real music, stuff that you feel just as much as you hear."
Thorough: If Connor's going to do something, he's going to make sure he does it completely. That doesn't mean he's going to be good at it. But at least he'll get it done.
Stable: I know, crazy right? A villain that doesn't have something wrong going on in his head. He doesn't have anger management issues, and he's not clinically insane. Holding a grudge and having anger issues are separate things. He won't kick someone's teeth in just for sneezing the wrong way around him. He will kick your teeth in if you deserve it though. And there are no voices in his head. Yes he thinks a demon made a contract with him, but so far it hasn't decided to start talking to him.

Institution Review: Connor James McKinley is a violent inmate that is to be kept separate and in his own cell for other inmate's physical safety. When giving meals, guards are to make sure that McKinley follows orders and goes to a corner of his cell and is facing away from the door before passing the meal through the slot.

Weapons: A massive, and I mean massive, two handed odachi katana that he claims to have a soul of a demon in it. His sword also glows with an unfathomable heat, cauterizing any wounds it creates.

Through either matter manipulation or a contract with some demon, he's able to materialize his massive sword out of thin air. If you go with the latter of the two possible options, then it could be assumed that what Connor says about his sword containing a demon is in fact true. And if that's the case, he has done well in not letting it completely control him. And if it's the former, then he doesn't realize it and the only thing he can form is that large sword.

Extreme strength. This could be attributed to his matter manipulation power adding muscle mass to his body without his knowing. But that just further begs the question of how he can use his power of matter manipulation without knowing it? It is possible that if he simply believes he is so strong, then he adds enough muscle mass to make himself that strong. So in theory he could be as strong if not stronger than Princess.

-Major Skills
  • Connor is able to wield that massive sword of his effectively, proving that he has at least some basic knowledge of swordsmanship
  • Contrary to popular belief, Connor is kind of good at puzzles, he just doesn't want to do them.
  • He is a damn good cook. Thank his upbringing in a family of chefs. Like, literally, all of them at least four star.
-Minor Skills
  • Connor is a bit more bendy then the average person. He's probably has an unnatural amount of double joints.
  • Boxing. A couple months in a boxing gym and he deemed himself an expert.
  • A bit of a fashion critic, he has to know what he's talking about if he doesn't want to sound like a prick.

Power Weaknesses: Connor's power is limited by his imagination and his belief of what is possible. But since all his answers to any problem involves hitting it really hard, it's not as versatile as it could be.

His power also cannot work in a vacuum. I doubt it'll ever happen, but you can't create something from nothing. And a vacuum, by definition, is a lack of something. This constant threat of having all the air sucked out of his cell is what kept him in line while he stayed in the Rev.

Connor's ability to manipulate matter works best through direct contact. He's not just being dramatic when he pulls the sword out of his chest or any other body part for that matter. So if you bind him hand and foot then hoist him up in the air, he can't really do much.

Negative Traits: Connor has a minor case of OCD that's rather specific. All knives have to be lined up from largest to smallest, parallel, and not pointed at him. He will make these changes as soon as he walks into any kitchen and will throw a fit if he leaves and comes back to them in disarray again.

Aside from the specific case of OCD, Connor is a messy individual. The kitchen? Spotless. His room? A war zone. This can be some what of a problem when committing a crime unless someone is there picking up after him.

History: Connor was born into a family of chefs, and as soon as he was popped out he was expected to be a chef as well. He grew up in the floor above the family restaurant, living where you worked saved a lot of money, and was surrounded by food and ways to cook it for as long as he could remember. He was happy, he really was. His mom and dad worked hand in hand to keep the restaurant afloat, with other family members helping when and as they could. Even the employees that weren't family became family to him. And every day, after school or practice or whatever, he'd come home and be the restaurant's 'little mascot' as his dad liked to put it. His smile attracted as many customers as the food did, he was such a precious little thing.

But he wouldn't end up at the Rev at this rate. The path that set him on becoming a villain was Princess' housing projects. It brought people with little to no money into their neighborhood. Not really a problem until the Syndicate tells you to accept food stamps instead of money or else be shut down. And people don't work for food stamps in the restaurant business. Inevitably, it closed down. Funny, how Princess' housing project was designed to help people but ended up screwing one family over. Well, perhaps it was planned because now the McKinley family is in need of that housing project.

The seed planted, it was only a matter of time until Connor finally had enough and took matters into his own hands. That moment came when he found out he had powers. A massive sword, a sword so big it came up to his chest, was as wide as his arm, but was still so thin and with a cutting edge that seemed to make it only fragile. But it had a strength that would not allow it to break, and it burned even Connor to the touch. The only rational thing this sword was? A demon. That's right, he thought a demon had materialized in his hands as a sword, which was it's way of offering him a contract.

