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Country Roads
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae molestie nulla. Donec sit amet ipsum pellentesque, dictum nunc et, placerat elit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent nisi neque, aliquam ut pretium ut, pulvinar sed justo. Phasellus leo leo, semper et massa vitae, porta egestas dolor. Donec sollicitudin egestas porttitor. Morbi tempor, urna eu tincidunt dignissim, urna augue dignissim est, ac tempus mauris est interdum tellus. Ut dictum lobortis purus, eget commodo nibh condimentum in. Aenean consequat lorem vitae nisl cursus luctus. Nulla eu sapien eget diam dignissim aliquet in maximus nibh. Mauris rhoncus vehicula urna, ut rhoncus massa interdum dapibus. Donec in enim urna.

Phasellus sit amet dui id massa tempor tristique. Nunc ut volutpat nisi. Donec tincidunt mauris ac velit auctor luctus. Nulla vitae iaculis leo. Vivamus eros eros, rhoncus sed varius scelerisque, luctus et urna. Aliquam vitae consequat quam, ac imperdiet massa. Integer pulvinar tincidunt molestie. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Suspendisse facilisis urna at lorem euismod pharetra.
Nam vitae porttitor diam, eget vulputate lacus. Integer elit nulla, fringilla congue feugiat eu, molestie eu nibh. Aenean tristique in nibh sit amet porta. Etiam tellus ipsum, fringilla id sodales eu, consectetur ut nisl.

Vestibulum eu ligula at dolor euismod volutpat hendrerit ac metus. Proin fermentum semper augue vitae posuere. Praesent vitae ante ac nunc faucibus mattis at non tortor. Sed porttitor efficitur porttitor. Sed elit lectus, accumsan at arcu a, tristique pretium leo. Nullam ac sodales mi. Aliquam a mattis ex. Cras a purus pulvinar, vestibulum libero ac, ultrices magna. Nam id lorem est. Duis commodo lacus a lacus pulvinar sodales volutpat in velit.

Phasellus finibus dapibus sem a venenatis. Phasellus lobortis felis nec volutpat varius. Proin in pellentesque felis. Suspendisse ornare, justo sed efficitur porttitor, augue massa sollicitudin est, sed molestie sapien risus vitae erat. Mauris dolor odio, semper vitae blandit ac, laoreet eget arcu. Integer tristique pharetra odio, et suscipit sapien vestibulum eget. Donec imperdiet risus eget lectus porttitor lacinia. Mauris et scelerisque eros.

Proin a quam feugiat, dapibus mi et, cursus sapien. Cras turpis lorem, ultricies at maximus vel, sollicitudin ut tortor. Mauris ultrices libero non metus porttitor, eu finibus felis commodo. Maecenas tincidunt tellus nisi, aliquet vestibulum lectus elementum vitae. Aliquam vulputate, sapien id auctor egestas, nisl sem aliquam ex, quis convallis sapien dolor nec orci. Praesent sollicitudin, magna quis facilisis interdum, nibh nisl placerat nisi, sed ultrices dolor neque id libero. Curabitur cursus dolor nisl, quis gravida turpis malesuada quis. In et laoreet mi, vitae vehicula ligula. Aliquam vitae pharetra lacus. In nec imperdiet orci. Aenean iaculis aliquet condimentum.
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Country Roads, Take Me Home~

Acorn Ridge is a small town just outside Nashville, it was founded by Edward Ridge in 1697. It was named after his last name and the Oak Tree that still stands in the middle of the town center to this day. The town was built around the tree and the tree is protected as sacred to the town. Overtime more people came in to the town and made their homes, starting up businesses and the community grew together as one.

Soon the community center was built and everyone came together. Got to know each other and families were formed. The town lasted through wars, storms and what gave hope was the tree that always stood proudly in the sun. Years past and the little town became all anyone ever knew, their lives were pretty much set there. Of course that didn't mean some young folk didn't dream and move to the city.

Though the city came to them. In 2016, a corporation called Akai Corp came and pushed at the mayor to let them buy the town and land for mass production of the town's goods. The Mayor straight up refused and told them to leave. Though they did not, they put up a superstore called Akai Mart. It took business from the local shops by passers by. It was a danger to all of them.

Getting the town to work together however was a feat in itself. Overtime skirmishes, drama, infidelity, feuds are now a part of everyday life in this town. One should say that living in such closeness causes people to start trouble. They now have to try to put their differences aside and save their town from the hands of the corporate monster and protect their way of living.

1) Don't be a Dick.
2) Follow all Iwaku Rules
3) No perfect characters or controlling other people's characters. Godmodding or doing things you know aren't proper roleplay etiquette.
4) One liners are frowned upon here, don't come in with shitty character sheets or short paragraph posts. Only 3 paragraphs minimum a post.
5) Drama must stay IC if we see drama outside in OOC we will deal with it swiftly.
6) @T E R R O R is my co-GM follow their word as much as mine.
7) Stay active IC or else your character will mysteriously disappear. If you cannot be active for an amount of time let one of us know either through PM or OOC.

Character Sheet~
Personality: (1 paragraph minimum, no list of traits)

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