Pokemon: Unown Unleashed

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The Light Fury
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
Any. I have no favorites.

  • What happens when the young daughter of an evil villain has control of the Unown? Why, many things of course. The world is altered. Pokemon are stolen. The whole world could possibly be at the mercy of one little girl. The question is, can a group of young trainers come together to stop all this before it is too late?



    (Click Image to Enlarge)

    Light Blue- Crystal City

    Dark Blue- Sapphire City

    Light Green- Leaf Green Town

    Bright Red- Fire Red Town

    Crimson Red- Ruby City

    Pink- Pearl City

    Pale Blue- Diamond City

    Yellow- Gold City

    Dark Green- Emerald City

    Grey- Silver City






    Annabella Ridges


    City Your From:
    Silver City

    What Cities Have You Traveled to So Far:
    When she was younger she used to travel every once and a while with her father to the closer cities, such as Emerald City, Gold City, and Diamond City. But after her father was killed by the Arcanine on Route 702 when she was just seven years old, she hasn't left her home city since.

    She has no Pokemon due to her absolute fear of them.

    Anna wasn't always afraid of Pokemon. In fact, her mother used to be a Pokemon Healer and her father used to be a trainer as well, having all grass type. Many times when she was young she was with her mother helping her with her medical work in taking care of Pokemon, but on some rare occasions she would travel to different cities with her father and his Pokemon; Roserade, Meganium, Tropius, and Sceptile. She had loved these Pokemon just as much as her father had, but that loving connection didn't last forever. On one of those trips, when she was just seven years old, they were attacked by a wild Arcanine. There was something clearly wrong with the Pokemon, making it act very aggressive, but there was no calming it and it attacked them, getting the Pokemon out of the way (the grass type Pokemon not doing well at all against the strong fire type) before going to attack her. But her father got in the way and saved her. It was because of this though, that her father was killed by the Pokemon. A passing trainer found her, huddled in fear next to her dead father and the fainted Pokemon. The trainer's Pokemon was able to fight off the Arcanine and chase the Pokemon away, but the damage had already been done.

    Her father was given a funeral the next day and the Pokemon were healed by her mother, but it seemed what happened had left more than just physical wounds to Anna. She was absolutely terrified to be around any Pokemon, even including her father's Pokemon. Having no other choice, seeing as they couldn't be kept around her now traumatized daughter, her mother released the Pokemon, though the four grass Pokemon stayed together and seemed to stay just outside the city borders and would often come to visit the woman when the daughter was asleep or inside or at the woman's work at the Pokemon Center, in a way staying apart of the woman's and the girl's family even after the death of their trainer, staying loyal to him at least in that sense by watching over them for the man.

    Now, years later, Anna is still living in the same city with her mother, making medicine deliveries for the woman and keeping her distance from any Pokemon, staying in the house when she is not working.

    ~Book smart


    Theme Song:

    It's not like she hates Pokemon. She doesn't. In fact, she loves Pokemon, especially her father's old Pokemon. But after what happened she is too scared to even get near one.


    Brianna Summers


    City Your From:
    Silver City

    What Cities Have You Traveled to So Far:
    Emerald City, Pearl City, Ruby City, Fire Red Town, Diamond City, and then back to Silver City.




    Plusle, nicknamed Spark, is the more energetic out of the two Pokemon Brianna owns. Bri often calls him 'big brother' due to the fact of how he is protective over Minun and often pushes the slightly smaller Pokemon around.



    Minun, nicknamed Shockwave(Shocky for short), is the more shy out of the two Pokemon Bri owns. It is more layed back and loves to cuddle when someone is willing to put up with the insane amount of static it causes when he does cuddle. He is very layed back and so when he is pushed around by Sparky, doesn't seem to mind and just goes along with it.

    Being a kid is hard. But being the kid of the boss of an evil corporation? That's even harder. A new group rose to outshine Team Rocket in many ways. This group was called Team Nova. And her father was its intelligent and harsh leader. Because he knew many people would try to get at him in any way they could, Brianna was forced to stay inside constantly, unable to leave unless it was in the company of her father or a group of his henchman to protect her. Of course, because she was subjected to such a life, she was spoiled within her home, her father giving her whatever she wanted, as long as it didn't include leaving off on her own.

