OOC: From the Ashes of Phoenix


*Character Name: Neyo Atsui
*Alias: Neyo
*Gender: Female
*Species/Race: Elf
*Class: Druid
*Age: 120
*Occupation: Illegal prostitute, but she denies it.


*Height: 4'5
*Hair: Her hair is short, black, and very spiky. She has a tendency to comb it a lot.
*Eyes: Her right (Our left if looking at her from the front) is green, and the other is red.
*Distinguishing Marks: On her upper thigh, she has a birth-mark in the shape of a flower and thorns.
General Appearance: (On the left is Neyo, on the right is Dahvie, her twin brother.)
Dahvie Neyo.jpg
*Strengths: She is amazingly flexible, and can fit almost in any space.
*Weaknesses: She is amazingly short for an elf, and weak.


Allies: The House of Prostitution, hidden in the black market, and the others who work there.
Enemies: None.
Current Goal/Purpose: To get enough money to travel the country, and find true love.
*Hobbies: Dancing with other elven friends.
*Likes: Flower bouquets, shining objects, and anything glassy.
*Dislikes: Dull, boring objects. (She never liked school, either)
*Talents: Dancing, flexibility, and magic.
*Inabilities: She cannot read very clearly, nor can she write very good.
*Fears: Being beaten or bullied.
*General Personality: She is a very kind, loving person. She can be lustful towards both genders, just to tease, though.
Fondest Memory: The day before her mother abandoned her at the Prostitution House. They were walking through a field of daisies, at the twilight that began the day. Her mom would always smile and laugh at Neyo's jokes, and stroke her daughter's hair gently.
Biggest Regret: Dropping out of school.
Secret: She hates her job, and is very ashamed of herself, though she hides it professionally.


*Armor: No armor.
*Weapons: Her bare hands.
*Spells: (I wasn't sure if I did this part exactly right?)
Level 0: (Known 6, cast 5/day):
Know Direction
Cure minor wounds
Purify Food and Drink
Create Water

Level 1 (Known 5, cast 3/day):
Produce Flame
Calm Animal
Endure Elements

Level 2 (Known 3, cast 3/day)
Animal messenger
Flame sphere
Gust of Wind

Level 3 (Known 1, cast 2/day)
Stone Shape

When she creates fire as a weapon, she shapes it like tiny daggers blowing out of her fists.


*General History:
When she was only 12 years old, her mother started taking her the the Whore House. Not knowing what these people did for their life, Neyo would talk about how she wanted to become beautiful and talented like themselves. Her mother would only laugh at her daughter every time she would bring it up. Her father and twin brother, Dahvie, moved to far away countries not long after the two were born, but Neyo kept hearing voices telling her that Dahvie was near, even if he was not.
She discovered she could use magic at age 14, when walking home with her mother, who revealed how to use it and such. Neyo never did control her strange gifts until she was 16.
Finally at age 34, Neyo and her mom were sitting and watching prostitutes being auctioned off, like animals. Her mom said in a quiet voice, "Stay seated and keep watching", before exiting to the restroom. Hours rolled by, and Neyo remembered her mother hadn't come back yet. She searched the restrooms and hallways for her mom, but never found her. Neyo returned home, which wasn't too far, and she wasn't found there, either.
Neyo decided to go back to the Prostitution House, since she didn't have money or food to keep her alive. She talked to a nicely dressed man, who said she would make an excellent worker for the place. Neyo was still too young to know what would happen, but she agreed, and kept the job up to present time.
All the years Neyo was in the Prostitution business, she was not the only druid. She met an older woman who was new to the business, a woman who was still young, but had already reached adulthood. Neyo's mother would always talk about druids and how powerful they were, but she was never sure, she herself was a bard. The woman Neyo met was an experienced druid, who could tell Neyo was one of her kind just by her scent. For years, while they were together in the business, Neyo would learn from this nice woman during her free time. But two years ago, four days after Neyo turned 118, she left to find "Greater Love" in the world. The only thing Neyo could do to remember her friend was practice her powers more and more each day.

Present Life:
She lives in the backstage rooms of the Prostitution House, and is treated surprisingly nicely by lots of men, and every now and again, women, also. She only earns enough money to buy food and new clothes every now and again. The thought of leaving her job doesn't cross her mind very much, since she wouldn't know where to go. She leaves the building rarely, most of the time is to go shopping.

Special Notes:
Hmmm... Nope. :)

If you would like for me to edit anything, please tell me! :)
~ The fury of a storm, the gentle strngeth of the morning sun, the cunning of the fox, the power of the bear - all these and more are at the Druid's command. The druid, however slaims no mastery over nature. That claim, she says, is the empty boast of a city dweller. The druid gains her power not by ruling nature but being at one with it. To trespassers in a druid's sacred grove and to those who feel her wrath, the distinction is overly fine.

