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Scifi, fantasy, science fantasy; not necessarily in that order
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Overworld: Iris Landing - OPEN SIGNUPS - IRIS LANDING
Name: Memphis Twice
Gender: Male
Role: Engineer (Conventional and Reverse); Scientist (Chemicals, Energy, and Materials)
Age: 42

Visual Reference:

Character's Goal
When asked what he intends to do with his life Memphis's answer has been roughly the same since he was a child, an adolescent, an adult, and this morning over coffee and bagels: "Get my name in the science books."

For a mind fully engaged in the act of realizing its greatest ambition there is no clear distinction between work and play. For Memphis this means that for every summit he found cresting, the exhilarating gift given to him in exchange for his pain and his love is a better view of the next peak. It was glorious. Having achieved top distinction in his field, his selection for the historic IRIS expedition validates Memphis while also getting his mind working about what the next great achievement could be.

Personality and Background
Memphis's mother died in his infancy. His father worked for a global nuclear agency, and his expertise had Memphis's small family moving around the world every few years. This lead to a life of a wide exposure to different languages, socio-economic levels, and cultural identities. While not without its challenges this had an understandably enormous impact on Memphis.

Memphis is persistent and spontaneous. He is an improvisational thinker who likes to lead with intuition and then use rigorous logic to systematically arrive at simple and elegant solutions. While Memphis's emotional state is often congruent with the events around him, grief in tragedy, fear in peril, pain in suffering and so on, these can sometimes be overwhelmed by either curiosity or a sense of duty.

Along with an assortment of homemade gadgetry, Memphis usually carries a knife and some duct tape.
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Name: Hugo Otrodia
Age: mid-30s
Role: Urban Explorer
Job: Handyman, in a way



Brown eyes. Dark brown hair, easily misremembered as black in the wrong light or out of the corner of the eye. Kept tidy, long enough to be able to style for different disguises, short enough to require a minimum of maintenance. When combined with the shapeless trench coat and feature obscuring hat he often wears, Hugo can be described largely as forgettable. Details about him tend to slip away unless one makes a conscious effort to hold tight.

Those with a reason to pay him some mind recall him as a bit above average in height, of solid build made more so by sure footing, and a thin but visible line across the bridge of his nose where its been broken before. And which he sometimes hides with makeup if he needs to be even less conspicuous than usual.


Hugo once described himself as a micro-hedonist. When pressed to define, his only explanation was that he liked to maximize his joy, minimize his sorrow, and that one of his fundamental goals was to live until he died. He likes games of all types and gambling in its many forms. He's someone generally fun to be around but who can be unsurprisingly unreliable, selfish, and short-sighted.

Friends of Hugo can rely on Hugo to be a friend, to keep his word when given, and to be vocal about whether or not something seems trivial or tedious to him. People outside of his circle will know Hugo to crass, impulsive, and with an outspoken distaste of the wealthy elite, partially because of the rent-seeking behavior wealth exhibits, partially his own jealousy at not being so himself.


Hugo does odd jobs around the city of Oldcliffs. Most involve delivery, the serving of court papers and summons, following people for insurance investigations and the like. He knows his way around the city's many interwoven convolutions and profits off that knowledge to the best of his ability.

Belonging to a world of magic and needing to navigate it as a modern person, Hugo specializes in Transmutation spells. While known to favor spells that make him stronger or faster, and despite a thuggish appearance at first glance, Hugo is also a clever student of magic and capable of more exotic interpretations of Transmutation as well.