Murder Game XI: The War of the Universe

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"Now listen here you trigger happy fool! We've got more important things to deal with right now! Like the implication at someone or something is targeting the crew! We heard you the first two hundred times boasting about your powers we do not. I repeat. Do. Not. Have to hear about them again!"
Skeletor was treading very dangerous waters right now but for the moment he didn't care. Because if there was one thing he hated was musclebound he-men flaunting their superiority.

Skeletor's outburst had caught Broly's attention/taken it away from Haruka if just for another moment. The corpse-faced sorceror's complaints were ones that Broly heard from people who didn't believe his power until he showed them and their planet first hand how destructive it was. Stepping towards Broly, energy cackled all around the legendary super saiyan's body as he snickered at Skeletor's taunt.

"What do I have to fear from someone possibly targeting us? If they're smart they'll go after the weakest first. Beings like you shouldn't burden yourselves with a threat that doesn't matter to us. But if you grow tired of my boasting, you seem eager to do something about it.."

Broly cracked his neck from side to side as he stared down the Overlord of Evil

"Why don't you make me kneel before you?"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7
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Emmeryn looked at the bust. Not knowing modern technology, Emmeryn decided to touch it, to see what would happen.

It couldn't hurt, right?

Leaning in Emmeryn would feel a warm sensation shooting through her body as her fingers touched the bust. It seemed to have a calming effect on the Sage, like sinking into a warm bath to relax.

@The Silver Paladin @Gibbons @Archmage Jeremiah


Skeletor's outburst had caught Broly's attention/taken it away from Haruka if just for another moment. The corpse-faced sorceror's complaints were ones that Broly heard from people who didn't believe his power until he showed them and their planet first hand how destructive it was. Stepping towards Broly, energy cackled all around the legendary super saiyan's body as he snickered at Skeletor's taunt.

"What do I have to fear from someone possibly targeting us? If they're smart they'll go after the weakest first. Beings like you shouldn't burden yourselves with a threat that doesn't matter to us. But if you grow tired of my boasting, you seem eager to do something about it.."

Broly cracked his neck from side to side as he stared down the Overlord of Evil

"Why don't you make me kneel before you?"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7

And so the oaf bared his fangs at Skeletor.


"You should tread very carefully, Broly. Unlike others here I do not know fear. I create it."


"You boast of your destructive powers. Destroying planets on a whim. Well prove it! Reduce this world to ash with all of us on it! But I am willing to bet there is something holding you back. And that's fear. Fear of the Reapers and how your own power dwarf theirs. Your grandstanding, while admirable only hides the insecurities inside of you!"

Skeletor didn't seem to care that he was antagonizing Broly, in fact he seemed to be having a good time. "Did I possibly hit a nerve? Hmm?"

Leaning in Emmeryn would feel a warm sensation shooting through her body as her fingers touched the bust. It seemed to have a calming effect on the Sage, like sinking into a warm bath to relax.

@The Silver Paladin @Gibbons @Archmage Jeremiah

And so the oaf bared his fangs at Skeletor.


"You should tread very carefully, Broly. Unlike others here I do not know fear. I create it."


"You boast of your destructive powers. Destroying planets on a whim. Well prove it! Reduce this world to ash with all of us on it! But I am willing to bet there is something holding you back. And that's fear. Fear of the Reapers and how your own power dwarf theirs. Your grandstanding, while admirable only hides the insecurities inside of you!"

Skeletor didn't seem to care that he was antagonizing Broly, in fact he seemed to be having a good time. "Did I possibly hit a nerve? Hmm?"


Skeletor's outburst had caught Broly's attention/taken it away from Haruka if just for another moment. The corpse-faced sorceror's complaints were ones that Broly heard from people who didn't believe his power until he showed them and their planet first hand how destructive it was. Stepping towards Broly, energy cackled all around the legendary super saiyan's body as he snickered at Skeletor's taunt.

"What do I have to fear from someone possibly targeting us? If they're smart they'll go after the weakest first. Beings like you shouldn't burden yourselves with a threat that doesn't matter to us. But if you grow tired of my boasting, you seem eager to do something about it.."

Broly cracked his neck from side to side as he stared down the Overlord of Evil

"Why don't you make me kneel before you?"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7

A totally new person stood, watching the two arguing over who was more evil


"Oh boy, such power, I do wonder how I got here..."

