Project: Firefly

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Biography: (Memories are altered and lies are fed to the point that they think they are on a redeeming path and are fighting for justice. They might even have no criminal history at all in reality (or were framed), but fake memories would lead them to believe that they do.

Their criminal background, how much of their memories were altered, and how it affects their personality is up to the role-player. They are not like mindless drones, but they do have to believe that they are relieving themselves from past crimes. At least for now.

What is written here must only have the altered version of your character's memories. You may PM me the unaltered version or store the ideas elsewhere.)
Augmentations: (With description)
Appearance: (Picture, text, or both. Semi-realistic pictures only. No real people pics.)


Feel free to switch up the formatting, but don't leave anything blank. For those with elaborately coded character sheets, do make sure to provide an uncoded version in the same post. Put it in a spoiler and do not include any images or formatting. Italics and the likes are fine, but refrain from adding text color.

Lastly, keep OOC chatter and WIPs out of this thread please. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to poke me over Discord or PMs.
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ALIASES: The dog, Boomer
CODE NAME: Watchdog
GENDER: male ♂
AGE: 25 (twenty-five)

Not one to take life too seriously Wayland lives in the moment. He doesn't like to plan ahead, set out a 'definite' path for himself. Nor does he like to look back at his past and wallow over regrets. He takes what he gets and goes on with his life as the moment allows him. Life is wasted by being serious, if you ask him. Too many things to find out, to do, to experience. If there is one definite plan within Wayland's life it is that he wishes to experience everything at least once.

Some would call him an eternal child for that. Never quite settling down on anything, never willing to sit still and listen. With Wayland a serious conversation is nearly impossible. While he is willing to plan and organise he isn't willing to let a grave mood take over. He likes it simple, he likes it airy, and no one can prevent him from making a joke or two. However, that doesn't mean that he doesn't take his missions seriously, which is often greatly misunderstood. It is just that he is a lot more laid-back in his attitude than others might expect, or wish to see.

One notable trait about Wayland is his dry humour, that most don't find funny except from himself, and his constant need to curse. He doesn't mean anything personal with it. Neither does he mean to offend, or come across as aggressive, or angry. It is just simply the language he picked up on since young and a habit he hasn't really founda need to get rid off. Vulgarities are part of his identity, he feels. For someone who had to give up their own identity he likes to maintain the parts that he was allowed to have.

Wayland doesn't remember his life before joining Firefly much. BioTech has ensured that most of his memories were taken. However, they did make sure to leave the essential parts within him that keeps him moving and loyal to the corporation.

His story starts, or so he believes, in the poorest district of the city. As a young boy he had little means to survive on and robbing others for your bread was a survival tactic. While he was in luck that he didn't have to face the black rain the young Wayland didn't have much to live by, or live for. His life was destined for the path of criminality.

It was with such bad influences that Wayland grew up to become a raider. Kicking in doors for the loan sharks to collect their money. Occasionally he would rob a shop or two with his team, if they needed the extra money. It was a hard and disgraceful life, but Wayland didn't know any better.

That was until one of the raids went terribly wrong. Where most fear for their lives the shopkeeper apparently had decided that they rather wanted to die than to give up their possessions to the loan sharks. An explosion later and Wayland's life as he had known up until that point changed forever.

The next thing Wayland knows is that he woke up anew. Men in suits were waiting for him and spoke of this new life and chance he could have. One where he didn't have to worry about the hunger he experienced as a child. Where he was allowed to live as he wanted as long as he did what they wanted. His primary necessities would be provided for, his life wasn't his own anymore, but at least the male would be liberated from the crimes and poverty he had experienced before. Again, not knowing any better than man accepted, along with the new parts they had made part of his body. There really wasn't much to argue about against the offer given.

"I'm just your dog. Give me a home and feed me, I will bark when you call me."

Wayland only got the most necessary parts of his body replaced with cyberparts along with the required augmentations that the company forces on everyone who joins the Fireflies.

He got his eyes, his left arm, and parts of his face replaced with cyberparts, leaving the rest of his body intact. The new arm that he received is made lightweight on purpose so that the male retains his agility and speed that he was also known for before he had joined Firefly. It equips a built in tazer, but also serves as a gunblade, making it thus usable both ranged and in melee combat.

His eyes are replaced by mechanical ones, where he has received the neon coloured irises from the company that records whatever he sees as well. An added feature to Wayland's eyes is, which is still in an experimental state, the ability to switch between normal, night, and infra-red vision. All that can be used according to the situation.

At last parts of his face has been replaced as well. It is one of the reasons why he has such an unique facial painting. for Wayland tries to cover up the scars and the spots that aren't 'him' anymore. The only special feature he has received there is a fire igniter at the right side of his face near his mouth. It makes it easier to light up a smoke, but also for old fashioned bombs and fireworks, as he likes to call it. He can retract and hide the igniter in his right cheek, where it will stay safely stored until the need is there to use it.

APPEARANCE: Click this if you can't see the image left.

Name: Wayland Turing
Aliases: The dog. Boomer
Codename: Watchdog
Gender: Male
Age: 25

Personality: Not one to take life too seriously Wayland lives in the moment. He doesn't like to plan ahead, set out a 'definite' path for himself. Nor does he like to look back at his past and wallow over regrets. He takes what he gets and goes on with his life as the moment allows him. Life is wasted by being serious, if you ask him. Too many things to find out, to do, to experience. If there is one definite plan within Wayland's life it is that he wishes to experience everything at least once.

Some would call him an eternal child for that. Never quite settling down on anything, never willing to sit still and listen. With Wayland a serious conversation is nearly impossible. While he is willing to plan and organise he isn't willing to let a grave mood take over. He likes it simple, he likes it airy, and no one can prevent him from making a joke or two. However, that doesn't mean that he doesn't take his missions seriously, which is often greatly misunderstood. It is just that he is a lot more laid-back in his attitude than others might expect, or wish to see.

One notable trait about Wayland is his dry humour, that most don't find funny except from himself, and his constant need to curse. He doesn't mean anything personal with it. Neither does he mean to offend, or come across as aggressive, or angry. It is just simply the language he picked up on since young and a habit he hasn't really founda need to get rid off. Vulgarities are part of his identity, he feels. For someone who had to give up their own identity he likes to maintain the parts that he was allowed to have.

Biography: Wayland doesn't remember his life before joining Firefly much. BioTech has ensured that most of his memories were taken. However, they did make sure to leave the essential parts within him that keeps him moving and loyal to the corporation.

His story starts, or so he believes, in the poorest district of the city. As a young boy he had little means to survive on and robbing others for your bread was a survival tactic. While he was in luck that he didn't have to face the black rain the young Wayland didn't have much to live by, or live for. His life was destined for the path of criminality.

It was with such bad influences that Wayland grew up to become a raider. Kicking in doors for the loan sharks to collect their money. Occasionally he would rob a shop or two with his team, if they needed the extra money. It was a hard and disgraceful life, but Wayland didn't know any better.

That was until one of the raids went terribly wrong. Where most fear for their lives the shopkeeper apparently had decided that they rather wanted to die than to give up their possessions to the loan sharks. An explosion later and Wayland's life as he had known up until that point changed forever.

The next thing Wayland knows is that he woke up anew. Men in suits were waiting for him and spoke of this new life and chance he could have. One where he didn't have to worry about the hunger he experienced as a child. Where he was allowed to live as he wanted as long as he did what they wanted. His primary necessities would be provided for, his life wasn't his own anymore, but at least the male would be liberated from the crimes and poverty he had experienced before. Again, not knowing any better than man accepted, along with the new parts they had made part of his body. There really wasn't much to argue about against the offer given.

"I'm just your dog. Give me a home and feed me, I will bark when you call me."

Augmentations: Wayland only got the most necessary parts of his body replaced with cyberparts along with the required augmentations that the company forces on everyone who joins the Fireflies.

He got his eyes, his left arm, and parts of his face replaced with cyberparts, leaving the rest of his body intact. The new arm that he received is made lightweight on purpose so that the male retains his agility and speed that he was also known for before he had joined Firefly. It equips a built in tazer, but also serves as a gunblade, making it thus usable both ranged and in melee combat.

His eyes are replaced by mechanical ones, where he has received the neon coloured irises from the company that records whatever he sees as well. An added feature to Wayland's eyes is, which is still in an experimental state, the ability to switch between normal, night, and infra-red vision. All that can be used according to the situation.

At last parts of his face has been replaced as well. It is one of the reasons why he has such an unique facial painting. for Wayland tries to cover up the scars and the spots that aren't 'him' anymore. The only special feature he has received there is a fire igniter at the right side of his face near his mouth. It makes it easier to light up a smoke, but also for old fashioned bombs and fireworks, as he likes to call it. He can retract and hide the igniter in his right cheek, where it will stay safely stored until the need is there to use it.

Seina Kyrenei
AGE : 21 years old



Despite being a quiet woman, Seina exudes confidence and is an extremely prideful person. This often leads to her ignoring any plans or commands given to her by any fellow teammate. Instead, she tends to charge straight in to danger without any fear. Seina had no time to be scared, not while she was still alive. This was her belief, and she stuck to it no matter what. She was fearless and strong with the confidence to back it all up. With such pride, one would think she would have been against even being a part of the Firefly Project in the first place, but on the contrary, she is quite grateful to BioTech for giving her power and a purpose.

Her social skills, on the other hand, were lacking. By nature, she was a very quiet person who loathed talking for long periods of time simply because it was tiresome. A simple yes or no is most likely all one will get from her. Her lack of communication skills and her usually emotionless facial expression add to her already cold appearance, making it even more difficult to forge relationships with others.

Though she appears to be unfriendly and hard to approach, Seina quite likes the company of others, especially if they come to her for small repairs or to just complain. She may not speak much, but she listens and tries her best to show sympathy, just as her sister had once done for her.

Living in the poor district was tough for everyone, especially for Seina and her older sister, Marina, who was older by six years. Marina looked out for her sister, who at the time was not as fearless or strong, often having to defend her from thieves and finding food for the both of them. It was a hard life, but it was the best they could get, and they were thankful.

One moment that Seina could remember very clearly was when Marina was attacked as they were walking by a large muscular man. He held her tightly from behind, making her unable to move to reach her holstered knife. At the time, Seina was sitting on the ground, fear rendering her unable to move. Her sister desperately called for Seina to help and only then was she able to move again. In one quick motion, she lunged at the holstered knife before the man could react and grabbed it, following through her dive to land on the ground. As the man dropped Marina and turned to grab Seina, she took advantage of her small stature by ducking past his arms and pushing the knife deep into his chest. After that, her memory gets blurry.

However, one day, a gang of men showed up at the small shack they lived in, yelling for revenge for one of their members. Marina did her best to defend Seina, not wanting her to shed anymore blood with her innocent hands. Unafraid and willing to die to protect her, Marina dove straight into the gang with knife in hand. Seina could only cower in the corner of the shack, watching as her sister fought them off. One by one, the men dropped to the ground, but her sister was clearly beaten up and worn out. The last man stood against Marina, a gun pointed to her head. Before she could even begin running towards him, he shot, killing her instantly. Blinded by rage, she forgot about the fear that once prevented her from moving and ran at the man. And then her memory fades.

The next thing she remembers is being taken away to BioTech with her hands bloodied with what she assumed was that mans blood. When at BioTech, they offered her a deal; give her life to them and in exchange, they provide a home and food. She inquired further on what giving her life to them meant and in reply, they stated that they would modify her body to make her stronger. As soon as she heard this, she agreed. If it meant becoming stronger and being able to live as her sister did, she would do anything.

Her need to be strong led her to have 70% of her body augmented. For the most part, her body is covered in a strong, yet light metal that can deflect bullets. Her physical attacks also pack quite a punch because of this.

Her right arm can shift into a high powered gun that can be either a rapid-firing gun, sniper, or a laser based on how she chooses to use it. The wiring that powers the mechanical limbs can power her gun, thus making it a sniper. If she runs out of ammunition, her last resort is to use her arm as a laser, but she tries to avoid this as it irritates her body and weakens her physically. Her left hand is a multipurpose tool that can be used to repair herself or others.

Seina Kyrenei

AGE : 21 years old



Despite being a quiet woman, Seina exudes confidence and is an extremely prideful person. This often leads to her ignoring any plans or commands given to her by any fellow teammate. Instead, she tends to charge straight in to danger without any fear. Seina had no time to be scared, not while she was still alive. This was her belief, and she stuck to it no matter what. She was fearless and strong with the confidence to back it all up.

Her social skills, on the other hand, were lacking. By nature, she was a very quiet person who loathed talking for long periods of time. A simple yes or no is most likely all one will get from her. Her lack of communication skills and her usually emotionless facial expression added to her already cold appearance.

Though she appears to be unfriendly and hard to approach,
Seina quite likes the company of others, especially if they come to her for small repairs. She may not speak much, but she listens and tries her best to show sympathy.

Seina's life before BioTech is a blur, but she remembers bits and pieces.

Living in the poor district was tough for everyone, especially for Seina and her older sister, Marina, who was older by six years. Marina looked out for her sister, who at the time was not as fearless or strong, often having to defend her from thieves and finding food for the both of them. It was a hard life, but it was the best they could get, and they were thankful.

However, one day, a gang of men showed up at the small shack they lived in, yelling for revenge for one of their members Marina had injured once. She did her best to defend the young, weak Seina. Unafraid and willing to die to protect her, Marina dove straight into the gang with knife in hand. Seina could only cower in the corner of the shack, watching as her sister fought them off but eventually died.

She can't remember what happened immediately after, but she soon found herself at BioTech. They asked her if she wanted to be strong. Without any hesitation, she agreed. Her sister was gone and now she had no one to protect her, so she would have to do it herself. She would live just as Marina had; fighting everyday without fear.

Her need to be strong led her to have 70% of her body augmented. For the most part, her body is covered in a strong, yet light metal that can deflect bullets. Her physical attacks also pack quite a punch because of this.

Her right arm can shift into a high powered gun that can be either a rapid-firing gun, sniper, or a laser based on how she chooses to use it. The wiring that powers the mechanical limbs can power her gun, thus making it a sniper. If she runs out of ammunition, her last resort is to use her arm as a laser, but she tries to avoid this as it irritates her body and weakens her physically. Her left hand is a multipurpose tool that can be used to repair herself or others.
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Name: Ansgar Staudinger

Age: 41

Alias: Gramps

Codename: Fixer

Personality: Ansgar is a, relatively speaking, experienced hand at his line of work, according to BioTech. As such, his personality tends to convey that old guy expression, relatively speaking of course, too old for this nonsense and playing off the fact he has been around the block a few times. He's an observant soul, though, and uses the facade to keep an eye on his surroundings, always gathering information and storing it away for later use or abuse, as needed. Of course he won't say this to anyone's face, preferring to keep on most people's good side, doing his best to avoid ticking people off when possible. It was easier to work with people when they weren't out for his blood, after all.

This isn't to say he is a pushover, Ansgar being of the opinion that if he doesn't stand for himself, no one ever will. It is a classic outlook of the number one person interested in his wellbeing is him, and he treats it as such. He tends towards a quiet sort of determination, not backing down on something but not being fond of being a loud, blustering sort of person. This tends to bleed over into how he speaks and acts, preferring to speak calmly and softly, and let his actions make the noise he needs whenever shaking things up is necessary. Trust is slow to come, and fast and easy to lose, so he tends to keep anyone he works with at arms length, for both parties safety, as if one goes down, the other won't be drug down with them easily. Purely professional, of course, though he does have his anger when it is raised.

The quickest way to tick Ansgar off would be to betray him or double back on a deal, and he will hold a grudge long past when its healthy. He'll also avenge his grudge at a likely inopportune moment, mostly for the person in question, making them repay their debt in full before he would consider helping them. He will also be patient, waiting until they might have very well forgotten whatever slight they made against him, but Ansgar is not one to forget, nor is he one to forgive without good reason. But good luck picking it out, since he'll keep up the polite and calm facade right up until the gates come crashing open, preferring to let them not see their repentance coming and try to avoid it.