    And so, when she turned ten and wanted to go out on her Pokemon adventure, her father got her the next best things. Pokemon to call her own. It was a Plusle and a Minun, whom she nicknamed Spark and Shockwave. They became her best friends and though she wasn't allowed to leave the house, she did her own little training with them by battling them with each other to train them. It wasn't the best way to train them, but it was something. Still though, because of how efficient it was and with no one to teach her how to train them, they grew slowly and even as the years passed made little progress.

    When she wasn't training them, she was often with her baby sister, who had been born a year before she had gotten her Pokemon. Her sister grew up in the company of these two Pokemon and Plusle and Minun adored the little girl as much as her sister did. Yet, when her sister was just two years old, their family life took a turn for the worst.

    Their mother left their father and thus them as well. Brianna didn't remember much of that night. There had been a lot of yelling coming from her father's office, something about how her father had changed and wasn't the same. Then, her mother stormed off, Brianna watching from the window as the woman left with promises to return for them.

    She never did though.

    With her mother gone, and her sister just three years old at the time, Brianna was forced into the position of mother figure for her sister at just the age of twelve. She took care of her sister and gave her plenty of love. Yet, as she grew older and more into a young woman, Brianna craved more than just the life inside their little box. She craved to be outside, training her Pokemon and seeing the world. Not stuck inside a house where her father controlled her life.

    And so, when she turned nineteen, Brianna made a decision. Packing a bag and grabbing Plusle and Minion, Brianna sad a heart wrenching goodbye to her sister, promising that she would come back for her once she had found the perfect place for them to settle down in. And she meant it. She just hasn't found that place yet. And so, she travels about, trying to train her Plusle and Minun, yet struggling with it, as well as to try and find a better life for she and her sister while out here.

    ~A bit of a priss/spoiled


    Theme Song:

    She loves her younger sister to death and would do anything for her. She's not very good at training Pokemon, but has found she is actually pretty good at Pokemon Contests.


    Vincent (Doesn't like to tell people his last name :3)


    City Your From:
    Crystal City

    What Cities Have You Traveled to So Far:
    All the Cities. Ten years gives a lot of traveling time yet he always finds something new when he returns to each one.




    Dragonite is the first Pokemon that Vincent found. He was friends with this Pokemon long before he actually 'caught' him and that makes their bond all the more lasting. Dragonite loves to fly and play games. he is a gentle giant, often playing carefully with smaller Pokemon. If Vincent needs to get somewhere in a hurry, often times he will ride Dragonite there and make it to said place in a very fast pace.

    Luxio is the second Pokemon Vincent ran into. He ran into it when it was just a little Sphinx. Rather than battling it though, he took a more gentle approach by feeding it some Pokemon food and berries. After he had gained its trust, it was then that he did the same thing he had done with Dragonite, Luxio though was a little more hesitant to do what the dragon Pokemon had done and instead it took another two months of following him around before Vincent had gained its trust and was allowed to catch the Shinx. Now Sphinx is a Luxio and is doing very well as one of his trusted Pokemon.


    Luxio is the second Pokemon Vincent ran into. He ran into it when it was just a little Sphinx. Rather than battling it though, he took a more gentle approach by feeding it some Pokemon food and berries. After he had gained its trust, it was then that he did the same thing he had done with Dragonite, Luxio though was a little more hesitant to do what the dragon Pokemon had done and instead it took another two months of following him around before Vincent had gained its trust and was allowed to catch the Shinx. Now Sphinx is a Luxio and is doing very well as one of his trusted Pokemon.


    The troublesome Jigglypuff. This wasn't exactly on purpose that Vincent made this Pokemon apart of his team. He had been staying at an inn during the time he met this Pokemon, the Jigglypuff putting everyone to sleep, eating all the food, and even drew on people's faces with a marker! Needless to say when everyone woke up they were not happy and even began threatening the cute little Pokemon. And Jigglypuff didn't exactly help her own case because she puffed up and began causing even more trouble. Finally Vincent, at that point being just sixteen years old, scared of what might become of the thing, took it into his own fault, telling hem all that he was sorry and that Jigglypuff was his Pokemon. They didn't believe him at first, and rightfully so since it wasn't actually his, but he threw a Pokeball at it and thankfully it understood he was trying to help and apparently didn't struggle too much. Jigglypuff was caught and he took the blame for its troublesome habits. Even now with how much he;s been working with Jigglypuff and trying to make her more well behaved, Jigglypuff will get out of her Pokemon when he's not paying attention and cause trouble. She certainly is a handful but just as loved by Vincent all the same.



