
Original poster
Hello ^^ I'm RafaDark and would love to RP with you ^^ Be it Redstar or not I accept everything as long as it keeps me away from boredom XD

About RafaDark:

I'm not so exigent, I just want someone to RP with.
I'm fine with one liners but please post at least something I can continue, about the writing, I don't care about it, if I can understand it's fine and if I don't, I will ask what you wanted to say. My own writing level is not that great but I check every time if I did some misspellings and sometimes I let some misspelling flee from my check. So you don't need to be perfect to RP with me because no one is perfect and humans make mistakes.
I can play both Dom or Sub no preference between them, more like Switch also I can play any gender (But actually have been playing more male chars then fems so sorry if my fems is a little rusty XC).


Human X Human
Human X 'Mythical' Creature (EXAMPLE: Werewolf/Were-rabbit/Were animal of your choosing, Vampire, Banshee, Dryad, Zombie, Mandrake, Gnome, Fairy, Medusa/Gorgon, Mermaid/Merman, Giant, Oni, etc... I love to experiment new beings and things on RPs so go crazy, I will love it ^^.)
Character X Self (This can or will be selfcest, I got the idea by mentioning my past self so if you would like to try something more time and/or dimension travel, I'll really love to do an RP like this ^^)
Fan/Canon Character X Fan/Canon Character (Well... I don't 'like' playing Canon Chars X Canon Chars Like for example Naruto X Sakura from the anime Naruto (Obviously) or Goku X Chi Chi from the anime Dragon Ball but I can try... It's because I know I'm not good with chars that already have an already created personality and an huge background history behind them but if someone want to try that I'm slightly reluctant but I'll liked to try it ^^ About the Fan Chars, if you have one and want to use any Fan Char you have from any anime/game/history/manga/whatever 'universe' I'll be happy to try and maybe make a Fan Char for me too or even play a Canon Char if it's that what you want ^^)
Monster X Monster (OH this one can be intriguing for me... I never thought on such a thing until now, so this pairing can be like 'what happens on the life of the monster once it's not being the monster?' Does it have a normal life? Does it work and go to school like a normal human? Or it just sleeps waiting for the perfect stupid victim to wake them up so they have have a meal? Ideas for an RP flowing like a damn river of brain power juice ^^ That was a little gross but made me have an idea for a monster already!)


Master X Pet (Pet can be related to 'bestiality', can be Furry if wanted ^^ and by Furry I mean 'Kemonomimi' or 'Anthropomorphic' chars ^^)
Master X Slave
Human X Half-Demon
Human X Half-Angel
Human X Demon
Human X Angel
Human X Furry
Demon X Demon
Demon X Slave
Angel X Demon
Angel X Angel
Angel X Slave
Furry X Furry
Assassin X Target
Teen Boy or Girl X Older Woman or Man

I have (Well 'Had' right now I'm just trying to keep in mind the ones I already made and maybe create one with you if you want to RP ^^) plots for almost every pairing but if placed in here would be a waste of my brain power and a lot of time which would make me forget half of the plot for the pairings I have in mind.

Thank you RafaDark from the past for all those good words ^^ Now if I 'present' RD have something to say ^^ I'm having some ideas and would like to try something new... Something like a kind of 'Choose your own adventure' kind of RP... Something that would entice along with keep a kind of 'main story' along with the different branches the RP would take... This idea came from games such as 'Trap Quest', 'Free Cities', 'Corruption of Champions' and 'Fall of Eden' a long time ago like way back into time that 'Past' RD was the 'Far Future' RD... Don't know if everyone would understand this but well... I tried to explain... ANYWAY the idea would be simple and I already had a plot for it but I'm thinking on changing it so if someone want to try... I would say you would need to be 18+ and understand that I'm using it to experiment everything I have in mind, AND I MEAN EVERYTHING. SO If someone want to try just post 'Open Message'. Thank you for reading until here ^^ I'll give you a cookie if that is still a thing here in this site ^^ If not, I'll post an pic of a cookie.
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I have an angel character for Angel X Demon <3?
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Hello uhmm is Human X Angel or Human X Demon still open?
Hello uhmm is Human X Angel or Human X Demon still open?
They are and I hope they stay always open ^^ Send me a PM so we can discuss about it ^^ Also Sorry if I don't reply, I'm a little busy right now but I'll try to post ASAP ^^
-raises hand-

I want to do MxM
• Master x Slave/Pet
•teen x older man
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PS. I hope Future RD doesn't come here saying my pairings are shit and didn't worked XC