Biography: Ansgar is a complete wipe job by the members of BioTech working on his conversion case, and only the absolute necessities were programmed in to retain the skills he needed to be useful to the corporation, without compromising on the fact that he has to remain loyal and willing to do his job. Said necessities were his name, knowledge of how to apply his skills and abilities, and nothing else. The powers that be refused to risk leaving him anything that he could put together and link into the proper past, and made sure nothing remained, and the replacement was approved of before hand. As such, anything from his past that he thinks might be accurate, or not, is merely what was told to him after he woke up surrounded by suits explaining and offering him a deal with the Firefly program. Of course, this wasn't much, but it was all he had to work off.

According to the Biotech representatives that Ansgar spoke with, he had been a promising young man growing up, with a fascination with electronics and software. Being born into a decently well off family meant that he did, in fact, live in the Salvation City proper rather than the Edge. Being a well off child meant he had free access to any toys or trinkets he was interested in, and it always ended up being any and all things electronic, delving into their inner workings, how their code ran, and how to reprogram them for his own designs. Being seen as a sort of wonder child by his parents, supposedly, he was sent off to a specialized school for programmers and technicians.

It was here that he fell into a less than savory crowd, what the others referred to as 'white hat' hackers. They would find loopholes in security, software of all sorts, even the hardware that said programs were loaded onto. While their activities were illegal, by all definition of the law, they were often overlooked due to their intentions being to fix the security problems by showing others how they existed. According to BioTech, this wasn't good enough for Ansgar, so after he finished his schooling, he vanished off the grid, setting himself up as an information broker, acquiring and selling information at a profit. He started small, fitting his lack of experience, though he wouldn't waste much time with small fish for long.

Whether it was selling proprietary information from one corporation to another, identifying information on people in both the Edge and Salvation City, Ansgar made a name for himself as a hacker and dealer of information, and business was good. If the price was right, he'd go after anyone, and that is how he ended up crossing the wrong people. Almost twenty years of work came back to haunt him, and certain gangs came after him, putting him on the run. That, according to BioTech, was when they came across him, and rebuilt him from his near death as a sign of goodwill. While he was a criminal by every stretch of the imagination, they made him an offer. Apply his talents for them, and they would take care of him with some pay on the side, and he could stay true to his White Hat origins while redeeming himself, helping others with his skills.

Ansgar didn't trust them as far as he could throw them, but he had little choice considering his complete loss of memory. He agreed to their terms to serve as a Firefly, carefully omitting the for now he wanted to include. He would have to find ways to dig up the truth of the matter, whether they were right or not.

Neurological: BioTech engaged in heavily invasive surgery to overhaul his entire nervous system, the primary intent being to allow him to jack into networks and other electronic systems, allowing him to cut out the physical interface and speed up his interaction with software and accompanying hardware systems. Each of his wrists has a snap open port that has a cable he can spool out, hooking it into any available data port. Of course, this doesn't limit his means to use physical interfaces, but it gives him an edge few others can claim to have. An unintended side effect was the superiority of the cybernetic neural system over his original biological one, coupled with the interface installed into his brain, means he can process bodily signals faster and react to changing situations faster than he ever could before.

Cranial: Most of the surgical work that BioTech did for Ansgar was in his head, literally. Subdermal reinforcement plates of his skull allowed for the cybernetic installations and, secondarily, made him far more resilient to head traumas. At the point where the spine meets his skull, a black box module was installed. While this recorded any information that Ansgar accessed via direct link, it also acted as a buffer, preventing nervous system overload of his brain from occurring by buffering signals from his cybernetic nervous system when traffic exceeded a safe limit, and making it far safer for him to uplink with other systems and prevented stunners that operated on locking up the nerves from working. Unlike most others, he lacks any sort of optical enhancements, meaning his eyes are completely natural, lacking additional tools and cannot be tapped into to watch from afar. Likewise, his other senses remain unaugmented, so any other work done in his head was to ensure compatibility with the rest of his augments.

Stun Knuckles: The only built in self defense system that Ansgar has, and acts as a natural extension of his other cybernetics, he can charge his knuckles with electricity, pulled from separate batteries installed in each of his palms vice anywhere else. This means that, if he needs to catch someone off guard or short a system, a quick sucker punch can carry far more weight than expected. Officially, these are non lethal, but the possibility to jack up the amperage drawn from the batteries, vastly limited to a level of 5 miliamps, could make them extremely lethal. As of right now, they carry several million volts with each blow, the self charging batteries good for several consecutive punches before requiring a full recharge.

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Coda; Share Tech; Iceland; Roboto;
Lucas Hsieh

19 years old
Young and Menace - Fall Out Boy

1 - personality




Lucas is a rather contradicting fellow. Most of the time is he the mischievous sort. Pulling pranks on others and annoying them is his thing. There are times however when he would openly choose to seclude himself from other people and just observe from the sidelines. The quietness and peace that comes with being alone is something he enjoys and appreciates, though he can't exactly understand why that is.

What is consistent however is his observation skills. There isn't much that escapes Lucas' eye. It also helps that his eyes are augmentations that allow him to see from a great distance. From afar, he would watch others and learn little things about them such as mannerisms and whatnot. Lucas sees patterns in how people acted and even conversed. If the pattern was broken, he would most likely notice it.

There was also his independence. Lucas believes that there is no one else he could rely on other than himself. He hardly seeks for anyone's help and will always try to do things on his own. Part of him simply doesn't want to feel in debt to others for helping him out. The other part of him believes that there is no one who would willingly help him out. It always comes as a surprise to him when someone does offer to help him out with something.

He can be a rather tactless person as well. Often would he say things in a very blunt and matter of factly manner. Ninety percent of the time he doesn't care if his words hurt others. The other ten percent is him not realising sooner that his words would be hurtful.

Although he may seem like the reckless sort due to his mischievous side, he actually isn't--far from it actually. Lucas doesn't charge head on into things. Fighting and confrontations are things he avoids when he can.

2 - biography




As far as Lucas can remember, his childhood was not very ideal. He was an unwanted orphan boy who was later adopted by a couple claiming to be his aunt and uncle. They took him in to live with them in Salvation City. The couple treated him well and didn't give up on him. For the first time in his life Lucas found himself happy and content.

Unfortunately, he just can't seemu to get himself out of trouble. He was young and he was foolish. Wanting to earn a bit more money for himself, Lucas began smuggling drugs. At first, it was great. He made a profit and even managed to save up money to get a pair of wing augmentations that he's been eyeing on for quite sometime.

As good as he was at what he was doing, he eventually got caught and was taken into custody. Needless to say, his adoptive parents were greatly disappointed in him. It was at that point that Lucas felt the lowest he ever in his life.

It was a week later he was taken in that BioTech reached out. They were offering him a chance at redeeming himself. Remembering the faces of the people he's disappointed, Lucas couldn't say no and thus started he became a part of Project:Firefly.

3 - appearance




* Hair - White

* Eyes - Blue
* Height - 5'4"

* Weight - 124 lbs

One of Lucas' most striking features is his hair. Lucas' hair appear to be very soft and feather-like. They're dyed pure white with some streaks of bright blue added in. His original hair colour was black, quite the polar opposite from what they are now. His eyes are of striking cobalt blue colour that is further accentuated by his pale hair.

Lucas is a rather small and slim person and often gets mistaken for a kid. While he found it to be quite annoying how he was shorter than most guys, he couldn't deny that his height also came with it's advantages. For one, it made it easier for him to hide and sneak around places.

His skin had always been quite pale. It's so pale that he would appear ghostly on certain lights--not that many could see it as often he is wearing a slim full body mech suit.

* Mech Suit - Lucas' mech suit features a built in mask which covers the lower half of his face. Although retractable, he keeps it up mostly out of preference. Inside the mask is a built in voice changer allowing Lucas to alter his voice to whatever and whenever he wants. While not as durable as the bulkier models, the suit he has is enough to ensure that he has at least some kind of protection. He specifically chose a slimmer model as it doesn't impede the natural advantages he has with being small as he is. At the back of the suit is what seems to be a hump. This is where his wing augmentation rest on his back. They open up whenever the augmentation is activated.

4 - augmentations.




Stealth is Lucas' speciality. While he has zero augmentations that allow him to attack or retaliate, he does have a number that allow him to be stealthy enough to avoid confrontations.

* Retinal - Allows him to zoom in on things thereby letting him see clearly from a distance. It comes specially handy whenever he's doing any form of recon. Apart from that, his retinal augments also grant him night vision.

* Wings - One of the more eccentric augmentations that Lucas has is a pair of wings. These wings have a cybernetic bird like appearance to them with their white feathers. Fully functional, it allows him to fly to get around places. When not in use, they fold up against his back and the feathers retract making them appear like a small backpack of sorts.

* Cloak - A skin augmentation. This allows Lucas to turn invisible to the naked eye at the cost of his energy. The longer he uses this augmentation, the more energy is drained from him. When using cloak, Lucas often limits himself to only thirty seconds of it.

* Silence - Feet augmentations that he got to go along with his cloak augmentation. This removes the sound of his footsteps thus allowing him to move silently. It is a passive augmentation that is always in effect.


Zero codes version:
Name: Lucas Hsieh
Codename: Falcon
Age: 19 years old
Gender: Male

Lucas is a rather contradicting fellow. Most of the time is he the mischievous sort. Pulling pranks on others and annoying them is his thing. There are times however when he would openly choose to seclude himself from other people and just observe from the sidelines. The quietness and peace that comes with being alone is something he enjoys and appreciates, though he can't exactly understand why that is.

What is consistent however is his observation skills. There isn't much that escapes Lucas' eye. It also helps that his eyes are augmentations that allow him to see from a great distance. From afar, he would watch others and learn little things about them such as mannerisms and whatnot. Lucas sees patterns in how people acted and even conversed. If the pattern was broken, he would most likely notice it.

There was also his independence. Lucas believes that there is no one else he could rely on other than himself. He hardly seeks for anyone's help and will always try to do things on his own. Part of him simply doesn't want to feel in debt to others for helping him out. The other part of him believes that there is no one who would willingly help him out. It always comes as a surprise to him when someone does offer to help him out with something.

He can be a rather tactless person as well. Often would he say things in a very blunt and matter of factly manner. Ninety percent of the time he doesn't care if his words hurt others. The other ten percent is him not realising sooner that his words would be hurtful.

Although he may seem like the reckless sort due to his mischievous side, he actually isn't--far from it actually. Lucas doesn't charge head on into things. Fighting and confrontations are things he avoids when he can.

As far as Lucas can remember, his childhood was not very ideal. He was an unwanted orphan boy who was later adopted by a couple claiming to be his aunt and uncle. They took him in to live with them in Salvation City. The couple treated him well and didn't give up on him. For the first time in his life Lucas found himself happy and content.

Unfortunately, he just can't seem to get himself out of trouble. He was young and he was foolish. Wanting to earn a bit more money for himself, Lucas began smuggling drugs. At first it was great. He made a profit and even managed to save up money to get a pair of wing augmentations that he's been eyeing on for quite sometime.

As good as he was at what he was doing, he eventually got caught and was taken into custody. Needless to say, his adoptive parents were greatly disappointed in him. It was at that point that Lucas felt the lowest he ever in his life.

It was a week later he was taken in that BioTech reached out. They were offering him a chance at redeeming himself. Remembering the faces of the people he's disappointed, Lucas couldn't say no and thus started he became a part of Project:Firefly.

* Hair - White
* Eyes - Blue
* Height - 5'4"
* Weight - 124 lbs

One of Lucas' most striking features is his hair. Lucas' hair appear to be very soft and feather-like. They're dyed pure white with some streaks of bright blue added in. His original hair colour was black, quite the polar opposite from what they are now. His eyes are of striking cobalt blue colour that is further accentuated by his pale hair.

Lucas is a rather small and slim person and often gets mistaken for a kid. While he found it to be quite annoying how he was shorter than most guys, he couldn't deny that his height also came with it's advantages. For one, it made it easier for him to hide and sneak around places.

His skin had always been quite pale. It's so pale that he would appear ghostly on certain lights--not that many could see it as often he is wearing a slim full body mech suit.

* Mech Suit - Lucas' mech suit features a built in mask which covers the lower half of his face. Although retractable, he keeps it up mostly out of preference. Inside the mask is a built in voice changer allowing Lucas to alter his voice to whatever and whenever he wants. While not as durable as the bulkier models, the suit he has is enough to ensure that he has at least some kind of protection. He specifically chose a slimmer model as it doesn't impede the natural advantages he has with being small as he is. At the back of the suit is what seems to be a hump. This is where his wing augmentation rest on his back. They open up whenever the augmentation is activated.

Stealth is Lucas' speciality. While he has zero augmentations that allow him to attack or retaliate, he does have a number that allow him to be stealthy enough to avoid confrontations.

* Retinal - Allows him to zoom in on things thereby letting him see clearly from a distance. It comes specially handy whenever he's doing any form of recon. Apart from that, his retinal augments also grant him night vision.

* Wings - One of the more eccentric augmentations that Lucas has is a pair of wings. These wings have a cybernetic bird like appearance to them with their white feathers. Fully functional, it allows him to fly to get around places. When not in use, they fold up against his back and the feathers retract making them appear like a small backpack of sorts.

* Cloak - A skin augmentation. This allows Lucas to turn invisible to the naked eye at the cost of his energy. The longer he uses this augmentation, the more energy is drained from him. When using cloak, Lucas often limits himself to only thirty seconds of it.

* Silence - Feet augmentations that he got to go along with his cloak augmentation. This removes the sound of his footsteps thus allowing him to move silently. It is a passive augmentation that is always in effect.
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Name: Viktor Gerhardt

Age: 44, appears to be in lower 30's upper 20's.

Alias(es) and Codename: Will-O-Wisp, (maybe others to be added based on suggestions)

Personality: A man of varying extremes, when in battle his blue lantern light makes him all the more frightening, with his mind telling him to kill the enemy. At no concern for his physical safety seemingly, nor awareness of fear or pain, the man known as the Will-o-wisp marches onwards with his AT Handgun in hand like all those many years ago, a symbol of dread and fear, a questionable ally in a manner.

Out of battle in spite of his harsh looking face and constantly serious demeanor and air Viktor seems to be a gentle giant at heart, not caring much for killing or violence, a curious side note is that he likes to feed the stray cats that hang around the headquarters and his own residence, not wanting them to starve. Given his large body and strong hands, he often worries with doing delicate tasks, with his stony face this looks of worry often takes a deathly serious expression border lining on rage, such as crushing a tea cup. While not very talkative on himself he'll often answer questions when asked about himself or other things to the best to his ability.

While a gentle giant he is no pushover, oblivious to many social situations he is very much a military man that tends to be rather loyal and honest, if not a bit guilt ridden over the past. Having a body that is in some regards many years younger than his own and his own manner of battle, he is often in the field hospital to have his wounds tended. Of additional note, he seems to enjoy tea, keeping to himself mostly, he has nightmares during his sleep and seems to be afraid of the dark in a manner. Often times doing small tasks for others that require physical labor what his ultimate thoughts on his situation are remains only known to him. A peacemaker of sorts if not for how frightening he seemed and some social awkwardness. He is capable of great kindess but is plagued by a lack of self worth, a frightening foe in battle nonetheless.

His personality was largely left alone, being deemed "usable".

Biography: Born Fourty-four years ago when the acid rain did not fall and the Earth was more or less a stable place, Viktor was a native of the American Northeast, born to a family that took care of orphans in what was once New York he was always a bit taller than most. Being around kids much smaller and in poorer circumstance than his own the man would enlist in the Military at the age of 16 during the Conflict known as the Third World War. With the falling economic situation, hunger and having a healthy body the Government promised he and his family financial assistance and increased food rations if he would take part in a special project, one that would likely win the war but that needed men in his height range and weight.

Not being told the details to this program other than it being of the upmost security to the Country, he agrees. Over the next few years the project would deploy biomechanical Soldiers, all over two meters in height, with their blue flashlight lanterns and black hands. Becoming feared among friend and enemy, these soldiers were known to wear heavy armor, treading across the battlefield in a stiff almost trance like motion to attack fortified positions and Tanks at pointblank range using specialized pistols. The light was simply a chemical reaction light that worked in combination with the Nanites at a psychological level to convince the soldiers they were invincible, a form of psychotherapy to make the men like the Immortals of old, extensive indoctrination was used to this effect, as deployment and training showed serious psychological flaws in the experiment, this became the one constant defect by design installed upon all the soldiers of the unit. Regardless the Unit was made Operational as the 604th Special Operations Anti-Tank Regiment call sign "Specter".

