Pictures Thread 3.0

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Get me out of here, would you? I'm starting to get hungry
*uses his mad irl safe-door-removal skills to "remove" the safe door to the other side of the room at high speeds*


care for a pint lass?

and everyone beware! i have an attack dog!

You know seeing as I am at work and will have to comment later about these pictures...

Ryker should be semi flattered while drilling holes in people for complementing on his girl's attractivness. Its only polite after all...
To be honest... I'm not used to being hit on and it makes me a little nervous and embarassed.
*talks to the charred corpse of Myrn in a severe tone*

...You heard the lady. *wags finger*

*skips back to Mexico*
you know american subs reamred and stuff in fremantle in Western Australia during the war?

on a hill overlooking the port is a memorial for all the wars, and one of the more interesting peices there is a Torpedo, the plaque of which talks about the us subs that came and went during the second world war.

wish i could remember exactly what it said though.
*hides in Archetype's lab*
Kitti is cute!
And no, I don't mean "Cute" as in the M word.

But I agree, either way.

Not about the menstruation thing.

The Kitti being cute thing.

Because menstruation isn't cute.

Unless you're into freaky stuff.

I don't know, if you are it's okay I guess.

Unless you're not then it's like, not okay.

I mean there's lots of blood and stuff, and the chick's pretty much peeing a fetus, so yeah, not really nice.

*Returns like in a cool 80's cop flick*


"No, SeÑor, you can't go!"
"My apologies, Margarita, I have...*Looks at the camera with nostalgia misting his eyes*... unfinished buisness."


"But SeÑor, he'll kill you!"
"Well I can't stay here. I've...enjoyed our time together, but *Intrepid camera staring* heart belongs to another."


*Tearing up*

"...Is she beautiful?"
"Like a radiant sunburst...*misty eyes*..."
"Alright SeÑor, I will distract them, go, go!"


*Mounts a moped to drive off into the sunset, bound for Chicago, and lost love...*
Making a tilde isn't that hard, dude.

I mean, it's a letter in my keyboard.

Eñe, see? Not too hard.

*rips the tungsten bar from his forhead and implants it into khang's ass*

That's for butchering Spanish fucker.
I'd think it was awesome if dudes were hitting on my girlfriend.

Let's me know I scored an AWESOME chick, and it would keep me on my toes, always forcing me to invent new ways to let my wommun know I cared about her and was unarguably hers.

Know what I mean, Verne?

Also, between Darky and Kars, I think I'll never have an erection ever again. THANKS, FUCKERS.
I think the man you're adressing died some time ago.
Seiji, scuse me if I'm being feminist (GASP!!!!) but that is like treating the one you love like some trophy...

I'd much rather be friends with a guy than to be hit on by one.

Like, I'd HATE if Asmoman hit on me, because he's one of my go-to people, and I trust him and love him like a brother or an older friend who gives great advice.

Basically, Seiji, saying that you'd love to hear other guys call your girl "hot" doesn't take into account how the girl feels.

If you want me to stop hitting on you, TK, all you need to do is ask.

I'm a pretty decent guy, under all the facades...
i've always found that instead of being blatantly flirtatious, little comments in the right context flatter a lady more than saying "aw hell dogg, i wanna tap dat!"
But for you, Myrn, I'm kinda used to it and you don't ever go too far.
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