When he held that sword in his hands, he felt so powerful, like not even the Syndicate with it's elite team of scum could stop him. Well, we all know now that they could, and not even the elite scum had to do it, just the regular scum. But to think that Connor was able to kick down, literally, the doors of Town Hall and begin his march to the mayor even with Syndicate HQ right next door is impressive. Probably the only reason he hadn't made it to the mayor's office was because he didn't know where it was at.

James McKinley: Connor's father. Connor has ceased to exist in his eyes. He refuses to accept that his son is a villain, so he refuses to have a son.
Maria McKinley: Connor's mother. Unlike her husband, she knows all to well that her little baby boy is out there and in Revelation. She firmly believes that if she could go and just talk to him, then she could change him. Sadly, she's never gotten that chance.
Papa: Connor's grandfather. He fully supports his grandson in almost everything he does. Almost. But being a villain isn't the exception. He knows to keep his support and opinions to himself though. He's an old man, he wouldn't last long in Revelation or any other prison.
Grandma (ama): Connor's grandmother. She sees Connor in a very grey light. He's her grandson, so she cannot simply stop acknowledging him like his father. But he's a villain, and she can't support a villain even though her husband is more then willing to.

Theme Song:

Misc: [anything I forgot]
  • Love
Reactions: Mundane Monster
Real name is unknown. Don't even ask for it; he'll most likely rip your head off or strangle you with a vine.

Once he took it as his "birth" name, it became everything about him. Carnivore is Carnivore.

Remark + R.O
Carnivore's face might be all messed up on the left side, but yes he is a human being. Though his powers let him change into animals at will.

Did you expect him to be younger or older? Either way, he still looks ten times better than you will ever look. Even with the bear claw scar and one blind eye.

In and Out for Ten Years now.
Carnivore has been in and out of The Rev because of his powers and being able to sneak out, though he does get caught when he does his radical wildlife protests and robberies. They finally made a cell just for him that keeps him locked up. There is no way to get out, unless the guards let him. Or... someone, you know, breaks him out.

[Weight]-253 lbs.
[Hair]-Dark Brown in color. Shaved on the sides and kept neat. Has a Fohawk like style to it.
[Eyes]-Left: Blind, Cloudy and Glazed Over. Right: Hazel Color & Healthy.
[Build]-Muscular & Defined.
[Clothing Style]-Leather, Denim, Black.

Leather, leather, microfibers and more leather. Some High Tech in there as well.





Hands & Legs




Extreme Wildlife Protests.
Wildlife Terrorism.
Murder of A Government Official.
Attempted To Bomb City Hall, Several Times.
Unsuccessful Attempt Of Breaking Into Syndicate Headquarters.
Robbery Of Several Businesses.
Caused A Massive Animal Stampede In The Middle Of Town. Killing Several Citizens.
Poisoned & Paralyzed Several Bankers To Rob The Genesis Bank.

[COURAGEOUS]-Carnivore is one of the, if not bravest person you will ever meet. He doesn't care about getting hurt and he stares death in the face. He doesn't laugh at death, he just stares at it. With that one good eye he has. Knowing that death is right around the corner for everyone, he doesn't see why people are soo afraid of risking their lives. When you can die by making a salad more often than skydiving.

[EXTREMIST]-Carnivore beliefs on wildlife and animal safety habitats are the main reasons why he is in The Rev in the first place. He goes overboard most times when it comes to explaining why animals and plants are more important than human "safety." He has been known to get into heated debates about wildlife refuge areas and why there should be more of those instead of some dumb "Project Tiara" bullshit. That's what really set him off on his path of destruction and terrorism, after months of successful anger management classes.

[VIOLENT]-If it wasn't obvious already, Carnivore doesn't take kindly to people destroying the planet and harming animals for reasons other than to eat. He won't think twice about ripping someone's chest open when they piss him off. He can be a docile person when he feels like it, but if his anger hits the breaking point, it's best to leave Genesis until he is stopped in his rampage of chaos. He let's his emotions take control and his powers act on them. Causing animals to go crazy and attack their owners or plants grow out of control and start wrapping around people and poisoning them or suffocating them. It's a good idea to keep from hurting animals or littering when he's around.

[COMICAL]-Believe it or not, Carnivore is a pretty funny guy. When he isn't going on and on about animal rights and the extinction rate, he can be charming, surprisingly. He does laugh when he's around people he likes and can relate to. The big brute of a man has a funny bone and can crack jokes with the best of them. Don't let his large frame and intimidating demeanor make you think he isn't a guy you would want to hang with. You'd be surprise at the amount of fun you'll have with Carnivore around.

[SECRETIVE]-When someone doesn't even want their actual birth name out in the public, there is no telling what else they could be hiding. Carnivore rarely talks about his life before being named "Genesis Animal Terrorist" or GAT for short in the Public Eye. No one knows where he came from, or even if he is actually from Genesis. A man shrouded in mystery; we might never know who Carnivore really is.