Facing the horrors of the field and seeing the ever increasingly desperate attempts to win the war, the young Soldier was given leave after a disastrous Frontline operation lead to massive causalities among Allied forces, including the 604th. Taking his Leave to the so called "Sin City" with other units being rotated along the frontline, his plan was to take a Charter Flight back to the Greater New York area, and then head home. All of this was disrupted when the Bombs came to fall.

From there on according to Biotech the Soldier went berserk, embarking upon a quest of Genocide against Ethnic groups related to the Enemy Nations with a band of other Special Purpose Soldiers, laying terror and a heavy hand upon the city through acts of armed Rebellion. Imposing some form of Martial Law against the lawful government. Given his outstanding service record and being the likely only surviving member of 604th, Viktor was taken into the Special Unit and upgraded in what capacity was possible, pushing to the design to new boundaries to further improve upon current production models. Towards this end and to pay for his crimes and the blood on his hands from a moment of rage, the harsh looking Giant works tirelessly with his lantern to pay for crimes he committed. Deeply regretful for the actions that were laid out by the Biotech firm and the controlled Media a hidden truth could make this all into something else...

Augmentations: Being an early prototype, this former Terminator like assassin has received a number of physical modifications, lacking in the utility of later models or features warranting mass production and replication, many of the details on the project remains shrouded in history deep within the Biotech vaults of secrecy. Notable features are;

Self Repair Nanites: developed with the battlefield in mind, a blue sheen is given off around Viktor's body, by an external blue lantern. When active cellular damage seems to be healed at an exceptional rate. As if to be steam rising from his body, gunshots, shrapnel and cuts seem to heal in action as the terminator heads forward tanking tremendous amounts of damage. However being able to recuperate from the damage is not the same as an immunity, and while impressive broken bones will take one to two weeks to heal, versus the months a typical human may need. In addition the regenerative system can be overwhelmed by sheer firepower. Bone structure is also considerably increased to deal with incoming gunfire, particularly over the skull and inner organs, most of which have received biomechanical alterations.

An interesting side effect of this was the slowdown and regression to a point of visible and cellular aging, while normally a medical breakthrough it was quietly shelved as subjects of the project were known to develop psychotic tendencies and lack of awareness in regards to ones well being, with assorted mental/emotional disorders varying case by case. Leading to the project being silently shelved. Powered by a mechanical pump connected to his heart the nanites supply is limited to ready blood supply, needing time to recuperate in the face of serious damage.

Biomechanical "Crusher" Arm Mk II: A prototype originating during the war and it's aftermath by the Biotech labs. Using the same principles found within the secretive special weapons project, biological and mechanical were joined in union allowing for exceptional hand and arm strength coupled with the before mentioned enhancements allows Viktor to withstand heavy recoil, impacts, or use his hands to punch through unfortified positions, thin metallic hatches, or to be utterly devastating in close combat. Such as ripping the skull from a human form with the spine still attached. On the other hand unlike later and much more improved pure type constructs, he carries the weakness of having a heavier body overall, slow speed, and his biological functions play a huge role in regulating the arms. Maintenance and repair cannot be carried out in these arms in a traditional fashion, and while strong and durable, damage to the limbs must be given a chance to repair in a "natural" biological way.

Appearance: Standing at 7'1" (215cm) 360lb (163kg), barring markings of past conflict and a messy haircut. Carrying a rather large handgun that uses large caliber anti-armor round that most people cannot fire given the recoil, the only other features that stick out are his colorized and segmented hands. In good physical form minus a myriad of scars and gunshot wounds, his actual age is rarely taken at face value, and he doesn't bother to correct why that is so.

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Name: Rebecca Cain

Age: 24

Alias(es) and Codename:

  • Revy
  • Cain
  • Killstreak

Personality: Somewhat of an oddball and quirky for an assassin, but if a hitman isn't serious and brooding then they've probably got a few screws loose. Rebecca seems to take very few things seriously other than money or family. Most of what comes out of her mouth is a sarcastic quip or a mocking nickname, which may or may not pair with the intentions of starting a fist fight depending on the time. She as well possesses a very limited circle of trust and doesn't appear intent on expanding it very easily, any whom she works with will most certainly be relied on as little as possible and dumped the moment they become a liability. However, as can be seen from her refusal to ditch her brother to make life easier for her, Rebecca does value loyalty and any who gain her trust can expect a permanent ally.

Unsurprisingly, Revy's sense of morality is rather dulled and she tends to look out for her own rather than anyone else. If it came down to her brother or the rest of the city, she'd burn it all down herself without a second thought. This tends to leave her at odds when working with others as she prefers the most direct and efficient approach, no matter how cruel or gruesome method. While some may look at their opponents as people, Rebecca distances herself from the fact to preserve sanity and outright refuses to listen to appeals of humanity. After all, shooting at trash carries naught as much weight as a man supporting a wife and three kids.

Biography: A former resident of the slums and eldest of her own family of two. Growing up with her kid brother in the Edge, Rebecca very quickly fell in with the wrong crowds. It wasn't exactly accidental though. If you were alone in the Edge, that was one thing. You could make it by, at least early on, with minor theft and knowing how to throw or take a punch. When you had someone else to look after though—there weren't many options for a higher payout, and unlike most others in the area, her parents included, she possessed enough loyalty to not simply ditch extra weight when things got tough. As for pay, options were whoring herself out or hurting people, and fortunately she was rather good and enjoyed the latter.

Starting off as a gun for hire, Revy would earn her cash doing odd jobs for some of the few types of scum that had money to spend in the Edge. Typically loan sharks and drug dealers paid her bills. There was always someone who had a debt to be collected or a point that needed to be made, and everyone underestimated a woman in rags until the gun showed. Any cash made would go towards living expenses for her brother and her. Any extra would go towards upgrades for her work. Life was fine like this, she could have settled. However Rebecca's lack of fortune hadn't made her humble, but greedy.

Eventually Revy began to operate in the heart of Vegas, Salvation City. The risks were higher, but so was the payoff. And so, the hitman Killstreak began to make a name for herself. For the time being, her risks paid off. However the more she succeeded the greater her ego and greed grew. How she ended up here all came down to her taking a job to eliminate a Biotech company executive. For what it's worth, she didn't fail. Though she did underestimate the corporation's ability to come up with a trail.

The largest black spot in Revy's memory hits after that job, a giant void in her thoughts that unnerves her greatly. However, according to some schmuck in a suit she spoke with, this was a kind of long-term employment. She'd be given state of the art enhancements, free of charge, as well as all living expenses to do with her brother be covered. A price for exclusivity, she supposed, and considering what she had done the situation could have wound up a lot worse.

Augmentations: Unlike most of Biotech's pets, Revy appears to be the least touched. No protruding metal nor obvious adjustments, the only "inhuman" aspect of her is her eyes. Since she's a sniper, the company didn't waste augmentations that didn't enhance her specialty. Nocturnal and Thermal vision as well as sight magnification of up to x24. Her eyes also may be used as scanners capable of picking out weapons and augmentations off an individual. Aside from that, modifications have been made to her cerebrum in order to make use of the information her eyes are capable of acquiring.

As for other augmentations, her legs were enhanced severely allowing for increased speed and jumping ability. Muscle strength in her arms was enhanced as well, mainly to pair with her limbs for the purpose of climbing and parkour to aid in movement. Biotech also went ahead made her body more efficient at converting and storing calories, allowing her to to go without nourishment for extended periods. Finally, she was given an expanded lung capacity to enable her to hold her breath for longer.

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xxxFran DeConinck
My days of fame are over, my days of washed up fallen star are over... All that remains is a noose of servitude around my neck.

[bg=#000000]Full Name: Frances DeConinck | | Codename / Alias: FrankenSing | | Age: 28 [/bg]

[bg=#000000]Fran's eyes were once a deep blue, like the ocean before it became waste. There are no visible body modifications, except for the large studs they wear as earrings. Their light brown hair is shaved on both sides with the top part long and twisted into dreadlocks that reach below their backside. At 5'11, they rarely wear heels but can still manage to slip in some if the occasion presents itself for chic soirées. They typically wear jeans and t-shirts, though they look devilishly handsome in both a tailcoat suit and a long cocktail dress. [/bg]

[bg=#000000]Fran can often seem like they're disconnected from the world around them. They have a haughty attitude but it hides a deep fear of human interactions, and being without narcotics or continuous access to augmented reality has made them on edge and paranoid. Surprisingly though, they managed to focus their overflowing creativity in learning the mechanics of explosives and how to handle them, and how to make high-tech bombs. They smile all the time, but it's impossible to tell if it's sincere or just another facade. They rarely offer their help, but if someone asks them for it it will be given without any strings attached, as Fran doesn't want to have even a permanent attachement to someone they barely know. They don't particularly like when someone assumes their gender, but rarely gets upset about it and will mess with the person instead, using different voices ranging from very feminine to very masculine.[/bg]

[bg=#000000]Fran grew up in the heart of showbusiness in Salvation City. They became a performer at a very young age, both for singing and dancing shows. Their androgynous physique has allowed them to blend in every kind of crowd, and when their received their first augment in form of a voice modifier, it seemed like every single door of every entertainment venue was open for them. Their parents were filthy rich and prospered even more with Fran's success, becoming one of the top financiers of theatres and the performing stages in casinos. Every young person knew Fran and their wonderful voice, and many more were willing to pay to see them perform live.[/bg]

[bg=#000000]When Fran reached the top, however, there was nowhere else to go but down. They had become so accustomed to a life of riches and with people at their feet willing to do whatever they wanted, it got extremely lonely on the golden throne. Their parents were distant and had stopped calling them, instead hiring messengers to wherever they lived now or sending messages online. Even Fran's manager, Kirstan, grew colder with wealth and who once was a friend became a stranger. Fran began meddling with drugs and mind-altering online connections. Being high and in augmented reality pretty much messed up Fran's perception of reality, and soon enough they were so warped in their head that their career completely flopped. No one wanted to attend a high-priced show where the main star was present only through holo-projection. This went on for years, as their monetary funds were rather unlimited due to their stardom since a very young age.[/bg]

[bg=#000000]From then on, Fran's memories are not very clear on what exactly happened. They forgot to turn off the augmented reality plug-in for their apartment, and once the usual delivery for narcotics arrived, Fran lost it and seemingly killed the poor delivery person. Unable to stop themselves, they ran out of their apartment complex without shoes and began singing lullabies in various tones of voices, their eyes unfocused. It wasn't until someone called the authorities that Fran was arrested and brought directly to BioTech. The rest is blurry, but they vaguely remember agreeing to join the Project: Firefly instead of ending up exiled, but ultimately Fran knew their only path to redemption for their various crimes was to fully submit, servicing those who hold their freedom with a leash.[/bg]

[bg=#000000]In reality, Fran has been living in a very detached state since their early teens. Their stardom was like a shooting star, and when they crashed it was like some part of them was locked away in their mind. They firmly believe their singing career was booming strong but that they were responsible for destroying it, that everything they worked for was wrecked by the very same reason they are now part of Project Firefly. Fran believes people on the street would recognize them, but in truth no one knows who they are anymore, and their appearance is nothing like it was at the peak of their career. They have become a no-body and Fran will do anything for BioTech if it means going back to their previous life -- even if that life is a big fat lie.[/bg]

[bg=#000000]Voice Modification: When Fran was a child, it was discovered they had an immense talent for singing and mimicking other people's voices and accents. As they grew older, it Fran's manager helped them pay for a voice modifier implant. Basically, Fran's voice can range from child-like to deeply masculine with a heavy rasp. They cannot do it for extended periods of time, the maximum is six hours for a single voice, and three hours if more than three different timbers are involved.[/bg]
[bg=#000000]Eye Implants: As part of the Firefly Project, Fran received eye implants to enhance their vision. They can see intricate details from a distance and can more easily see at night, though they do not have night vision. This makes their eyes extremely sensitive to bright light, so they are often seen wearing sunglasses in brightly lit places or outside when it's sunny. They can also access online as part of a virtual reality software integrated in the implants.[/bg]
[bg=#000000]Online Accessibility: When they were eighteen, Fran proceeded to an operation that allowed them to access both augmented reality and virtual reality games and events. If they're in a public place, they can connect to the public internet, though they much prefer the privacy of home connections. By living plugged to machines that allowed them to escape reality and experience things one might not be able to in such a situation, Fran has become almost an expert on navigating both the Deep Web and the Dark Web, knows how to hack into weak places, and has the world's available knowledge at their fingertips.[/bg]
[bg=#000000]Tactile Improvement: While their hands are still made of flesh and blood, they have been injected with a nanotech meant to improve precision and flexibility. One might say Fran's hands are extremely precious. They can be used to perform surgical operations as well as assemble very complex explosives. Fran doesn't have much sensation in them anymore, except for extreme cold or hot temperatures; but they might get cut and never feel it. The fingers perform almost on their own with the guidance of the nanotech filaments in them.[/bg]

[bg=#000000]Other: To be added along the roleplay.
Hexcode: #19E[/bg]

Full Name: Frances DeConinck
Aliases: Fran
Codename: FrankenSing
Gender: Androgynous, prefers not to reveal
Age: 28

Appearance: Fran's eyes were once a deep blue, like the ocean before it became waste. There are no visible body modifications, except for the large studs they wear as earrings. Their light brown hair is shaved on both sides with the top part long and twisted into dreadlocks that reach below their backside. At 5'11, they rarely wear heels but can still manage to slip in some if the occasion presents itself for chic soirées. They typically wear jeans and t-shirts, though they look devilishly handsome in both a tailcoat suit and a long cocktail dress.

Personality: Fran can often seem like they're disconnected from the world around them. They have a haughty attitude but it hides a deep fear of human interactions, and being without narcotics or continuous access to augmented reality has made them on edge and paranoid. Surprisingly though, they managed to focus their overflowing creativity in learning the mechanics of explosives and how to handle them, and how to make high-tech bombs. They smile all the time, but it's impossible to tell if it's sincere or just another facade. They rarely offer their help, but if someone asks them for it it will be given without any strings attached, as Fran doesn't want to have even a permanent attachement to someone they barely know. They don't particularly like when someone assumes their gender, but rarely gets upset about it and will mess with the person instead, using different voices ranging from very feminine to very masculine.

Biography: Fran grew up in the heart of showbusiness in Salvation City. They became a performer at a very young age, both for singing and dancing shows. Their androgynous physique has allowed them to blend in every kind of crowd, and when their received their first augment in form of a voice modifier, it seemed like every single door of every entertainment venue was open for them. Their parents were filthy rich and prospered even more with Fran's success, becoming one of the top financiers of theatres and the performing stages in casinos. Every young person knew Fran and their wonderful voice, and many more were willing to pay to see them perform live.

When Fran reached the top, however, there was nowhere else to go but down. They had become so accustomed to a life of riches and with people at their feet willing to do whatever they wanted, it got extremely lonely on the golden throne. Their parents were distant and had stopped calling them, instead hiring messengers to wherever they lived now or sending messages online. Even Fran's manager, Kirstan, grew colder with wealth and who once was a friend became a stranger. Fran began meddling with drugs and mind-altering online connections. Being high and in augmented reality pretty much messed up Fran's perception of reality, and soon enough they were so warped in their head that their career completely flopped. No one wanted to attend a high-priced show where the main star was present only through holo-projection. This went on for years, as their monetary funds were rather unlimited due to their stardom since a very young age.

From then on, Fran's memories are not very clear on what exactly happened. They forgot to turn off the augmented reality plug-in for their apartment, and once the usual delivery for narcotics arrived, Fran lost it and seemingly killed the poor delivery person. Unable to stop themselves, they ran out of their apartment complex without shoes and began singing lullabies in various tones of voices, their eyes unfocused. It wasn't until someone called the authorities that Fran was arrested and brought directly to BioTech. The rest is blurry, but they vaguely remember agreeing to join the Project: Firefly instead of ending up exiled, but ultimately Fran knew their only path to redemption for their various crimes was to fully submit, servicing those who hold their freedom with a leash.

