Moonlit Blade
Original poster
It had been many years since the first group of Pokedex Holders walked the earth. Each with his or her own skill, they all contributed to the wonderful world of Pokemon in his or her own way. Red, the Battler, inspired many young would-be Trainers to catch Pokemon and take on the Gym Leaders. Yellow taught others that caring for Pokemon is essential, for they weren't weapons or tools of war, but were partners and lifelong friends. Silver taught that Trading Pokemon was something that would bring Trainers together, and could even make some Pokemon stronger.
Nonetheless, even though each journeyed and trained on their own, they always came back together to help, their bond through their Pokedex always coming through for them in the end. And now, the Pokedexes require new wielders, to record data on Pokemon, let Trainers find and catch Pokemon, and even hit that one button that prevents evolution. Whenever evil reared its head, the Pokedexes and their Trainers have always been there to stop the evildoers, and this time, it's no difference. A syndicate of Pokemon terrorists have made themselves known to the world, and whether they are Team Rocket returned or a new syndicate all their own is yet to be known. The professors are ready to give the Pokedexes to the Trainers they see fit, now, in an effort to stop this evil.
This rp will be done in a style similar to Pokemon Special, meaning that Pokemon will, in fact, attack Trainers, and those that are bent on it, will usually try and kill. Criminals and such will also try and kill the trainers and/or Pokemon, in an effort to make a clean escape. And, know your Pokemon and what makes them special, because we'll utilize that also, like the manga. So if a Charizard's flames can melt boulders, they can do that, even if a Rapidash can't. Also, if a Pikachu can't use any more Thundershock, yet knows Thunderbolt, itmakes no sense if it can use that, then, right? And, Pokemon can learn more than four moves; we won't limit the number of moves it can learn.
Home Town:
Your specialty: (The Battler, The Healer, The Trainer, ect.)
List of Pokemon (up to three):
Pokemon's Name:
Nickname (is applicable):
How it was met/caught:
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?:
The professors look for Trainers who have their own way in the world of Pokemon. They look for those Trainers who are special in an aspect, and help them learn how to better themselves in that aspect. As such, you will need a title, for your specialty. I will have one character per title, unless we need more people. Keep in mind that even though you have a specialty in one thing, it doesn't necessarily mean you are bad in anything else, just that you're very good (or will get better) in what you do. These are as follows:
The Battler~ Red, the Pokemon Champion, was the Battler out of the Pokedex Holder. The Battler's specialty is what the name implies, Battling. With a quick sense of judgement and reaction, the Trainer who Battles can take situations and turn them in his or her favor, even if all seems lost. The Battler is also capable of keeping his or her cool during stressful times, so that he or she may utilize their Pokemon's skill to it's fullest extent.
The Trainer~ Green, the Viridian City Gym Leader, was the Trainer in the group of Pokedex Holders. Simmilar to the Battler, the Trainer battles very well, but his true skill lies in his knowledge of properly Training Pokemon. The Trainer can look at any Pokemon and instantly judge how it can specially be trained to be as strong as possible, so that it may do its best in either battles or contests. They also know which other Pokemon to train them with or against, to fully utilize their abilities.
The Healer~ Yellow, who was born in the Viridian Forest, was the Healer in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Healer has an amazing ability. The Healer can, by placing a hand on the Pokemon's head and focusing, heal the Pokemon to maximum health, instead of using an item or the Pokemon Center. This title also comes with the ability to read a Pokemon's thoughts, and delve into their memories. Healing and mind reading, however, exhaust the Trainer, and they almost fall asleep instantly. The Healer can only come from Viridian Forest, for it is the forest itself that gives the gift to the very few children that have it.
The Breeder~ Gold of New Bark Town was the Breeder in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Breeder's skill lies not in Battle, but in the raising of Pokemon. A Breeder has a strange ability, in that if an Egg hatches in the hands of the Breeder, whatever emotion they are feeling strongest will become the main will of the Pokemon. If a Breeder is feeling an intense competitive spirit, and the Egg hatches, that Pokemon will always want to battle rivals to prove itself. If, however, the Breeder is feeling lonely while the Egg hatches, the Pokemon will never want to play with other Pokemon, instead prefering to be alone.
