Roleplay Request

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Original poster
Hello all ^_^ I'm new here (migrating from Quizilla) and looking for people to roleplay with. Hopefully I can find some new partners!

Limits: My limits are no yaoi (I will do yuri), anything sexual with animals, incest, and pedophilia. No strange fetishes either such as necrophilia, bathroom play, etc. Mature content is a must in my roleplays so if you're squeamish about it, don't bother roleplaying with me. Sorry but I like to be realistic when roleplaying and mature content is a part of real life. I do allow spice but it must have a plot not just mindless you-know-what. Just being real. By the way, if rape absolutely has to be in the roleplay, then I prefer to have it implied. I take rape very seriously and think it's worse than murder so I understand if you don't want it in the roleplay.

Commitment: Ok I'm not one of those people who demand every second of your time. I, like you, have a life outside of roleplaying. Plus I understand some people get lazy, lose inspiration, or have writer's block. Same thing happens to me a lot. But if you're gonna be gone for a while, say a week or two or several days, then please LET ME KNOW. Do NOT just disappear and then come back ages later. That is a big pet peeve of mine and it's happened to me way too many times. If you're gonna just ditch me with no explanation, don't even bother asking me to roleplay. BE CONSISTENT! I shall warn you as well. Here's a tip though: the more interested I am in a roleplay, the faster I'll respond. I get bored easily and when I'm bored with a roleplay, my replies get slower and slower. Also if we live in very different time zones, please tell me so there's no confusion. I live in Brighton, TN in the Southern United States so I'm in Central.

Length: Being a writer myself, I prefer quality over quantity. But I won't allow just anything. Absolutely no one-liners! I'll pretty much just match my partner's length the best way I can.

Grammar/Spelling: I'm no grammar nazi but please use proper grammar and spelling. Even if English isn't your first language, you still should know it a bit. No text-talk! I really don't even use it when I'm texting. I understand if you slip up and make mistakes but at least have your replies look legible please!

Style: I only roleplay in paragraph or novel form. Third-person only.

OCs: Absolutely no Mary-Sues or Anti-Sues! Nobody is perfect. Also when exchanging info, please be detailed. You don't have to give me a humongous novel but show some pride in your OCs! Also don't play my OC. That's what I'm here for. I guarantee you I won't play your OC in any way. Also don't hog the spotlight. I'm here too ya know!

Crushes: This is probably my most complex rule. For fandoms, I do OC x Canon or OC x OC. If the OC I show you has only one crush, I WILL NOT change it. No ifs, ands, or buts. Luckily most of my OCs have more than one crush so we shouldn't have problems with that. Also there are some characters I just will not play. If we're roleplaying Naruto, I absolutely will NOT play any Akatsuki member unless we're in an AU setting. I will NOT play Orochimaru or Kabuto. If we're roleplaying Bleach, the same goes for the Arrancar. I will NOT play Aizen, Gin, Mayuri, or Tosen. Sorry but I just can't play them. When roleplaying Originals, I only do OC x Crush/OC x Crush. I will NOT do My OC x Your OC which means I double for all roleplays.

Plot/Universe: When you ask me to roleplay, PLEASE have plot ideas ready! I like to discuss the plot before starting because it makes things more interesting and less likely to get boring. If we're roleplaying a fandom and we're in the canon universe, I will NOT follow the actual plot of the fandom. That completely kills the creativity and to me destroys the whole point of roleplaying. I do allow AU settings. The more creative the plot/universe is, the better! As for crossovers, I will be willing to do them. The more creative, the better!

Method: I only roleplay via e-mail or the messaging system here. Sorry but that's what I'm most comfortable with. My e-mail address is [email protected]. Be sure to tell me your username on here as well if you choose to e-mail me.

Password: Yes I have a password. To ensure you read these rules, put "90s Kids Rule!" in the subject line if you e-mail me. If you don't, I will ignore your message.

Miscellaneous: First impressions last a lifetime. If you message me like this: "wanna rp?" chances are you won't get a response. However if you message me like this: "Would you like to roleplay (insert here)?" I'll definitely respond. Plus don't be afraid to talk to me outside of the roleplay. I'm a pretty nice and cool person so I don't mind. Makes things less awkward don't you agree? If you wish to roleplay more than one fandom, be sure to tell me. The max amount of roleplays I will do with one person is two maybe three.

