I play this game. It's a pretty fun one although I personally don't play it much by myself. My friend is a major fanboy of it and has a group of friends who play it.
I SUCKED at this game at first XD Didn't know where anything was, was being babied 100% through. Then I played it myself for like 6 minutes, learned everything, found the most badass armor in the entire game (And later farmed for it) and then was able to handle my own ^^
Although my friend and his friends have been SUPER busy lately so they haven't had much time to play it, which in turn means that I don't play it as much. But once they get things back together, we're gonna be playing that game for a LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG time. And I cant wait :D
Still though, occasionally my friend logs on to play the casino. Our (Well mine) favorite is black nyak. I know he loves it but the game keeps screwing him XD I'm always routing against him to fail because I find it funny XD (I'm a terrible person, I know. But he gets me rich with casino coins so yeah ^^)
Recently I moved it to my internal hard drive after I found out what was taking up so much space. SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FASTER!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that takes long now is the update patching -.- (Well it doesn't take me THAT long, my patching is actually faster than all my friends, but still. If you don't keep up with the English patch, you're in for a loooooooooooong wait no matter how fast your internet is XD
Here's my character though (Our team room used to have a portal to the main city in PSO1. Guess that expired already -.- My friend has a picture of us at the administrator office behind each desk to stretch our egos XD