Not Just any Cafe Rp? Care to listen?

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Cea Drago

Original poster
Welcome to Star Haven Café,
Coffee shops are a common way to connect people of all ages. People go to them for all different reasons; whether it be because you're a regular, because you go there with your boyfriend or girlfriend, or because you work there, a café is a perfect place to escape. In the small town of Castalina, Star Haven Café is the only coffee shop there is. Star Havens is one of the few places in Castalina for people of all ages to go and hangout.

Castalina being a town with a population of only 15,000 people, you'll often run into people you know. But with so many people in one small town, going to the same café, not all your run in's are going to be friendly ones. How much longer will Grinds be able to keep it's perfect reputation with all of the drama that's bound to spark up?
Thank you for coming to Star Haven Café. I hope we'll see you soon!
Oh cool a Coffee Shop RP experience! Lots of potential for some seriously worthwhile drama. I'm all for it ^^
Yeah And i thank you all that are interested in it so far, I will be coming up with Signups
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