Original poster
.:| Sigil |:.
~ Experience the Epic tales of The new Planet, Sigil, The Home to the Immortals. Be Apart of there constant struggle to keep their home alive and thriving. While also fighting off the groups known as pirates, and keeping a peaceful balance with other beings who have came to reside on Sigil ~
Chapter One: The begining, which lead to the end,...
~ Experience the Epic tales of The new Planet, Sigil, The Home to the Immortals. Be Apart of there constant struggle to keep their home alive and thriving. While also fighting off the groups known as pirates, and keeping a peaceful balance with other beings who have came to reside on Sigil ~
Chapter One: The begining, which lead to the end,...
A life to live forever, to never know nor see an end in sight. To some this would be a dream come true. In reality it's a nightmare that one can never be awoken from, and yet you've been awake the whole time. It's like to want sleep, to have eyes that burn for the lust of slumber. But the sleep never comes, no matter what means are taken to gain it. How I wished for that endless slumber for so long. To enjoy the peaceful end that mere mortal's fear with their very lives. How strange it is, to wish for death. But that is the life of an immortal.
My kind bares this never ending burden, for eons we've travel the stars for a place to call home. With each place we visited our eyes met with the same sad story of destruction and death. Far too many souls have passed before us, and far too many times our abilities were used for injustice deeds. And much like the circle of life, our lives ended to be begun again somewhere else. Like the never ending travels of a gypsy. All until the stars bestowed on us a timeless secret, and a place named sigil.
From a planet in the same galaxies, the blackness of space ripped open in a dance of lights. It was unlike anything any of us had seen before. Mesmerized by this display of true beauty we watched in awe. As seemingly lost in the absents of darkness. A flicker illuminated the hope of a new life. Dazed in a swirl of color, that can only be seen in the sweetest of dreams. A star slumbered in there peaceful hues. Its twinkle seen far beyond its hazy womb reached us on the bleak planet. With waves of serenity it beckoned us to come and await it's destine birth. And thus we followed not knowing we'd learn of our own fate.
In a crumble of destruction, on the eve of creation, a fire erupted. In a burst, the flames stretched across the boundless space in an elaborate dance. In a cosmic second like a rubber band snapped, the flames twisted and folded upon themselves. With sheer force this fiery cage was lifted, ripped from the seams and life's first breath was taken. As this spark was ignited in rays of ruby beauty, a glorious sun was born.
That was not the end, pulled by its overwhelming energy, varies material orbited around the new blazing sun. And as they danced this timeless waltz they formed something of equal awe. Swirled with hues of sapphire, and pearl and orbited by three soft lavender moons. A planet was born before our eyes as we rushed to what we knew would be our home.
Many light years passed before we reached our destination, but when we did it was like a weight was lifted. After so many years we finally found a place to call home, a place of our very own. It didn't take long before we scattered to explore and find places to call our own. But even as immortals we still longed for connection and family. So we build a central city to gather in. Just as it seemed everything was in place and that we found peace. Our past came back to haunt us. It seemed that we weren't the only ones to witness the glory of this planets birth, or hear its call to come. In what felt like a blink of the eye our home was infested by visitors.
We decided that we'd try to live with the visitors in harmony, since sigil was not our birth planet. The other had the same right as us to be there. With some this goal was easily achieved, for they too were only looking for a place to call home, but most were space pirates. A fearsome caravan of cut throat savengers, said to plunder a planet for all its worth. They'd take anything of remote value, even lives to be sold into slavery. But these were mere rumors, and How could we turn someone away from a potential place to call home. For all we knew, these Space Pirates were just misunderstood... Much like our own kin. So we allowed them refuge on Sigil, and in her orbit,... and thats where our story begins,...
If this story line look of interest to you, Please join up.
As you can figure there are three types of people you could play.