[DEVOTED]-Once you have Carnivore's trust or even his love, yes he knows how to love, you will never have to worry about him stabbing you in the back. He is deathly loyal and will always be there for the people or person that are there or is there for him. He might not tell them everything about his life, but he will at least let them know he will never betray them. As long as he doesn't get betrayed. That's when all bets are off and he's coming for your head.

[EMOTIONAL]-Big men like Carnivore are usually the most emotional; they just hide it until they explode on some poor victim. He keeps his emotions inside but they tend to come out in waves of chaotic rage. He can be unpredictable, but he has control over himself for the most part. It's just when people go out of their way to disrespect him or hurt an animal or destroy a forest, he doesn't care about anything else but breaking their skinny necks in two.

[HELPFUL]-This big guy does have a heart and will help out people if they really need it. He doesn't hate all humans. He just hates the ones that see animals as unintelligent nuisances and care nothing about preserving forests and trees, that give their dumbasses' oxygen to live. He'll even try to have a peaceful discussion with others, until they act idiotic. That's when they'll find a vine wrapped around their throat and cutting into their skin.

"He's a quiet guy, but once you talk about animals or other nature topics... he will start to become a psycho. Make sure to NEVER bring plants around him, or animals. Be careful not to talk about his bad eye to; you might get one in return."

Animal Manipulation/Morphing/Imitation
Carnivore's most used and strongest power is his animal based ability. He can turn into animals, control them and tap into their traits when he doesn't want to go full "beast mode" in a situation. He has known about this power since he was a young child and has been working on making it stronger and learning everyday about how far it can go and how much he can actually do with it. He has been known to cause mass hysteria when he taps into the brains of the resident animals around Genesis City and uses them to terrorize the citizens for their abuse against said animals. When it comes to anything animal, Carnivore is the one that knows pretty much everything about them and how to utilize their traits that he has come into contact with.

Plant Manipulation/Morphing/Conjuring
Carnivore's more unique and versatile power is his control over all plant-life. Meaning, he can conjure plants, control them, morph them into gruesome monsters by changing their DNA and mutate their genes to increase their capabilities. Like poisoning, paralyzing and healing as well. He will use plants as weapons and defense when or if he isn't in his animal forms or would rather fight from a distance. While tapping into his animal power, he fights up close and personal, when he taps into his plant based ability he can fight from further range, up close or any range really. Plants, flowers, fungus, trees, fruits, vegetables. Anything that is a plant, Carnivore can control and use for anything he can imagine.

[MAJOR]-Hand To Hand Combat. Stealth & Espionage. Survival Skills.
[MINOR]-Different Arrays Of Wildlife Knowledge. Herbology. A Mechanic.

[ONE]-Carnivore can only control and imitate animals that he has come into contact with and has made a bond with. It can take a few seconds for him to bond with the animal, or a few hours, or days even. Once he does have that connection that only he and the animal can feel, he has no problems with controlling that species or breed of animal. Right now he has bonded with; canines, felines, arachnids, avians and reptiles.

[TWO]-Carnivore right now can only turn into carnivorous animals; which is where he got his name from. So any primarily meat eating animal, Carnivore can turn into. That doesn't mean he can control the species, only turn into them, unless they are part of the species he can control and imitate as of now. Right now he can only morph into; big cats (lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, etc...), bears (ironic right?), alligators, crocodiles, vultures, anacondas, wolves, foxes, and any other carnivorous animal.

[THREE]-If there aren't any plants around or any form of fertile soil for plants to grow, than Carnivore is basically out of luck. He might be able to conjure plants, but they aren't as strong or as useful as natural ones he controls from mother earth's beautiful soil.

[FOUR]-Fire is the big one; can't use flowers on fire, just wouldn't work. Someone with fire powers could easily stop him from using his plants based power.

[FIVE]-Electrical Manipulators are a big weaknesses when it comes to his animal morphing and animal control. They can shock with enough electricity to make him revert back into his human form. They can also shock the animals that he is controlling, since he controls them by their brains, and electricity can shock the brain and take them out of the trance-like state he has them in when he's controlling them.

[SIX]-Carnivore doesn't have the highest intelligence so when he is in his animal forms, he tends to become an animal after being in the form for a long time. So anyone with a higher intelligence then him (college level intelligence or higher) can easily manipulate him in his animal forms. Say if he became a dog and stayed like one for a long time, he would adopt their habits of fetching a ball when one's thrown and barking at the mail man. The main reason why he doesn't turn into an animal for more than a few hours, fearing being controlled and beaten or used for the opposite of what he believes in.

[PHYSICAL]-Blind in left eye. Not the most graceful walker or fighter. Missing his left middle finger.
[MENTAL]-Overly Emotional. Acts before he Thinks. Violent Behavior.

