Phantasy Star Online 2

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Gwazi Magnum

Previously Gwazi Magnum
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So, I'm just about to get back into this MMO with some friends.
Does anyone else here play the game?​
I play this game. It's a pretty fun one although I personally don't play it much by myself. My friend is a major fanboy of it and has a group of friends who play it.

I SUCKED at this game at first XD Didn't know where anything was, was being babied 100% through. Then I played it myself for like 6 minutes, learned everything, found the most badass armor in the entire game (And later farmed for it) and then was able to handle my own ^^

Although my friend and his friends have been SUPER busy lately so they haven't had much time to play it, which in turn means that I don't play it as much. But once they get things back together, we're gonna be playing that game for a LOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG time. And I cant wait :D

Still though, occasionally my friend logs on to play the casino. Our (Well mine) favorite is black nyak. I know he loves it but the game keeps screwing him XD I'm always routing against him to fail because I find it funny XD (I'm a terrible person, I know. But he gets me rich with casino coins so yeah ^^)

Recently I moved it to my internal hard drive after I found out what was taking up so much space. SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH FASTER!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that takes long now is the update patching -.- (Well it doesn't take me THAT long, my patching is actually faster than all my friends, but still. If you don't keep up with the English patch, you're in for a loooooooooooong wait no matter how fast your internet is XD

Here's my character though (Our team room used to have a portal to the main city in PSO1. Guess that expired already -.- My friend has a picture of us at the administrator office behind each desk to stretch our egos XD




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Oh yea, I get how easy it is to drop a MMO when you lack people to play it with.

It's why I'm only going to be getting back into it now (and even then I'm waiting till the others finish installing and english patching it).

I normally tend to go CAST Ranger personally. Gun's are pretty awesome in this game and the CAST not only compliment it well but look bad ass too.
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I do wonder how much of that 31 hours is actually playing the game XP I don't know how much of that was just sitting around the tree and talking with my friends XD Or even time just spent in the casino playing Black Nyak.

The one thing I wish is that the game has an option to show above characters
Team name
Team position (I'm a manager)

Though not that it matters much because everyone sees it differently depending on what's chosen.

And yeah, I've been enjoying ranger pretty well so far. In multiplayer games like this, I'm normally the guy who's in the back sniping from afar. Even in games like halo i'm sniping from afar while my buddy goes in up close. I can give support from back there, and i'm also a mobile spawn point XD

Although do you use the rocket launcher at all? I must be using it all wrong because I find it to be the most useless of all the weapons. Sure it does more damage, but it's Damage over time seems less than my primary assault rifle.
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