In reality, Fran has been living in a very detached state since their early teens. Their stardom was like a shooting star, and when they crashed it was like some part of them was locked away in their mind. They firmly believe their singing career was booming strong but that they were responsible for destroying it, that everything they worked for was wrecked by the very same reason they are now part of Project Firefly. Fran believes people on the street would recognize them, but in truth no one knows who they are anymore, and their appearance is nothing like it was at the peak of their career. They have become a no-body and Fran will do anything for BioTech if it means going back to their previous life -- even if that life is a big fat lie.


Voice Modification: When Fran was a child, it was discovered they had an immense talent for singing and mimicking other people's voices and accents. As they grew older, it Fran's manager helped them pay for a voice modifier implant. Basically, Fran's voice can range from child-like to deeply masculine with a heavy rasp. They cannot do it for extended periods of time, the maximum is six hours for a single voice, and three hours if more than three different timbers are involved.

Eye Implants: As part of the Firefly Project, Fran received eye implants to enhance their vision. They can see intricate details from a distance and can more easily see at night, though they do not have night vision. This makes their eyes extremely sensitive to bright light, so they are often seen wearing sunglasses in brightly lit places or outside when it's sunny. They can also access online as part of a virtual reality software integrated in the implants.

Online Accessibility: When they were eighteen, Fran proceeded to an operation that allowed them to access both augmented reality and virtual reality games and events. If they're in a public place, they can connect to the public internet, though they much prefer the privacy of home connections. By living plugged to machines that allowed them to escape reality and experience things one might not be able to in such a situation, Fran has become almost an expert on navigating both the Deep Web and the Dark Web, knows how to hack into weak places, and has the world's available knowledge at their fingertips.

Tactile Improvement: While their hands are still made of flesh and blood, they have been injected with a nanotech meant to improve precision and flexibility. One might say Fran's hands are extremely precious. They can be used to perform surgical operations as well as assemble very complex explosives. Fran doesn't have much sensation in them anymore, except for extreme cold or hot temperatures; but they might get cut and never feel it. The fingers perform almost on their own with the guidance of the nanotech filaments in them.


Hexcode: #19E
Theme song: Youtube link
Character image
Name: Emel
Age: 27
Alias(es) and Codename: Smiles

Personality: A serious sort, Emel can come off a bit robotic or even melancholy. People wouldn't be wrong in thinking this, as she rarely smiles. Her intelligence seems to preclude any notions of joy in this woman, but despite this, she finds herself enjoying matters of the mind. Strategy in things, solving problems. Things of the sort, and, on occasion, She does like the company of others.

Biography: Emel's memory, as a whole, starts on the operating table. Right after her chip was installed and activated. BioCorp told her it was due to an accident during the procedure and with luck, her memories would come back to her. Not that it would matter much. On file – they said – She had no known family, or friends. No real life to remember and that she was here because of her crimes. Those, she was told, were murders. She was also told, she was given a chance to atone for those murders. All she had to do was listen to the corporation and she'd be sin free. Of course, she didn't believe that wholey, but she had a feeling like she was there for a reason.

So far, during her time with the company, she's done their bidding and received some free therapy, as they call it. Brain sessions, fixing what the corporation broke. Helping her to remember. So far, she can gather that she emigrated from Estonia before the war, with her family then eventually wound up as a junkie and hired gun who killed for drugs and the all mighty dollar.


  • A brain chip which not only increases her already impressive intellect, but also enhances her reflexes and allows her to interface with various electronic devices, such as phones and computers. And once, a ceiling mounted machine gun.

  • Cybernetic limbs (Two full ones on her left side and two half limbs, cut just below her joints, on the right) which enhance her strength and speed.

  • Respirators attached to her lungs to improve her breathing and allow her to hold her breath for long periods of time.

  • A cybernetic heart. More efficient than a regular heart. Necessary to keep up with her other augments.

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Name: Leona Saunders

Alias: Sergeant Saunders

Age: 24

Personality: What defines Leona Saunders, more than anything else, is her belief in God. In a corporate world of affordable beauty and technology, Leona remains grounded in who she is, where she came from, and her beliefs. Raised in the Gaian faith, her religion's core values make up most of her personality.

Leona takes pride in being fully, irrefutably human and is wholly against anything unnatural, as were her parents and their parents before her. To Leona, cyber enhancements are a pure manifestation of humanity's egotism, blemishing God's perfect creations and reducing them to mere machines. Thus, in a world where technology is at its booming height, Leona remains among the few who have yet to succumb to it.

It is this arrogance that has brought her to where she is now--stuck in a routine life with no hope of rising to her true potential. Though she would brave the Black Rain if she had to, and dare to climb over the walls of the Edge had she been so commanded, she is merely a black sheep--alone in her own beliefs, yet still a puppet of this capitalistic society. Skilled and capable, but only when it suits the government best, and so very easily disposable.

As such, Leona has learned to grow a thick skin, but even the most calloused also have the deepest insecurities. Until now, some memories still haunt her, and despite all her pride over being human, she would sometimes sit and find herself wondering if her decisions and beliefs are truly worth the isolation and discrimination she has to suffer.

Biography: (Leona is an outsourced member, thus her memories are unaltered)

As a child, Leona saw her father as a man of justice. A hero of sorts. He was the pillar of the family and made most of the important decisions in the household. Nobody dared to speak against him, for his temper was insurmountable when provoked. However, most days, he possessed a mild disposition and was a deeply caring husband and father. When Leona was bullied in school due to her family's religious views, he was the sole protector in all of it. He used his authority as a member of the law enforcement to take care of certain situations, providing a safe world for his daughter to grow in.

But as Leona entered adolescence, a rift grew between them. She was going through a difficult phase, as most kids her age were, and her father was experiencing a crisis of a different kind himself. The man was stuck in a rut. Eighteen long years, and a promotion still seemed far from his grasp. With a new baby coming along and barely any money to cover up all their expenses, he became an unpredictable fuse. Suddenly, arguments in the house grew to such intensity that words turned into fists and slaps and insults sharp as knives.

Then, when it seemed that things couldn't get any worse, a discovery shook the foundations upon which their entire life was built. Her father's dark secrets were revealed.

At first, he was found gambling on duty. It was bad rep and almost cost him his job, but the damage was minimal. However, it didn't end there. One thorough investigation later, and it was found that he had been dealing drugs. In the beginning, his pleas of innocence never seemed to falter. Until the court hearing rolled around and, finally, he admitted guilty to all the allegations brought up against him. Given a choice between banishment and Project: Firefly, he chose the latter.

That was the last time Leona had seen or heard from the man. Since then, she had come to realize that her father--the respectable and honorable man she once knew him to be--was long gone. He had abandoned them and betrayed their ideals in the process. Grief and denial had crippled Leona during the first few years, and now that she reached adulthood, they never really went away. Instead, they evolved into deep-seated anger. Leona went to work, determined to be the person her father once was, and more. But despite all her efforts to rise up along the ranks in law enforcement, the discrimination against her was strong. Implants were a rising trend after all, and in all her feeble humanness, she could not match up to her colleagues.

But if there is one word to describe Leona, it is that she is persistent. Finally, she was given a chance to prove herself. Lead the Fireflies, they told her. This was a strike against her ego. In her mind, she was being kicked off to work among the criminals. It was an unsavory and thankless job. But she took it. Though she might loathe the Fireflies, not only for their artificiality but also for their criminal background, she was determined to lead this ragtag gang of misfits, if only to prove that, despite her humanness, she was capable of rising above them.

Leona is outfitted with weapons instead of augmentations. Leona is better suited as a range fighter than a melee, which is something that her weapons reflect.

Handgun - Capable of fully automatic or selective fire. It can also be equipped with a variety of bullets:
  • Regular bullets
  • Stunners - Messes up the electrical wavelengths of cyber parts, thus rendering the wearer incapacitated for ten seconds.
  • Acid Bullets - The chemical composition of these miniscule projectiles are a hundred percent more concentrated than the Black Rain, thus burning the skin upon puncturing it.
Speed and Hover Boots - It is recommended to use these boots in only the most crucial moments. Apart from being difficult to get used to, they have a notoriously short lifespan. Continuous flight use eats up the battery in only ten minutes, whereas continuous speed use takes up battery life in fifteen minutes. They are good for short bursts of increased momentum, in case of deflection and quick escape.

Speed Limit: 40-50 km/h
Hover Limit: 10 feet

Multi-vision Goggles - Capable of night vision. These goggles are most useful for zooming in and locking in on faraway targets. Often used in tandem with the handgun, which makes for precision shooting. These multi-vision goggles can also be connected to the boots to determine its remaining battery life.

Using voice recognition technology, a quick search through the web is just one word away with these goggles.

Ballistic Vest - EMP and bulletproof vest. Versatile and easy to move in.

Standing at 5'10'', Leona is considered taller than average. In another life, many would find her to be almost model-esque in appearance, with her long blonde hair and rather pleasant facial features. However, her expressions do not seem to show any trace of happiness in them, only faltering between pensive and resentful, and nothing more.

Leona still possesses all of her scars. In this day and age of affordable beauty, she could easily restore her skin to its healthier state, but she prefers to keep it the way it is. She considers her scars as trophies from battles both won and lost, and thus regards them with great pride.

It goes without saying that Leona does not care much for the latest trends. She has barely any patience for such contrivances, but she does put herself together well, keeping her hair in a ponytail and maintaining a clean and cultivated appearance as befits a squad leader.


+ age_ twenty.

+ alias/codename_ lala.
+ personality_ Lala is simply put, an introvert's worse nightmare.
She's nothing short of cheerful with explosive optimism, a dancing and singing cheerleader all seconds of the day. Incredibly chatty and outgoing, her friendliness reaches all, unless they hate her. Lala isn't much for tension and pessimism, ten out of ten in normal situations she's brimming full of comedy and a hyper version of unshakeable confidence, for her spirit embodies is a go-go dancer with the loving heart of a jester. Her charisma is inescapable, with a quick tongue and talent of improv she can talk her way out of most. Lala is naive and can her feelings easily hurt because of so, fortunately, she's seemingly forgiving... But she'll never forget.

Despite Lala's] friendliness and positivity, she sure can hate. Yes, it is true she disdains having negative emotions for long periods of time, but her grudges are something that has always plagued her happiness. She unconsciously holds these grudges with claws dug deep and knuckles blanched white, refusing to let go and stay gone even if she herself wished them to. Depending on what, she can either ignore it, attempt to forgive, or become rather cruel towards the other on varying levels. Lala will turn up her nose to what she thinks deserves such, but if prodded enough, she is incredibly confrontational, petty, and bitter... Then will go back to tweeting happily when she's grown tired of so.

The teal haired 'popstar' is incredibly supportive and loves to compliment and admire. Very verbal, very open with what she'll let you know. Nothing is dark or mysterious about this little nightingale, whatever she keeps a secret she'll assure you that it's no big deal. A carefree aura surrounds this one, a natural hand at quirky humor pours from her that is best seen rather than described. Individuals either find her charming or a nuisance.

+ appearance_
# 7de2e3
# 009f8a
Lala is a petite-leaning girl, standing at 5'3 and adorning a slender hourglass shape. Everything about her is bright, from her personality to those bright glowing eyes and rosy cheeks. Her figure is curvy and toned, Lala herself taking alot of pride in it from the way she walks to what she wears outside of her suit. Her hair is one thing different about her, the color and style unique, something she rarely wears down. Ask her for the reason she wears it such way and she'll simply reply that it looks like bunny ears so she wears it.

+ bio_
As a kid, Liberty was always very interested in giving aid to people, a helpful little one to people who gathered her attention in need. It was probably due to the fact that her parents were the same way, while more stoic and reserved people, their occupations were in the medical field and they often used wealth for charity. Liberty was curious and bright, who became rightfully infatuated with their good deeds. She thought of her parents as superheroes, quickly gaining a need to be one too so she could have her rightful place in a superhero family. This outlined her future interest in becoming a doctor, the great and formidable occupation that required much work. Liberty wasn't scared by a challenge, however, especially when the result was something she would always be happy doing.

Throughout her teenage years, it was a blessed life of studying and coming home to the small family. Liberty being quite outspoken and a cheery character, had a more wildly fun high school experience, but her need to stay on track in order to proceed with her dream kept her from falling into any bad influence that having friends and socializing could give her. Liberty was on her way up, graduating with flying colors and with right means to get into the college she wanted with the hard work she earned herself. A good place to have a job alongside studying was the local apothecary she's always been interested in, so as a nineteen-year-old, she placed her interest and got the job.

The owner was Lilia, a tall woman with pretty hair and glasses. Intimidated at first, Lilia turned out to be very kind despite her serious manner. Work was often gentle with her there to guide her well, Lilia happy to have company in her tiny apothecary. Liberty's employer was just as fascinated with the medical field as she was, something they happily bonded over. Seeing the younger one's potential, Lilia even helped her get into a prestigious 1year program to become a medical assistant. Liberty was then on infatuated, developing a deep love for her... But she wasn't sure she could really articulate her feelings. Lilia had no partner, no children, and a past she didn't talk about much.

A year later, Liberty had just finished the program, glowing and ready to move onto bigger things but sad to soon leave. She appreciated her time here at the apothecary, but knowing she probably wouldn't see Lilia as much again made her will a courage to at least confess to the older woman. Liberty was scared of making the mistake of never telling her and regretting it for a long time.

That morning, Liberty and Lilia walked side by side in normal conversation to go and open the pharmacy, Liberty a little nervous to tell her feelings. Her mind was an echo chamber of uncertainty, the biggest one buzzing her brain was that she didn't even know if Lilia was even romantically attracted to other women. It killed her will to confess, Liberty wrapping up her sentence with a quiet 'Nevermind'. A glance at a frightening sight made Liberty forget her troubles, however. The apothecary was trashed like she's never seen before, purposefully destroyed. Lilia went white, but was more concerned about Liberty more than anything, commanding her to leave. Liberty was concerned for Lilia's safety, however, and a small panicked argument broke out within the quiet early reaches of the morning.

Liberty was so stupid... She should've just left.

From behind her, a pale face emerged from the shadows within a dark corner of the shop, eyes glowing with death. With a good look at it, multiple faces were there and shrouded in different opacities of shadows, watching carefully for who knows how long they argued. Before Liberty could make a sound, a shot was fired, shaking them both heavily. The two apothecary workers fell while the figures disappeared, Liberty's stomach pooling with pain that was indescribable, her heart racing to keep her alive. Lilia was motionless on top of her, immediately drenched in red while Liberty began shaking from the realization that she would die here. She fought to keep her eyes open, too hurt to do more than gasp and whimper, as darkness began to creep up on her vision. Liberty's eyes burned, refusing to blink before she suddenly lost the battle of consciousness.

When she woke up, she was a new girl and not a dead girl like she thought she was. She was heavily confused until some very important people who were part of thee BioTech told her what had happened. Lilia was a criminal, a gang member that was part of drug smuggling and selling not just any usual pain meds. Liberty had unknowingly involved herself in some darker activities that Lilia was in, Lilia using Liberty to dole out 'business' rather than medicine in home deliveries without her knowledge. Liberty was an accomplice in operations she didn't even know about, shaken by the betrayal and secrecy her past love interest had in her. She too was a criminal now, something she couldn't just erase. Liberty was lost, her mind opening up and swallowing her whole. Lilia, someone she had loved and trusted very much, had knowingly endangered her and her parents, and almost got her killed. With this on her records, her dream of being a doctor was swiftly eliminated and she was destined for the Outlands. She didn't know what she could do anymore, that dream was a huge part of her life, her biggest goal, now she was destined to take another route to the same death she had just narrowly avoided. Even if her chances of being a freeform doctor was dashed, Liberty found that she could continue her helping hand under some different circumstances, under their wings. She was told join BioTech or pack your bags for certain death. Liberty didn't hesitate.

