Pokemon Adventure!

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Moonlit Blade

Original poster
It had been many years since the first group of Pokedex Holders walked the earth. Each with his or her own skill, they all contributed to the wonderful world of Pokemon in his or her own way. Red, the Battler, inspired many young would-be Trainers to catch Pokemon and take on the Gym Leaders. Yellow taught others that caring for Pokemon is essential, for they weren't weapons or tools of war, but were partners and lifelong friends. Silver taught that Trading Pokemon was something that would bring Trainers together, and could even make some Pokemon stronger.

Nonetheless, even though each journeyed and trained on their own, they always came back together to help, their bond through their Pokedex always coming through for them in the end. And now, the Pokedexes require new wielders, to record data on Pokemon, let Trainers find and catch Pokemon, and even hit that one button that prevents evolution. Whenever evil reared its head, the Pokedexes and their Trainers have always been there to stop the evildoers, and this time, it's no difference. A syndicate of Pokemon terrorists have made themselves known to the world, and whether they are Team Rocket returned or a new syndicate all their own is yet to be known. The professors are ready to give the Pokedexes to the Trainers they see fit, now, in an effort to stop this evil.

This rp will be done in a style similar to Pokemon Special, meaning that Pokemon will, in fact, attack Trainers, and those that are bent on it, will usually try and kill. Criminals and such will also try and kill the trainers and/or Pokemon, in an effort to make a clean escape. And, know your Pokemon and what makes them special, because we'll utilize that also, like the manga. So if a Charizard's flames can melt boulders, they can do that, even if a Rapidash can't. Also, if a Pikachu can't use any more Thundershock, yet knows Thunderbolt, itmakes no sense if it can use that, then, right? And, Pokemon can learn more than four moves; we won't limit the number of moves it can learn.

Home Town:
Your specialty: (The Battler, The Healer, The Trainer, ect.)
List of Pokemon (up to three):

Pokemon's Name:
Nickname (is applicable):
How it was met/caught:
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?:

The professors look for Trainers who have their own way in the world of Pokemon. They look for those Trainers who are special in an aspect, and help them learn how to better themselves in that aspect. As such, you will need a title, for your specialty. I will have one character per title, unless we need more people. Keep in mind that even though you have a specialty in one thing, it doesn't necessarily mean you are bad in anything else, just that you're very good (or will get better) in what you do. These are as follows:

The Battler~ Red, the Pokemon Champion, was the Battler out of the Pokedex Holder. The Battler's specialty is what the name implies, Battling. With a quick sense of judgement and reaction, the Trainer who Battles can take situations and turn them in his or her favor, even if all seems lost. The Battler is also capable of keeping his or her cool during stressful times, so that he or she may utilize their Pokemon's skill to it's fullest extent.

The Trainer~ Green, the Viridian City Gym Leader, was the Trainer in the group of Pokedex Holders. Simmilar to the Battler, the Trainer battles very well, but his true skill lies in his knowledge of properly Training Pokemon. The Trainer can look at any Pokemon and instantly judge how it can specially be trained to be as strong as possible, so that it may do its best in either battles or contests. They also know which other Pokemon to train them with or against, to fully utilize their abilities.

The Healer~ Yellow, who was born in the Viridian Forest, was the Healer in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Healer has an amazing ability. The Healer can, by placing a hand on the Pokemon's head and focusing, heal the Pokemon to maximum health, instead of using an item or the Pokemon Center. This title also comes with the ability to read a Pokemon's thoughts, and delve into their memories. Healing and mind reading, however, exhaust the Trainer, and they almost fall asleep instantly. The Healer can only come from Viridian Forest, for it is the forest itself that gives the gift to the very few children that have it.

The Breeder~ Gold of New Bark Town was the Breeder in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Breeder's skill lies not in Battle, but in the raising of Pokemon. A Breeder has a strange ability, in that if an Egg hatches in the hands of the Breeder, whatever emotion they are feeling strongest will become the main will of the Pokemon. If a Breeder is feeling an intense competitive spirit, and the Egg hatches, that Pokemon will always want to battle rivals to prove itself. If, however, the Breeder is feeling lonely while the Egg hatches, the Pokemon will never want to play with other Pokemon, instead prefering to be alone.

The Trader~ Silver, son of Giovanni, was the Trader in the group of Pokedex Holders. The Trader's skills lie outside of battle. The Trader knows which Pokemon fit which Trainer by personality, and which Pokemon would work best with him, and, by doing so, will Trade many Pokemon. Not only that, but the Trader knows which Pokemon evolve by Trading and which items the Pokemon need to hold, if any are needed. They also have a strong belief that Pokemon that get Traded are exposed to many more things, become knowledgable, and grow better, thus being able to impart their skills to their offspring, producing healthier, happier, and stronger Pokemon. A Trader prefers to have Traded Pokemon with them at all times.