    Charmander is his most recent addition to his team, but unable to battle currently. The reason Charmander is unable to battle is because it is still healing from wounds inflicted on him by a ground of younger teens who thought it would be funny to throw rocks at it and pour water over it while it was tied up. Vincent saved it and took it in as his own. He rushed it to the Pokemon Center, having it healed to the best of the nurses ability and though many of its wounds were healed that way, it still had a lot of recovering to do. And so, Vincent carries it around with him where ever he goes, leaving it out of its Pokeball he had put it in to carry faster to the Pokemon Center, and will spend a lot of his current time doctoring it and making sure it stays healthy. It is very friendly, loves to cuddle, and pretty much enjoys the company of anyone.

    Vin is from a long line of Pokemon trainers, his father being one of the best in the world, and was grown that more than just battling pets, Pokemon are friends. In fact, that was how he met his first Pokemon. The town he lived in was a town up north with some ice caves right on the outskirts of the city. When no one was looking, the little boy he had been at the time would sneak into the caves to look around. It was doing that when he was younger that he met a small Pokemon named Dratini. He played with this Pokemon every day for the longest time, watching it grow and giving it lots of love and plenty of berries. When he turned eight years old, some of the adults, including his own parents, began to wonder where he was going and his father followed him to the cave. At first, when Vincent saw his father ahd followed him, he thought he man would be angry. but, his father just laughed and ruffled the boy's hair, even praising him for being so brave as to come there all by himself to see his Pokemon friend. From then on, Vincent was allowed to go there and Dratini even followed him home some days.

    Some people through out the next year began suggesting to Vincent that perhaps he should catch the Pokemon to officially make it his. Finally, getting tired of their comments, when he was alone with the Pokemon, he asked Dratini while holding a Pokemon, if it wanted to become his Pokemon, wanting to give it a choice. Much to his surprise, it nudged the Pokeball, pressing the button on it and purposely getting itself caught. A year after that, he turned ten and much like others his age, began his Pokemon journey.

    Ten years later and now his Dratini is a Dragonite, and he has added just three other Pokemon to his party. Its fewer than most but they are his family and he cares for them much.

    ~Street Smart


    Theme Song:

    He really cares for his Pokemon with all his heart, as well as any other Pokemon. He's the type of person that doesn't see why there has to be evil in the world and just wants everyone to get along. He's a bit clumsy at times and sometimes his brash tendency to get into other people's business when he thinks something is wrong can get him into trouble sometimes, but he really as the best intentions at heart.


    Lisander Valentine


    City You're From:
    Gold City

    What Cities Have You Traveled to So Far:
    All of them except for Silver. The gym leader in Silver City and his father never got along so he was never allowed to travel there when he was younger, despite the close distance. That is why he is going there now.

    Shiny Eevee

    Eevee is his youngest Pokemon that is in his party. It is kind of spoiled due to that fact and is often left out of its Pokeball when they are traveling, along with its mother, Espeon. Who the father of this little Eevee is he'll never know though, seeing as the only female in the party besides this Shiny Eevee is Espeon, so the father could have been any of his other Eeveelutions. Eitehr way, it was quite a surprise to him when instead of a brown Eevee coming out of the egg, it was a different color. A shiny Eevee. Eevee is adorable and loves to play, even when sometimes its playful nature can drive Lisander's nerves through the roof. Even so, he is very patient with the young Pokemon and he shows her when its okay to play and when its not.


    Jolteon was the very first Pokemon he got. He got it as an Eevee when he was very young and it was because of being unsure what to turn this Eevee into that he decided he would get all the Eeveelutions. He let the Eevee chose what it wanted to be and it chose Jolteon. It loves to run around and tease the other Pokemon (and sometimes Lisander) around it by giving them slight shocks and running away, almost like a game of tag that it always wins.