@Kakarot! @Jeremi @I don't even know​
And so the oaf bared his fangs at Skeletor.


"You should tread very carefully, Broly. Unlike others here I do not know fear. I create it."


"You boast of your destructive powers. Destroying planets on a whim. Well prove it! Reduce this world to ash with all of us on it! But I am willing to bet there is something holding you back. And that's fear. Fear of the Reapers and how your own power dwarf theirs. Your grandstanding, while admirable only hides the insecurities inside of you!"
Skeletor didn't seem to care that he was antagonizing Broly, in fact he seemed to be having a good time. "Did I possibly hit a nerve? Hmm?"
That..Might not have been the smartest move Skeletor could have made. If it had been anybody other than Broly, they might have been impressed at how he stood up to them.But this wasn't any normal being. This was a gigantic muscle-bound saiyan who's sanity could easily be called into question. Mainly due to his immense hate of Kakarot/Goku and how his limitless amount of energy messed with his already unstable mind. The tables or anything else that wasn't bolted down in the lab began to shake as Broly's power could have been felt all throughout the room.

How did this skull-faced fool feel he was strong enough to talk down to him like this!? He doubted Broly's power?! The energy flared outwards in an attempt to shove Skeletor back with the raw force of his power.

"You doubt me?! You haven't seen true power! Mine is limitless! It'll keep growing and growing and these Reapers are nothing more than pests that'll be squashed in due time! But you wish for a demonstration?! LET ME SHOW YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


The energy blast seemed small but it had enough power to tear the entire planet asunder if Broly felt the desire to. It seemed very prudent for someone to attempt to calm down the saiyan's fit of insanity before he actually did go through with Skeletor's prodding. The saiyan saw no threat to himself in any case. He had survived his own planet's demise when he was just a wee infant. This would be nothing to him!
A totally new person stood, watching the two arguing over who was more evil

"Oh, you again. Begone from my sight, whelp."

Keeping the planet-destroying energy blast in his right hand, Broly went to simply knock the 'newcomer' aside.


@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DapperDogman @DBZ7

"Ah, thanks."

Mastermind said this as Sif had passed him over the item that he was observing earlier, seeing that it was a picture frame that contained a photo of a girl... Well, it didn't seem significant now, but he could assume that it would be useful something later.

"... Apocalypse, do me a quick favor and record this into your long-term storage as well."

Sending out this cute little cat drone again, it did a quick scan of the picture frame to do what Mastermind had requested before closing up into a small cube for Mastermind to store away once again.


"So are we done here?"

With that tired look on his face, he supposed that they were done here... or the possibility that there might be more.

@Hospes @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @The Tactician @Dorm closet​

The girl was interested in that cat drone because it was... well... a cat drone.

"Can I ask... what is that thing and what does it do?"

@Hospesthe great detective @Prince Shattered Charming @The Tactician @Dorm closet​
That..Might not have been the smartest move Skeletor could have made. If it had been anybody other than Broly, they might have been impressed at how he stood up to them.But this wasn't any normal being. This was a gigantic muscle-bound saiyan who's sanity could easily be called into question. Mainly due to his immense hate of Kakarot/Goku and how his limitless amount of energy messed with his already unstable mind. The tables or anything else that wasn't bolted down in the lab began to shake as Broly's power could have been felt all throughout the room.

How did this skull-faced fool feel he was strong enough to talk down to him like this!? He doubted Broly's power?! The energy flared outwards in an attempt to shove Skeletor back with the raw force of his power.

"You doubt me?! You haven't seen true power! Mine is limitless! It'll keep growing and growing and these Reapers are nothing more than pests that'll be squashed in due time! But you wish for a demonstration?! LET ME SHOW YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


The energy blast seemed small but it had enough power to tear the entire planet asunder if Broly felt the desire to. It seemed very prudent for someone to attempt to calm down the saiyan's fit of insanity before he actually did go through with Skeletor's prodding. The saiyan saw no threat to himself in any case. He had survived his own planet's demise when he was just a wee infant. This would be nothing to him!


"Oh, you again. Begone from my sight, whelp."

Keeping the planet-destroying energy blast in his right hand, Broly went to simply knock the 'newcomer' aside.


@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DapperDogman @DBZ7
Slamming into the male, the fist would send him hurtling backwar-
Oh...he was...unaffected?

