Cake. Such simple, sinful food. A bit of flour and sugar, some eggs and a few other ingredients. But this cake was more sinister. As the bride cut into the cake, her husband's hand guiding hers, she paused. This pause wasn't for dramatic effect, rather, she had run into an obstacle. She felt her heart stop. Not another thing to go wrong! This was her big day, and already her father hadn't arrived to walk her down the aisle. He'd probably had some big police business, but then, half the force was here today. And now... now something in her cake. She withdrew the serving knife, her expression confused and worried. She tried in another section, but still encountered something. Something wrong. In the way. Frustrated and tired, she set the knife aside, ripping into the tier of the cake with her hands, trying to expose whatever was inside. As the cake revealed its contents, the bride screamed, falling to the ground in a faint. The groom's face turned green and he vomited into a champagne bucket. Guests screamed and ran, the police there for the wedding rushed forward to get details of the scene, and for a moment, all was chaos.
They found the bride's father, or rather, the parts of him that weren't baked into the cake, three weeks later. Cause of death was ruled undetermined, a strange statement for a man who's death had obvious been a message. You are one of the officers who attended the wedding. You know the message was meant for the force, and that someone is covering something up. Duty and curiosity drives you to discover the truth.
Okay, that's my plot idea. Or, story starter. Or whatever.