    Vaporeon is the second Pokemon that Lisander obtained. He let it choose what it wanted to be as well, though it was no surprise to him when it chose to become a Vaporeon, seeing as it spent much of its time as an Eevee playing in the water. It is very intelligent and quiet, yet not at all shy. In fact, the reason it is quiet is because it merely observing things, rather than interacting, much like Lisander does.


    Flareon is the third Pokemon that Lisander got. Flareon is very shy and when made uncomfortable the air around it will raise sharply, causing people or things around it to catch fire. Luckily that doesn't happen often.


    Espeon is the fourth Pokemon Lisander got and so far the only full grown female Pokemon he has, thus making it having to be the one to have layed the Pokemon egg that hatched the newest member of their party, the Shiny Eevee. Because of this, Lisander often leaves Espeon out of her Pokemon to let her care for her baby. She is very motherly, even to the other Eeveelutions that aren't her children and often keeps them in line, much like an Alpha Female would be expected to do.


    Though there is no way to tell for sure, Lisander has suspicions that if anyone is the father of the baby Eevee, it is Umbreon. He believes this do to the fact that much like Espeon, Umbreon acts as a leader to the others, keeping them out of trouble much like a Alpha Male would do. These two often work to together to keep things in order and spend the most time together. He is harsh sometimes when it comes to keeping the others in line but it also makes it less likely they'll cause trouble again. Despite this aggressive behavior though, he has never actually harmed any of the others, just threatened them a little.


    Leafeon is the sixth Pokemon that Lisander evolved one of his Eevee from. The Eevees that were Leafon and Glaceon had been found at a local Pokemon daycare center and it was assumed they were twins. They hatched at the same time and grew up together, making the two close. This Eevee chose to be a Leafeon. It is very mild mannered and loving, often spending time playing in the grass and chasing Butterfrees.


    Glaceon, Lisander's seventh Pokemon, is considered the twin to Leafeon. Unlike its playful brother, Glaceon is more cool in personality, laying down and resting while its sibling goes off to play. There are sometimes that Glaceon likes to play though. When it snows , Glaceon plays and Leafeon will spend its time curled up to Lisander to stay warm, not enjoying the cold at all like its twin.


    Sylveon is the eighth, and what Lisander though would be his final, additon to his party. He hadn't exactly been trying to evolve this Eevee, but it just sort of happened. His Eevee had recently learned a fairy move and apperently when it grew enough levels and became happy, it evolved all on its own to become Sylveon. Sylveon is one of his more playful Pokemon and loves to run around with Eevee, Jolteon, and Leafeon any chance he gets.

    Lisander(pronounced Lie-sand-er
    ) is the son of two Pokemon Gym Leaders. His mother was the gym leader of (insert name here later) city and his father was the gym leader in (insert a different name later) city. The two met and fell in love when they were in their twenties. By the time his mother turned twenty-five, she left her position as gym leader to marry his father, moving to his city with him and running his gym along side him. They had six sons before giving birth to Lisander and having six older brothers, plus strict parents was not easy. They had him training his first Pokemon, an Eevee, when he was just five years old and whenever he lost a battle or would slip up somewhere, they were quick to tear into him with harsh words to make sure he fixed his mistakes.

    His father trained fire types, his mother trained rock type, and all of his brothers, now gyms leaders as well in other cities, trained other types such as grass, water, ice, psychic, dark, and electricity. When Eevee grew up enough to be evolved, they began pressuring him on what type he should choose, claiming each of the types they had were the best types to go with. But, it was that though that Lisander decided he didn't want to have just one type of Pokemon. He wanted them all. And Eevee gave him the perfect opportunity to do just that. And so, he caught more Eevees and let the Eevees decide what type they wanted to be, not wanting to force them into something.

    Now, his whole team is full of Eeveelutions and he now travels from town to town training his team to one day become a great gym leader just like the others in his family.



    Theme Song:

    Despite him being all of the things above listed in his personality, he has a sweet/kind side that can slip out sometimes too, though that is rare. He cares for his Pokemon deeply and takes very good care fo them while at the same time training them to be the best they can be. After all, what is is expected from a Pokemon Gym Lead in Training?