+ augmentations_
cranial attachments Do and Re/retinal processors+ The two metallic cranial attachments behind her ears are linked directed to her augmented eyes, arms, and feet. Lala calls the left one Do and the right one Re. ♥ Being her 'second brain and third brain' of sorts, they are the 'boss' all of her current augments. They are powerful. No need for manual charging and rarely do they malfunction, but damaging these does not bode well for Lala whatsoever. Fully destroying Do and Re in the middle of battle means she better start running or she better start her obituary.
Add on Specialty 1: healing gaze - Lala is able to emit her 'healing gaze', which is a concentrated laser emitted from Do and Re out from her retinal processors to mend wounds by attaching skin, flesh, and bone together once again. The process is very numbing and nice, a cooling respite from any nasty paper cut. However, for an hour after completion, the wounds can still reopen if the person isn't careful and that makes the injury much worse than before. Depending on the severity of the wound, it can take longer to fully heal. If not fully healed, it's more susceptible to reopening... If you want a five minute job for a thirty minute injury, don't expect any miracles.
Add on Specialty 2: forcefield gaze
- Lala is able to emit her 'forcefield gaze', a forcefield [yes, really] projected from [you guessed it] Do and Re and out from her retinal processors to conjure a heroic shield! The forcefield gaze is a recent addition that was thrown in with the mindset of improving on Lala's squishiness. It's decent enough with an emphasis on size and durability, but can be one-shotted with a strong enough impact. The same impact can damage the systems in her retinal processors responsible for 'the forcefield making', very painful stuff that can either substantially weaken her gazes, put the gazes out of commission entirely, or worst case scenario; Blind her whilst put the gazes out of commission until repairs. The softer spot of these fields is that they're not notably strong, the reflect of it on the weaker side compared to a field that can bounce bullets off at the same speed of which they were when fired. Lala's can only return bullets at half the speed with no reflect shock for any melee attacks, no 'kickback' that can be called used for a counter.
portable trauma kit+ From elbow to finger is augmented, her sleek portable trauma kit. Some things need to be held in place, cut, wrapped, something her gaze can't do. Her fingers can transform into various trauma kit tools with help from Do and Rei, petite for delicate operations, with any bulkier materials stored in the lengths of her arms where they can fit. Lala can just make the hatch flip open on a forearm and grab a scalpel out! Exciting!
jet boosters+ Her feet have the ability to fold into and transform into two petite jets with two retractable blades. She controls the speed of the jets and the length of her blades through [shockingly] her cranial attachments. Fun stuff.

here's lala with a strictly black background in case it's needed rather than the transparent version.
Name: Liberty Cox.
Age: Twenty.
Alias/Codename: Lala.
Personality: Lala is simply put, an introvert's worse nightmare.
She's nothing short of cheerful with explosive optimism, a dancing and singing cheerleader all seconds of the day. Incredibly chatty and outgoing, her friendliness reaches all, unless they hate her. Lala isn't much for tension and pessimism, ten out of ten in normal situations she's brimming full of comedy and a hyper version of unshakeable confidence, for her spirit embodies is a go-go dancer with the loving heart of a jester. Her charisma is inescapable, with a quick tongue and talent of improv she can talk her way out of most. Lala is naive and can her feelings easily hurt because of so, fortunately, she's seemingly forgiving... But she'll never forget.

Despite Lala's friendliness and positivity, she sure can hate. Yes, it is true she disdains having negative emotions for long periods of time, but her grudges are something that has always plagued her happiness. She unconsciously holds these grudges with claws dug deep and knuckles blanched white, refusing to let go and stay gone even if she herself wished them to. Depending on what, she can either ignore it, attempt to forgive, or become rather cruel towards the other on varying levels. Lala will turn up her nose to what she thinks deserves such, but if prodded enough, she is incredibly confrontational, petty, and bitter... Then will go back to tweeting happily when she's grown tired of so.

The teal haired 'popstar' is incredibly supportive and loves to compliment and admire. Very verbal, very open with what she'll let you know. Nothing is dark or mysterious about this little nightingale, whatever she keeps a secret she'll assure you that it's no big deal. A carefree aura surrounds this one, a natural hand at quirky humor pours from her that is best seen rather than described. Individuals either find her charming or a nuisance.

Lala is a petite-leaning girl, standing at 5'3 and adorning a slender hourglass shape. Everything about her is bright, from her personality to those bright glowing eyes and rosy cheeks. Her figure is curvy and toned, Lala herself taking alot of pride in it from the way she walks to what she wears outside of her suit. Her hair is one thing different about her, the color and style unique, something she rarely wears down. Ask her for the reason she wears it such way and she'll simply reply that it looks like bunny ears so she wears it.

As a kid, Liberty was always very interested in giving aid to people, a helpful little one to people who gathered her attention in need. It was probably due to the fact that her parents were the same way, while more stoic and reserved people, their occupations were in the medical field and they often used wealth for charity. Liberty was curious and bright, who became rightfully infatuated with their good deeds. She thought of her parents as superheroes, quickly gaining a need to be one too so she could have her rightful place in a superhero family. This outlined her future interest in becoming a doctor, the great and formidable occupation that required much work. Liberty wasn't scared by a challenge, however, especially when the result was something she would always be happy doing.

Throughout her teenage years, it was a blessed life of studying and coming home to the small family. Liberty being quite outspoken and a cheery character, had a more wildly fun high school experience, but her need to stay on track in order to proceed with her dream kept her from falling into any bad influence that having friends and socializing could give her. Liberty was on her way up, graduating with flying colors and with right means to get into the college she wanted with the hard work she earned herself. A good place to have a job alongside studying was the local apothecary she's always been interested in, so as a nineteen-year-old, she placed her interest and got the job.

The owner was Lilia, a tall woman with pretty hair and glasses. Intimidated at first, Lilia turned out to be very kind despite her serious manner. Work was often gentle with her there to guide her well, Lilia happy to have company in her tiny apothecary. Liberty's employer was just as fascinated with the medical field as she was, something they happily bonded over. Seeing the younger one's potential, Lilia even helped her get into a prestigious 1year program to become a medical assistant. Liberty was then on infatuated, developing a deep love for her... But she wasn't sure she could really articulate her feelings. Lilia had no partner, no children, and a past she didn't talk about much.

A year later, Liberty had just finished the program, glowing and ready to move onto bigger things but sad to soon leave. She appreciated her time here at the apothecary, but knowing she probably wouldn't see Lilia as much again made her will a courage to at least confess to the older woman. Liberty was scared of making the mistake of never telling her and regretting it for a long time.

That morning, Liberty and Lilia walked side by side in normal conversation to go and open the pharmacy, Liberty a little nervous to tell her feelings. Her mind was an echo chamber of uncertainty, the biggest one buzzing her brain was that she didn't even know if Lilia was even romantically attracted to other women. It killed her will to confess, Liberty wrapping up her sentence with a quiet 'Nevermind'. A glance at a frightening sight made Liberty forget her troubles, however. The apothecary was trashed like she's never seen before, purposefully destroyed. Lilia went white, but was more concerned about Liberty more than anything, commanding her to leave. Liberty was concerned for Lilia's safety, however, and a small panicked argument broke out within the quiet early reaches of the morning.

Liberty was so stupid... She should've just left.

From behind her, a pale face emerged from the shadows within a dark corner of the shop, eyes glowing with death. With a good look at it, multiple faces were there and shrouded in different opacities of shadows, watching carefully for who knows how long they argued. Before Liberty could make a sound, a shot was fired, shaking them both heavily. The two apothecary workers fell while the figures disappeared, Liberty's stomach pooling with pain that was indescribable, her heart racing to keep her alive. Lilia was motionless on top of her, immediately drenched in red while Liberty began shaking from the realization that she would die here. She fought to keep her eyes open, too hurt to do more than gasp and whimper, as darkness began to creep up on her vision. Liberty's eyes burned, refusing to blink before she suddenly lost the battle of consciousness.

When she woke up, she was a new girl and not a dead girl like she thought she was. She was heavily confused until some very important people who were part of thee BioTech told her what had happened. Lilia was a criminal, a gang member that was part of drug smuggling and selling not just any usual pain meds. Liberty had unknowingly involved herself in some darker activities that Lilia was in, Lilia using Liberty to dole out 'business' rather than medicine in home deliveries without her knowledge. Liberty was an accomplice in operations she didn't even know about, shaken by the betrayal and secrecy her past love interest had in her. She too was a criminal now, something she couldn't just erase. Liberty was lost, her mind opening up and swallowing her whole. Lilia, someone she had loved and trusted very much, had knowingly endangered her and her parents, and almost got her killed. With this on her records, her dream of being a doctor was swiftly eliminated and she was destined for the Outlands. She didn't know what she could do anymore, that dream was a huge part of her life, her biggest goal, now she was destined to take another route to the same death she had just narrowly avoided. Even if her chances of being a freeform doctor was dashed, Liberty found that she could continue her helping hand under some different circumstances, under their wings. She was told join BioTech or pack your bags for certain death. Liberty didn't hesitate.

Cranial Attachments 'Do' and 'Re'/Retinal Processors+ The two metallic cranial attachments behind her ears are linked directed to her augmented eyes, arms, and feet. Lala calls the left one Do and the right one Re. ♥ Being her 'second brain and third brain' of sorts, they are the 'boss' all of her current augments. They are powerful. No need for manual charging and rarely do they malfunction, but damaging these does not bode well for Lala whatsoever. Fully destroying Do and Re in the middle of battle means she better start running or she better start her obituary.

Add on to Specialty 2: Healing Gaze - Lala is able to emit her 'healing gaze', which is a concentrated laser emitted from Do and Re out from her retinal processors to mend wounds by attaching skin, flesh, and bone together once again. The process is very numbing and nice, a cooling respite from any nasty paper cut. However, for an hour after completion, the wounds can still reopen if the person isn't careful and that makes the injury much worse than before. Depending on the severity of the wound, it can take longer to fully heal. If not fully healed, it's more susceptible to reopening... If you want a five minute job for a thirty minute injury, don't expect any miracles.

Add on Specialty 2: Forcefield Gaze - Lala is able to emit her 'forcefield gaze', a forcefield [yes, really] projected from [you guessed it] Do and Re and out from her retinal processors to conjure a heroic shield! The forcefield gaze is a recent addition that was thrown in with the mindset of improving on Lala's squishiness. It's decent enough with an emphasis on size and durability, but can be one-shotted with a strong enough impact. The same impact can damage the systems in her retinal processors responsible for 'the forcefield making', very painful stuff that can either substantially weaken her gazes, put the gazes out of commission entirely, or worst case scenario; Blind her whilst put the gazes out of commission until repairs. The softer spot of these fields is that they're not notably strong, the reflect of it on the weaker side compared to a field that can bounce bullets off at the same speed of which they were when fired. Lala's can only return bullets at half the speed with no reflect shock for any melee attacks, no 'kickback' that can be called used for a counter.

PORTABLE TRAUMA KIT+ From elbow to finger is augmented, her sleek portable trauma kit. Some things need to be held in place, cut, wrapped, something her gaze can't do. Her fingers can transform into various trauma kit tools with help from Do and Re, petite for delicate operations, with any bulkier materials stored in the lengths of her arms where they can fit. Lala can just make the hatch flip open on a forearm and grab a scalpel out! Exciting!

JET BOOSTERS+ Her feet have the ability to fold into and transform into two petite jets with two retractable blades. She controls the speed of the jets and the length of her blades through [shockingly] her cranial attachments. Fun stuff.

Here's Lala with a strictly black background in case it's needed rather than the transparent version.
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Full Name
Cassiopeia Roark


"I'm not bad, I'm just... Well, no. I guess I am."

Cass bears a smaller frame, on the short side, with wider busts and hips than waist, and legs on the slighter side. Despite her lack of height, she carries herself like someone much taller, and possesses a strength of coquettish confidence that exceeds her frame. She also has oddly long fingers - a trait that makes it significantly easier to do her job.

Cass is pretty, though not necessarily conventionally - she has an exotic and somewhat dangerous quality to her that can both drawn in or intimidate. Her jaw is square, which might give her a slightly masculine edge, except for the general softness of her other features against deeply bronzed skin. Her lips are full, with a near perfect bow, her nose a round button-knot and her eyes are large and expressive - a magnificent gaslight blue color, framed by thick, dark lashes.

Her hair is jet black and slightly coarse, one side shaved, the other a brilliant crest, the tips of which are highlighted with several shades of blue. Often times, Cass wears black with bright neon accents to tie in to those within her augmentation - her make-up is generally focused on her eyes, her lips in pale pinks and purples.

Eye Color
Hair Color


"I'm starting to think when people call me an acquired taste, it's not meant to be a compliment."


Cass is a lot of thing, and simple is not one of them. A constantly shifting enigma, she makes it a point to never be predictable, and even enjoys the idea of throwing someone off, perhaps a little more than she ought to. She is feisty and flirtatious, but never to her own detriment, measuring her actions with a great deal of self control - never letting go enough to get hurt or get distracted.

She is extremely closed off about her past and never speaks of her family, but she'll sucker punch anyone who talks bad about the people she cares about, even if she herself is about as fickle a gust of wind. She doesn't attach herself to anything with much real, genuine interest, though she tells herself often that she'd like to learn to care.

At heart, she is much more comfortable with a good lie, than honesty. She finds it difficult to trust and because of this, guards the truth like an angry lioness. She won't hesitate to spin a complicated web of lies, sometimes just for the hell of it, but she will almost always trust in dishonesty, when it comes to those things she deems worth protecting.

She is focused, when she needs to be - though never more than necessary. She's all around fun, but can be grating at times, particularly when it comes to her lack of loyalty and her need for self-preservation over any needs of others. She's charming, though, and has a way with words that entices. But don't get on her bad side, because no one holds a grudge like a Roark. Whether you betray her, or steal her cup of coffee, Cass will come after anyone who pushes her past her limits - relentlessly.

+ | Alert
+ | Charismatic
+ | Daring
+ | Resourceful

- | Abrupt
- | Deceitful
- | Fickle
- | Scornful


"Bad guys kinda run in my family. Seriously... my great-great uncle was a tax collector."


For the Roark's... crime is a family thing. While other families bonded over board games and sports, the Roark family tested their consanguine strengths through the art of theft. Cass was literally born to be a thief or a smuggler, and there were no ifs, and or buts about it. And she wouldn't have had it any other way. It might have been this confidence (or the knowledge that she'd be cast out into the street otherwise) that made Cass so good - by her early teen years, she, along with her family had quite the notoriety... Feared, respected and revered.

Then her brother Castor accepted a side job on some uncertain terms, and managed a spectacular failure. When their father refused to bail him out, Castor met with the wrong end of a blunt instrument in a dark alley. After that, everything went south. Devastated and angry, Pollux, Castor's twin, abandoned the crew, leaving Cass to pick up the majority of the slack - made all the more heavy by the weight of a good thing, gone bad. It was almost a relief then, when she was caught. Almost.

BIOTECH wasn't exactly the saving grace Cass needed, but it was an out of sorts, and it was enough. The project was simple, built for someone with her specialties, and she didn't need to hear it more than once to know getting her ledger back in the white would only benefit her in the future. It was a job, and Cass knew how to do a job, even if it wasn't for the family, anymore.



Integrated Human Interface Device || "Baby... I am the computer"
Due to augmentation of her nervous system, Cass possesses a built in HID, which she can access at all times. Through a secondary augmentation within the medial cord, at the touch of her hand, the interface can be pulled up just about anywhere. This augmentation is physically manifest in two brilliant neon pink stripes on the side of her head, and similar striping along the length of her right arm, hands and fingertips.​

Temporary Electromagnectic Pulse || "Buhbai..."
Within the augmentation of her medial cords, Cass can create an electromagnectic pulse, which can temporarily suspend or disrupt electronic equipment. This pulse requires a corporeal connection to the device in question, and the effects last only a few minutes at the most. Due to her integrated interface, if utilized improperly, this augmentation can result in injury or even death to her person. The augmentation is visible within her left arm and hand, in bright neon-blue stripes.​


Quantum Information Teleportation || "See you around, Sugar..."
With an augment to her cellular structure, Cass possess the ability to transport herself a short distance - generally no further than a few hundred feet. She cannot teleport anywhere that she cannot physically see, and results would be catastrophic, were she to accidentally wind up within a wall or in between objects. Because of the risk, Cass only ever utilizes this technique when absolutely necessary.​
Code by Elle Joyner


Name || Cassiopeia Roark
Age || Twenty-Six
Alias || Cass
Codename || Pixel


Cass bears a smaller frame, on the short side, with wider busts and hips than waist, and legs on the slighter side. Despite her lack of height, she carries herself like someone much taller, and possesses a strength of coquettish confidence that exceeds her frame. She also has oddly long fingers - a trait that makes it significantly easier to do her job.

