Original poster
Kanto continued to sleep peacefully, despite the intrusion of the sun, creeping slowly against the sky. The rays were not too obnoxious, yet. Just enough light made it's way along the horizon to wake up a few individuals from their slumber.
Sudden calls from Spearow rang out as their wings flapped against the gentle breeze. Starlys chirped happily, splashing against small puddles on the ground. The incredibly annoying, and unnecessary exclamations poured from a group of Loudreds, too joyous over the new day to quiet down.
Yes, all was fine on this average, Summer morning as it began.
However, some did not even realize that today was about to be the start of something wonderful, and new.
Mew hated to admit it, but the Viridian Forest could seem mighty sketchy sometimes. Well, maybe not to Mew Itself, but to other Pokemon who did not know of all the beauty it held, perhaps this is so!
Floating along about three inches from the ground, movement was slow for now, with good reason. Wanting to admire the way the leaves in the treetops above shimmered with light traces of dew from the early morn, there was no hurry or rush in Mew's mind. A twinge at It's cheeks gave in to a light smile at the sight of many Metapods, hanging from their chosen branches. Deciding it best to leave them be, even though the urge to observe their hard, shiny shells was strong within It, It continued on It's way.
Maneuvering over a freshly built web, the little pink feet curled up in the air, turning around to face a Spinarak that had just finished it's project. Waving at the Pokemon, using both of it's small hands, Mew tilted It's head to the side. The Spinarak blinked a few times before going back to work on another web. Hovering for a moment there, Mew shook It's head, bright blue eyes focusing intently all of a sudden.
"Concentrate! Don't get too distracted!"
The pep talk was well needed, as it was getting quite difficult for Mew to ignore all the many glittering, gleaming, bright objects around. Who in their right mind could pass over a baby Weedle?! The amount of cuteness was far greater all around than Mew had expected! And this was a problem if It wanted to move along and reach Fuschia Glen.. Onward! No more distractions!
But.. That Pidgey.. Look at how it flutters around-
NO. No more distractions!
Closing It's eyes, Mew concentrated on the energy within It's pinkish body. Forming the clear bubble around itself, the one it was known best to be held within when aiming for protection, It tucked It's head down, brought It's limbs close to It's body, and prepared for take off. Shooting off into the Forest, a blast of pink and white light could be seen from the velocity at which Mew traveled. Using It's mind's eye, dodging the trees and Pokemon in the Forest was not hard to do. Mew was use to this kind of travel, as it was, seeing as it was very efficient for moving It's expeditions along. A few more seconds and It would be out in the Glen, It's real destination.
Tumbling along once Mew was aware of It's surroundings, the playful Pokemon opened It's eyes. A bounty of flowers were cushioned against It's body, rolling over onto It's back to gaze up at the sky. Giggling suddenly, It sat up and snapped It's head around.
This was Fuschia Glen, a place It knew well!
Flipping It's body up to hover in the air, Mew blinked and took in all the Pokemon around. It was so nice to see others playing together, enjoying the Berries, having a great time. Truly, it warmed Mew's heart to watch this from afar. It so wanted to join in! But.. It's usual partner was nowhere in sight at the moment.
Mewing softly, It turned and turned in circles. No, Latias was not here, yet. Nor was Latios. Perhaps they were playing Tag up in the sky above Kanto. Smiling brightly, Mew nodded to answer It's own thought. Yes, that must be it! Well, then It would wait for them to show! Mew was holding on to some fantastic information. The act of just keeping it to Itself was too much to handle! It HAD to tell SOME Pokemon!
And so, Mew glided along the flowers, allowing It's tail to hang low and touch the colorful petals beneath. If It had to stay and wait here, might as well relax and enjoy It's sweet time! There would be much preparation necessary for what Mew had in mind.. That is, if It could find others willing to join Mew along the way.
And if not, then those bright blue eyes would just have to blink an excess amount until a Pokemon gave in to Mew's pleas.