"Please don't cry Cadie. I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can to come get you. Then we can leave here, the two of us. I'll find us a nice home where you and I can be together. And when you get old enough you and I can go out on Pokemon Adventures together. I'll even let you have Minun as a starter Pokemon. I know how much you love him and he loves you, so it'll be perfect. We just have to wait. You'll see, soon we'll be happy. Just the two of us and our Pokemon."

It had seemed so long since she had made that promise to her sister. How long had it been? Five months? Six months? Even if that didn't seem like a long time to most people, to Brianna it was. After all, she had spent most of her life locked up in her father's mansion and half of that life locked away being a mother figure for her little sister, Isabella. Isabella was part of the reason why Brianna was back here again. She wasn't here to stay, but just to assure her sister that she hadn't forgotten about her.

She still intended to keep that promise she made to the young girl half a year ago. She just had to find the perfect place for them, then she would take her away with her. A place where their father wouldn't come looking for them at. When she had first left, she had thought her search would be easy. She had even told her sister it wouldn't be long. But it was. It was very long and very tiring with no results so far.

This was why she had to see her, to tell her what was going on so far. The only problem was, trying to do so when her father wouldn't be around. Her father's grunts she wasn't too worried about, but if her father was there during the time she was tiring to sneak in to see her sister, he might catch her and lock her back up again. She wouldn't be able to handle that again. Not after finally tasting life outside of the little box he had put she and her sister in. And so, for now she would just have to wait and spy on the mansion every once and a while to see when he was gone on one of his missions.

Walking through the gates into the large city, she smiled, taking in the familiar sights as Sparks, her Plusle, and Shockwave (Shocks for short), her Minun ran around her feet before climbing up to sit on each of her shoulders, Sparks on her left shoulder and Shockwave on her right, both happily chatting with 'plu's and 'min' as well as other nonsense sounds that Pokemon made when talking with one another.

They seemed very happy to be in familiar territory as well, Sparks cheering happily while Shocks, being the cuddly Pokemon he was, rubbed his cheek against hers. She in turn reached up to rub her hand against his head lovingly, "I know. I'm glad to be back too you guys. But we can't stay long. Come on. Let's go see if dad is home." If he was, then they were going to have to stay longer just to look out and wait until he did, which she really didn't want to do.

With that in mind though, she made her way through the large city. Silver City was the biggest city in their region. Not as crowded as Gold City, but close to it. People had a little more land for their (rather expensive) homes though, which it why it was bigger. Either way, it was still big enough where most people probably wouldn't recognize her right off of the bat and call her father up to tell him she was there, which was a good thing. But there were still a few who knew, such as the market owner and woman at the Pokemon Center. Not anyone to really get her in trouble though.

She made her way, down long streets, moving toward the more pricey areas and less populated places where the more well off people lived. This was where she would find her home.

Everyone knew of her father, even if they wouldn't have been able to tell who he was by face. Merely his name was enough for most and he didn't show himself often. After all, he had grunts to do all his dirty work. Either way though, the name was enough to strike fear into most people and cause them to hide their Pokemon away and keep themselves safe as well. He had money. Power. Many henchmen to back him up. He was possibly the most powerful person in Silver City. And since Silver City was possibly the most powerful city int he region, well, that obviously said a lot about her father.

Dante Summers. That was the name on the mailbox at the end of the long drive way that lead up to the mansion. Carefully peaking through the gates around the large area of land, it was clear to see that her father's car was still parked by the house and even one or two of his Pokemon were outside lounging about. Well this certainly wouldn't do. There was no way she could go in there right at that moment. Frowning, she let out a deep sigh. It was getting late, so if her father was there right now, it was likely he wasn't going to leave any time tonight. Perhaps she could go to the Pokemon Center and spend the night there and check back tomorrow? Yes, that seemed like the best thing to do.

And so, the girl turned and started making her way back toward the Pokemon Center with high hopes that maybe tomorrow she would get to see her sister, at least for a little bit.