The Evolver~ Blue, runner up of the Pokemon League, was the Evolver in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Evolver has a skill that can be utilized in and out of battle. The Evolver can take one look at a Pokemon, and tell whether or not it will evolve soon. An Evolver can also tell exactly what item is needed to Evolution as well, or what type of training and where. This can be utilized in battle because a Pokemon that evolves is much stronger than normal within the first few minutes of Evolution, so a Pokemon can evolve in battle and give an incredible amount of strength in the effort of victory. If an Evolver keeps a Pokemon from evolving outside of battle and then allows it to Evolve mid-battle, this can very well turn the tide in a match.

The Catcher~ Crystal, the one who caught one of every Pokemon, was the Catcher in the group of Pokedex Holders. The Catcher's skill lies in, as the name suggests, Catching Pokemon. The Catcher can utilize special Pokeballs, such as the Lure Ball and fast Ball, effortlessly. Such Pokeballs require the Pokeball to hit the center of energy on a Pokemon, something which few Trainers can ever hope to achieve. The Catcher, however, can see the center of energy on almost any Pokemon, using the special Pokeballs to catch them flawlessly. The Catcher also knows perfect Catching techniques, using moves such as False Swipe and Mean Look, to Catch his or her target. Alongside this skill, the Catcher is very knowledgable in the locations of many Pokemon, so that the Catcher can thus search for them and Catch them. Filling the Pokedex is the Catcher's main concern.

These are the titles of the special Trainers. Each Trainer should have one title, and once a title is picked, it will be unusable, unless more people wish to join. Also, each Trainer should have a starter, following the same rule, first come, first serve. So, despite my annoying rules, have fun!
My Trainer.

Name: Zero Madre'
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Home Town: Blackthorn City
Your specialty: The Battler
Appearance: Zero has jet black hair which is spiked to the side, covering his left eye. Both eyes are black, though with a silver outline. He wears a pair of black Converse, black jeans, a dark blue shirt, and a black sweater, usually open. He also has a messenger bag he wears, with the pack behind him instead of to his right. He keeps his Pokeballs in a special pocket inside his sweater, on the left side.
Background: Zero was born and raised in Blackthorn City, with the intenent that he become the next Dragon Master in Blackthorn. As such, he can effectively use Dragon-type Pokemon in and out of battle, and can easily read them and use their moves. While he is far from being Blackthorn's Dragon Master, he shows excellent potential in battling. After catching a Larvitar at Mount Silver, with the permission and supervision of the Dragon Elder, he started training at the age of ten. He trained with and against the Dragon Pokemon in the Dragon's Den, quickly getting stronger in battle. With permission, he went and recieved a Charmander from a Professor in Pallet Town in Kanto, which quickly evolved in training.
Personality: Zero is very determined, and finds few things in life interesting, aside from Pokemon and battling. He will only train and battle with Dragon Pokemon, in fact, in honor of his bloodline. He has issues when regarding other people, since he as been known to speak the harsh truth, never using tact when speaking. Females have been known to become infatuated with him, but upon speaking with him, quickly decided he wasn't their type. As such, he grew up with few friends, even within his own clan, since he had breezed past other children his age quickly and didn't socialize much.
List of Pokemon (up to three): Pupitar, Charizard, and Gyarados.

Pokemon's Name: Pupitar
Nickname (is applicable): Pupi-kun (changes it upon evolution)
Gender: Male
Personality: Calm
How it was met/caught: Caught at Mount Silver. Being Zero's first Pokemon, it trusts Zero very much, even when his strategies seem dangerous.
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?: Pupitar, as a Larvitar, has a scar down its left eye, due to a battle injury when it had freshly eaten its way out of the earth. A Rhyhorn had used Horn Attack and gotten the scar across the eye, but it is hidden, now that it is in the shell.

Pokemon's Name: Charizard
Nickname (is applicable): Char-kun
Gender: Male
Personality: Impish
How it was met/caught: Met at Pallet Town, given to Zero by the professor. His second Pokemon, and also a partner for a long time, Charizard also trusts Zero, but sometimes tries to make Zero laugh by doing amusing things.
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?: Nothing physically special.

Pokemon's Name: Gyarados
Nickname (is applicable): Gyara-kun
Gender: Male
Personality: Bold
How it was met/caught: Caught in the Dragon's Den, as a Magikarp
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?: The Gyarados is a much deeper blue in appearance.

