Road Kill

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October Knight

Original poster
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  1. Male
Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good!
An Alabama man eats nothing but road kill for thirty years.

~click HERE click~

What are your thoughts on this? Human vulture OR sick freak?

You be the judge!

See.... that's nifty and all but, what if the animal was poisoned with something that he doesn't think to look for? That's my only issue - people are sick and they may well have poisoned those bread crumbs that they fed to that pigeon with Methyl Alcohol, Ethylene Glycol, Ricin....
It's free food...For those willing enough to eat it.
We should thank him, he's cleaning up our streets, paying taxes and we don't even have to feed em' ! God bless him.
Pfft, but in all honesty isn't a Human Vulture a Sick Freak ? Looks highly familiar to me. But I wonder, what if a person gets 'road killed', would he eat the person ? DUN DUN DUUUNNNN.

He's a lucky bastard who hasn't gotten rabies yet.
That's all folks ;D !
The article says he always autopsies the kills he finds if he can't identify how they died. So he makes sure they're not poisoned.

I think it's genius. o____o One day our society might collapse and we'll have to learn how to feed ourselves!
The article says he always autopsies the kills he finds if he can't identify how they died. So he makes sure they're not poisoned.

I think it's genius. o____o One day our society might collapse and we'll have to learn how to feed ourselves!

.___. Or we could just plant our food...
But yeah, teeeh man is a GENIUS !
This reminds me of my freshman science teacher. Him and his wife had roadkill on their first date for dinner. I'm too prissy to eat squashed animal off the side of the road but eh, more power to him I guess...
"I think it's genius. o____o One day our society might collapse and we'll have to learn how to feed ourselves!"

If it comes down to this I'm happy I know two types of people : Ones that know what they are doing when it comes to dead animals (never thought I would be glad about that) and ones that can actually cook!

I have seen allot of road kill...........not exactly top notch cuisine there.