Druids adventure to gain knowledge (especially about animals and plants unfamiliar to them) and power. Sometimes their superiors call on their services. Druid may also bring their power to bear against those who threaten what they love, which more often includes ancient stands of trees or trackless mountains than people. While druids accept that which is horrific or cruel in nature, they hate that which is unnatural, including aberrations and undead. Druids simetimes lead raids against such creatures, especially when they encroash on the druids' territory.

Druids, in keeping with nature's ultimate indifference, must maintain at least some measure of dispassions. As such, they must be neutral on at leave one alignment axis, if not both. Just as nature encompasses and dichotomies as life and death, beauty and horror, and peace and violence, so two druids can manifest different or even opposite alignments and still be a part of the druidic tradition.

A druid reveres nature above all. She gains her magical power either from the force of nature itself or from a nature deity. The typical druid pursues a mystic spirituality or transcendent union with nature rather thatn devoting herself to a divine entity. Still some druids revere or at least respect Obat-Hai (god of nature) or Ehlonna (goddess of the woodlands).

Though their organizations if invisible to most outsiders, who consider druids to be loner, druid are actually part of a society that spans the land, ignoring political borders. A prospective druid is inducted into this society though secret rituals involving tests that not all survive. Only after acheiving some level of competence is the druid allowed to strike out on her own.

All druids are normally members of this druidic soiciety, though some individuals are so isolated that they have never seen any high-ranking members of the society or participated in druidic gatherings. All druids recognize eachother as brothers and sisters. Like true creatures of the wilderness, however, druids simetimes compete with or even prey on eachother.

A druid may be expected to perform services of higher-ranking druids, though proper payment is tendered for such assignment. Likewise, a lower ranking druid may appeal for aid from her higher-ranking comrades in exchange for a fair price in coin or service.

Druids may live in small towns, but they always spend a good portion of their time in wild areas. Even large sities surrounded bu cultivated land as far as the eye can see often have druis groves nearby - small, wild refuges where druid live and which they protect fiercely. Near coastal citires, such refuges may by nearby island, where the druid can find the isolation they need.

Druids often have an animal companion that travels with them. They cannot make it do the druid's will, but can teach it tricks, much like a human can with their dog. The longer the druid is with her companion an empathic link develops that thoughts can be shared.

Druidic class training is very secretive, you should put in your background about some way you were trained in this class. I cannot forsee someone working in the whore house to know about being a druid on her own, even if she did, there still would be several abilities that she would not know. Please tell me how your character learned to be a druid in your background.
Also, some requested information:


In the group of lycanthropes there are a few different kinds including werebear, wereboar, werelion, wererat, weretiger, and werewolf. In humanoid form there are not direct differences in their looks.

Lycanthropes are humanoids who can transform themselves into animals. In its natural form, a lycanthrope looks liek any other member of its kind, though natuarl lycanthropes and those afflicted for a long time tend to have or acquire features reminscent of their animal forms, such as thick, shaggy hair, pointed teeth, or long strong fingers. In animal form a lycanthrope resembles a powerful version of the normal animal, but on close inspection, its eyes (which often glew red in the dark) show a faint spark of unatural intelligence.

They tend to be reclusive individuals, uncomfortable around large numbers of people. They often live alone in wilderness areas, far from villages and towns.

Lycanthropy can be spread like a disease. Sometimes a lycanthrope begins life as a normal humanoid, who subsequently sontract lycanthropy after being wounded by a lycanthrope. Such a creature is called an afflicted lycanthrope. Other lycanthropes are born, and are called natural.

A lycanthrope in human form uses whatever tactics and weapons are favored by others of its kind, though tends to be more aggressive. A lycanthrope possesses the sense of its animal form, including scent and low-light vision, and it has a deep empathy for (and communicate with) animals of its form. An afflicted lycanthrope damaged in combat may be overwhelmed by rage, causing it to change its animal form involuntarily.

A lycanthrope in animal form fights like the animal it resembles, although its bite carries the disease of lycanthropy. It is preternaturally cunning and strong, and possesses a vunerability only to silvered weapons.

Finally, a natural lycanthrope (or an afflicted that has become aware) can assume a hybrid form that is a mix of its humanoid and animal forms. A hybrid ahs hands and can use weapons, but can also attack with its teeth and claws. A hybrid can spread lycanthropy with its bite, and it has the same vunerabilities as the animal form. This hybrid form is only available upon the full moon, its involuntary, and very painful.
M'Kay, I edited it, tell me if it's alright for you. And thanks~! :)
ok, so next, I am guessing you do not have an animal companion yet, do you want to have one already, or do you want to rp it?
No pets for Neyo, remember, she doesn't get out much. :)
okie dokie, I will give ya some oppurtunities to get one then ^.^