Original poster
From the sweet little old lady down the street who always gives you a card for your birthday to the scary man with the shotgun waiting to shoot you the second you accidentally touch his grass, neighbors come in all sorts!
Which do you get along best with, and which worry, or scare you? No matter what, they spice up the area a bit, don't they? Or are you "that neighbor"?
The neighbor just a few doors down from us is an absolute oddity here. He's had an entire flock of cop cars here once and that's because at night, he walks around in nothing but a thong and boy does he have a wide variety. I've ever seen him in a tutu once. Unfortunately for the highly distressed and very "proper" Filipino neighbors, he only got a warning and he's now just a little more selective about when he wears his thing and when he wears Daisy Duke cut shorts.
Which do you get along best with, and which worry, or scare you? No matter what, they spice up the area a bit, don't they? Or are you "that neighbor"?
The neighbor just a few doors down from us is an absolute oddity here. He's had an entire flock of cop cars here once and that's because at night, he walks around in nothing but a thong and boy does he have a wide variety. I've ever seen him in a tutu once. Unfortunately for the highly distressed and very "proper" Filipino neighbors, he only got a warning and he's now just a little more selective about when he wears his thing and when he wears Daisy Duke cut shorts.