POLL DISCUSSION night owls vs. early birds

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are you a night owl or an early bird?

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pink-haired megane
Original poster
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calling all night owls and well-rested early birds! let's get real about one of life's most fascinating mysteries: sleep. whether you're a champion napper or an insomniac cursed to count sheep indefinitely, we all have our own wild and weird experiences with catching zzz's.

let me kick things off by admitting to you all that i am, in fact, a reformed sleep monster. back in my glory days, i was known to hibernate for ungodly stretches that would put bears to shame. my record? 12 hours straight of oblivion.

but i want to hear all about your relationships with sleep. are you one of those blessed souls who can fall asleep at the drop of a hat anywhere, anytime? do you religiously follow strict sleep rituals and schedules to optimize your rest? or are you a nocturnal creature who dreads the exhausting ritual of attempting slumber each night?
To be fair, I am up and active almost all time. But I love owls!
I am honestly not sure what I'd be classified as 😂
I guess maybe slightly leaning more towards early bird (so I'll vote that!) because I am usually woken pretty early by dogs who insist it is time to get uuuup, but I do tend to stay up fairly late!
Because I get woken early (talking 6-7ish), I usually send myself to bed at 11-12.. but if I'm with friends or got something super interesting that's keeping me entertained.... I can and will stay up til 2-3am!
As long as I get my 7-9h sleep I don't care much.. but since a few years I keep getting up at 4/5am (and early to bed accordingly)
I've had issues with working late. Current shift at the library ends at 8, and I hate going home and sleeping right away, so naturally I stay up til like 4 in the morning and sleep til noon. Though that's still 8 hours of sleep, so... it's fine, I guess?
My present line of work mostly necessitates me being an early bird. But I'm a night owl at heart.
Night owl for sure. For some reason that's the time my body and mind goes: nyooom, you know what's a great idea? ENERGY and that's when I feel most energetic as well. If allowed I will also stay up all night. Unfortunately my life requires me to be an early bird. Luckily, I don't need that much of sleep to pull through a day. Unfortunately, waking up earlier for some reason doesn't trick my brain and body to start considering 10-11pm'ish as bedtime or as late so that I can get a decent amount of sleep in.
Night owl. 🌕:owl: Always have been. I love the quiet isolation of the darker hours. It's so cozy. No one expects anything from me.

Buuuuut, I have a job, now, that forces me to go to bed too early to really appreciate those hours, anymore. ):
I have to be up super, super, buttcrack of dawn, early. But, at least it's not all of the time. I do still get to enjoy my evening/night time, sometimes!
I'm a night owl! :owl:
I love staying up late to watch TV and work on creative projects or RP posts. I might even do chores if I have the energy for it. I feel most active and alive when it's nighttime.
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Honestly, I don't even know what I would be classified as. 🤷‍♂️
I think it depends, because usually I stop writing Roleplay responses around 11:30pm-12:00am and can stay up all the way to like 2-3 am to just chat/watch Youtube. But every morning I usually wake up at like 8-9 am regardless when I fell asleep. But there's sometimes exceptions, like today where I didn't wake up till like 10:45 in the morning after a restless night of sleep.
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Honestly, I don't even know what I would be classified as. 🤷‍♂️
I think it depends, because usually I stop writing Roleplay responses around 11:30pm-12:00am and can stay up all the way to like 2-3 am to just chat/watch Youtube. But every morning I usually wake up at like 8-9 am regardless when I fell asleep. But there's sometimes exceptions, like today where I didn't wake up till like 10:45 in the morning after a restless night of sleep.
Lolll yeah this is pretty similar to me! I only said early bird 'cause my dogs tend to wake me early or I just simply... wake early because now I'm used to being WOKEN early xD
However, if I am engaged in something that keeps my interest, I can stay up pretty late... and then still wake up early anyway 😂

There needs to be a third category for people like us!
Honestly, I don't even know what I would be classified as. 🤷‍♂️
I think it depends, because usually I stop writing Roleplay responses around 11:30pm-12:00am and can stay up all the way to like 2-3 am to just chat/watch Youtube. But every morning I usually wake up at like 8-9 am regardless when I fell asleep. But there's sometimes exceptions, like today where I didn't wake up till like 10:45 in the morning after a restless night of sleep.
Lolll yeah this is pretty similar to me! I only said early bird 'cause my dogs tend to wake me early or I just simply... wake early because now I'm used to being WOKEN early xD
However, if I am engaged in something that keeps my interest, I can stay up pretty late... and then still wake up early anyway 😂

There needs to be a third category for people like us!
Preach it, friend! We late night sorts learn to...just, y'know, struggle with only 3 hours sleep 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭
I had to think about if I have no obligations how do I wake & sleep and yes I'm more inclined to staying up not up early. It's hard to figure it out with work and family.
i'm a night owl forced to be an early bird thanks to my job (barista). it takes me forever to fall asleep most of the time and my usual amount of sleep is 4-5 hours, then i sleep an ungodly amount on the weekends. no, it's not healthy, but it lets me spend time with my friends on the other side of the world