puddin n such

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are you my mother?

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Corvus Corax

Original poster
I'm totes new. Seriously. It says so on my profile.
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Well, Corvus Corax, the totes new guy/girl/miscellaneous entity, welcome to Iwaku, a land of methodical madness and dysfunctional organization! If you need anything, I always have snack pastries and good advice!
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You are a LIAR! *pelts you with various types of pastries and deserts*
It was sarcasm....mmmmmm-kay. Not my fault she was smart and looked! -pelted by sugary things- o.O ow. Throw something squishie....like brains...or marshmallows.
*throws squids*
Hey! Are you really new? Your username rings a bell! :( but maybe I'm just remembering something wrong, I've got a terrible memory!
He's She's been on since two day from now, 2009. He's She's pulling a joke!
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She* apparently, according to her profile. Lol you really must not have looked at it =P
Where you been?

Seriously, dude.
sup bruddah, where is the hotsacue luv?