"Nurufufu, you should know better than that"

The squid's chest would glow for a moment, before returning to normal
"I won't explain how I don't deserve to be the one to kill me, you're simply too angry"

The saiyan would then find the squid...

Grooming his hair with a comb and some hair spray

@Kakarot! @Jeremi
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That..Might not have been the smartest move Skeletor could have made. If it had been anybody other than Broly, they might have been impressed at how he stood up to them.But this wasn't any normal being. This was a gigantic muscle-bound saiyan who's sanity could easily be called into question. Mainly due to his immense hate of Kakarot/Goku and how his limitless amount of energy messed with his already unstable mind. The tables or anything else that wasn't bolted down in the lab began to shake as Broly's power could have been felt all throughout the room.

How did this skull-faced fool feel he was strong enough to talk down to him like this!? He doubted Broly's power?! The energy flared outwards in an attempt to shove Skeletor back with the raw force of his power.

"You doubt me?! You haven't seen true power! Mine is limitless! It'll keep growing and growing and these Reapers are nothing more than pests that'll be squashed in due time! But you wish for a demonstration?! LET ME SHOW YOU! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


The energy blast seemed small but it had enough power to tear the entire planet asunder if Broly felt the desire to. It seemed very prudent for someone to attempt to calm down the saiyan's fit of insanity before he actually did go through with Skeletor's prodding. The saiyan saw no threat to himself in any case. He had survived his own planet's demise when he was just a wee infant. This would be nothing to him!


"Oh, you again. Begone from my sight, whelp."

Keeping the planet-destroying energy blast in his right hand, Broly went to simply knock the 'newcomer' aside.


@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DapperDogman @DBZ7

Skeletor's Havoc staff would start crackling with magic energy as he pointed it towards Broly.


"While my blast is not as impressive as yours. I can assure you that it will leave a nasty hole through your body. I imagine not even you could survive with out a spine holding up all of that muscle."

@Kaykay @Kakarot! @Verite @DapperDogman @DBZ7
  • Nice Execution!
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Skeletor's outburst had caught Broly's attention/taken it away from Haruka if just for another moment. The corpse-faced sorceror's complaints were ones that Broly heard from people who didn't believe his power until he showed them and their planet first hand how destructive it was. Stepping towards Broly, energy cackled all around the legendary super saiyan's body as he snickered at Skeletor's taunt.

"What do I have to fear from someone possibly targeting us? If they're smart they'll go after the weakest first. Beings like you shouldn't burden yourselves with a threat that doesn't matter to us. But if you grow tired of my boasting, you seem eager to do something about it.."

Broly cracked his neck from side to side as he stared down the Overlord of Evil

"Why don't you make me kneel before you?"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7
Leaning in Emmeryn would feel a warm sensation shooting through her body as her fingers touched the bust. It seemed to have a calming effect on the Sage, like sinking into a warm bath to relax.

@The Silver Paladin @Gibbons @Archmage Jeremiah

And so the oaf bared his fangs at Skeletor.


"You should tread very carefully, Broly. Unlike others here I do not know fear. I create it."


"You boast of your destructive powers. Destroying planets on a whim. Well prove it! Reduce this world to ash with all of us on it! But I am willing to bet there is something holding you back. And that's fear. Fear of the Reapers and how your own power dwarf theirs. Your grandstanding, while admirable only hides the insecurities inside of you!"

Skeletor didn't seem to care that he was antagonizing Broly, in fact he seemed to be having a good time. "Did I possibly hit a nerve? Hmm?"

Grunting and recoiling as his tendrils were blown off, Karasu brought back the tendrils and glared down the Saiyan. However, before the confrontation escalated much further, that skeleton from before stepped in. Karasu would've been quite alright with just letting them go at it, were Broly not being prodded to blow up the entire planet! The squid newcomer was not helping matters either.

"Enough!" Karasu shouted.

But if the whole planet were to be destroyed, Karasu wouldn't be able to do anything about it. The only one who could... Karasu glanced over at Haruka. The Dragon Torque would certainly deal with it. But how? It'd be best if they didn't find out.

@Kakarot! @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7 @DapperDogman



"U-Uh... We should probably stay back," Joseph murmured in the midst of the fight between Broly, Skeletor, and Koro-sensei, pulling at Haruka's and Karasu's arms in an attempt to drag them away, "At least I have some company that can't casually blow up planets, eh?"

