Boss Frost
Original poster
The port city of Polpota is famous for it's canals and high culture. Great buildings created of massive seashells tower over the city's tiled streets (gifts from the population's large wizard community). The city, however, has come across some tough times. An age of science looms over the city as religion falls into decline. Crime and poverty has reared their ugly heads into the amazing city, with the city's elected ruler unable to do anything beyond the squabbling of his council. The shape of the city was changing: for the worse...
"Did you hear about the contagion in the dock areas? I heard even magic can't get rid of it."<o:p></o:p>
"That's nothing. There's a tower far from here that was once rivaling Polpota for culture, and it's fallen into decline."<o:p></o:p>
"How awful! What's going on in this world? Everything's going horrible... not to mention the wars that have broken out, and that wierd madness that's overtaken the animals in the for-"<o:p></o:p>
"Shh! Not so loud!"
The people of Polpota whispered in hushed tones to each other, as they have been for weeks - talking about gossip from this region or another. The crisp ocean air did nothing to relieve the tension that they felt as a people. Though street performers and good food helped to relieve their worried hearts for a time, all one needed to do was look towards the ocean and remember how many lives have been lost already to that horrible illness... or take a quick glance at an alley and wonder how many crimes had taken place within. What were once churches now sit with a sorrow that would normally take ages to create... populated now by vermin and squatters. People turned distrustful eyes towards each other - streets that were once filled with laughter now only hold the quiet mumbling of the damned. Even the bright, cool day somehow seemed lessened, as the shadows from the houses creep over the tiled streets, sending a chill into those who stand among them...
The heavily robed figure of the Ferrywoman slowly moves her gondola through the canals, no customer under her care. She turned her head, silently looking to those on the street as she guided her boat up the canals. She hardly need to hear the worried voices of the people to see the forlorn looks on thier faces, and it threatened to break her heart. Directing her vessel to the side of the street, she waiting for anyone who wished to move quickly throughout the city.<o:p></o:p>
A sigh escaped the hood of her robe, glancing up at the spiral sea-shell building that was the 'Joyous Dolphin'. Originally one of her best spots for customers as the late parties and inebriated patrons needed rides closer to their residences... now, the buidling stood quiet... the bartender and the workers all stood outside the building, trying to usher in buisiness. She would have offered an empathic glance were it not for her hood hiding her face... one of the tavern's performers offered her a sad wave. She returned it, in the mute fashion she always took.
In an alley nearby, beings that were once the caretakers of the world appeared in mortal form... While others, mortals, wandered the streets. Theirs paths would soon converge... and only time will tell if they save the world, or it becomes another of the King of All Terror's conquests.
"Did you hear about the contagion in the dock areas? I heard even magic can't get rid of it."<o:p></o:p>
"That's nothing. There's a tower far from here that was once rivaling Polpota for culture, and it's fallen into decline."<o:p></o:p>
"How awful! What's going on in this world? Everything's going horrible... not to mention the wars that have broken out, and that wierd madness that's overtaken the animals in the for-"<o:p></o:p>
"Shh! Not so loud!"
The people of Polpota whispered in hushed tones to each other, as they have been for weeks - talking about gossip from this region or another. The crisp ocean air did nothing to relieve the tension that they felt as a people. Though street performers and good food helped to relieve their worried hearts for a time, all one needed to do was look towards the ocean and remember how many lives have been lost already to that horrible illness... or take a quick glance at an alley and wonder how many crimes had taken place within. What were once churches now sit with a sorrow that would normally take ages to create... populated now by vermin and squatters. People turned distrustful eyes towards each other - streets that were once filled with laughter now only hold the quiet mumbling of the damned. Even the bright, cool day somehow seemed lessened, as the shadows from the houses creep over the tiled streets, sending a chill into those who stand among them...
The heavily robed figure of the Ferrywoman slowly moves her gondola through the canals, no customer under her care. She turned her head, silently looking to those on the street as she guided her boat up the canals. She hardly need to hear the worried voices of the people to see the forlorn looks on thier faces, and it threatened to break her heart. Directing her vessel to the side of the street, she waiting for anyone who wished to move quickly throughout the city.<o:p></o:p>
A sigh escaped the hood of her robe, glancing up at the spiral sea-shell building that was the 'Joyous Dolphin'. Originally one of her best spots for customers as the late parties and inebriated patrons needed rides closer to their residences... now, the buidling stood quiet... the bartender and the workers all stood outside the building, trying to usher in buisiness. She would have offered an empathic glance were it not for her hood hiding her face... one of the tavern's performers offered her a sad wave. She returned it, in the mute fashion she always took.
In an alley nearby, beings that were once the caretakers of the world appeared in mortal form... While others, mortals, wandered the streets. Theirs paths would soon converge... and only time will tell if they save the world, or it becomes another of the King of All Terror's conquests.