Cass is pretty, though not necessarily conventionally - an exotic and somewhat dangerous quality to her that can both drawn in or intimidate. Her jaw is square, which might give her a slightly masculine edge, except for the general softness of her other features against deeply bronzed skin. Her lips are full, with a near perfect bow, her nose a round button-knot and her eyes are large and expressive - a magnificent gaslight blue color, framed by thick, dark lashes.

Her hair is jet black and slightly coarse, one side shaved, the other a brilliant crest, the tips of which are highlighted with several shades of blue. Often times, Cass wears black with bright neon accents to tie in to those within her augmentation - her make-up is generally focused on her eyes, her lips in pale pinks and purples.


Cass is a lot of thing, and simple is not one of them. A constantly shifting enigma, she makes it a point to never be predictable, and even enjoys the idea of throwing someone off, perhaps a little more than she ought to. She is feisty and flirtatious, but never to her own detriment, measuring her actions with a great deal of self control - never letting go enough to get hurt or get distracted.

She is extremely closed off about her past and never speaks of her family, but she'll sucker punch anyone who talks bad about the people she cares about, even if she herself is about as fickle a gust of wind. She doesn't attach herself to anything with much real, genuine interest, though she tells herself often that she'd like to learn to care.

At heart, she is much more comfortable with a good lie, than honesty. She finds it difficult to trust and because of this, guards the truth like an angry lioness. She won't hesitate to spin a complicated web of lies, sometimes just for the hell of it, but she will almost always trust in dishonesty, when it comes to those things she deems worth protecting.

She is focused, when she needs to be - though never more than necessary. She's all around fun, but can be grating at times, particularly when it comes to her lack of loyalty and her need for self-preservation over any needs of others. She's charming, though, and has a way with words that entices. But don't get on her bad side, because no one holds a grudge like a Roark. Whether you betray her, or steal her cup of coffee, Cass will come after anyone who pushes her past her limits - relentlessly.


For the Roark's... crime is a family thing. While other families bonded over board games and sports, the Roark family tested their consanguine strengths through the art of theft. Cass was literally born to be a thief or a smuggler, and there were no ifs, and or buts about it. And she wouldn't have had it any other way. It might have been this confidence (or the knowledge that she'd be cast out into the street otherwise) that made Cass so good - by her early teen years, she, along with her family had quite the notoriety... Feared, respected and revered.

Then her brother Castor accepted a side job on some uncertain terms, and managed a spectacular failure. When their father refused to bail him out, Castor met with the wrong end of a blunt instrument in a dark alley. After that, everything went south. Devastated and angry, Pollux, Castor's twin, abandoned the crew, leaving Cass to pick up the majority of the slack - made all the more heavy by the weight of a good thing, gone bad. It was almost a relief then, when she was caught. Almost.

BIOTECH wasn't exactly the saving grace Cass needed, but it was an out of sorts, and it was enough. The project was simple, built for someone with her specialties, and she didn't need to hear it more than once to know getting her ledger back in the white would only benefit her in the future. It was a job, and Cass knew how to do a job, even if it wasn't for the family, anymore.


I.H.I.D. >> Integrated Human Interface Device - Due to augmentation of her nervous system, Cass possesses a built in HID, which she can access at all times. Through a secondary augmentation within the medial cord, at the touch of her hand, the interface can be pulled up just about anywhere. This augmentation is physically manifest in two brilliant neon pink stripes on the side of her head, and similar striping along the length of her right arm, hands and fingertips.

T.E.M.P. >> Temporary Electromagnetic Pluse - Within the augmentation of her medial cords, Cass can create an electromagnectic pulse, which can temporarily suspend or disrupt electronic equipment. This pulse requires a corporeal connection to the device in question, and the effects last only a few minutes at the most. Due to her integrated interface, if utilized improperly, this augmentation can result in injury or even death to her person. The augmentation is visible within her left arm and hand, in bright neon-blue stripes.

Q.I.T. >> Quantum Information Teleportation - With an augment to her cellular structure, Cass possess the ability to transport herself a short distance - generally no further than a few hundred feet. She cannot teleport anywhere that she cannot physically see, and results would be catastrophic, were she to accidentally wind up within a wall or in between objects. Because of the risk, Cass only ever utilizes this technique when absolutely necessary.
Kole Jett Blaque

Rocky | Jax Savage | Ares



Kole is a true believer of "actions speak louder than words"; he'd rather show you what he can do instead of telling you. Which has been his way of doing things since he could remember; even before BioTech came into the picture. He has always had a hard time thinking before acting. Doing things his own way is what gets him in trouble the most and his reckless actions are what led up to everything that happened to him.

Kole is also a very quiet type of guy that doesn't like to or bother with making small talk. He would rather sit by himself than be in a crowd of strangers or "friends." There has to be several things happening around him for Kole to say a word. There's no psychological reason for why Kole doesn't speak much. To Kole, speaking is just a waste of time; while shoving his fists into someone's skull will get things done faster and more efficiently.

When it comes to showing any kind of emotion on the surface, this man is stone-faced on the regular. As hard as it it to get him to talk, it's even harder to get him to crack a smile, shed a tear or scream in fear. The only emotions that can be seen on his facial features is anger and hatred. Pure, anger and hatred. The steel wall he has around him keeps not only people that would hurt him out, but it also keeps out people that could and would possibly show him some kind of decent respect and even humanity.

Even though most will only ever see the cold and intimidating side of Kole, there is a calmer and more caring side somewhere in there. His love for his mother is what keeps his humanity intact, but it was also what caused everything to crumble around him. Kole hates caring for other people, because he secretly fears only bad things will come from his caring for another.

That fear plays a huge part in who he is today. Kole has many sides to him but the side that everyone sees and might truly believe is the real Kole, is the brute, savage and cold-hearted psychopath that he portrays to keep himself from being hurt by others.

Just like everyone else, Kole's memories were altered and changed around to benefit BioTech's end goal. But for the most part, there wasn't much BioTech needed to change about Kole's upbringing and the reason why he would come work for them.

He was born the only child, to a working class family in Salvation City. While his father worked a back breaking 9 to 9 job, his mother took care of him and loved him like no one could imagine. Kole was a mama's boy and his father knew it. The envy of a father towards his own son because of the relationship a mother had with said son is a deadly sin for sure.

As years went on, while Kole's mother treated him like a Prince, his father treated them both like crap under his boots. He would come home all times of night; smelling of alcohol and cheap perfume. And when Kole's mother would accuse him of cheating, he'd beat on her, while Kole was forced to watch his mother be beaten badly by the man she loved and had a child with.

Kole would grow up in a home full of lies, abuse and hatred that grew to a point where he vowed to kill his father the next time he laid a finger on his loving mother. That day came just a few hours prior to his twenty-ninth birthday celebration party. When he had came over to his parents' home to celebrate with them.

Walking towards the modest home, he had heard the horrible screaming of pain and helplessness from his mother and he knew what was going on. Balling up his fists, Kole kicked the wooden door in. Seeing his father on top of his mother, hands ready to strike her once again, Kole went into action; pushing his father off of his mother.

That is when his memory starts to become blurring and changes drastically.

His father had reacted to the push by bringing his arm up to swat at Kole's face. Smacking him and sending the young male into a fit of rage. Dropping on top of his father's chest, Kole gave his father one good punch across the jaw.

It made him feel something inside of him that he'd never felt before. He was in control for once in his life.

That's when his anger took over and Kole kept punching and punching and punching. He could hear his mother screaming for him to stop, but nothing she said or did would make him. Blood started falling from his father's nose and mouth. The look in Kole's eyes was soulless and almost demonic in appearance.

Sometime during the punches, Kole found his hands wrapped around his father's neck. Choking the life out of the bastard that would dare treat a woman as kind and as caring in such a disgusting way.

Kole could see the life leave his father's eyes. Feeling a sense of relief; even in such a tragic turn of events. Only once the sounds of authorities yelling at him from the broken entrance did Kole pull his hands from around his father's lifeless body. The screams from his mother had caused concern and authorities had been called to their home.

A few hours later, Kole was seated across a table from BioTech employees who gave him two options. Either work for them or be banished to The Outlands for his crime. A serious crime of murder and it wasn't as if he could call it self-defense when he had attacked his father. Even if he was protecting his mother, it wouldn't look that way to the authorities.

It only took him a few minutes before he agreed to work for BioTech. It would be the best way to clear his name and see his mother again one day.

BioTech wanted to utilize Kole's natural gifts of brute strength and fighting capabilities. All of his augmentations focus on strength, durability and endurance.

Adoptive Muscle Memory: Kole's first and most advanced augmentation is a physical and mental one that helps him learn new fighting techniques quicker and easier than anyone else. He has been able to store and perfect several fighting techniques; from basic martial arts, taijitsu to guerrilla warfare and many more styles of fighting. He is able to combine several of them to create his own style as well. Right now he can only memorize and replicate fighting styles, but one day he will be able to memorize and replicate other skills easily and faster.

Durability: It will take more than a few punches or bullets to stop Kole from charging at an enemy. He's not called the Juggernaut for nothing. An augmentation that enhances his skin cells to become as tough as steel in the face of immediate danger. He can withstand brutal melee attacks and a few bullets here and there. It doesn't make him invincible, but it does come in handy when he needs to survive a serious attack. If too much force is brought upon Kole however, the durability will start to deteriorate and that's when he either has to get out of the line of fire or say bye bye.

Power Fists: An augmentation that has to do solely with his fists. If he charges them up enough overnight, Kole can give someone a brutal beating within a one hour time frame since the last time he let his fists charge up. He normally has strength on his side, but with the power fists fully juiced up, he can really do some damage in less hits than he would need regularly.

Weaponized Body: Since Kole doesn't use any sort of weapons, other than his body, he was augmented into an almost perfect man made war machine. Being able to use his hands and legs as weapons. Kole can turn his hands into hammer-like weapons and his legs into blades. Yet it only let's his hands and legs turn into melee based weapons; long-range is not his area of expertise and will probably never be. This augmentation is the only one that takes up a severe amount of his natural energy reserves and it's a last option in any and all situations. A one shot type of deal. After that, he's out for the count. It is also extremely painful and causes him almost as much pain as being ripped in half would.

Click Me!


260 lbs.

Hair Color
Ash Black

Eye Color
Light Grey

Body Build
Muscular | Athletic | In Shape

Physical Features
1. Kole's hair always seems to be just a ball of mess on top of his head. He doesn't take the time to brush or comb it.

2. His eyes are the color of stone and they keep his true feelings from being seen through them. Staring in his eyes will make someone feel as if they are looking at a real life zombie. It's as if he went to The Outlands and came back a wreck. Which isn't even possible, but something in Kole's eyes make it appear as if he has no soul.

3. Has open wounds on the right side of his face and right arm that shows some of his cybernetic augmentations. When he had first tried using his weaponized body augmentation, it interfered with his durability and caused his skin to rip and tear open. Though he could have been patched up, he wanted to keep them as a reminder to never become a "Raging Bull" again.
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Kole Jett Blaque

Rocky | Jax Savage | Ares



Kole is a true believer of "actions speak louder than words"; he'd rather show you what he can do instead of telling you. Which has been his way of doing things since he could remember; even before BioTech came into the picture. He has always had a hard time thinking before acting. Doing things his own way is what gets him in trouble the most and his reckless actions are what led up to everything that happened to him.

Kole is also a very quiet type of guy that doesn't like to or bother with making small talk. He would rather sit by himself than be in a crowd of strangers or "friends." There has to be several things happening around him for Kole to say a word. There's no psychological reason for why Kole doesn't speak much. To Kole, speaking is just a waste of time; while shoving his fists into someone's skull will get things done faster and more efficiently.

When it comes to showing any kind of emotion on the surface, this man is stone-faced on the regular. As hard as it it to get him to talk, it's even harder to get him to crack a smile, shed a tear or scream in fear. The only emotions that can be seen on his facial features is anger and hatred. Pure, anger and hatred. The steel wall he has around him keeps not only people that would hurt him out, but it also keeps out people that could and would possibly show him some kind of decent respect and even humanity.

Even though most will only ever see the cold and intimidating side of Kole, there is a calmer and more caring side somewhere in there. His love for his mother is what keeps his humanity intact, but it was also what caused everything to crumble around him. Kole hates caring for other people, because he secretly fears only bad things will come from his caring for another.

That fear plays a huge part in who he is today. Kole has many sides to him but the side that everyone sees and might truly believe is the real Kole, is the brute, savage and cold-hearted psychopath that he portrays to keep himself from being hurt by others.

Just like everyone else, Kole's memories were altered and changed around to benefit BioTech's end goal. But for the most part, there wasn't much BioTech needed to change about Kole's upbringing and the reason why he would come work for them.

He was born the only child, to a working class family in Salvation City. While his father worked a back breaking 9 to 9 job, his mother took care of him and loved him like no one could imagine. Kole was a mama's boy and his father knew it. The envy of a father towards his own son because of the relationship a mother had with said son is a deadly sin for sure.

As years went on, while Kole's mother treated him like a Prince, his father treated them both like crap under his boots. He would come home all times of night; smelling of alcohol and cheap perfume. And when Kole's mother would accuse him of cheating, he'd beat on her, while Kole was forced to watch his mother be beaten badly by the man she loved and had a child with.

Kole would grow up in a home full of lies, abuse and hatred that grew to a point where he vowed to kill his father the next time he laid a finger on his loving mother. That day came just a few hours prior to his twenty-ninth birthday celebration party. When he had came over to his parents' home to celebrate with them.

Walking towards the modest home, he had heard the horrible screaming of pain and helplessness from his mother and he knew what was going on. Balling up his fists, Kole kicked the wooden door in. Seeing his father on top of his mother, hands ready to strike her once again, Kole went into action; pushing his father off of his mother.

That is when his memory starts to become blurring and changes drastically.

His father had reacted to the push by bringing his arm up to swat at Kole's face. Smacking him and sending the young male into a fit of rage. Dropping on top of his father's chest, Kole gave his father one good punch across the jaw.

It made him feel something inside of him that he'd never felt before. He was in control for once in his life.

That's when his anger took over and Kole kept punching and punching and punching. He could hear his mother screaming for him to stop, but nothing she said or did would make him. Blood started falling from his father's nose and mouth. The look in Kole's eyes was soulless and almost demonic in appearance.

Sometime during the punches, Kole found his hands wrapped around his father's neck. Choking the life out of the bastard that would dare treat a woman as kind and as caring in such a disgusting way.

Kole could see the life leave his father's eyes. Feeling a sense of relief; even in such a tragic turn of events. Only once the sounds of authorities yelling at him from the broken entrance did Kole pull his hands from around his father's lifeless body. The screams from his mother had caused concern and authorities had been called to their home.

A few hours later, Kole was seated across a table from BioTech employees who gave him two options. Either work for them or be banished to The Outlands for his crime. A serious crime of murder and it wasn't as if he could call it self-defense when he had attacked his father. Even if he was protecting his mother, it wouldn't look that way to the authorities.

It only took him a few minutes before he agreed to work for BioTech. It would be the best way to clear his name and see his mother again one day.

BioTech wanted to utilize Kole's natural gifts of brute strength and fighting capabilities. All of his augmentations focus on strength, durability and endurance.

Adoptive Muscle Memory: Kole's first and most advanced augmentation is a physical and mental one that helps him learn new fighting techniques quicker and easier than anyone else. He has been able to store and perfect several fighting techniques; from basic martial arts, taijitsu to guerrilla warfare and many more styles of fighting. He is able to combine several of them to create his own style as well. Right now he can only memorize and replicate fighting styles, but one day he will be able to memorize and replicate other skills easily and faster.

Durability: It will take more than a few punches or bullets to stop Kole from charging at an enemy. He's not called the Juggernaut for nothing. An augmentation that enhances his skin cells to become as tough as steel in the face of immediate danger. He can withstand brutal melee attacks and a few bullets here and there. It doesn't make him invincible, but it does come in handy when he needs to survive a serious attack. If too much force is brought upon Kole however, the durability will start to deteriorate and that's when he either has to get out of the line of fire or say bye bye.

