~Katsugi Kaji~
Original poster

Onsen - hot springs and/or the inn attached to the hotsprings
The six Seikai private high schoolers had finally found the Misaki onsen the school had reserved for their school. It had been an hard 5 mile hike but they had made it to their final destination. But little did they know that this hotspring was not the one they were intended to take a dip in. These were magical hotsprings. As soon as they would bathe and relax in the hotsprings, the next morning they would no longer be the same sex and would switch bodies with the other three in the opposite hot springs. They have three days to fix their bodies or be stuck in the wrong body forever!!
(an old witch will be helping us get back to our bodies as she will have us retriving items)
Please be a committed player
This will hopefully be a comedic rp with slightly serious undertones about gender expectations and stereotypes
I will post later with whom you will be switching bodies with
There will only be 6 spots availible
Girl - Katsugi kaji - Hachiko Yukimura
Girl - Fluffy - Kimiko Nakamura
Girl - Ariana - Chou Watanabe
Boy - quellmyheresy - Ichiro Nagano
Boy - xnijmai - Suichi Nochiyama
Boy - CoffeCake - Fumio Kawari
I'll be posting later tonight or tomorrow
We open to mile 4 of the 5 mile hike in a dense, but beautiful, forest down a beaten path.