Being afraid of something was tough. Being afraid of something that was all around you? Now that was the worst thing in the world. Yet, that was life that Annabella Ridges lived ever since she was a child. Always in fear of Pokemon. Scared a repeat of what happened all those years ago would happen again. It was that fear that ruled her life and left her a prisoner in her own little-secluded world. While others were outside, training and playing with their Pokemon friends, she was inside, watching the world from a window and only going outside when she had to.

Like now. She sat in her room on her head, a book in hand as she read, when she looked up to see her mother approaching the house. A lot of times her mother was out doing runs to check up on Pokemon that were her patients. There were more people than she could care to count that lived in this city who didn't like going to the Pokemon Center. Really, the Pokemon Center was only here because of traveling Pokemon Trainers. The locals though, would often call her mother to go take care of and heal their Pokemon. Sure, she wasn't a Nurse Joy, but she was just as good (if not better) at healing Pokemon as the Pokemon Center was.

Anna used to go with her a lot when she was a child and had learned a lot about healing Pokemon through that. Even now, despite not having gone with her in many years, she could still remember many healing practices that her mother had taught her and even knew some that she hadn't which she had read in books. Over the years she had sort of become an expect in Pokemon Healing. Its not like she would ever use that knowledge though. After all, how was she supposed to heal a Pokemon if she was too afraid to even go near one.

She let out a sigh and watched as the woman started up the drive way, only for four very familiar Pokemon to run up from the woods to greet the woman happily. Meganium was the first of the four to reach the woman, excitedly jumping into her arms, the woman hugging it lovingly. Then came Roserade, calm yet obviously happy to see the woman. Then Skeptile, hopping from tree to tree only to land in front of the woman and nuzzle its head against hers. Tropius was the last to approach, flapping its wings and happily running circles around her.

These were her father's Pokemon.

Even though her mother, in realizing how terrified Anna was of Pokemon after the incident, had let them go free years ago, it was no surprise the four had stayed in the area, and not only that, stayed together. They were apart of this family and would always feel the need to stay close and watch over their trainer's family, even if he was long gone. Every few weeks they would greet her mother like this. Sometimes, when she herself would go out, she saw them in the tree line of the forest watching over her, but they knew not to approach. With the way she had reacted to them after her father's death, screaming and crying in fright, they knew it would only scare her. But still, they watched over her anyway and she loved them for that.

Even if she was scared of them, she still considered them friends. Even family. She cared about them deeply. She just....didn't have it in her to go near them, or any other Pokemon for that matter.

She watched them play with her mother for a few minutes and then after a while her mother said goodbye and made her way back into the house, neither mentioning a word of what had just happened. Her mother knew she always saw those four come around and she knew her mother didn't want her to know, so they always kept quiet about it, as if avoiding the touchy situation all together. Instead, her mother began to cook dinner while Anna sat at the table in the sitting room, reading a different book than she had before. It was as they did this that her mother spoke,

"Nurse Joy is going out of town tomorrow morning."

Anna looked up at her mother, "Is she? Well, whats going to happen to the Pokemon Center while she's gone?"

"They've asked me to run it, " Her mother mentioned, putting a few spices into the stew she was making, "I agreed. It's for only a week. Though, I do need some of my supplies taken to the center. I was going to do that after dinner, but I have to make a last minute run to check up on some Pokemon that Mr. Targes has." Mr. Targes was once of her regular costumers, an older man who couldn't make it to the Pokemon Center and so had her mother check his Pokemon every few days, "So...I was wondering if you might take them there for me?"

It wasn't like this was the first time her mother had her make a delivery for her. She was sent often to go take berries and medicine to people, even sometimes the Pokemon Center. So, how would this be any different? Still, that didn't help at all that she didn't want to do it. After all, there were often trainers on the streets and in the Pokemon Center. Most of the people that lived in this city knew to put their Pokemon away when they saw her coming, but the travelers didn't. That's what made leaving the house scary. Yet, this was her mother. Her mother that had watched over her and cared for her for so long. How could she say no? And so, she gave a nod, forcing a smile that her mother could tell was fake, yet didn't oppose it, "Yeah...I....I can do that."

