{Outlaw,Miko} Freaks Like Us

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Nater Taters

Original poster

LT. Isaac Huff stepped off the private jet provided by the U.S. government. The middle aged FBI agent was course, his jet black hair slicked back, his smokey silver blue eyes reflecting almost two decades of work for the bureau, his frame solid and strong. He was not one to be trifled with. He strided over to an unmarked black car and stepped inside. He was greeted by other individuals who were dressed much like him.

"Welcome to Manila, Agent Huff." One man said flatly as the car pulled away from the airstrip. Isaac nodded and listened to the briefing. A female serial killer, who had been terrorizing the good folks of San Diego for the last 7 months had fled to Manila, and it was Isaac's job to find her and bring her back to the states for interrogation and trial. Isaac willingly took the job because, how hard would it be to bring some crazy little girl back to the states? Isaac chuckled silently muttered, "This is going to be to easy"
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