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Ready or not!

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Rebeca looked over her shoulder at the men entering the kitchen as she pulled out the clean mugs. She gave her father a small smile, shrugging her shoulders at Nikolai's entrance. She wanted to tell him by not do that, but she figured that he'd insist anyways and it wasn't worth the fight at the moment.

"Ah well that's because you get her on her best behavior," Will chuckled. "I assure you, she was quite a trouble maker as a child."
<You're going to make me cry, mom.> Dimitri said with a soft laugh. <But...thank you. That's probably one of the best compliments I've ever gotten...> He sat down next to his mother and smiled. <I'm...thinking about marrying her....>

Nikolai chuckled as he cleaned. "Dimitri is niet perfect angel either. I know he is act like the gentleman in public, but he is..." He laughed. "He is good boy, but trouble maker."
Dina purred as she rocked the newborn gently. <I can see that,> she grinned. <You get along famously, and you obviously love each other. You will be very happy together. Do you think you will still go to university? I know that was a long-held dream for you. I don't mind ever way, you are already doing so well for yourself...>
"You two do know I'm still in the room, right?" Rebeca asked from her place on the other side of the room. She scoffed a little laugh and turned on her heels holding three mugs of coffee very expertly in her hands. Her waitressing had taught her something.

"Of course we do, sweetheart," Will laughed, kissing her on the head as she walked past him into the living room.

"There's two mugs for you two," she said over her shoulder as she went. She settled herself back down on the couch next to Dina.

Will moved over to help Nikolai dry what he had washed, trying very hard not to feel awkward. "They are both good kids, even if they're too stubborn for their own good..."
<I'll still be going to university.> he assured his mother with a confident smile. <Pete is ready to take over more of the business while I do, and I'll figure out a way to balance everything.> He shrugged. <I'm already signed up for the fall semester.>

Nikolai chuckled at Rebeca's statement. "Is our job as parents to be embarrassing, da?" He looked at William, smiling. He also felt a little awkward, but he wasn't going to bring any attention to it. He thanked William for his help and nodded. "Da. Sometimes stubborn is good, though. Dimitri is take after me in so many of the ways. The good and the bad. But is turn into good man. I am proud."
Dina smiled at Rebeca and accepted the coffee with thanks. <We should go soon. We don't want to stay too long and tire you out. You all should try to rest as much as possible,> she said, offering the baby to her son before turning back to the young girl. <But do you have any questions? You know I would be more than happy to help if you do. I remember how overwhelming it can feel at times as a new mother, especially with all the emotions still...>
((Gah, sorry guys))

"He is a good man," Will agreed. Even if he was quick to jump to conclusions, he'd never treated Rebeca badly, and was stepping up far more than he needed to with her. He knew he could count on him to take care of hi little girl. "Rebeca is far too much like me I fear. I did hope she'd turn out more like her mother, but I suppose she's got enough of Kelly that it balances out me."

Rebeca opened her mouth to protest them leaving, buy it wouldn't have been the total truth. She did like his parents, honestly. Just it'd be nice to sleep some more without feeling too bad about them being here. Though she knew they were happy to help, and happy to hold the baby. Slowly, she shook her head though. "<I thinkn I'm good right now,>" she nodded more. "<Everything has been...normal so far. I know you're just a call away though.>" And she was more than thankful about that just then.
Dimitri took his son and smiled, holding the boy and watching everyone. It was nice to have them around. It was nice to see them and to have them know he was an adult and just...he was happy.

Nikolai nodded, moving into the living room with Will and his coffee. He sat down on the couch and smiled. "I am too young to be grandparent." he said with a laugh. "But, child is cute enough. I guess I am ok with." he said, a happy look on his face.
Dina smiled at her and leaned against her husband, sipping her coffee. <I am glad, I hope you enjoy this time. He will be so big before you know it,> she told her with a knowing wink at her son. <But yes, please call us any time, if you need anything, even if it's just someone to lend an ear.> She patted Nikolai's knee affectionately.
"<Of course,>" she laughed softly, nodding her head some. She knew she would call if she needed the help. Even if she might call hey family and friends a little more readily, she wouldn't hesitate if she thought that Dina would be the better help.

"I'm sure my grandfather said much the same thing when I was born," she smiled, looking to Nikolai, her father hanging back closer to the kitchen still. "Though he was far less accommodating than you two are being, for a long while."
Nikolai chuckled. "Well, there is nothing we can do to stop it now, da? Time to just enjoy it."

Dimitri nodded, watching the child, barely listening to anything going on around him. He started going through a list of things he needed to do in his head. "Pete might come over a little later." he said randomly, shaking himself from his thoughts to smile at Rebeca. "If you're ok with it."
Dina looked over to Will, hanging in the background, and smiled at him encouragingly. "You are, eh..." she fished around for the word she needed, idly patting Nikolai's leg in thought. "Proud? Da, is word! You are proud grandfather?" She smiled again, proud of herself for getting the right word out.
Will almost started at unexpectedly being addressed. He almost looked over his shoulder to see if she was talking to someone behind him, but he knew she wasn't. "Ah yeah, I guess," he said, scrubbing at the back of his neck without coming into the room more. He still wasn't quite up to that.

Rebeca glanced up at Dimitri, smiling at him some. "Sure," she shrugged. She figured that he'd not stay too long. And he'd be helpful if he did come over like his parents had been.
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