As of now:
The Battler~ Zero (me)
The Trainer~
The Healer~ Ame (Kitti)
The Breeder~ ??? (Moonlight)
The Trader~
The Evolver~ Lewy (Fluffy)
The Catcher~ Alphonse (Tux)
Name: Amethyst "Ame" Aine
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Home Town: Viridian
Your specialty: The Healer
Background: Ame was born in Viridian and became the precious ward of almost every citizen present from the moment she could crawl to their feet. Trips into the forest began shortly after she could walk. Absolutely incorrigible, there was little her mother could do except to simply accept her daughter would come back from wandering through the forest. Without the knowledge of others, Ame became a friend to dozens of pokemon within the forest. When Ame was finally older, a trainer happened through the town and tried to teach her to catch one of the pokemon of the forest by battling it. Ame became so distraught that the trainer abandoned trying to teach her almost immediately and gave her a pokemon for her protection instead. Since then, Ame has somehow managed to obtain pokemon but only battles when it is vital.

List of Pokemon (up to three):

Pokemon's Name: Ninetails
Nickname: Kiri
Gender: Female
Personality: Mild
How it was met/caught: The first pokemon Ame received from a wandering trainer, given to her as a vulpix.
Anything special in appearance?: A red bow tied around her neck, matching Ame's bow.

Pokemon's Name: Persian
Nickname: Rin
Gender: Female
Personality: Careful
How it was met/caught: While Ame was resting in Celadon, she came across a meowth in an alley, scrounging for food and half starved. Ame took care of the meowth and in return, it allowed her to catch it without weakening it first.
Anything special in appearance?: A gold hoop earring through the top of its left ear.

Pokemon's Name: Dratini
Nickname: Hikari
Gender: Female
Personality: Serious
How it was met/caught: When Ame went on an adventure through the Safari zone, she met a little dratini who followed her the whole way. The dratini grew very sad when Ame began to leave, and so Ame took her along instead with a pokeball.
Anything special in appearance?: Nothing special
Lucifer "Lewy" Young
Home Town:
Violet City
Your specialty:
The Evolver

Great picture 'cause he looks similar to Falkner and has an owl. Call it a Hoothoot. xD
The fraternally twin brother of Falkner, who's the gym leader in Violet City. While his brother worked in the gym, Lewy was out capturing and studying Pokemon. He has a natural eye for beauty when it comes to Pokemon, considering it one of their greatest strengths in battling. He'd learn how charisma could help a Pokemon win in battle or at least flee when at the given chance. In time, he realized that beyond all that charm was potential and power! When he got his first Pokemon, Totodile, he could spot the moment it was evolving. Soon enough, he could spot the occasion as quickly as he could spot what makes a Pokemon so beautifully unique. Putting his abilities to use, he raised a strong team of Pokemon; however, it didn't grant him the title of champion in the league. To this day, he hopes to achieve that name. He hopes to be as adored as his gym leader brother and recognized simply as Lucifer Young: Pokemon Master, rather than Lewy: Falkner's brother no one knows about.
Lewy is a confident young man, also thankful for every ounce of good he has in his life. There isn't a single Pokemon he doesn't love, nor a person he would dream of loathing. Although he is very experienced (being a trainer for 9 years) he's aware there's much more to learn, so he's always on the lookout for a lesson. Lewy doesn't get angry unless it's necessary, but he is more sensitive than he leads people to be. Rejection, disappointment and all other negativism could very well put him into a depression.

List of Pokemon:

Pokemon's Name:
Spike is super protective of Lewy and gives the most intimidating look to anyone he considers a threat. Once he's warmed up to other people, he's one of the most reliable Pokemon around. He dislikes being in his Poke' Ball, but Lewy prefers it since he's no longer a little Totodile. At times, Spike is allowed the freedom and gives Lewy rides across bodies of water; a fun activity both of them have shared since Lewy was younger.
How it was met/caught:
Lewy's first Pokemon he obtained from the professor.
Anything special in appearance:

Pokemon's Name:
Sky is very energetic and has a short temper. With Lewy's help, he learned how to apply the extra energy--along with the anger--in combat to over whelm the opponent. He is Lewy's transportation by air, which he enjoys more than anything in the world. Sky also dislikes Poke' Balls.
How it was met/caught:
Lewy captured Sky in a forest after a long battle against Spike when he was a Croconaw. A great ball was necessary for this one.
Anything special in appearance:
Lewy likes Sky the way he is and so does Sky, so Lewy had a comfortable collar crafted with pieces of an Everstone in it. Sky wears it at all times so he won't evolve.

Pokemon's Name:
Sully is Lewy's opposite, meaning he's shy, timid and has low self esteem. Sully doesn't believe he'll ever evolve and is useless to Lewy, but the trainer thinks otherwise. Respectfully, Lewy doesn't use this Pokemon for combat unless Sully is confident enough. When it comes down to it, Sully will still protect his trainer from harm. Negative as he is, he has hope that Lewy will help him evolve into a big, beautiful, awesome Marowak.
How it was met/caught:
Lewy learned that Sully was released into the wild by another trainer because said trainer thought Sully was weak and insignificant. He simply asked the Cubone if he'd like to join the team and Sully gratefully accepted.
Anything special in appearance:
Sully's skull helmet is incredibly shiny because Lewy keeps it clean and clear of scratches. It helps Sully feel more confident when Lewy compliments the Cubone's image.
Hope some people join. Kitti and I want Pokiman RPZ. >:[
All right, Tux! I'll reserve your spot!