It's almost impossible for anyone to find out where Carnivore came from and who he actually is. Most people that do know him, only know about his villainous actions and how he use to be a mechanic before he turned into a psycho terrorist. The man in a cloak of mystery, not much is known about him, and it might stay like that for the rest of his life. While his past is foggy and locked away, Carnivore's present is right in the eye of the media. He was caught for the last time (or supposed last time) when he had decided that it was time to blow up City Hall for everything they did to the wildlife and how industrial Genesis had become. He had it all planned out. He just didn't know that City Hall had been watching his every move until they could capture him when he least expected it. A man like him was usually ten steps ahead of his targets, but they got him by planting a few dogs and cats inside of the building the night prior to his final attempt at blowing the place to the ground. He heard the barking and meowing and his soft heart for all animals was pulled on and he couldn't do it. As he tried to break into the building to free the animals, he was tased and captured on the spot. When anyone would ever ask Carnivore how he got caught again, he would always tell them the truth. The ones that laughed... they usually went missing...

If he's not going to talk about his childhood and teen years, I doubt he will talk about his family or the friends he did have before becoming a super criminal.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot Hayward Mercer[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Alias: Rubix[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Race: R.O[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Age: 27[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Years: 5[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]You wouldn't have even noticed him on the floor if you hadn't tripped over him. He only moved lethargically from the floor. He had looked and could have been mistaken for a pile of clothes. Considering his clothes were a wrinkly mess.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Discarded papers had scattered the room, with molding cups of coffee. There were bags under his eyes, despite the fact he might have been napping. There were pieces of paper stuck in his hair, which was uncombed and messy.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His rose colored irises didn't take in much light because there wasn't much light in the room to begin with. And when he shuffled onto his side without much enthusiasm, you may have noted the old stains of blood on the rug.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]His nails were chipped as they seemed to get caught on the fabric of his baggy clothing, but it didn't seem to bother him. At his side was a stuffed raccoon with matted fur, which you assume he had for a long time.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Did I wake you?"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]"No more than birds"[/BCOLOR]​