And then Karasu shouted really loudly, and it started Joseph enough that he let out a "Whooaaa!" and just fell on his ass.

@Kaykay @DBZ7 @Kakarot! @Jeremi @DapperDogman
  • Nice Execution!
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Skeletor's Havoc staff would start crackling with magic energy as he pointed it towards Broly.


"While my blast is not as impressive as yours. I can assure you that it will leave a nasty hole through your body. I imagine not even you could survive with out a spine holding up all of that muscle."

The saiyan was growing more and more irritated at this Skeletor's attitude. Who did this being think he was?!

"You and this entire planet will be long dead before you get to fire, fool. Keep that in mind in the AFTERLIFE!"

Rearing his arm back, Broly flung the planet-busting attack...


The blast ricocheted off the ground in front of Skeletor before soaring towards the octopus/squid man. It gave him more time to react to Skeletor's attack and it'd also wipe that yellow tentacled pest from existence!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH! THIS WHOLE PLANET'S GONE AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!" He cackled to everyone who happened to be in the Lab at the same time. Things didn't seem like they were going too well.

@DapperDogman @Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @DBZ7
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Jeremi

The saiyan was growing more and more irritated at this Skeletor's attitude. Who did this being think he was?!

"You and this entire planet will be long dead before you get to fire, fool. Keep that in mind in the AFTERLIFE!"

Rearing his arm back, Broly flung the planet-busting attack...


The blast ricocheted off the ground in front of Skeletor before soaring towards the octopus/squid man. It gave him more time to react to Skeletor's attack and it'd also wipe that yellow tentacled pest from existence!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH! THIS WHOLE PLANET'S GONE AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!" He cackled to everyone who happened to be in the Lab at the same time. Things didn't seem like they were going too well.

@DapperDogman @Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @DBZ7
The squid being moved in a blur, his body enveloping the orb in a mass of tendrils as a blinding light would scorch through the room

"Whoo, that took a lot out of me"


Oh shit, he'd had to use his ultimate trump card to save everyone!


" one of you would be so kind as to carry me..."

Er...yeah, he couldn't move now...So this is what he gets for being a hero

@Verite @Kakarot! @Jeremi @DBZ7 @Kaykay

The saiyan was growing more and more irritated at this Skeletor's attitude. Who did this being think he was?!

"You and this entire planet will be long dead before you get to fire, fool. Keep that in mind in the AFTERLIFE!"

Rearing his arm back, Broly flung the planet-busting attack...


The blast ricocheted off the ground in front of Skeletor before soaring towards the octopus/squid man. It gave him more time to react to Skeletor's attack and it'd also wipe that yellow tentacled pest from existence!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH! THIS WHOLE PLANET'S GONE AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU!" He cackled to everyone who happened to be in the Lab at the same time. Things didn't seem like they were going too well.

@DapperDogman @Jeremi @Verite @Kaykay @DBZ7

Well Skeletor did not think this through.


Before the blast could hit Korosensei, which honestly he didn't do to save that disgusting calamari's hide, but rather to save them from ensuing blast that would have most likely eradicated everything in the area. Skeletor's plan was to envelope the blast with his magic and send it flying into space and save his own hide, and the others by proxy.​

The squid being moved in a blur, his body enveloping the orb in a mass of tendrils as a blinding light would scorch through the room

"Whoo, that took a lot out of me"


Oh shit, he'd had to use his ultimate trump card to save everyone!


" one of you would be so kind as to carry me..."

Er...yeah, he couldn't move now...So this is what he gets for being a hero

@Verite @Kakarot! @Jeremi @DBZ7 @Kaykay

Or not.


"Can I still throw the calamari into space?" He asked no one in particular.

@Verite @Kakarot! @Kakarot! @DBZ7 @Kaykay


Joseph, meanwhile, was unaware that he was not, in fact, dead.

@DBZ7 @Jeremi @DapperDogman @Kaykay @Kakarot!
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Oh shit, he'd had to use his ultimate trump card to save everyone!


" one of you would be so kind as to carry me..."

Er...yeah, he couldn't move now...So this is what he gets for being a hero



Stomping over, Broly sought to smash his foot onto Koro Sensei as he began charging up another energy blast. He couldn't quite wrap his head around how this cowardly creature had absorbed such a powerful blast. But it didn't matter as far as Broly was concerned.

