Oriental Adventures

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Frost, I'm not sure if there are wolves in Rokugan but if not, I wouldn't mind editing my post. XD
Look! More odd Rokugan information! This time it's on... Religion!

While there are four major religions in Rokugan (The Fortunes, Ancestors, Sins, and Folk Magic), this time I'm only going to name the Seven Fortunes, a few of the more common Thousand Kami under them, and the Three Sins.

The Seven Fortunes
Benten, the Fortune of Romantic Love
Bishamon, the Fortune of Strength
Daikoku, the Fortune of Wealth
Ebisu, the Fortune of Honest Work
Fukurokujin, the Fortune of Wisdom
Hotei, the Fortune of Contentment
Jurojin, the Fortune of Longevity

The Kami
Ekibyogami, the Kami of Plague and Pestilence
Emma-O, the Kami of Death and the judge of the underworld.
Jizo, the Kami of Mercy
Jotei, the Kami of the Morning Dew
Musubi-no-Kami, the Kami of Marriage
Toyouke-Omikami, the Kami of Grain
Inari, the Kami of Rice
Isora, the Kami of the Seashore
Kenro-ji-jin, the Kami of the Soil
Kisada, the Kami of Persistence
Kojin, the Kami of the Kitchen
Koshin, the Kami of Roads
Kuroshin. the Kami of Agriculture
Osano-Wo, the Kami of Fire and Thunder
Suitengu, the Kami of the Sea
Tengen, the Kami of Writing and Literature
Tsukune, the Kami of Rebirth
Uzume, the Kami of Dancing
Tsi Xing Guo, the Kami of Steel
I was dumb and didn't add this earlier.

Map of Rokugan


If you're wondering, we're at "L12" (Lion Territory 12).
Our cast of characters is getting quite large. Perhaps a character list is in order?
Yes, I think a Dramatis Personae would be in order. As well as perhaps a groupings list.
Allow me! I am, after all, likely the one who would benefit most from it, and I was the one who originally asked for it, eh?

Bei (Hydross) - A Fox Hengeyokai, and a monk!
Matsu Kiyoshi (November Knight) - A human samurai.
Moto Ryoko (Alarice) - A human barbarian.
Jing (Glazer) - A Cat Hengeyokai, and a sorcerer.
Doji Kuroma (TheNeverThere) - A human samurai of the crane clan.
Tae (Corvus corax) - A Fox Hengeyokai, and a rogue.
Mirumoto Rhyodotsu (September Knight) - A human samurai.
Shosuro Tokita (November Knight) - A human rogue.
Roppu (Hyrdoss) - A nezumi shaman.
Jin (January Knight) - A human monk of the phoenix clan.
Yue (Alarice) - A shaman, and a spirit.
Endo (September Knight) - A human wu jen.
Japik (Ricarten) - A human fighter.

Quite an extensive list indeed! I might add personality traits and what have you later, but as it stands the amount of reading I have to catch up is rather daunting, eh?
Holy crap...I might back out of this rp just cause you all are so inundated o.o.
Wish you would join! More characters mean more fun (and more speed...). XP

That, and I like large groups in D&D games. Gives everyone a lot of other people to interact with (so I'm not just swamped with NPC's!).
Yes, Jack should join!

Come on, Jack, you know you want to ... XD
Tae's scream is the perfect excuse for everyone to rush to her room and meet each other then for frost to throw in some OMGplotdirection.
I might later, but for now, let's see if I can get as much done as possible.

Name: Kyoukou Kaze
Race: Human
Class: Samurai
Level: 1

Str: 18 | +4
Dex: 12 | +1
Con: 14 | +2
Int: 12 | +1
Wis: 12 | +1
Chr: 10 | +0

AC: 10|4|1=15
BAB: +1

Current Weight carried: 64lbs
Light: 100lbs or less
Medium: 101-200lbs
Heavy: 201-300lbs
Lift over head: 300lbs
Lift off groud: 600lbs
Push/Drag: 1500lbs

Fort: +4 | 2 | 2 | 0
Ref: +1 | 1 | 0 | 0
Will: +3 | 1 | 2 | 0

Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Skin: White
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 180lbs.

Racial Traits:
Medium: Humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size
Human base land speed is 30 feet.
1 extra feat at 1st level.
4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Class Features:
Ancestral Daisho (All samurai begin play with a katana and a wakizashi-two masterwork weapons.)

Weapon Focus - Katana: +1 to all attack rolls with Katanas.
You claim descent from the first Akodo, the paragon of samurai virtue.
Clan: Lion.
Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all Will saves against fear effects, and the Difficulty Class of any fear effect you create (through spell or other ability) is increased by 1 . If you adopt the Akodo champion prestige class (see Chapter 11), allies within your aura of courage gain an additional +1 bonus on their saving throws against fear

Skills: 24
Sense Motive (5)
Climb (8)
Swim (8)
Jump (8)
Ride (5)
Iaijutsu Focus: (4)

Master work Katana
Master work Wakizashi
Scale Mail Armor - 50gp | 30lbs
Backpack - 2gp | 2lbs
Bedroll - 1 sp | 5lbs
Flint and Steel: 1gp
Trail Rations(7): 35 sp | 7lbs
Tent: 10 gp | 20lbs
Bullseye Lantern: 12gp : 3lbs

gp: 21
sp: 4

Kyoukou Kaze was born and raised in the lands of the Lion Clan. He was born into a noble and prosperous family who's ancestor is claimed to be the first Akodo which has left him with a sense of pride and great honour. He has also spent much time within a Dojo growing up, his Sensai using teachings from the great master Tutelage of Akodo Shigetoshihim to teach him the skills a Samurai needs to wield a Katana. Currently however, he has been sent by his teacher to investigate several strange siteings of some shifty and sneaky individuals that have been causing tr- Wait... what was that loud sound outside?
Alrighty. Remember, me and Frost are always here to help. For this game, go with Frost over me if we're both available, since he's GM.
I have no idea what to do for a background. Any ideas?
Well, go for something about your time training in an Akodo Dojo. But Frost would have a better idea for what to do.
The tough thing is, I normally allow people to go for their own backstories... though I can divulge some setting information and advise that might help...

Let's see... with that Weapon Focus feat with your Katana, maybe you studied under the master tutelage of Akodo Shigetoshi, the Lion Clan champion and Akodo Daimyo's trainer.

The Akodo family have ruled the Lion Clan for a thousand years, with only rare exceptions. Maybe your character has a sense of pride about this, or doesn't even acknowledge it.

Maybe your Master has sent you to investigate the strange movements of troops in the Lion lands - some sneaky individuals are mucking about (the same individuals attacking Renga Murai at the moment, in fact).

On the other hand, there is no dishonor in your character being a Yojimbo - a bodyguard for various personages - who is between jobs. This might make it easier for your character to latch on to a character and join the group, as well.
Wow, thanks. I like those ideas. I was reading some of the RP that's allready happened and I can tell that there are some characters who have different opinions towards the Lion Clan, not to mention the said "Bandits" would be a perfect excuse to tag along since the current members here obviously have SOMETHING to do with the Bandits. Well, that is they do now anyways. Even if they were innocent bystanders. <.<

By the way, do you have any ideas as how I can be introduced into this RP or should I pull something out of my tophat?
You could run out of a random building in response to hearing the ruckus outside. That's the simplest way, I think.