An Immortal: A sort of freak of cosmic nature who doesn't seem to age, and is immune to death via normal means ( they can be killed if there head is completely cut off, or Heart completely destroyed ) They are the "rules" Of Sigil Since they arrived first and claim it.
Space Pirates: A member of the cut throat savenger group, labled Space pirates by the rest of the Universe. Usually more of a villian character ( tho if you can pull it off other wise be my guest )
Visitor: Pretty much a person who is on Sigil, they are not an immortal or member of the Space pirates at this point. They can take any alligment they so please.
So thats the basics.. If this seems to catch enough peoples attention I have way more information.
I'm pretty laid back and easy going when it comes to role-plays. So Go crazy, Do what you want with your character. If you can justify it, then its game on.
As for character bio,.. Not to overly picky as long as it covers the basics
But if you don't mind,.. I'd like you to use this character template
Name: self explanatory
Alias: anything your character might be known by. (nicknames)
Age: characters age
Gender: male or female
Race: Is your character an alien? Perhaps some manner of hybrid human? let us know here
Origin: Where is he/she from?
Occupation: What does he/she do on Sigil?
Alignment: Good, Neutral, or Evil?
Condition: The current health and physical status of your character. If he is sick or wounded via rp feel free to add it here.
[/b]Advanced Information Foreground[/b]
Appearance: What does your character look like? Is he tall, short? Give us an idea as to his stature and physical build. Try to use as much detail as possible as anyone who interacts with you will be using this as a reference to describing how your character looks to theres. No amount of detail can ever be too much and the more you have the more obvious it is that you put a lot of thought into them. (reference pics are acceptable so long as text comes along with it.)
Personality: What is your character like? How does he act around others and is he a thinker or a doer? A man/woman who craves action of books? This is among the most crucial parts of a bio so go into as much detail as possible. Likes/Dislikes, their particular attitude, anything you can think of to breathe more life into them.
Weapons: List any and all weapons they frequently carry upon their person. Please provide a detailed description of its look and any special properties it might have. As with the appearence reference pictures are also allowed but text is still required.
Armor: If your character wears any armor describe it here. Again feel free to use reference pictures so long as a description accompanies it.
Accessories: If your character wears any jewelry or is in possession of some other artifact or family heirloom that they carry with them describe them here.
Skills: What is your character good at? Is he a swordsman of skill, a mage, perhaps even a scholar? This is the section for basic skills they may have. (do not list spells and techniques here.)
Advanced Information Background (for non-mage types)
Weapon Expertise: What weapon is your character most skilled with?
Initial W.O.C.: What is your characters weapon of choice? If his expertise is a sword here is here is where you list the type.
Dominant Hand: Right, Left, or Ambidextrous?
Techniques: Does your character have special techniques during combat? Any powerful attacks or useful defenses you would like to list? Do so here.
Combat Styles: Everyone has their own unique style when it comes to writing their characters and we all are comfortable with employing different fighting styles in our roleplays. Is your character aggressive or defensive when he fights? Is he cool and controlled or does he get angry easily and attack with wild, powerful strikes? Also consider the weapons they use for that also can play a role in a persons style. (Example: A person who wields two swords would have to be more offensive than defensive for two blades are difficult to defend with.)
Advanced Information Background (for mages)
Expertise: Which school or element is your mage most skilled with? In here you can also list their element of choice since it will be the same for mages.
Dominant Hand: Right, Left, or Ambidextrous.
Spells: Here is hwere you list all of the spells your character currently have in his repertoire. Be sure to go into some detail on how they manifest, what they do, and any other side effects or dangers.
Magic Style: Basically the same as in the warriors profile accpet you are most dealing with magic here. Are the battle mages accustomed to pitching their spells against another or are they more of the support type who focuses on healing?
Character History
Biography: Character's History. Think about where they came from, some trials or blessings they may have had in their life. Detail is always good here.
Other Information: Anything else you'd like to mention that was only touched upon in the bio.
I have at least two characters I'll be bringing to this RP, I'll post them later