The Trader~ Silver, son of Giovanni, was the Trader in the group of Pokedex Holders. The Trader's skills lie outside of battle. The Trader knows which Pokemon fit which Trainer by personality, and which Pokemon would work best with him, and, by doing so, will Trade many Pokemon. Not only that, but the Trader knows which Pokemon evolve by Trading and which items the Pokemon need to hold, if any are needed. They also have a strong belief that Pokemon that get Traded are exposed to many more things, become knowledgable, and grow better, thus being able to impart their skills to their offspring, producing healthier, happier, and stronger Pokemon. A Trader prefers to have Traded Pokemon with them at all times.
The Evolver~ Blue, runner up of the Pokemon League, was the Evolver in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Evolver has a skill that can be utilized in and out of battle. The Evolver can take one look at a Pokemon, and tell whether or not it will evolve soon. An Evolver can also tell exactly what item is needed to Evolution as well, or what type of training and where. This can be utilized in battle because a Pokemon that evolves is much stronger than normal within the first few minutes of Evolution, so a Pokemon can evolve in battle and give an incredible amount of strength in the effort of victory. If an Evolver keeps a Pokemon from evolving outside of battle and then allows it to Evolve mid-battle, this can very well turn the tide in a match.
The Catcher~ Crystal, the one who caught one of every Pokemon, was the Catcher in the group of Pokedex Holders. The Catcher's skill lies in, as the name suggests, Catching Pokemon. The Catcher can utilize special Pokeballs, such as the Lure Ball and fast Ball, effortlessly. Such Pokeballs require the Pokeball to hit the center of energy on a Pokemon, something which few Trainers can ever hope to achieve. The Catcher, however, can see the center of energy on almost any Pokemon, using the special Pokeballs to catch them flawlessly. The Catcher also knows perfect Catching techniques, using moves such as False Swipe and Mean Look, to Catch his or her target. Alongside this skill, the Catcher is very knowledgable in the locations of many Pokemon, so that the Catcher can thus search for them and Catch them. Filling the Pokedex is the Catcher's main concern.
These are the titles of the special Trainers. Each Trainer should have one title, and once a title is picked, it will be unusable, unless more people wish to join. Also, each Trainer should have a starter, following the same rule, first come, first serve. So, despite my annoying rules, have fun!
Nonetheless, even though each journeyed and trained on their own, they always came back together to help, their bond through their Pokedex always coming through for them in the end. And now, the Pokedexes require new wielders, to record data on Pokemon, let Trainers find and catch Pokemon, and even hit that one button that prevents evolution. Whenever evil reared its head, the Pokedexes and their Trainers have always been there to stop the evildoers, and this time, it's no difference. A syndicate of Pokemon terrorists have made themselves known to the world, and whether they are Team Rocket returned or a new syndicate all their own is yet to be known. The professors are ready to give the Pokedexes to the Trainers they see fit, now, in an effort to stop this evil.
This rp will be done in a style similar to Pokemon Special, meaning that Pokemon will, in fact, attack Trainers, and those that are bent on it, will usually try and kill. Criminals and such will also try and kill the trainers and/or Pokemon, in an effort to make a clean escape. And, know your Pokemon and what makes them special, because we'll utilize that also, like the manga. So if a Charizard's flames can melt boulders, they can do that, even if a Rapidash can't. Also, if a Pikachu can't use any more Thundershock, yet knows Thunderbolt, itmakes no sense if it can use that, then, right? And, Pokemon can learn more than four moves; we won't limit the number of moves it can learn.
Home Town:
Your specialty: (The Battler, The Healer, The Trainer, ect.)
List of Pokemon (up to three):
Pokemon's Name:
Nickname (is applicable):
How it was met/caught:
Anything special in appearance (scars, bandanas, ect.)?:
The professors look for Trainers who have their own way in the world of Pokemon. They look for those Trainers who are special in an aspect, and help them learn how to better themselves in that aspect. As such, you will need a title, for your specialty. I will have one character per title, unless we need more people. Keep in mind that even though you have a specialty in one thing, it doesn't necessarily mean you are bad in anything else, just that you're very good (or will get better) in what you do. These are as follows:
The Battler~ Red, the Pokemon Champion, was the Battler out of the Pokedex Holder. The Battler's specialty is what the name implies, Battling. With a quick sense of judgement and reaction, the Trainer who Battles can take situations and turn them in his or her favor, even if all seems lost. The Battler is also capable of keeping his or her cool during stressful times, so that he or she may utilize their Pokemon's skill to it's fullest extent.
