Oh Lord.

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Lost Monarchies

Original poster
Hello! Buon Pomeriggio!

I am Lost Monarchies, but you all can call me Lost for short or Monarchies if you're trying to win my heart; which should be all the time. If you could not tell, I am new to the site, but I am not new to roleplaying. Hell, I have been 'playing with roles' on various different sites for 7+ years now. I hope this can be a new home to me and that I will find another the long term partner of my dreams. Just a little bit about me:
  • I am twenty-two.
  • I am majoring in Creative Writing and will, hopefully, get a degree in Video Game designing as well in the future.
  • I am aroused by the coding you can do here and I can't wait to make some of my own.
  • Don't let my sarcastic wit and comedic persona fool you. I am serious 95% of the time, especially when I write. Well, maybe 80%.
  • I can't wait for Final Fantasy XV and Persona 5 to come out so I can stop ripping off my clothes in agony.
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Welcome to Iwaku! I love your avatar~
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