Two guards paced themselves on the hard marble stone floor of the luxurious home they were assigned to.
"So Jim, do you think that this project is actually worth all the risks? You know as well, as I do that the Brotherhood most likely knows about the girl." One of them asked.
Jim shrugged and removed the now dead cigar from his mouth and then scratch his oversized grizzly bear looking beard.
"Hector, I am a veteran of this so called rebellion. Those red bastards aren't anything to be afraid of. Every time that they attack us, we always drive them off. This new campaign against the "Dante Branch" will end the same way. The Crusaders will kill their leaders and then the reds will become disorganized and flee to the hills, where the Norfolkians wipe them to kingdom come for crossing over illegally."
Hector wasn't easily persuaded by anyone, "But Jim… What if they…"
The grizzled vet then slapped the other guard, "Don't worry. We have the blessings of the new High Priest. Unlike, the last one, he is young and full of passion. We can't start doubting our religion, the Lord will protect us. That's way, we have to be assigned her to protect the Messiah Gen…"
Just then the voice of a sulky young girl was heard, "For the one hundredth time, my name is Sahar. S-A-H-A-R. How many times do I have to spell it out for you? And not to sound rude, but you guys are really loud. You aren't very good guards if I can hear you all the way in the reading room."
Jim and Hector stared at each other, "Uh… How did you get out?"
The two guards remained unsure, when neither of them could give each other a decent answer, "Did you allow Genesis to get out of her room? I thought that those scientists were supposed to be watching her twenty four, seven."
The young girl was bored of watching the antics of the two bumbling government guards,"So, you guys are supposed to know things, were are am I supposed to be going anyways? This wait is boring and I don't like being in my room all day. And why isn't mommy around for this trip?"
The guards then looked on in concern, when Sahar eyes seemed to become distant and gloomy.
"Why isn't my mom home by now? I didn't did anything to offend her, did I? Eeep! What happens, if I did? Oh no! She isn't going to care for me anymore!!!! And that means that mean old men will watch me!!! Gaaa!!!"
The girl's face then went into distraught. Her bright brown eyes started to fill with the pure crystal colored forms of tears.
"Look at what you did, you made her screwy with that damn beard of yours!!!!" Hector shouted.
Jim rolled his eyes, "Hector, she is just a young woman. She's just scared about this big change..."
Hector shook his head, "But Jim, she isn't a normal little girl!"
That statement made Sahar go off the deep end even more, "Not normal??!!? I'm 14 years old and I'm the best in my class, even if I am just home schooled…"
The older soldier walked over to Genesis, "Now now, Genesis, there is nothing to be worked about. Your "mother" is just out for the night, she has work to do with the Mr. Talbot. You know that, she will be back sooner or later. She just can't stay here at home all the time, you know." He smiled at her and placed his hand on her shoulder.
However something strange occurred to him as he touched her. Increased heart rate. Labored breathing. The soldier felt, as if his heart was starting to burn in pain.
"Gaahh!! Put out the fire; it is burning!!!! Gaahh!!" Jim pulled his hand off of Sahar.
He then started to roll around the ground, acting as if there was a flame spreading across his body. He felt the pain grow in pain.
Hector looked on in fear, the blood in his very veins stopped flowing. A pale ghost, he had become. Animal instinct took over his mind.
"She is distracted!!! I can't let her kill me…" He thought.
Then by natural instinct he grabbed for his rifle and readied it at the young girl. Sahar was indeed busy yelling at the man on the ground crying in pain.
"Don't touch me! No one is allowed to lay a finger on me. And for the last time, I am Sahar! Stop calling me Genesis!"
"She is not a human, she was created by mankind…So I can kill her, it won't be a sin…Because she was created by man, not God, she has no soul…Yeah, like a machine…."
Sahar could feel the fear following from the diminutive man with the firearm. He then looked up to feel the same "flames" now spreading to him. It soon surrounded his body and the same intense feelings of pain; both men were now on the ground. This was no way for a soldier to go down….
"Idiots. You weren't very fun to mess with." She laughed.
Sahar then walked back towards her window and looked out the window to see the massive man-made habitat they called Semile.
A voice then came from down the stairs, the voice of a college graduate aged woman was heard, "Sahar. Mommy is back, where are you?"
The sounds of moaning then ceased.