ooc for weightless

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Quinn Ryan

Original poster
Welcome to the ooc for my i know awesome rp "cue the laughter quick!" Now this rp is gonna be based upon maximum ride but won't directly follow it. We will have our own characters backstories and such. Now for the character sheet.

Subject number:
Bird dna in you:

[BCOLOR=#0b0b0b]Go my darlings create awayyyyy.[/BCOLOR]

Name: Akane
Subject number: 001
Age: 19
wings: fully black with red tips her wings span out to 23 feet.
Bird dna in you: sparrow and raven dna.
Looks:sexy_archer_anime_girl.jpg Personality: loud violent kind lonely easily flustered clumsy at times loving
Bio: akane was taken when she was young she was the first experiment. The experiment she endured was the most painful out of it she got the power to summon weapons and they trained her with an assasin. In it she was turned into a cold blooded murderer finally escaping at age 12 she has been alone ever since.
Subject Number:
The feathers on the top half of his wings are jet black while the bottom feathers are pure white.
Bird DNA:
Peregrine Falcon

When he's near strangers Zero takes on the strong and silent role. But around his group he can be talkative and loves suggesting ideas. He always puts the wellbeing of others before himself and is usually willing to give people a chance before he judges them.
Zero didn't know anything about life before the lab. He was taken in at a young age and was as first trained in speed to see how fast he could fly. Zero was proven successful in being the fastes of the mutants so they moved on to fighting, which he excelled at but showed little interest in. Though, they didn't care about his interest of course. They wanted to make him a weapon. As he trained, he began growing a power for fire, which he would be punished if he ever used. When he escaped, he left with Akumu and Anna but he had lost them and is currently on his own.

Subject Number:
She has black wings with flecks of white.
Bird DNA:
Red hawk and Black barn owl

Akumu is very harsh and cold at first. She hates meeting new people and finds strangers untrustworthy. She can be too blunt at times and say rude or hurtful things. Though, once she lets you in she is actually a very kind and loving person, especially around Anna. With people she trusts she sticks by their side and will willingly die or put herself in harm's way for them.
Akumu was one of the few who's mother volenteered for the experiment. She was one of the scientists and had given up Akumu for the research. Growing up, Akumu was trained to be a cold blooded killer, which wasn't hard since she had a natural killer instinct and her power happened to be the power of fear. Her power was so powerful, in fact, that she had harmed her mother the first time she saw her. Her mother had burst into her training room, demanding to take back Akumu but Akumu had instantly locked eyes with her mother. Once the eyecontact was established, she had invaded her mother's mind and deluteded it, caysing powerful hallucinations for the women to see everything she had ever feared. The power had driven the mother into madness before the fellow scientists had gotten to remove the two. An interesting fact about her was she was suppose to be born blind, but the mixture of hawk and owl DNA in her had given her superior eyesight better than most mutants. The downside is her eyes are sensitive to light so she often has to wear thick sunglasses. When she had escaped, she had found scientists preparing to use electro shock therapy as a punishment for Anna. She had stolen Anna and from that moment on, she had taken care of her.

Subject Number:
Her wings are exact replicas of Bald Eagle wing
Bird DNA:
Bald Eagle

Ana is a very hyper and fun loving person. She enjoys going to new places and discovering new things. But, unfortunately, she is also extremly shy and is often found hiding behind Akumu. When it's just her and her "big sister" she can be the loudest person in the room.
Anna was taken at a young age. In the beginning she had an identical twin, but the twin grew sick very early when her body wouldn't cooperate with the bird DNA and had died. Anna was on her own ever since. They had tried showing her how to fight, but she wasnt good at it. She didnt like the idea if hurting others and was often punished for disobeying orders. Anna began showing early signs of being able to control inanimate objects, but she isn't that powerful. On the day she left, Akumu had found her and broke her out. Ever since, the two had been inseperable.
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I haven't gotten to fully read the maximum ride books, but I know the main idea for it. Is that alright?
Its not followping thevsame story just the basic conceot of winged people.
Cool! I'll finish up soon and post on the IC
BTW are they all together currently or do they find each other?
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