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You could do Raz's Workout Routine.

You gotta progress into it, though.

Its also designed for functional strength, not aesthetics.

My core workout day is:

-5 minute plank, no break throughout
-1:20 sec sitting leg raises held with feet in V position, left over right, and right over left each - 20 sec break between each position
-3 sets of 10 windshield wipers (requires a pull up bar or equivalent), 20 sec break between each set
-3 sets of 10 knees to elbows from a dead hang (requires a pull up bar or equivalent), 20 sec break between each set
-125 crunches x2 sets, 20 sec break in between
-3 min plank, 20 sec break, then another 2 min plank at the end of the routine
-As many dragon flags as you can do in a 5 minute period, one after the other without a break

Things you can add on:
-3 sets of 10 front pulls (requires a pull up bar or equivalent)
-Pull ups from L-sit position
-Crab walks with feet against the wall
-Human flag pole (requires a vertical bar of some kind)
You could do Raz's Workout Routine.

You gotta progress into it, though.

Its also designed for functional strength, not aesthetics.

My core workout day is:

-5 minute plank, no break throughout
-1:20 sec sitting leg raises held with feet in V position, left over right, and right over left each - 20 sec break between each position
-3 sets of 10 windshield wipers (requires a pull up bar or equivalent), 20 sec break between each set
-3 sets of 10 knees to elbows from a dead hang (requires a pull up bar or equivalent), 20 sec break between each set
-125 crunches x2 sets, 20 sec break in between
-3 min plank, 20 sec break, then another 2 min plank at the end of the routine
-As many dragon flags as you can do in a 5 minute period, one after the other without a break

Things you can add on:
-3 sets of 10 front pulls (requires a pull up bar or equivalent)
-Pull ups from L-sit position
-Crab walks with feet against the wall
-Human flag pole (requires a vertical bar of some kind)

You couldn't send this via Pm now could you!@.@. Made a huge post here .. Ugh. :))
image.jpg Another new shirt :3 sorry if it's on it's side like yesterday doing it mobile does that for some reason XD
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my wife made a rwby costume! she actually had most of it lying around and just needed to buy a corset.

ruby rose ftw.
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Me feeling grumpy. For my defense, I can say I had gotten up at 5am after sleeping few hours in a car a couple of hours before that pic was taken.
Swankie with my brother.
He's shielding his 6"2' self from the light.
He's too dark for the light.
How dare the sun!
Also he plays with me on the Iwaku Minecraft Server.
Photo on 8-16-14 at 5.53 PM.jpg
Imma get all the ladies.
Holla Holla.
Got wicked Birthday drunk and did my hair! Woooo
Came out Rockin' :P
Hey, figure I might join in on the fun. So here goes...

Here I am being a dork on a camping trip when I was a freshman in college

Here is a photoshopped pic of me with a cereal box on my head, my brothers cloak, and my machete

I'm not weird, you're weird! Okay... I'm pretty weird...

Here I am in a wig which freaks my mother out because apparently I look just like her sister in it... I feel bad for my aunt now...


I hope these links work, or I'll have a lot of text that leaves a lot of questions to be had.
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