When someone dies their soul is taken by the Gods of the afterlife, taken to a bright peaceful place to rest and forget their memories and experiences before they are reborn once again, there is no judgement on a soul as it only rifines and gives life to what already exist in the body and mind, every soul is therefore taken to the same place after death. But, when someone dies an unnatural death and cannot let go of life or when magic is used a soul can not be collected by the Gods of the afterlife instead the sould crystalizes and takes physical shape. This is called a Soul Gem, they are very powerful and reflect the person it ones was, being malicious, indeifferent or good natured. These gems can be used by magicians to enhance their powers or even by normal folk to give them power but without a strong heart and soul of their own a person is easily taken over by a Soul Gem, each gem wants something and if they get help the soul can move on from its crystalline prison and rest in the afterlife but many people wants to draw power from the Soul Gems and use them for their own purpose instead of helping the souls, even leading to people murdering to obtain a Soul Gem.
The Protectors, a specific group of police answering to the Ruler only, are specially trained to seek out Soul Gems and help them get rest and prevent people from using Soul Gems. Protectors have a handheld device that scan the air for Soul Waves and can also vaguely sense what the souls want so the Protectors can do their job. They are a well trained elite force handpicked by the Council and carefully monitored so that they don't go rouge, the Protectos are well known all around Earth, both feared and loved by the people. What people don't know is that the Protectors have Soul Gems aiding their powers. But these are not illegal gems but the Protectors own souls taken out and given physical form, these Soul Gems are special and a Protector can not be separated from his Soul Gem without risking death.