I took these pics myself when we had the big ass icestorm in January 2009. Snow is kinda rare in the south but storms like this happen a lot. We had a total of one and quarter inch of solid ice two inches of sleet and one inch of snow by the end of it. Trees where breaking off every few seconds when i was out taking these pics!
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First wave of pics when it was starting out:
Wave two when the trees finally started to fall:
Here is our "river" Diana told me about..
These trees here look fine now but in wave two they where wiped out.
My favorite pic! looks like Nuclear Winter!
Wave three Early the next morning:
Wave 4 All the ice has stopped falling but the trees are still breaking off.
Someone better have car insurance...
My favorite fishing spot... It got those annoying low hanging limbs out the way!
Trees fro Norway will stand through anything....
Icy dildo
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First wave of pics when it was starting out:

Wave two when the trees finally started to fall:

Here is our "river" Diana told me about..

These trees here look fine now but in wave two they where wiped out.

My favorite pic! looks like Nuclear Winter!

Wave three Early the next morning:

Wave 4 All the ice has stopped falling but the trees are still breaking off.

Someone better have car insurance...

My favorite fishing spot... It got those annoying low hanging limbs out the way!

Trees fro Norway will stand through anything....

Icy dildo