The Trainer~ Green, the Viridian City Gym Leader, was the Trainer in the group of Pokedex Holders. Simmilar to the Battler, the Trainer battles very well, but his true skill lies in his knowledge of properly Training Pokemon. The Trainer can look at any Pokemon and instantly judge how it can specially be trained to be as strong as possible, so that it may do its best in either battles or contests. They also know which other Pokemon to train them with or against, to fully utilize their abilities.
The Healer~ Yellow, who was born in the Viridian Forest, was the Healer in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Healer has an amazing ability. The Healer can, by placing a hand on the Pokemon's head and focusing, heal the Pokemon to maximum health, instead of using an item or the Pokemon Center. This title also comes with the ability to read a Pokemon's thoughts, and delve into their memories. Healing and mind reading, however, exhaust the Trainer, and they almost fall asleep instantly. The Healer can only come from Viridian Forest, for it is the forest itself that gives the gift to the very few children that have it.
The Breeder~ Gold of New Bark Town was the Breeder in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Breeder's skill lies not in Battle, but in the raising of Pokemon. A Breeder has a strange ability, in that if an Egg hatches in the hands of the Breeder, whatever emotion they are feeling strongest will become the main will of the Pokemon. If a Breeder is feeling an intense competitive spirit, and the Egg hatches, that Pokemon will always want to battle rivals to prove itself. If, however, the Breeder is feeling lonely while the Egg hatches, the Pokemon will never want to play with other Pokemon, instead prefering to be alone.
The Trader~ Silver, son of Giovanni, was the Trader in the group of Pokedex Holders. The Trader's skills lie outside of battle. The Trader knows which Pokemon fit which Trainer by personality, and which Pokemon would work best with him, and, by doing so, will Trade many Pokemon. Not only that, but the Trader knows which Pokemon evolve by Trading and which items the Pokemon need to hold, if any are needed. They also have a strong belief that Pokemon that get Traded are exposed to many more things, become knowledgable, and grow better, thus being able to impart their skills to their offspring, producing healthier, happier, and stronger Pokemon. A Trader prefers to have Traded Pokemon with them at all times.
The Evolver~ Blue, runner up of the Pokemon League, was the Evolver in the Pokedex Holder's group. The Evolver has a skill that can be utilized in and out of battle. The Evolver can take one look at a Pokemon, and tell whether or not it will evolve soon. An Evolver can also tell exactly what item is needed to Evolution as well, or what type of training and where. This can be utilized in battle because a Pokemon that evolves is much stronger than normal within the first few minutes of Evolution, so a Pokemon can evolve in battle and give an incredible amount of strength in the effort of victory. If an Evolver keeps a Pokemon from evolving outside of battle and then allows it to Evolve mid-battle, this can very well turn the tide in a match.
The Catcher~ Crystal, the one who caught one of every Pokemon, was the Catcher in the group of Pokedex Holders. The Catcher's skill lies in, as the name suggests, Catching Pokemon. The Catcher can utilize special Pokeballs, such as the Lure Ball and fast Ball, effortlessly. Such Pokeballs require the Pokeball to hit the center of energy on a Pokemon, something which few Trainers can ever hope to achieve. The Catcher, however, can see the center of energy on almost any Pokemon, using the special Pokeballs to catch them flawlessly. The Catcher also knows perfect Catching techniques, using moves such as False Swipe and Mean Look, to Catch his or her target. Alongside this skill, the Catcher is very knowledgable in the locations of many Pokemon, so that the Catcher can thus search for them and Catch them. Filling the Pokedex is the Catcher's main concern.
These are the titles of the special Trainers. Each Trainer should have one title, and once a title is picked, it will be unusable, unless more people wish to join. Also, each Trainer should have a starter, following the same rule, first come, first serve. So, despite my annoying rules, have fun!