Original poster
Welp, I'm looking for new partners, please let me know.
I'm looking for someone who writes at the very least one paragraph per turn and can reply at least once or twice a day, but if real life catches you, I understand, so I promise not to be annoying. I'm fine with most genres that aren't on my 'hard no' list, so ask me about them and I'll let you know what I think.
Honestly, I'm more into action and adventure rollplays, but if you want to add something to it, that sounds like a great idea to me.
I was also interested in a 'Infamous Second Son' rp, for anyone whose interested.
So shoot me a message, and we can brainstorm ideas together.
Now for some plot ideas:
Kidnapped x Kidnaper, between dark and fluff:
A works for a resistance against their tyrannical government. B is the child of that county's currents ruler. When walking through a city one night, B is captured by the resistance, with a ransom note attached to the body of their guard.
Demon x Human (mxm), dark: (literally, I don't care how many people ask to do this plot with me, but I will say yes every time.)
Your character has walked the earth for many thousands of years, and unfortunately, that gets a little repetitive. So your character starts to kidnap humans, and keep them like toys, just for a few years of entertainment. Recently, the human you owned had died, and you need someone new. That's when you meetmy character. A shy kid who ran away from home. My character is drawn in by yours, and accepts immediately when offered a warm place to stay. Little does my character know, that he's just entered into his worst nightmare.
Demon x Angel (fxf), either:
A is one of the worlds most feared demons in the underworld. B is an assistant to a powerful angel. One day,Bfinds A wounded, and half dead in the human world. B was always told that she had a heart the size of a bolder, but she never thought it would lead her, to save the life of her sworn enemy. But she didn't think she could live with herself, is B died, and she could have done something about it.
Angel x human, fluff:
A is a struggling collage student living on their own. B is an angel, who was wounded and lost in the human world.A finds B and carries them back to their place, and patches them up. They have a small panic attack when they seeB's giant fucking wings, that stretch almost from one end of their one room apartment to the other. ButAsaves them anyways, and when B wakes for the first time, there are a lot of awkward questions.
Student x student, fluff and angst:
A and B have been best friends since they were in preschool. Then everything changed, when A moved to another city at the beginning of middle school. They're reunited once more, during their senior year of High School, but they're very different people. A is the nerdy kid, who doesn't really know how to talk to others. B is the mean goth kid, who everyone is afraid of. Can their friendship continue, or are they just...too different?
Teacher x Student, either a bit of comedy would be nice:
Student is the star pupil of their school. Teacher is the creepy math teacher everyone wants to avoid being alone with in the hallway. Student is always trying to dodge Teacher, their thick glasses and strange way of talking about things. Then, Teacher gives Student detention. Slowly, as the days pass, and the two get to know one another, Student starts to have a new understanding of why Teacher acts like they do.
Stalker x Stalked (mxm/f), dark:
A seems like a well respected member of society. A nice job, a loving wife, a huge home. But he's not. Having what he's got already isn't enough. For years, he's been obsessed with one person, B. It's gotten to the point whereAcan no longer function without seeing B at least once a day. B knows they are being fallowed. They feel it, every time they're in public or studying in the library. B has reported it to the police several times, but there's no proof. Will B be able to prove they're being stalked, or will A finally get what he wants?
Criminal x Law enforcement, crime:
A has been working for years to put B behind bars, but there's just...never anything A can pin on B. We can work on the rest of the plot as we go.
Prince x Slave (mxm), either but drama is always nice:
Prince has grown up in the lap of luxury, with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's a kind person, but ignorant to his people's suffering. He doesn't know that almost 60% of his kingdom is starving, or that all people who can't pay their taxes are made slaves. Slave knows though, because he had suffered that very fate. At only twelve years old, his father gave less then what was demanded, and his whole family was sent to become slaves to the nobles. Now, at seventeen, he's given to the prince of the land, to be his personal servant.
Princess x Lower class (fxf), fluff:
Princess doesn't like other people very much. She sits in her room for days on end, and hardly even talks to her parents. Then a lower class woman comes to the castle, and stubbornly demands that they become friends. (going to be honest, I haven't given this plot much thought.)
Levi x Eren modern era au
Levi is known around town as a player. Eren is the sweet boy that every parent wished that they had. One day, the two of them meet on the train and Levi is instantly attracted to him, and they swap numbers. Eren has a romantic fantasy about how relationships are supposed to work, having never been in a real one, and falls for all that 'love at first sight' stuff that you always see in the movies. Levi and Eren hang out for awhile, and go on a few dates, which is a lot more then Levi has ever put into a relationship. As time goes by, Levi becomes less and less willing to hurt Eren in the same way he always did to his other partners. But when Levi's shady past starts to creep up on him, will Eren stay?
When Eren a new student, reaches the front of the lunch line, he realizes he doesn't have enough cash to buy food. Before this can become apparent to anyone else in the cafeteria, Levi, an upperclassman, quickly offers to pay for both of their lunches.
(Vampire x Vampire hunter Eren): Eren swore that he would destroy all vampires after the death of his mother. There's one that he's looking for in particular, Levi. Their king, their leader, the last pureblood. One straight shot, and all other vampires would be destroyed. Too bad Eren didn't know just how powerful he really was when he went after Levi.
Soul Eater:
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji):
Infamous Second Son:
Harry Potter:
Maximum Ride:
Attack on Titan (snk):
If none of those ideas interest you, then feel free to give me your own ideas.