With that, the two of them ate dinner quietly, her mother leaving right after with the word that she had left the supplies in her room on the bed, all ready for Anna to take up there. And so, the young woman grabbed the bag full of supplies and made her way out of the house, wary eyes glancing around. Well, so far, so good. She began walking down the street, and sure enough, as the locals saw her, any Pokemon they had out were quickly put away. The travelers on the other hand didn't, and when she would see one with a Pokemon out, she would freeze up for a moment before quickly making her way to the opposite side of the road, fearful eyes watching until the people and their Pokemon would pass before making her way toward the Pokemon Center once more.

Soon, she had arrived and walked in hesitantly, eyes glancing about. Good. No one was there, but not surprising at such a late hour either. Letting out a breath, she walked up to the counter with a smile, Nurse Joy smiling back at her, "Hello Annabella. Does your mother have some more medicines for us?"

Shaking her head she spoke, "No, just some supplies she wanted me to drop off for her taking over tomorrow. Is it okay if I just leave them behind the counter?"

"Of course." She said, waving the girl around. Nurse Joy and her mother were good friends and had been since they were children, so it wasn't a surprise the woman would let Anna behind the front desk. Anna made her way back and began to place the bag down in the corner there when none other than a Chansey came through the door that connected to the back of the building, waddling happily, not seeming to notice the girl until it got a little too close. The girl tensed up, wide eyed as she gave a small scream stumbling back and tripping over herself to get away from it.

Nurse Joy called her name in worry, rushing over to where she tripped, helping the trembling and panicked girl to her feet, "Poor thing. Your shaking worse than a Charmander in a storm. You need to sit down." Carefully leading her away from the confused Chansey, she sat the girl down on one of the long couches in the lounge area of the Pokemon Center, "Stay here. I'll call your mother to come get you." When the young woman nodded, Nurse Joy walked off, leaving the blonde by herself.

Traveling around for so long could get really tiring for some trainers, but for Vincent it was just another day on a great adventure. Sure, he didn't carry a lot of Pokemon around with him like other trainers did, and what other Pokemon he had caught on his journeys were safely back home in Crystal City with his mother and father.

Of course he would have Dragonite with him. After all, Dragonite was his best friend in the whole world. His Luxio...well...Luxio got annoyed last time he left him back home with his parents and kind of tore apart his mother's couch set. Yeah, after that he wasn't allowed to leave him behind. Jiggypuff and Charmander were with him still because they needed him and he was working with them. Jigglypuff still had some...anger problems and so Vin had to try and help her overcome them. Charmander on the other hand had only been with him for a few weeks. It was still recovering, both physically and mentally, and so the skittish fire Pokemon stuck to him like glue and Vincent kept it out of its Pokeball to let it rest happily without stress.

As strange as this small group was, they were his team and he loved them all dearly. And tomorrow he planned on repaying them for all their hard work by giving them a day off. After all, they were heading into the largest city in the region. Silver City. It was the perfect place for them to get some rest. He could give them some nice Pokemon Food and treats. Let them go to the beach a few miles down. He could take them to the park. There was so much he could let the four of them do. It was a long deserved break for all of them.

Of course, for now they would just have to find a place to stay for the night first. The first place he thought of was the inn. After all, if they were here for a mini vacation, then might as well stay somewhere comfortable, right? But, when he arrived there, he was very disappointed to find that all the rooms in the inn were taken for the night. He left the building in disappointment, looking down at the Charmander in his arms, "Well, Charcoal. I guess it's the Pokemon Center for us then..." The little guy seemed happy either way, his tail flicking back and forth as he nuzzled his head against Vincents with a 'charmander! char! char!' and they went on their way in search for the center.

It took a little while to find it, despite having been to this city before. Of course, it seemed to Vincent that every time he did came here they had changed the city even more, growing it bigger and better, so it would indeed be hard for him to find his way around when he thought something would be at one place and it was actually in another. Yet, he finally spotted it from a distance just as rain began to fall heavily from the sky. He ran there and walking though the door, he laughed, taking off his hat to shake the water from his dark hair before setting Charmander down and taking off his jacket to dry the little Pokemon off the best he could. it didn't help much though since his jacket was already wet, but then Nurse Joy walked from behind the county to hand him a towel with a smile, "Here you go. It's a good thing you weren't out there that long. Wouldn't want Charmander's flame to go out."