I think with you, we can start, and if three others want to join during, that'll work. Is that okay with everyone else?
Name: Alphonse Mucha
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Home Town: Lilycove
Your specialty: The Catcher

(Black suit and fedora instead of green, and blue eyes)

Alphonse has always enjoyed art, he always has ever since he was a kid. He was never very good at creating work from the inner recesses of his mind so instead would meander in the plains near his home in Lilycove looking for Pokemon to draw. This would often get him attacked by Pokemon which may have not been the safest course of action but he only had a talent for realism.
As Lilycove has one of the most prestigious art museums in the world artists from all over the planet come to marvel at the work and share with each other. It was here that Alphonse ran into a man named Don Davinci who noticed his talented for realism art, of all styles. He then offered Alphonse a trip with him to The Ruins of Alph where he met his Smeargle, Monet.
It has been since that faithful day that Alphonse has had the desire to draw if not at least capture, every single Pokemon.
Personality: Always has a positive attitude after all he has to capture every single Pokemon! Loves to meet others and record there pokemon in his Pokedex the more variations the better.
Ever since Alphonse began his journey to capture eery Pokemon in the known world has had had the knack of coercing Pokemon to be captured. This either happened through battle or friendly means but he's always been able to find the Pokemon's soft in which to make it his own.

List of Pokemon (up to three):

Pokemon's Name: Smeargle
Nickname (is applicable): Monet
Gender: Female
Personality: Monet seems to mimic Alphonse in whatever mood he is in this can prove to be extremely useful when capturing and battling or have drastic repercussions.
How it was met/caught:
When Alphonse was exploring The Ruins of Alph with Davinci he discovered a Smeargle and had immediately begun drawing it as he had never before seen one and had only heard rumors of an artist pokemon existing. The Smeargle recognizing the type of activity Alphonse was engaging in as he was being sketched moseyed over. The Smeargle then sat in front of Alphonse and mimicked his every move, looking up and down, and moving his arm as if creating a picture. Alphonse took a liking to this Smeargle and they have been inseparable ever since. It was here that Alphonse and the Smeargle bonded with their love of art, as the Smeargle as become quite a fine artist herself. Monet often is outside her Pokeball.
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?:
Monet looks like every other Smeargle the only difference is her tail changes color with her mood, giving her a wide variety of paints., and if happy when in the dark her tail changes to a glow-in-the-dark paint.

Pokemon's Name: Ditto
Nickname (is applicable): Slick
Gender: N/A
Personality: Loving Pokemon to all people and tries to often impress Alphonse and Monet transforming into difficult things even though he may not always get it right.
How it was met/caught:
Alphonse and Monet were in the Safari Zone exploring a secret cave that had stumbled upon. They traveled deep into it and found little to no Pokemon living there. After what seemed to be no end they stumbled upon a Ditto who had been in the cave for so long instead up purple or blue has was black with white facial features. At first the Ditto was terrified as it had never seen either of their kind before, but in seeing the welcoming faces and Monet glow-in-the-dark tail become mesmerized with them. Slick is often outside it's Pokeball.
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?:
Completely black and white facial features, often turns into another Smeargle (but male) to copy Monet as he/it is infatuated with her.

Pokemon's Name: Togepi
Nickname (is applicable): ArchAngel
Gender: Male
Personality: Shy
How it was met/caught:
Alphonse and Monet were strolling through Route 102 enjoying each others company and did not notice a Ralts that was watching them from the forest. The Togepi was drawn to their happy attitudes and edged closer and closer to them as they walked along the route. It tried to get to close, tripped and fell into their path. It froze not knowing what to in which Alphonse picked her up and cradled her to make sure she was alright, and soon after they became friends.
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?:
Okay! I think we're set! We can start the RP soon!

That okay with everyone?
Dooo eettt. I think with just us four we can have a pretty stable RP, the smaller the more likely we'll finish it :]]

(I might add another Pokemon and some history to me character, well history for sure explaining the catching skills)

Edit: Already added.
I'm coo wif dat. *Hugs Tux* Glad to have you here. ^-^
I'm glad too Flufferkins! I'm pretty stoked!

Ha I changed one last thing I now have a Ralts instead. I wanna have fun evolving!!
Haha! All right, I'll put up the RP itself! It'll be in the Fantasy section, of course!
Hiya ^^
I'll reserve Breeder please and thank-you!
All right, I'll put you under for breeder, haha.