[BCOLOR=transparent]His voice was not just flat, it completely lacked any cadence to balance ounce its nuance. It was merely soft spoken and monotonous. It wasn't just flat. It was stationary.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]When he stood, his clothes simply cascaded on him in folds of fabric. It was if he were wearing a tent of clothes. His weight undetermined because of the amount fabric was hanging off of him, but give or take with his narrow facial features, 114 pounds or less, while merely stand at 5'4". With a slight build and frame.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]As Rubix he fancied to wear something that reminded others as a wizard or a sorcerer or maybe a king. Either way it was ornate as the psychotic grin and the lazy lethargy passing, as he began to laugh in a gravely, croaking voice. The cadence unsteady and insane. You knew whose world you were in when he told you it was time to perform[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent] in his world.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]There's quite a bit to list here. Displacement of employees in [/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]Westwood Mercy Mental Hospital[/BCOLOR][BCOLOR=transparent]. He trapped them in his puzzle world. Outburst to servants, he use to beat his family servants black and blue or stab them with forks or whatever he could get his hands on. He stabbed a nurse in the neck with a syringe. He bit several of the security guards. Basically violent and unruly behavior. Maybe even a little psychotic behavior.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]He's not slow in the mind, quite to the contrary he's very quick thinking and smart. However, when he doesn't want to do something or isn't doing something he's often lethargic. Will close the curtains to the blinds in his home complain the lights are too bright and hurt his eyes. He also goes into listless moods where he won't really pick up after himself and simply stay stationary. Only really completing his needs because they are "bothersome" to his peace.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot can be likened to a child. Moody and temperamental you might assume there's something mentally wrong with him. While it's true there is a little bit of underdevelopment considering he wasn't allowed to develop appropriately as those his age. But don't mistake his childish antics and temper, as a way to underestimate the things he does know.[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Don't underestimate Mercer's intelligence. He is intelligent likened to a prodigy if he ever had gotten the chance of normalcy in life. Mercer is a quick thinker and a quick learner, and because of his childish behavior may be more willing to do something because he's curious in learning and gaining knowledge.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Mercer has a rather creepy presence about him. Perhaps the fact that he's carting around a stuffed raccoon with him. Or perhaps its his monotonous soft spoken voice, that can slip into chaotic, crazy ramblings. Or perhaps its his listless nature and muttering. Or the way he speaks. Or perhaps its because he can be temperamental and suddenly violent when something displeases him. Or perhaps its his stare. Whatever it is, Mercer terrifies most in his presence. [/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]Let's just get this out of the way Mercer outburst lead him to temperamental and violent mood swings. He will bite. He will throw things at you. And if there is anything he can stick you with, a knife, or even a syringe he will. He'll burn you with hot drinks. Or hot pans. If he can get his hands on it. It's likely to keep it away from him.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Institution Review:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"If he's not being violent towards us, he's creepy when he's not doing anything."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"You're still going to have to slide his food through the slot"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Yeah, but what if he grabs my arm or something and scratches it? He's like a vicious, feral animal you can't properly socialize"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Kind of what happens when you're in here for too long. Or any form of isolation for too long"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Fine I'll be as quick as I can,"[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Weapons: None - But whatever he can get his hands on he'll use it. It's best to keep him from something dangerous.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]In the Puzzle World and his Personal Domains a Halberd- See Costume Appearance[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Psychic Domain [Dimension] Creation[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Unlike traditional dimension creation, which is more of an ability for a universal god. Elliot has the ability to create psychic territories. The difference between Dimension Creation and a Psychic Territory is how they are controlled. Elliot is limited to both his imagination and a physical object.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]For example his Personal Domain is in his storybook, but all things in the storybook are things he created within the already created environment. Or his Game and Puzzle Domains are set within the physical object of a puzzle or game. Such as a Rubix cube or a game. But the rules of the domain set by the psychic creator.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While he cannot create new dimensions, he can connect and navigate what domains he creates together. Doors and spaces of time, like hallways can connect one place to another because they don't feasibly disappear after use. But they do not affect the actual plane of time and space. These places more than likely exist within the mind of the psychic creator. Which means they are limited by the creators imagination and memory.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]The Rules of the Dimension though must be abide by the visitors of the creator's world. As punishment is often being stranded or locked in the world before.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]These worlds exist within the object and the mind of the creator. To connect one plane to another utilizes the space of the creator's mental pathways, but the places feasibly exist within the physical realm of the object used to create these domains.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]To maintain a stable domain requires a considerable amount of concentration, and mental stamina. But only when the domain is active. A Creator can hold onto multiple planes of existence within objects without much mental strength, unless they are active in that specific domain. A Creator without the concentration and mental stamina, may watch their domain crumble or they cannot feasibly hold onto the domain's rules. Chaos and anarchy could occur if the Creator is not in control of their own dimension.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There is another danger to holding domains within objects. While the domains may still feasibly exist within the mind of the creator. They cannot be accessed unless there is the physical object. So it is possible for someone to try and destroy his object before he has a chance to trap them within the world. But that requires a great amount of foresight and forethought to think ahead.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]And while in the dimension, someone may not be able to use their powers or be able to utilize them at full strength majorly those are powerful psychics with a lot of mental screening. While they can be trapped in the world. Psychics with mental screening or some kind of psychic protection are not as tightly bound to the rules of the Psychic Domain.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Major Skills:[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot's good with getting in your head, but not in the same way a manipulator might and not the same way an intimidator might. Elliot doesn't need to use threats of violence, you already know he's capable of doing[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=transparent]so when he has one of his outburst. It's more, subtle than that. It's a creepy intimidation, that gets under the skin and makes someone else make mistakes. As he slowly worms his way into the back of your mind like a parasite of fear.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Game Design[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]There is a reason why his Puzzle Domains remain undefeated by the lowest common idiot. Because the brain behind Elliot is one that he designs. Not just one he simply thinks of already designed by someone else. He excels at puzzles himself, puzzles, and riddles. And he designs the toughest labyrinths within them.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot doesn't sit in ignorance despite what some might think. Elliot is educated. He knows several language and can even work out composition of music. He excels the most though at games and puzzles. Which were the test and measure of his intelligence when he was young. Used to measure his strength in the knowledge he was learned.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Minor Skills:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Business Management[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Surprising right. Mercer doesn't seem to be the type of person to be able to do much of anything besides being a bit crazy, okay a lot crazy. And living in pocket dimensions. But Elliot has been praised to be a young prodigy since he was very young. And it was always expectant that he would inherit his father's company when his father passed. Elliot knows how to run a fortune five hundred company. Whether or not his methods are normal, isn't really determinable.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Tea Knowledge [Tea Brewing][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot really likes tea. Like really like teas. So much so he has studied different methods of brewing tea. From the Japanese traditions to even traditions of those in Europe. Elliot can make you quite a good cup of tea. But he has to be asked with a lot of pleases and then a lot of thank yous. Because to Elliot it takes a lot of effort and gives him a headache.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot grew up in a place of wealth. And while he's had a dark past. He still lives in the shadow of his father. Just throwing out the Mercer name will get Elliot anything he wants when he wants someone to obey. It also means he gets to talk to all the rich and fancy schmancy people of the city just by name alone considering the family influence and name.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Negative Trait:[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Non Medical Narcolepsy[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]It's not that Elliot's power makes him go to sleep. It merely that Elliot chooses to do so. He'll often be found somewhere napping. Mostly in his own personal domain. Less out in public, but Elliot is cat like in that nature where he will be found in just about anywhere napping. Mostly his reasons are because other things were too hard.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Or if he's trying to pass it off as something normal, he'll say it's because he was meditating. Some of the places Elliot may be found, in the cabinets, on the floor under a "fort" of blankets, on the couch, or on the couch under a mountain of blankets. And if you're the one hired to wake him be sure it's at a safe distance. Or the reason to wake him is something reasonably motivating.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Unusual Speech - Hard to Decipher Speech[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Elliot doesn't use ordinary everyday speech, Jaws Man is most likely what he calls Carnivore. Starlight are matches. Leaf Water is tea. And so and so forth. Elliot doesn't use the words that mean what words mean. Which is ironic considering he is intelligent and considered a prodigy level intelligent, but his mind seems broken. Shattered into pieces.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]Patchwork Vlogging Presents U-Tube Draw My Life[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"Here we are Patches and Rubix, my fellow furlines have been asking what makes Rubix, Rubix. And how I talk. Well only one secret will be revealed today. Haahaha." Patches speaks into the camera, clearly being puppeted by Elliot's hand. Patches has a much squawker, animal voice compared to Elliot's which is surprising because when the edit happens, Elliot waves to the camera, "I use the eye. To tell story time on the box."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]I was born October 31st. Mom died shortly after. Father said it was a sign. I was a cursed. But not shamed for it.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]I lived a long time in my big house. With the fancy furniture. But my dad was mean. He was always yelling at me. Forced me to read complicated books.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]I didn't like the maids. They were always controlling. They got what they deserved. But I was put on some of their naughty list.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]One day they told me I was going to a new house. A house for naughty children.[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]I was at my new home for a long time. I stayed there for two years. But the people called nurses were mean. They stuck you with needle sticks that ate your blood. And they yelled at you. They put me in a room with no windows. One day I hurt the blood eaters back. Then these people told me I was going to another new home.[/BCOLOR]



[BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent][BCOLOR=transparent]Then they put me in a dark room for a very long time. I don't know how long.[/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR][/BCOLOR]

Then I heard a voice that said they'd let me out now.

Theme Song:
This is one of those rare moments where I am putting up the lyrics, only because her Engrish is so Engrish I swear she wasn't speaking English the first time
The full moon slightly chipped
That's so me, so please
Save me and hold me tight
Just make me all right
Under the dark clouds
Wingless swans in my soul
From the fortress, a pessimist
My howl in the night,
To the isolated star
Don't drive me crazy
Everything seems too far
The sky so deep
Spread endlessly
How on earth can I get to the strawberry field?
The full moon slightly chipped
Oh please
Save me and let me smile
Just make me all right
Over the bed of trees
My heart spins around
My howl in the dawn
To the isolated star
I dare to forgive you
Everything seems too far
But care for me tenderly
How on earth can I get to the strawberry field?
Personal Domain - His Storybook Theme

Battle Theme/Puzzle Theme

[BCOLOR=transparent]The Mercer Family[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Maximilian Francis Mercer - Head of the manufacturing company Mercer's Family Blends[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]"Do not condemn my child for a condition he cannot control. Insanity doesn't disqualify someone to have a decent amount of respect. Is my child the devil? No he is the Anti. Anti, what you ask? Anti everything. I do not deny nor have any regrets shaping him."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Maximilian Francis Mercer CEO of Mercer's Family Blends, son of James William Mercer son of Percy Franklyn Mercer. While the rumors are true that Maximilian had an older brother, there is a lot of legend and myth surrounding where his brother had actually went. It is said Thomas Mercer vanished without a trace for several years.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While many believe that Thomas fled the darkness of the family. Some say Thomas was murdered. Other says he committed suicide. But frankly Max is the only one who really knows what happened to his eldest brother.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Max's relationship with Elliot is very close. By control, abuse, and manipulation Elliot would drop everything for his brother's appraisal. As throwing his son in an asylum was all, but a ploy to make the child more dependent on him. If he didn't want bad things to happen to him any more. The time spent in Prison was not part of the plan, but Max is still a shadowing figure in Elliot's life. And Elliot will eventually crawl back to his father.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Max knows this. He's a patient man.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Renee Joelyn Mercer - Daughter of Carolyn Joyce of Grandma's Kitchen[/BCOLOR]


