
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster
I've been trying to uplaod images to help out with my RP business, but it keeps saying:

Messege from webpage

Something something this picture exceeds your quota.

and the amount gets lower by the minute @_@

you can only upload a certain amouynt of images, it might be that. now bye! *scurries off*
In that case I'm just gonna go delete a few picture from some old threads. >__>
You may want to consider setting up an account on an image-sharing website such as PhotoBucket; that way you can host your images on your account there and add your pictures to threads with [ img ] [ /img ] tags.
Could be you've uploaded too many pictures in a certain time span or an error from it being in the wrong format or too big.

The number (I can't really judge since I don't see a screenshot of the error) might be the amount of tie you need to wait until you can try uploading again.

That... might just be it.
-feels like a possible dumbass-