Power Fists: An augmentation that has to do solely with his fists. If he charges them up enough overnight, Kole can give someone a brutal beating within a one hour time frame since the last time he let his fists charge up. He normally has strength on his side, but with the power fists fully juiced up, he can really do some damage in less hits than he would need regularly.

Weaponized Body: Since Kole doesn't use any sort of weapons, other than his body, he was augmented into an almost perfect man made war machine. Being able to use his hands and legs as weapons. Kole can turn his hands into hammer-like weapons and his legs into blades. Yet it only let's his hands and legs turn into melee based weapons; long-range is not his area of expertise and will probably never be. This augmentation is the only one that takes up a severe amount of his natural energy reserves and it's a last option in any and all situations. A one shot type of deal. After that, he's out for the count. It is also extremely painful and causes him almost as much pain as being ripped in half would.


260 lbs.

Hair Color
Ash Black

Eye Color
Light Grey

Body Build
Muscular | Athletic | In Shape

Physical Features
1. Kole's hair always seems to be just a ball of mess on top of his head. He doesn't take the time to brush or comb it.

2. His eyes are the color of stone and they keep his true feelings from being seen through them. Staring in his eyes will make someone feel as if they are looking at a real life zombie. It's as if he went to The Outlands and came back a wreck. Which isn't even possible, but something in Kole's eyes make it appear as if he has no soul.

3. Has open wounds on the right side of his face and right arm that shows some of his cybernetic augmentations. When he had first tried using his weaponized body augmentation, it interfered with his durability and caused his skin to rip and tear open. Though he could have been patched up, he wanted to keep them as a reminder to never become a "Raging Bull" again.
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  • Love
Reactions: yvi.

Name: Roy
Alias(es): Tin can, Inspector Gadget,
Codename: 3 (Epsilon)
Age: 38


3's personality is best described as fragmented even though some could argue he suffers from split personality. Depending on his surroundings, objective, and mental state. One of four personalities, designated by eye color via brain activity, can be conscious at any given time. On occasion, there are instances where 3 can cycle through them all in rapid succession.

Yellow: Most prevalent when assuming his role as Inspector Gadget. A remnant of 3's earliest memories, they present themselves in a manner befitting an adolescent. Annoyingly cheerful, naive, and looking to help whoever in whatever way possible. A staunch morale code and support of justice reigns as the primary focus when this personality assumes command. Much like an android with a primary objective, 3 occupies his time with nothing else than work at the security force. Whether it be paperwork, patrols, investigations, or pleasing kids and acting as mascot. Unlimited in zeal and enthusiasm, death and sin are but mistakes and terrible accidents that were unfortunate to occur.

Blue: Only occurring when required to collect and send data to Biotech or run field experiments. A remnant of 3's memories in R&D surface to tend to any and all scientific tasks at hand. Devoid of sympathetic notions or the moral code present in yellow. 3 in this state speaks only when necessary in an analytic tone with sparse room for personal opinion. The rest of the time he simply observes and records without allowing for distraction or interruption.

Green: Generally the default state and the largest collection of memories present in 3's personalities. Green seems to sit in the back of the mind when any of the other three personalities takes command. Able to observe and rationalize, but not take part in physical action. He is the template of what 3's personality use to be before undergoing his full body replacement. Combining blue and yellow alongside other attributes like a need for entertainment or a phantom craving for food. Green is most prevalent during "Clean up" duties and the times in between.

Red: Nothing is known of Red outside what Green has mentioned. And of the few words spoken about this side of 3 from the other personalities, it is agreed that he is terrifying and best left to remain suppressed. Only through Green is Red able to manifest, but Green takes careful consideration for his every action so as not to allow that to happen.



Roy was among the very first generation of subjects to undergo augmentation and field testing by Biotech. An employee for years to the Megacorp, and one of a scare few to actively volunteer for it's then budding research initiative. He was subject to extensive testing and gradually fitted with various early stage augments in order to judge their capability and efficiency. Beginning small but over the life of the corporation growing progressively more enhanced, he was roughly fifty percent augmented before Project:Firefly was initiated.

Pulled from R&D and put into the security and defense department, Roy was scheduled for a total memory wipe and weaponization upgrade, but the then team of engineers and scientists hit a snag that had been long overlooked. Roy by means unknown possessed advanced foreign neural augmentations that prevented tampering and seemed to instigate him as a spy for a rival corporation. Being completely in the dark on the matter didn't help his case and scheduled for imminent termination he was minutes from a firing squad before a high ranking researcher proposed an alternative.

A long term experiment, one which would breach the ethics code, but allow them to investigate the long unexplored territory of total body replacement. The field one of predominant theory with little in the way of success, it had been a graveyard up till the appointment of Roy as its primary subject. Undergoing a gauntlet of testing and modifications that slowly eroded away at his flesh and bone, he eventually was transformed and became the first known fully augmented human.

However, like any good scientist this was not the end of Roy's experimental life, and he became known as Epsilon or "3" to those not familiar with Greek. After the initial stage added much to the knowledge and developments of Biotech, another was scheduled soon after. Encountering difficulty in the infant stages of Project:Firely at the time, memory wiping was largely in part assisted by implanting fake memories and inefficient compared to clean erases. Though, that itself presented many problems that required rehabilitation in some cases and ruined subjects completely in others.

As a consequence, with funding R&D went into researching effective alternatives. 3 was once again taken from R&D and brought to the security and defense department. Adjusted there to function and be as inhuman as possible, the study upon the minds capabilities to adapt and where in to improve upon full body replacement, then termed "shells", was initiated.

Deployed on countless missions and assisting with research and numerous experimentation. 3's very existence became and still is the longest running study of the corporation. Serving in recon as a field agent primarily, 3 is known as "Inspector Gadget" to the Salvation City security force. There working as an aid to investigators and covertly using the departments intelligence base as a means to further Biotech's. What remains of Roy lives a double life and at times a triple in instances where he is assigned "Clean Up" duties. And though his memories of the past remain still intact, they forever appear buried or forgotten on the surface. One can only shudder or wonder at the possibilities of Biotech when meeting him.


Full Body: Completely artificial up to his brain stem, the only thing which remains flesh and blood is that which sets man apart from the lower animals. 3 does not require the necessities of regular humans and other living beings in order to function. He can maintain consciousness for weeks at a time on cell battery capacity alone, and does not require food, water, or oxygen in order to survive. Instead an optimal environment is sustained within his reinforced skull where his brain may live and sit to process the information delivered through his various sensory apparatus.

Heightened beyond human capability, he can see most spectrum of light and discern between sounds even among bustling city blocks. Additionally he can alter his verbal communication(voice) and link his consciousness to the net. When not roaming around as Inspector Gadget, 3 can activate holograms that shade his physical form and interfere with tracking systems by rapidly shifting their shape, color, and brightness.

However, designed with utility in mind and not combat, his body cannot weather extensive damage nor extreme punishment. Though, developed in a time when resources were abundant, he does posses a higher tensile strength than most modern augmentations. There are also several special, but mundane adaptations for maximizing efficiency of his "Clean up" functions.

Acid Stomach: Fashioned for his intended work in the "Clean up" crew. Where his internal organs once laid rests a large PH vat which generates and houses some of the strongest acid known to Biotech. Paired alongside a pro-tractable tungsten jaw, and enlarged esophagus. He is able to eject acid and debris accurately to ten feet and dissolve if not outright bite through locks and low grade steel. Fitted with suspension and shock absorption, the vat can hold a hundred kilos at any given time.

Electrode: Located throughout his body and lining the inner walls of its metal crevices. Wires, energy cells, transistors and various other electrical systems allow for his body to absorb and discharge electrical current at will. Separated from the sensory, life, and "Clean up" functions, a good portion of 3's body is designed to be a robotic lightning rod. Useful for missions that require a black out or evading capture during "Clean up" duty.

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grit jadel

Name: Grit Marcellus Jadel
Codename: Blitz
Age: Twenty-Seven
Gender: Male

Personality: Grit is a culmination of everything he's been through. He's the epitome of how adaptive human beings can be. From the wreckage of one life, to his current one, Grit is a man of many faces, many styles and yet there are a few traits he exhibits that no matter what happens to him, he just can't shake. Compassion, loyalty, and the weight of responsibility follow him in every aspect of life.

Despite this, Grit is known to have a cool temperament, a stillness about him that's not easily shaken. Relaxed and calm minded, he's able to see past the moment and grasp the bigger picture. Though not a man of too many words, he's still able to communicate comfortably and effortlessly. He prefers to think things out, but the realist in him is too well aware that sometimes you have to act on instinct. And that's probably what got him here - in the hands of BIOTECH, attempting to right his wrongs.

Biography: Truth be told there's not much that Grit remembers after his accident. And what he does remember makes his skin crawl with grief and disgust. BIOTECH saved his life, but as time continues on he can't help but think their only reason was to gain another slave in their war of superiority. Half of him wishes they left him on that street, bloodied and broken.

He remembers being a kid living in the Edge. A broken shack of a place that held far too many occupants than what should have been allowed. Both parents were Strays. Both of them drug addicts. Grit had two older brothers and three younger sisters. From the hazy memories of that time, he can't be sure how he managed to survive. He remembers being groomed by his older brothers, warm hands and words that comforted him and urged him to follow down a path that while not being morally just, protected and provided for the family.

Memories that physically hurt to think of include the death of his older brothers, only a few years apart from one another. One had witnessed the murder of their father, shortly after being murdered himself for witnessing the act. And the other was imprisoned to the Outlands for thieving in Salvation City. By then he was almost a man, hardened but still pure at heart from the love and tutelage he'd received from his older brothers.

By the grace of God and the bit of money his brothers had managed to save up, Grit took his sisters and fled to Salvation City. A one room apartment was all he could afford, even with the odd jobs here and there and his inherited thieving ways, Grit just managed to keep up. Years slip by in this dark cycle before Grit impulsively decides to join a heist against BIOTECH itself. A small group of highly skilled thieves were being paid to steal tech that would help finalize the construction of a biological weapon. He should have known that they couldn't win.

Most of his fellow thieves were killed as they fled the building. Grit himself had been shot multiple times, though thankfully by normal bullets. He remembers falling unconscious, two blocks away from the towering BIOTECH tower. When he woke he was no longer bleeding and they offered him life or death, enslavement or black rain.


+ Basic Augmentations - Both eyes were replaced with mechanical ones. His eyes glow fluorescent blue, giving everyone an indication of the S.E.D. located along his spine. Like most firefly's, his eyes were given the means to record everything he sees, alongside thermal optics and a zoom ratio that produce stunning clarity even from great distances. Self-repairing nanites were introduced to his system when BIOTECH saved his life, but they were upgraded when he agreed to undergo experimentation. Clean wounds will now heal in less than half the average time. With the upgrade in nanites his entire cellular structure was altered in order for the S.E.D. to work without killing him.

+ Prosthetics - His right arm and both legs have been replaced with prosthetics. They're dark grey in color, accented with a textured matte black, dulling the glow of the neon-red fibers beneath. The digits on his prosethtics are just as dexterous as his former ones. Along with that, the hand itself was designed after Grit's preferred weapon of choice: a blade. With the help of Grit's self-contained energy device, his hand is capable of morphing into a blade-like weapon that glows the same color as his eyes. It's capable of slicing through most common material. There are boosters in the bottom of his leg prosthetics that grant him the ability to launch himself in the air. It can be used in a multitude of ways, but it is not meant for sustained flight and will lead to disastrous effects if used in such a manner.

+ I.H.I. & H.D.D. - Powered by his S.E.D. this Integrated Human Interface and Holographic Display Device, located in the wrist-portion of his arm prosthesis grants Grit various tools. His H.D.D. can produce a holographic 3D display of any area he's been through and recorded with his eyes. It is the same fluorescent blue that radiates from his eyes. There's a comm device and a tracker located within, so BIOTECH and his superiors will always know his location. Along with the ability to access the Web and VR, his I.H.I is capable of taking and displaying biological and mechanical vitals.

+ S.E.D. - The transdermal self-contained energy device creates a soft ridge against his spine. It works in tandem with the nanites that altered his cellular structure. Like his prosthetic limbs, the textured matte black also dulls neon-red fibers. These fibers transmit the energy throughout his body and into his prosthesis. BIOTECH is keeping tight-lipped on this technology and he's summoned bimonthly for maintenance. If this device were to become faulty, the energy contained within his body could overwhelm him, resulting in death.

Appearance: Standing a hair over 6'3, Grit is both muscular and lean. Even from a young age his physique was always well suited for the criminal activity he pursued. His pre-augmented eyes were a startling green against his wavy, dark brown hair. But now his eyes glow a fluorescent blue, hair cut short with an undercut that reveals scars behind both ears from cranial implants. He's unable to remove any of his weaponized prosthetic limbs and they function just as well as his previous ones, enabling him to be just as, if not more nimble and precise than before. There are ridges along his spine, the same color and texture as his prosthetics.

Name: Grit Marcellus Jadel
Codename: Blitz
Age: Twenty-Seven
Gender: Male

Personality: Grit is a culmination of everything he's been through. He's the epitome of how adaptive human beings can be. From the wreckage of one life, to his current one, Grit is a man of many faces, many styles and yet there are a few traits he exhibits that no matter what happens to him, he just can't shake. Compassion, loyalty, and the weight of responsibility follow him in every aspect of life.

Despite this, Grit is known to have a cool temperament, a stillness about him that's not easily shaken. Relaxed and calm minded, he's able to see past the moment and grasp the bigger picture. Though not a man of too many words, he's still able to communicate comfortably and effortlessly. He prefers to think things out, but the realist in him is too well aware that sometimes you have to act on instinct. And that's probably what got him here - in the hands of BIOTECH, attempting to right his wrongs.

Biography: Truth be told there's not much that Grit remembers after his accident. And what he does remember makes his skin crawl with grief and disgust. BIOTECH saved his life, but as time continues on he can't help but think their only reason was to gain another slave in their war of superiority. Half of him wishes they left him on that street, bloodied and broken.

He remembers being a kid living in the Edge. A broken shack of a place that held far too many occupants than what should have been allowed. Both parents were Strays. Both of them drug addicts. Grit had two older brothers and three younger sisters. From the hazy memories of that time, he can't be sure how he managed to survive. He remembers being groomed by his older brothers, warm hands and words that comforted him and urged him to follow down a path that while not being morally just, protected and provided for the family.

Memories that physically hurt to think of include the death of his older brothers, only a few years apart from one another. One had witnessed the murder of their father, shortly after being murdered himself for witnessing the act. And the other was imprisoned to the Outlands for thieving in Salvation City. By then he was almost a man, hardened but still pure at heart from the love and tutelage he'd received from his older brothers.

By the grace of God and the bit of money his brothers had managed to save up, Grit took his sisters and fled to Salvation City. A one room apartment was all he could afford, even with the odd jobs here and there and his inherited thieving ways, Grit just managed to keep up. Years slip by in this dark cycle before Grit impulsively decides to join a heist against BIOTECH itself. A small group of highly skilled thieves were being paid to steal tech that would help finalize the construction of a biological weapon. He should have known that they couldn't win.

Most of his fellow thieves were killed as they fled the building. Grit himself had been shot multiple times, though thankfully by normal bullets. He remembers falling unconscious, two blocks away from the towering BIOTECH tower. When he woke he was no longer bleeding and they offered him life or death, enslavement or black rain.


+ Basic Augmentations - Both eyes were replaced with mechanical ones. His eyes glow fluorescent blue, giving everyone an indication of the S.E.D. located along his spine. Like most firefly's, his eyes were given the means to record everything he sees, alongside thermal optics and a zoom ratio that produce stunning clarity even from great distances. Self-repairing nanites were introduced to his system when BIOTECH saved his life, but they were upgraded when he agreed to undergo experimentation. Clean wounds will now heal in less than half the average time. With the upgrade in nanites his entire cellular structure was altered in order for the S.E.D. to work without killing him.