"He's got a point. With that much energy, you might pose a threat to us all if you were to pop. HAHAHAAHAHAH!"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7 @DapperDogman
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Stomping over, Broly sought to smash his foot onto Koro Sensei as he began charging up another energy blast. He couldn't quite wrap his head around how this cowardly creature had absorbed such a powerful blast. But it didn't matter as far as Broly was concerned.

"He's got a point. With that much energy, you might pose a threat to us all if you were to pop. HAHAHAAHAHAH!"

@Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @DBZ7 @DapperDogman

"P-P-P-P-POP?!" the orb stuttered loudly "I'm not going to pop! I'm going to melt and absorb all the energy you shot me with to grow back...And I'll be much stronger when I do too~"

Oh boy, that's not good
"That's what you get for throwing a fit"
"Remember. Your temper is the one thing you can't get rid of, by losing it!"​

"Ah, thanks."

Mastermind said this as Sif had passed him over the item that he was observing earlier, seeing that it was a picture frame that contained a photo of a girl... Well, it didn't seem significant now, but he could assume that it would be useful something later.

"... Apocalypse, do me a quick favor and record this into your long-term storage as well."

Sending out this cute little cat drone again, it did a quick scan of the picture frame to do what Mastermind had requested before closing up into a small cube for Mastermind to store away once again.


"So are we done here?"

With that tired look on his face, he supposed that they were done here... or the possibility that there might be more.

@Hospes @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @The Tactician @Dorm closet​

The girl was interested in that cat drone because it was... well... a cat drone.

"Can I ask... what is that thing and what does it do?"

@Hospesthe great detective @Prince Shattered Charming @The Tactician @Dorm closet​


"Perhaps it'd be a good idea to go over what all we've found," Sif suggested, only to pause when she noticed the drone. "...What in the name of the All-Father is that?" came yet another inquiry, pulling her focus away from the matter of what all they'd found and if they should check anywhere else. What could she say? It wasn't exactly often she went to Earth, and the last time she had was... Well, far behind the tech that Add had, as far as she was aware.

@Hospes @Bomb @Prince Shattered Charming @The Tactician @Dorm closet​
Leaning in Emmeryn would feel a warm sensation shooting through her body as her fingers touched the bust. It seemed to have a calming effect on the Sage, like sinking into a warm bath to relax.

@The Silver Paladin @Gibbons @Archmage Jeremiah

And so the oaf bared his fangs at Skeletor.


"You should tread very carefully, Broly. Unlike others here I do not know fear. I create it."


"You boast of your destructive powers. Destroying planets on a whim. Well prove it! Reduce this world to ash with all of us on it! But I am willing to bet there is something holding you back. And that's fear. Fear of the Reapers and how your own power dwarf theirs. Your grandstanding, while admirable only hides the insecurities inside of you!"

Skeletor didn't seem to care that he was antagonizing Broly, in fact he seemed to be having a good time. "Did I possibly hit a nerve? Hmm?"

Emmeryn pushed on it to see if it had any further effects.
  • Nice Execution!
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The moment Six turned around to holler at the dog, she turned as well, narrowing her eyes at the animal friend before speaking her mind.


"Hey uh, mister? Y'mind checkin' that piece o' scrap around the boy's collar? I think he's tryin' to show it to us," she stated, starting to catch onto the fact that the canine wasn't acting quite right.

@Hospes @Crimson Spartan @Hallways


Applebloom wasn't alone in the Overseer's Office anymore, though she still felt as if she was. Neither of them had spoken up at all, and they both looked more intent of scouring the room than acknowledging the filly's existence.


"U-Uhhh...hello?" she spoke up a little shyly, kicking her hooves around anxiously. Talking to humans was alot tougher than she first thought, especially without her big sister. They were just so much...bigger than her, "What's the rush guys? Is there somethin' goin' on? Helloooooo!" Applebloom eventually raised her hoof and waved wildly, trying to get the two strangers' attention.

@The Silver Paladin @Gibbons @Jeremi @Office​
"Piece of scrap huh.... Alright i'll take a look... Oh and just call me Six.." Six spoke to Applejack as he walked over where the dog was. Dropping to a knee he slowly reached out to check the scrap around the dog's collar that Applejack pointed out. Of course he was doing this lowly as to hopefully not startle said dog.

@Hospes @Archmage Jeremiah @Hallways
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