Road Trips 101

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"You'll never be alone."
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Anytime I have internet access, honestly.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. No Preferences
Science fiction
Naturally developed romance
OC Fandom (ask about my fandoms!)
So, I'm on a road trip with a bunch of hyperactive teenagers, and it got me thinking...what common techniques do you use to make it through road trips, be it driving or as a passenger? Do you enjoy them, or do you dread them? How often do
you even take them?
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I don't like traveling much. But on the occasion that I do pop into a longer car ride I tend to bring music to take my mind off of it. Car karaoke is a must. I also bring a book if I'm knee-deep into one.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I moved from Florida to Maryland with two preteens, a seven year old, a nine year old and two dogs in my truck. Lots of snacks, books, electronics, and plenty of aspirin is how I got through it.
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A bunch of music saved to my phone, an extra battery pack, a book or two, snacks, and potentially a pillow for when it gets late. I just wish I could bring extra leg room...
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I've been a road trip veteran since I was a wee little kid- I probably remember my first one being back when I was just 5 years old! I've been on all sorts of drives since then, ranging from 2- hours to 5 days! My most recent road trip was in fact last Dec- this January, a five day drive, about 10 hours every day.

Normally when I was a kid we'd read books or play games like I spy, spotting yellow cars, silly stuff like that. We'd listen to songs and sing along. As a teen I would mostly binge read or just look outside at the scenery. I'd come up with so many stories and characters and plots like that.

As an adult, welp, there's technology ie celphone, forum jumping, listening to music. I do still like to read, though out loud.

Do I enjoy long drives? It depends... if it's just me and the Mister then sure :3
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I've always been one to complain about travelling, at least before we actually get in the road anyway. I've taken a few especially terrible ones, the longest probably being from New York to Phoenix. Ugh.

But music made it easier for sure. My brothers always had a different taste in music than I did so I would find some new songs I probably wouldn't have listened to elsewhere. I had a Nintendo DS with me at the time as well so I could train my Pokemon to pass time.

Another thing we used to do was tell stories. Mostly about crazy adventures we had when we were younger or we would just make some up (which is how some of my characters came to be!). All in all, as long as I had at least one of my siblings with me travelling wasn't too bad!
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For long road trips we always do scavenger hunts... How many cars can you find that cost more than college tuition... Strange roadkill/animal sightings. Finding an open weigh station is always a huge prize.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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A book or two and my own imagination were the only things I ever had on roadtrips. If I wasn't reading or daydreaming, I was listening to music, napping, or wishing I was somewhere else.

Best though is probably music. Good music can be pretty distracting.
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Mostly I use comedy programs on my ipod to help pass the time. They draw me in more than music and I can binge listen to them which quite quickly racks up a couple of hours passed. If i'm by myself I will switch to music occasionally and belt out the lyrics at the top of my voice. Also a weighty but accessible book is a good thing to have. Oh and Jelly Babies.
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