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Rook's 2D Adventure IC (Image Heavy)


the eye of the beholder

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Welcome to the World!
Lucky spawns. @LuckycoolHawk9
Mike spawns. @IntrusivePenDesperateSword
Duke spawns. @Holmishire
Lucky: Inspects plants for berries.
(Lucky inspects the plants for Berries. )
Duke: Gaze longingly into the sun. Search for a sharp rock by the boulders.
Mike exams the rocks. There is a snake. It is probably red and starts to flee.
Lucky exams the plant. It's twiggy. There is a bush in the distance with berries on it. The berries are reddish.
Duke is now blind finds several rocks but they are all smooth.
Green spawns. Welcome to the World! @Greenie
Roxy spawns. Welcome to the World! @PoetLore
Green: walks to the trees in hopes of finding a stick.
Mike: Pick up the closest rock I can carry
Lucky inspects the berries. They are a slightly blue shade of red. One might say almost purple, but that's a touch bold. They don't have any strong fragrance and there is nothing dead lying around them.
Duke picks up the smallest rock.
Green finds a stick! There are very many sticks.
Mike picks up the largest rock possible.
Roxy idles.
Joan spawns. Welcome to the World! @Joan
Spec spawns. Welcome to the World! @SkittlesAndSpike
Green: Picks up a few sticks. Turns around and spots other people.
Joan: Goes to look for a rock that will fit comfortably in her hand.
Spec: Approaches the trees to check for 'shrooms. The edible kind, not the drug kind.
Mike: Chase the snake and attempt killing it with the rock.
Lucky picks the berries. Lucky has a handful of berries.
Green collects a bundle of sticks. Green sees people.
Joan finds a suitable rock, comfortable for holding.
Duke doesn't make it all the way to the log yet.
Spec sees a couple mushrooms. They're pretty small. Probably not poisonous. Probably.
Mike attempts to smash the snake, but it escapes under the rock before he can.
Roxy idles.
Neo spawns. Welcome to the World! @neobendium
Mike: Survey the area for eggs, remaining wary of the snake.
Neo: Looks for a stick of substantial strength and size near the trees.
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