My list awaits!

Key: Y means I WANT IT!

Anime/TV Shows:
Dragon Ball Z
Naruto (Part 1 or AU only)
Yu-Gi-Oh (Original, GX, or 5Ds)
Peach Girl (Y)
Code Lyoko (Y)
Criminal Minds (Y)
Winx Club
Sonic X
Bakugan (any season)
Bleach (NO Hueco Mundo!)
Yu Yu Hakusho
Teen Titans
Full Metal Alchemist (Original or Brotherhood, NO Homunculus crushes)
Saiyuki Reload
TMNT (2003 only)
Devil May Cry: The Animated Series
Shaman King
Prince of Tennis (Y)
One Piece (AU only)
Boondocks (Y)
Biker Mice From Mars (Y)


House of Night (Y)


Fast and Furious (Y)

Final Destination

Disney (AU only)

Video games:
Tekken (Y)
Soul Calibur (2-4 or AU only)
Devil May Cry
Sonic The Hedgehog
Mortal Kombat
Kingdom Hearts (AU only)
Final Fantasy (X, X-2, or AU only)
Saints Row (3 or 4 only) Y
Dead or Alive (Y)


Just message me with an idea! I got many plot ideas I wanna try (Y)
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I would love to do a Sonic The Hedgehog roleplay or one of your orginal plot ideas.

Buut since you strictly only roleplay Via-Email, yea.... Sorry i'd love to roleplay with you but i'm not going to reveal my email to anyone even if i can trust them since i already had an email of mine hacked and i don't want it to happen again.
I would love to do a Sonic The Hedgehog roleplay or one of your orginal plot ideas.

Buut since you strictly only roleplay Via-Email, yea.... Sorry i'd love to roleplay with you but i'm not going to reveal my email to anyone even if i can trust them since i already had an email of mine hacked and i don't want it to happen again.

Well I wouldn't mind trying the messaging system here as long as there isn't a word limit. That's happened to me too and it sucked badly. Good thing I had just started Roleplaying at the time
I would love to do a Devil May Cry roleplay or Nana one with you! ^-^

I'm also unsure on email though =<
Well I wouldn't mind trying the messaging system here as long as there isn't a word limit. That's happened to me too and it sucked badly. Good thing I had just started Roleplaying at the time
Hah there's no word limit in PM's heck there's no word limit in thread replies either.
I'd be very interested in roleplaying with you, and I'm sure I can comply to your rules! The only problem is is that I don't have any ideas floating around in my head right now. Truthfully, I would simply like to do a roleplay that you've always wanted to do if it's an original idea. I'm not against fandom roleplays, but I'd simply rather use the setting and the world instead of roleplaying as characters from the show or book. If you're still interested in talking or planning out an original plotline together, I'd love to head over to the conversation box and discuss with you.

I know you said this is the password if we want to email you, but I just want you know I read the rules. 90s kids rule!

I'm in +3 GMT, so there a massive time difference between us so I hope you understand if I don't reply immediately if we ever start roleplaying.
I would love to do a Devil May Cry roleplay or Nana one with you! ^-^

I'm also unsure on email though =<

Well like my rules said, I'll do the messaging system too ^_^ NANA sounds AWESOME!!
Awesome! ^-^

Nana is an amazing anime and manga
I'd be very interested in roleplaying with you, and I'm sure I can comply to your rules! The only problem is is that I don't have any ideas floating around in my head right now. Truthfully, I would simply like to do a roleplay that you've always wanted to do if it's an original idea. I'm not against fandom roleplays, but I'd simply rather use the setting and the world instead of roleplaying as characters from the show or book. If you're still interested in talking or planning out an original plotline together, I'd love to head over to the conversation box and discuss with you.

I know you said this is the password if we want to email you, but I just want you know I read the rules. 90s kids rule!

I'm in +3 GMT, so there a massive time difference between us so I hope you understand if I don't reply immediately if we ever start roleplaying.

Ok I got ya :) so what time is it where you live? It's 6:53 am where I am
I'm amazed you know Saiyuki. Applause for that.
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