[BCOLOR=transparent]"Once I have his child, I'm done. I'll poison the fucking geezer and take his money and his company. You think I'd stay in a marriage with that man? Please. He's eleven years older than me. Talk about perverted right."[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]If you think for a second the destruction of Grandma's Kitchen brand food industries was partly because of her mother Carolyn Joyce. Then you would be mistaken. The third daughter of Grandma's Kitchen, you may recognize Renee as the daughter used for the brand marketing, their new poster and food label when she was younger.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]A young star of her company, she was considered the most beautiful of her sisters. While Carolyn may have signed the merger with James Mercer. It was Renee who destroyed the company by allowing it to be bought and completely dismantled by the Mercer company.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]This was all due to a dispute with her sisters about who inherited Grandma's Kitchen company when Carolyn unsuspectedly passed. Carolyn had tried to evenly distribute the company and its holdings among her three daughters. But each was jealous of each other for different reasons. Renee because she was used as the face of the company. And the other sisters for various reasons.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She gave herself up to James, and with what legal right she had. Allowed the dismantle of the company merge if she married into the Mercer family. That happened to be with Maximilian Mercer.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Neither of them loved each other. But she enjoyed watching her sisters scramble for relevancy. And had planned to steal the Mercer company from under Maximilian's nose. By having his inherited son first, she figured once Maximilian died and having his child meant she legally could hold onto the company until the child grew up.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]She didn't care much about the child either though. Renee was known for making smug remarks and not being very cautious about the child's developmental health. It was also known Renee slept with other men besides Maximilian.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]While some say Renee died during birth. Some others say her death was unexpected and suspicious as she was the picture of health when Elliot was born.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]After her death and Elliot's birth, Max ordered a DNA check on Elliot. Elliot is the legitimate son of Renee and Maximilian.[/BCOLOR]
Name: Kenneth (Ken) Adagietto
Alias: Murder-Meat (Originally: The Great Anti-Vegan Murderous-Meathead)
Race: Human (Remark/R.O.)
Age: 24


>>Height: 6'4"
>>Weight: 210lbs
>>Hair: Short, blonde-brown.
>>Eyes: Grey-Green

While Murder-Meat has only been held for two years, Revelation has been harder on him than most, perhaps largely in part to his unique dietary requirements. When he was first entered into imprisonment, he could reasonable pass as his age of 24. However, unavoidable malnourishment and atrophy have left his face sunken and gaunt, and seemingly aged him a decade more. A prominent scar that crosses the left side of his lips aids poorly to this image, and it appears that Ken's best days are far behind him.

Formerly an imposing physical figure even without usage of his power, dietary restrictions and lack of mobility (his captivity involves restriction of his arm usage) have left him lanky and atrophied, a shadow of his former self.

Prior to imprisonment, Ken was a purveyor of track suits - his possessions currently held by the prison include a Gucci tracksuit of alternating green and white colour scheme.

As the villain Murder Meat, he often chose to wear an eclectic armor of meat around his persona. While the full suit was very rarely assembled unless he could find his way to a butcher store, stitching together outfits of meat seems to be a constant with him. Naturally, the suit itself would break apart upon his size-increase, but crucially the meat provided a constant source of calories to fuel his abilities. He also often chose to carry around a backpack, filled to the brim with energy drinks and cheap candy bars.

  • Multiple counts breaking and entering.
  • Theft of amounts over $5000.
  • Property damage of amounts over $5000, with disregard for human life
  • Multiple counts assault, including assault of peace officer.
  • Literal fucking murder.
Years in Jail: 2


>>Brash: Loud, combative and quick to anger, Murder-Meat is easily drawn into conflicts, with friend or foe alike. This is perhaps the crux of the entirety of his laundry list of irrational behaviours. He is prone to drawing out conflicts to such an extent that he forgets the initial reason behind it all.

>>Protective: Although he's prone to getting into fights with allies, he's of a class of villain that cares for those who do right by him, and is perhaps one of the few who would genuinely lay down his life for the helpless plight of another. In this context, there is something valorous – almost heroic – about him.

>>Glutton: He likes to eat, and is constantly hungry. This, in fact, defines him in more than just the culinary sense. Money, riches, fame (or infamy), glory – he's never fully satiated.

>>Stupid: Uneducated, impatient, easily baited, unsophisticated – mentally, Murder-Meat is the lowest common denominator. Nothing is thought out, and even when he takes the time to conjure up ideas – they're usually disappointingly off the mark.

>>Compassionate: Despite the above remarks, Murder-Meat has some wisdom when it comes to social cues and empathy. He is an excellent listener and perceptive of the emotional hurts of his friends and allies. While he's not the most skilled pep-talker, he will always make himself available as a shoulder to lean on.

Institution Review: At times strangely nice for a criminal with his rap sheet, but just about bi-polar. Will joke around with you and talk about the weather (how little of it he gets to see) with you one moment, before threatening to kill you for an idle remark. Constantly hungry - still have to adhere to stringent feeding schedules and caloric limitations however.



