Set in Ireland during The Great Potatoe Famine there lives a young boy. His name is unimportant as he himself does not even know what it is. His family abandonded him on the streets of DUblin when they could no longer afford to feed him. Shortly thereafter they moved to America where they were never heard from again.
Walking down the street is a little known man who spots this young man curled up at the edge of an alley way waiting to die of starvation. The man's name? Unknown. His occupation? Necromancer. Kept in hiding so that the masses would not attempt to burn him at the stake as they were so known for doing to those with magical powers, or those who they suspected of magical powers. This man takes the boy in and raises him, all the while teaching the boy his trade. When the boy was old enough (Approximately 13) His master explained everything to him, immedietally upon which the boy tried to run away, but the Master rejected this idea and refused that wish, forcing the boy to finish training to become the Master's successor. After the boy has left training, he is loosed upon the world to do whatever he wishes...