"Yeah. Of course, I would never let that happen to my little fire spitter. Right, bud?" Charmander gave a few more happy 'char's and Vincent picked him back up, "The inn was full so would it be alright if me and my Pokemon crashed here for the night?"

"Oh, yes. We always welcome trainers to stay." She said with a smile as she handed Charmander a treat from the jar on her desk.

He laughed, rubbing the back of his head, "Yeah, I know. But I always ask just in case. Thanks again, Nurse Joy." With that, Vincent walked over to the lounge area. There was only one other person there, a young woman with blonde hair who looked at Charmander with wide eyes and seemed to tense up. Seeing this, Vincent, unsure as to why she would act like this but didn't want to get into anyone's business, stayed a distance away from her on the other side of the seating area on another couch, sitting down to rest while Charmander munched on the treat Nurse Joy had given it.


Lisander was pretty used to all the stares he got as he walked around cities in towns. If it wasn't that the people knew he was; the son of the Heart City Gym Leader as well as younger brother to six other gym leaders that ran gyms in this region and other regions, it was his Eevee that got their attention. The little guy sat on the man's shoulder, excitedly looking around , its silver coat shining in the moonlight as he made his way into Silver City. This was his last stop before heading home for a little break from his training.

Normally he wouldn't be heading to Silver. His father and the gym leader there in Silver City had never gotten along (his father trained fire types and this gym held water types. go figure they didn't get along). On a regular occasion he would have just went to Diamond City and went through the wild area, despite all the wild Pokemon, to get home. After all, he did have eight strong Pokemon (eight because his ninth, Eevee was still a baby and not strong at all just yet).

But he had gotten lost with his horrible sense of direction (one of his few flaws, though he would never admit it) and ended up on Route 708 with Silver City in sight. With it being late and early on in the night, he knew he had to get some rest before traveling back home, and so it was either had into Silver City to rest, or sleep in the woods. Yeah, Silver City was pretty much his only option.

And, unfortunately for him he chose a pretty bad time to be outside because all too soon rain began pouring down from the sky as he struggled to find the Pokemon Center in the large city, Eevee hiding in his coat as he went along. He cursed as he ran about, making Eevee smack him in the back of his head with her tail, "Ow. Okay, I know. Language. But we still need to find that damned Pokemon Center." That earned him another hit on the head by his Pokemon, making him shut his trap. He was really struggling to find his way in this big city and his poor sense of direction didn't exactly help either, making him go in circles for a long while until he finally just happened to see the center up the street and make his way there. By the time he walked in, right after a girl with brown hair and a Plusle and Minun on her shoulder, he was soaked to the bone, black hair sticking to his face and the Shiny Eevee hopped out from the protection of his coat, wet but not as soaked as her trainer, the Pokemon making small sounds of complaints as she shook her fur dry.

Nurse Joy handed the two trainers a couple of towels to dry off themselves and their Pokemon before being asked to head to the lounge area, which made sense. They couldn't be blocking the front desk in case someone came in with an injured Pokemon after all. So they went to the lounge, the girl sitting on the window sill to look out into the rain while her two energetic Pokemon began running around and chasing each other. Lisander himself sat in one of the couch chairs after slipping off his wet coat to hang and dry by one of the many windows, Eevee climbing into his lap and snuggling herself under his arm comfortably to sleep.

So far there were four people in the center, and Lisander could suspect more would show up with how the rain was pouring down outside. There was himself of course, which just his sleeping Eevee out at the moment. Then there was the girl that had come in at the same time as him with the Plusle and Minun who were persistent in their game of tag. Then there was another boy perhaps a few years younger than himself with a weak looking Charmander sitting beside him on one of the couches, watching the Plusle and Minun run around with curious eyes as though it wanted to join int he game too, but didn't want to take the initiative in doing so. Lastly there was a second girl with blonde hair and glasses, seated as far as possible from the rest of them with her legs pulled up onto the couch she was on, knees to her chest as she eyed the Pokemon running around worriedly. What? Was she afraid of stepping on them or something? Well, it wasn't his problem anyone to wonder why she had that expression on her face. He let out of huff of air and sat back, stroking Eevee's head as he waited for the rain to hopefully let up.
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