+ Prosthetics - His right arm and both legs have been replaced with prosthetics. They're dark grey in color, accented with a textured matte black, dulling the glow of the neon-red fibers beneath. The digits on his prosethtics are just as dexterous as his former ones. Along with that, the hand itself was designed after Grit's preferred weapon of choice: a blade. With the help of Grit's self-contained energy device, his hand is capable of morphing into a blade-like weapon that glows the same color as his eyes. It's capable of slicing through most common material. There are boosters in the bottom of his leg prosthetics that grant him the ability to launch himself in the air. It can be used in a multitude of ways, but it is not meant for sustained flight and will lead to disastrous effects if used in such a manner.

+ I.H.I. & H.D.D. - Powered by his S.E.D. this Integrated Human Interface and Holographic Display Device, located in the wrist-portion of his arm prosthesis grants Grit various tools. His H.D.D. can produce a holographic 3D display of any area he's been through and recorded with his eyes. It is the same fluorescent blue that radiates from his eyes. There's a comm device and a tracker located within, so BIOTECH and his superiors will always know his location. Along with the ability to access the Web and VR, his I.H.I is capable of taking and displaying biological and mechanical vitals.

+ S.E.D. - The transdermal self-contained energy device creates a soft ridge against his spine. It works in tandem with the nanites that altered his cellular structure. Like his prosthetic limbs, the textured matte black also dulls neon-red fibers. These fibers transmit the energy throughout his body and into his prosthesis. BIOTECH is keeping tight-lipped on this technology and he's summoned bimonthly for maintenance. If this device were to become faulty, the energy contained within his body could overwhelm him, resulting in death.

Appearance: Standing a hair over 6'3, Grit is both muscular and lean. Even from a young age his physique was always well suited for the criminal activity he pursued. His pre-augmented eyes were a startling green against his wavy, dark brown hair. But now his eyes glow a fluorescent blue, hair cut short with an undercut that reveals scars behind both ears from cranial implants. He's unable to remove any of his weaponized prosthetic limbs and they function just as well as his previous ones, enabling him to be just as, if not more nimble and precise than before. There are ridges along his spine, the same color and texture as his prosthetics.
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Name: Oscar Riktof
Alias(es): Ogre
Codename: Anvil
Age: 30

Oscar is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but that could be considered one of his strengths. With a thick skull, violent temperament, and aptitude for violence, Oscar is not someone to worry about collateral damage. A man with simple tastes and motivations, Oscar is someone that Biotech is more than happy to exploit. Oscar is not subtle or precise. Where some firefly operatives are akin to a scalpel, Oscar is a sledgehammer. Oscar excels in close combat and his augmentations and weapons are designed specifically for his fighting style. When using firearms, Oscar is inaccurate at best. But that is offset by the sheer amount of bullets he unleashes along with the occasional explosive or two. Oscar's personal weapon of choice is a custom made axe that can slice through most body armor.

Oscar enjoys his work as part of the Firefly project, for any excuse to maim and kill is good enough for him. Oscar is not sentimental, he could care less about someone's past or motivations, the only thing he respects is cunning and fighting prowess. Surprisingly, Oscar has a soft spot for pets and animals. There has been more than one instance of Oscar going into a violent rage from simply witnessing the abuse or death of an animal.

Oscar does not remember much about his childhood, mostly because of the repeated use of hard drugs, alcohol, and Biotech brainwashing. He does remember growing up alone and realizing he could get what he wanted with brute force. Not surprisingly, this led to a life of crime as an enforcer and thug who specialized in collections, intimidation, and brutal fights. Several times Oscar got in trouble with his employers when he killed the organisers of dog fights who he was supposed to collect money from.

Eventually, Oscar wound up fighting with law enforcers and promptly being arrested (after killing several officers and being subdued with large amounts of electricity). But instead of being exiled to the Outlands, Biotech offered Oscar a chance to put his skills to use protecting animals from abuse and needless death along with the promise of fighting tough and powerful opponents.

Now Oscar happily serves Biotech as a brutish enforcer. Oscar is usually deployed to situations where he acts as a bullet sponge and deadly distraction, allowing more stealthy and intelligent operatives to slip by in the ensuing chaos. Unfortunately, collateral damage to both structures and allies are almost inevitable when Oscar is involved, usually resulting in him operating alone or with a small team.

Rage Inducers: Oscar has several implants that pump a cocktail of drugs directly into his bloodstream that increases his aggression, endurance, and pain tolerance.

Bionic eyes: Oscar's eyes have been upgraded to improve his vision in low light and smoke while protecting him from disorienting light patterns.

Powered Exo-Skeleton: Oscar has an exo-skeleton system connected directly to his bones and muscles that drastically increase his strength.

Ballistic Skin: To protect Oscar from inevitable damage, his skin has been replaced with a flexible ballistic polymer. Protecting him from most conventional firearms (bladed weapons, lasers, and high caliber bullets are still able to pierce his skin).

Auxiliary Appendage: Oscar has been implanted with a small mechanical arm on his torso to assist with various combat related tasks (stabilizing weapons, emergency defense, etc).


Name: River Knight
Alias(es): Sawbones, Doc
Codename: Surgeon
Age: 28

Personality: Surgeon is little fun to be on an assignment with. He is easily pissed, especially when people do stupid things to get themselves hurt. Off the field however, he is generally laid back and not much of a character to be around.

Biography: River was born 6 years before the war, in Vegas itself. His life was relatively normal until the war, where life became quite hard. At age 10 his mother died, leaving his father to take care of him. At 15, he began to study basic biology at school and in his free time. At 18, he graduated from high school and became a medical student. After he graduated, he became a resident at the New Vegas hospital and a drug dealer. He was caught soon after for selling ketamine illegally. Firefly saw the prowess in him and offered him with a chance for redemption. Which he readily accepted.
Diagnoster Lenses - Transparent lenses in his eyes that can scan and advise Surgeon during field and hospitalised medical procedures. The augs on the side of his head help scan vitals and process information, as well as feed the required info into his brain.

Cybernetic Arms - The right arm carries combat features, such as an integrated combat shotgun and collapsible blade in his forearm. The left carries medical supplies like needles and laser scalpels. These are stored in his fingers, like cases. Other medical supplies are carried in a compartment in his forearm.e5c0f4be83a59b0aa676715b1a5d62d5.jpg
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Nothing like a big bad bridge
To go burning through

Name: Wyatt Harper (though he doesn't remember it)

Alias(es): Puppy, Cur, Mutt

Codename: Jackal

Age: 34

Personality: Jackal is reserved, slow to gain trust but fierce to remain loyal to that which he does gain. Cowed by the casual, lighthearted manner in which many of his colleagues seemed to treat their work, Jackal prefers to speak in single words or short phrases when on the job. Plus the added bonus of being a walking freakshow that eats and drinks through a straw does little to ease his social apprehension. However, Jackal isn't one to break down under pressure - every movement he takes is deliberate, and he stands tall with cold confidence whether in downtime between jobs or when shredding flesh with lead on the clock.
Despite this, Jackal isn't headstrong; he relies heavily on support, lacking the means to adequately treat wounds or improvise solutions. He would even personally identify himself as a support role, providing covering fire or marksman overwatch to other Fireflies on the field.

Biography: Jackal is a machine of fear. It drives him to do as Biotek wills, and he uses it to his advantage in combat. His memory has been obliterated to nothing but only the vaguest flashes of his past. Some pleasant, some a horror to behold. From what he can guess, he did something unspeakable to protect somebody close to him, but failed in the end - winding up with a lot of blood on his hands. Now he works for Biotek to wash that blood off his hands with more blood, singing a song of gunsmoke and lead as he delivers ruin to those whom the corporation points their golden finger at. Jackal excels in urban assault and CQC, but lacks expertise pretty much elsewhere. The upper limit of his hacking skills, for instance, is breaking a panel and hotwiring a simple door open.

Augmentations: Much of his enhancement's bulk is encased in a steel shell irreversibly installed around his head - combat assistance, route plotting, communications, just about anything he could possibly need to commit the slaughter demanded of him. Also within it is an abundance of blasting compound, ready to turn his head into mist if he goes rogue or tries to tamper with it. The rest of his body bears fairly standard combat enhancements: dermal armour built to stop 9mm rounds and reduce damage from larger munitions; mil-grade robotic limbs for improved strength and agility; a defibrillator installed on the heart; and finally an array of monitors within his torso to fine tune the distribution of neutotransmitters and convert some digested calories into electrical power. In order to use his augments at their fullest potential, he must draw from power cells in his helmet with a limited charge; holding enough energy for about 3 boosts of strength, agility, or whatever overclock is needed - additionally a charge is required to defibrillate the heart.
The purpose of augmented limbs is primarily for acts of strength - scaling structures, overturning obstacles, et cetera. Jackal could easily be outrun by an experienced athlete.
A variety of auxilliary cybernetics have been implanted by Biotek, providing Jackal with a toolkit of utilities. All cybernetics are detailed in a more technical manner below.
-Sensors within the helmet enhance and filter audio, as well as including a built in radio for easy communication with other Fireflies.
-Cables which run down the right arm from the base of the neck and can extend plugs from the forearm allow the helmet to interface with 'smart' weapons as well as computers.
-The helmet's optics are wired directly into Jackal's cybernetic eyes, providing him with IR vision when needed as well as an aiming assistance suite.


A gyroscope connected to the rear of Jackal's skull vastly improves his balance, allowing him to recover quickly from heavy impacts, collapsing structures, or other such circumstances.

Rather than performing expensive and invasive surgery on Jackal, rebreather units are inserted into the helmet. These can halve the potency of airborn irritants and hazards, as well as seal shut and provide Jackal with 15 minutes of unpleasant but breathable air using CO2 scrubbers and small oxygen canisters. After either function is used, the corresponding filters or canisters must be replaced before it can be used again.


Cybernetic eyes allow for Jackal to receive visual information from the helmet, as well as read information stored in his wetdrive or on a linked computer.


Jackal is equipped with a tiny solid state drive as one of the upper vertebrae in his spine, linked directly to the helmet's computer interface cable. This can be used to store information, and it can be accessed and read via his optical cybernetics. However, internally accessing this drive is mentally demanding, and Jackal must maintain concentration by standing still and blocking out other sounds in order to continuously interface with it. Jackal typically uses it as an extremely secure storage disc, essentially a walking USB drive for the corporation, and only accesses it directly when absolutely necessary.

While his arms and legs may be robotic, Jackal still has all his organs in their usual places. In order to protect his torso - relatively fragile compared to his limbs - Jackal has been implanted with tough composite sub-dermal armour. It's enough to stop civilian-grade ammunition and common blades, but is still vulnerable to heavy arms fire and especially energy weapons.


Jackal's arms are slightly more complex than his basic enhanced legs, particularly in the hands. His right hand, accustomed to holding a firearm, is loaded with a variety of off-hand utility attachments as is detailed below, while his non-dominant left hand is repurposed into a non-lethal weapon. Small pricked electrical contacts in the thumb and first/middle finger create a circuit, delivering an electrical current to the victim with the same strength as a handheld taser. Using this function consumes an energy cell.




-The pointing finger functions as a minuscule rocket-propelled grenade, intended as a last resort defense mechanism. Filled with high explosive, the fingertip explodes in a 2 foot radius with no shrapnel. However, the microprocessors in the hand that calculate its speed and trajectory require fifteen seconds to work before the device is ready to fire.
-The middle finger is equipped with a camera which feeds directly to Jackal's optics, allowing him to peer around corners, under doors, and through holes without endangering himself. This lens cannot use IR vision like his helmet can.
-Jackal's ring finger contains a small hypospray injector of blood clotter, to stop bleeding in a fix. It can only be used once before needing to be refilled.
-Jackal's pinky is a complex lockpick, capable of interfacing with both physical and electronic locks. It operates automatically, but is incapable of bypassing more complex systems or mechanisms.






ADDENDUM: In the event that the squad's dedicated sniper is lost, Jackal can operate a sniper rifle to fill the role when needed.
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Name: Cy Valles
Codename: Tailor
Age: 36
Full Image: Here.

Personality: Cy's repurposing was rather uniquely artisanal; indoctrinated to take on the backstory of someone who - in their own way - had already been indoctrinated by their criminal parentry. As a direct result of this, Cy Valles is endlessly contemplative, his mind bouncing through idea after idea, but never - perhaps due to a clever Biotech tweak - settling on a single concept enough to chance upon a person-altering epiphany (aside from the faux-revelation that set him on the course for 'redemption'). His contemplations lead him to be mostly quiet - if actually fairly courteous and amicable when engaged - with a penchant for cryptic speak and nonchalance in the face of termination.

Biography: Born to a family entrenched in the business of corporate criminality, Cy Valles' birthright may very well have been to serve as an interesting examination into the idea of nature versus nurture. He was raised 'well' enough, and kindly, but then again, all the pillars in his life espoused the clever nature of cutthroats, and the immoral bottom-line; one might say that nurture, perhaps, had an unfair advantage. The youngest of four brothers, each of them groomed to play a role in the family business, Cy's moral codex was simple: do as they said, and do as they did.

Clever, and more impressively, responsible and accountable at a young age, Cy was directed to assist in family affairs at the Edge. His directive was to keep hold of their market space in the business of slashed-price, scrounged-up, shit-heap cyber parts, and to deal with those that encroached. With prejudice, preferably. He took to it with aplomb, as ending a life had not affected him as many had warned him it would, and why not? It was a matter of coming-of-age, like the very first performance of a stage actor, the first augment installed by a bio-mechanic.

It was all part of the business, after all, and he only dealt with those that knew the risks. Morality through impersonality, he had once been taught.

Years of work well done sent him back to Salvation City, where Cy always felt he really belonged. The Edge had its own sort of bleak freneticism, but the City was glowing and neon, and Cy Valles had always enjoyed a sweaty, drunken rave during the soul-death of a loud, pulsating night. Most of his years as a veteran corporate thug would be spent here, where his existence would slowly become amorphous, endlessly pliable to the family. Kill this, extort that, and then mindlessly dance the night away.

What changed Cy then, was savagery. Corporate crime had always had an element of precision, of efficiency, a dispassion that separates a professional from a sadist. What changed Cy was that the bullets that came for him that night - while he mindlessly indulged in his posh-club rave - were not measured, that they came in a hail. Indiscriminate. When the torrential spray of metal ended, Cy laid there, surrounded by bodies with the strobing pulse plucked from them.

He survived, then, and revelations came in a frantic spiral. Questions of the animal-depths of the depraved enemy lead to the theory that even the coldly dispassionate were not so different when the numbers were parsed, came to the exploration of the idea that morality through impersonality - one of the tenets of his lifeblood - was a lie. He arrived at the pointlessness of the social contract, the idea that the ignorant citizenry were exempt from the seediness, which in turn meant that corporate criminals were no different than old-age Visigoths - and that he was no exception.

In a turn of irony that is almost certainly lost on him, Cy's newfound mission for redemption lead him to the corporate pinnacle: Bio-Tech.

Augmentations: At the most basic level, Cy is augmented with Firefly eye-ware, a subtle bit of technology that allows Biotech to see through Cy's own eyes, and communicate through markedly rapid speech-to-text. For better on-field utility, and for the benefit of off-field Biotech operatives, equipped with thermal, zoom and micro-vision for clarity and investigative needs. His body is also largely reinforced, his already impressive frame given subdermal layering for protection against blunt trauma and small-arms.

Cy's specific model is focused on mobility and clean, sleek, silent engagement.

Monofilament System: A system of nano-wires run through Cy's body, and are capable of being extended - through thought-trigger - from the operative's pores. Capable of bearing an impressive amount of weight, these can be used as a grappling and climbing implement.

A second type of nano-wire, known for its remarkable cutting power, can be expelled through the fingers, toes, elbow and knee-joints. These wires are somewhat difficult to detect through the naked eye, and are quite capable of rending through flesh. An electrical current can also be run through them, allowing for bloodless subjugation of the foe.

This same electrical system is one of several redundancies in place to terminate Cy Valles, if the need should ever occur.

Propulsion System: Cy's arms and legs are installed with a propulsion system - perhaps more accurately, a repulsion system - allowing a burst of movement from a build-up of explosive energy. In practice, these enable Cy to make impressive jumps and leaps, as well as packing quite the concussive punch.
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