Thanks for reading.
I'm looking for someone who writes at the very least one paragraph per turn and can reply at least once or twice a day, but if real life catches you, I understand, so I promise not to be annoying. I'm fine with most genres that aren't on my 'hard no' list, so ask me about them and I'll let you know what I think.
Honestly, I'm more into action and adventure rollplays, but if you want to add something to it, that sounds like a great idea to me.
I was also interested in a 'Infamous Second Son' rp, for anyone whose interested.
So shoot me a message, and we can brainstorm ideas together.

Now for some plot ideas:
Kidnapped x Kidnaper, between dark and fluff:
A works for a resistance against their tyrannical government. B is the child of that county's currents ruler. When walking through a city one night, B is captured by the resistance, with a ransom note attached to the body of their guard.
Demon x Human (mxm), dark: (literally, I don't care how many people ask to do this plot with me, but I will say yes every time.)
Your character has walked the earth for many thousands of years, and unfortunately, that gets a little repetitive. So your character starts to kidnap humans, and keep them like toys, just for a few years of entertainment. Recently, the human you owned had died, and you need someone new. That's when you meetmy character. A shy kid who ran away from home. My character is drawn in by yours, and accepts immediately when offered a warm place to stay. Little does my character know, that he's just entered into his worst nightmare.
Demon x Angel (fxf), either:
A is one of the worlds most feared demons in the underworld. B is an assistant to a powerful angel. One day,Bfinds A wounded, and half dead in the human world. B was always told that she had a heart the size of a bolder, but she never thought it would lead her, to save the life of her sworn enemy. But she didn't think she could live with herself, is B died, and she could have done something about it.
Angel x human, fluff:
A is a struggling collage student living on their own. B is an angel, who was wounded and lost in the human world.A finds B and carries them back to their place, and patches them up. They have a small panic attack when they seeB's giant fucking wings, that stretch almost from one end of their one room apartment to the other. ButAsaves them anyways, and when B wakes for the first time, there are a lot of awkward questions.
Student x student, fluff and angst:
A and B have been best friends since they were in preschool. Then everything changed, when A moved to another city at the beginning of middle school. They're reunited once more, during their senior year of High School, but they're very different people. A is the nerdy kid, who doesn't really know how to talk to others. B is the mean goth kid, who everyone is afraid of. Can their friendship continue, or are they just...too different?
Teacher x Student, either a bit of comedy would be nice:
Student is the star pupil of their school. Teacher is the creepy math teacher everyone wants to avoid being alone with in the hallway. Student is always trying to dodge Teacher, their thick glasses and strange way of talking about things. Then, Teacher gives Student detention. Slowly, as the days pass, and the two get to know one another, Student starts to have a new understanding of why Teacher acts like they do.
Stalker x Stalked (mxm/f), dark:
A seems like a well respected member of society. A nice job, a loving wife, a huge home. But he's not. Having what he's got already isn't enough. For years, he's been obsessed with one person, B. It's gotten to the point whereAcan no longer function without seeing B at least once a day. B knows they are being fallowed. They feel it, every time they're in public or studying in the library. B has reported it to the police several times, but there's no proof. Will B be able to prove they're being stalked, or will A finally get what he wants?
Criminal x Law enforcement, crime:
A has been working for years to put B behind bars, but there's just...never anything A can pin on B. We can work on the rest of the plot as we go.
Prince x Slave (mxm), either but drama is always nice:
Prince has grown up in the lap of luxury, with a silver spoon in his mouth. He's a kind person, but ignorant to his people's suffering. He doesn't know that almost 60% of his kingdom is starving, or that all people who can't pay their taxes are made slaves. Slave knows though, because he had suffered that very fate. At only twelve years old, his father gave less then what was demanded, and his whole family was sent to become slaves to the nobles. Now, at seventeen, he's given to the prince of the land, to be his personal servant.
Princess x Lower class (fxf), fluff:
Princess doesn't like other people very much. She sits in her room for days on end, and hardly even talks to her parents. Then a lower class woman comes to the castle, and stubbornly demands that they become friends. (going to be honest, I haven't given this plot much thought.)
Levi x Eren modern era au
Levi is known around town as a player. Eren is the sweet boy that every parent wished that they had. One day, the two of them meet on the train and Levi is instantly attracted to him, and they swap numbers. Eren has a romantic fantasy about how relationships are supposed to work, having never been in a real one, and falls for all that 'love at first sight' stuff that you always see in the movies. Levi and Eren hang out for awhile, and go on a few dates, which is a lot more then Levi has ever put into a relationship. As time goes by, Levi becomes less and less willing to hurt Eren in the same way he always did to his other partners. But when Levi's shady past starts to creep up on him, will Eren stay?
When Eren a new student, reaches the front of the lunch line, he realizes he doesn't have enough cash to buy food. Before this can become apparent to anyone else in the cafeteria, Levi, an upperclassman, quickly offers to pay for both of their lunches.
(Vampire x Vampire hunter Eren): Eren swore that he would destroy all vampires after the death of his mother. There's one that he's looking for in particular, Levi. Their king, their leader, the last pureblood. One straight shot, and all other vampires would be destroyed. Too bad Eren didn't know just how powerful he really was when he went after Levi.
Soul Eater:
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji):
Infamous Second Son:
Harry Potter:
Maximum Ride:
Attack on Titan (snk):
If none of those ideas interest you, then feel free to give me your own ideas.
Thanks for reading.
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