>>Super-Ultra-Consumption Growth
Ken – like many people – enjoys eating, although caloric consumption seems to have supercharged effects on his body. Namely, eating allows him to increase his size; 2000 calories in one sitting increases his size to about a two-story apartment, with the strength to match. However, his size diminishes rapidly unless he continuously ingests more food.

>>Super-Ultra Consumption Beam
Additionally, he is able to store calories for the purpose of launching blasts of energy. 2000 calories gives him enough for about a dozen heavy artillery blasts, or 30 seconds of a sustained beam of energy strong enough to carve through metal.

Power Weaknesses:
>>Super-Ultra-Consumption Growth
  • While large size comes with increased strength, it comes with cumbersome of movement and a larger target.
  • As mentioned before, size decreases rapidly – must continuously ingest food to maintain increased size.
  • Cannot be used simultaneously with his other power of energy-blast generation.
>>Super-Ultra Consumption Beam
  • For some reason, utilizing these beams is an endeavor that requires both hands. This prevents him from other functionalities, including the consumption of food to extend beam duration.
  • Unless somehow constantly ingesting calories, the strength of the energy beams/blast steadily decreases.
  • After overuse (about 4000 calories worth), his hands require a brief cool-down period in which even menial tasks become difficult.

>>Major: Hand-to-Hand Combat (Street-Level Fisticuffs), Speed Eating, Cooking
>>Minor: Driving, Memorizing Scenes of Food Network Shows, Making Fun of Vegetarians and Vegans

Negative Traits:
Murder-Meat is, unfortunately, a consummate idiot with no talent for… pretty much anything that requires a knack for logical or strategic thinking.

Physically, not the most mobile, even at normal size. Slow as molasses, and with rather poor cardiovascular fitness all things considered.


Kenneth hails from the House of Adagietto, a renowned family of assassins, with the historical majority a Remarkable. The sixth and second youngest of the latest generation, Kenneth was expected to do great (read: terrible) things, yet had the leniency that came with not being the heir-apparent. So while all the Adagietto kids underwent strict physical and mental training, Kenneth was allowed to… deviate from the path.

While the rest of the Adagietto assassins typically utilized their abilities in subtle ways (like, you know, assassins), Kenneth was unbelievably unsuited to it. Indeed, all his assassinations were either botched (as it turns out, a hulking man coming from blocks away was not the most difficult to spot) or resulted in unseemly collateral damage. Inefficient, and most of all ineffective, Kenneth Adagietto became the black sheep of the family, with most of them no longer caring about what he did in his own time.

When contracts to the House Adagietto stopped coming his way, he carved out his own path as a smash-and-grabber, smashing vaults to money and other valuables. Naturally, he carried all this out with the same subtlety he had come to be associated with.

That is to say, none.

Of course, this meant that he'd be caught, eventually, and sent to Revelation.

What a drag.


Chono Adagietto (Grandfather, 84): Past his prime, but a once legendary assassin, famed for his uncanny 'Death Touch'. No longer the patriarch of the family, and thus detached from its current events. Actually rather fond of Kenneth, finding his antics amusing. Power: Touch corrodes and withers flesh and bone alike.

Morose Adagietto (Father, 52): Patriarch of the Family, and a living legend of assassination in his own right, one of the finest practitioners of archery and thrown weaponry in history. While not outright disapproving of Kenneth, views him as an afterthought, which is perhaps even worse. Power: Unerring aim.

Valaria Adagietto (Mother, 49): The wife of Morose, and a former femme fatale herself. Capable of inducing hypnosis through a kiss, her modus operandi was seduction and then mentally suggesting suicide. Extremely disappointed with Kenneth, to the extent that she once considered taking out a contract on him to wipe out a stain of the family's legacy. Power: Hypnosis through lip contact.

The Triplets – Marco, Polonius, and Spice Adagietto (Brothers, 29): Identical triplets, and each vying for the role of becoming the family's next patriarch. Unfortunately, selection is rather difficult… as they seem to be identical in personality as well – all of them are unerringly polite, intelligent, well-articulated and coldly efficient. Astonishingly, all of them share abilities as well, able to manipulate water and ice alike as deadly implements. All three are regretful that Kenneth is as disappointing as he is, but love him like a brother all the same. Powers: Ice and water manipulation.

Persephone Adagietto (Sister, 27): Perhaps the most skilled of the six children, her ability is to turn every single strand of her hair into an incredibly poisonous snake. Accordingly, a deceitful, politicking individual, who aspires to become the Matriarch of the family, against all odds. Constantly ridicules Kenneth. Power: Hair into snakes.

Bob Adagietto (Brother, 19): Astonishingly, seems to be non-powered, and is currently in school pursuing an Accounting degree. Loves Kenneth and seems to have no qualms over his family's chosen occupations. Power: Good at math.

Theme Song: When I die and they lay me to rest, Gonna go to the place that's the best.

Yeah, it's Spirit in the Sky.
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