Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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"Love" the puppet coos in a sinister tone, his smile unnaturally wide now
"Funny you should mention...LOVE" he chuckles "You really stepped in it now"

"YOU REALLY NEED TO LEARN WHEN TO TELL LITTLE WHITE LIES!" he commands, prohibiting her full use of truths for now with his mind control, while she could use them, the powers were unreliable and could fail at a vital moment!

"Now...what was that little girl? Oh, of course...I was killing you and your boyfriend!" he says with an evil chuckle, a ghostly rapier forming in his hands and a skull in the other, being fired for Erika this time!

@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
"Tsk tsk.... you haven't read much good books lately~. Hehehehh....ahahahhahhahahhahahahhaa! Tell me mister, wwwwhhhhhhaaaatttttt are theseeeeeeeeeee? Look! LOOK! Open your damn eyes and see the TRUTH THAT I HAVE!!!!" Erika was going hysterical at this point, all of this was driving the detective to her troll-tastic self. Even if the Truths were limited by the puppet, there was a sudden flash of red, a trait that had assisted her in the past. This allowed Erika to sprint towards her target, a twisted smile on her face as she was enveloped in the power of the Red.

"AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA! Have you figured it out yet? Have you? HAVE YOU?!! I'm not just a Witch of Truth! Geez, have you been ever listened to my words during this whole mess of a game? I mean seriously? 'Detective's Authority, I can't be disallowed the usage of the Truths and it's full extent.' Do you know it now? Do you? HEHEHEHEHHEHE...AHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHHHA!!!!" Erika let her total elegance go away, the personality of the Witch taking over. In a crazed assault, the Witch of Truth/detective's scythe had been assisted by her 'Detective's Authority' trait, working along with her to cut down this stupid puppet. There was no way to hold back the Witch of Truth/detective, she was having way too much fun.

@The Pimp Tactician @DapperDogman

"I think it's time I evened the odds"
Soo many people to attack and kill. A simple rocket launcher wouldn't do that alone. SO he got some help! He brought out three weapons: The Rift Inducer 5000, The Judiciator, and of course, the Groovibomb Glove (For some 'Explosive' dance moves) He Burst out a rift right above that darn dragon Robin, and let Fred deal with something...more his size ;) He preceeded to slow down the attacks engaged at him by throwing his groovitron bombs, Making anyone who even thought about attacking him burst out into the best dance of thier lives, without any control unless they have really hard-ass minds, in which hopefully the explosion will take care of that. He locked and loaded his Judicator at anyone who could possibly pass the dancing, and serve that with some more primed up missiles. Meanwhile, he got to work spreading more and more chaos around the room, Having his own personal robots, and even hacking Jack's robots, since he was his next intended victim, into his own robot army! complete with a nearly infinite supply of Mr.Zurkons, Kilonoids, Agents of Dread, and Jacks makeshift robot army. Now with an army ad an arsenal to back himself. He readied up his gun, and aimed on the first most fortunate victim.

"Who is ready to party?"
"....FINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHEDFINISHED," Dlanor happened to be already in her 'excited' moments, her eyes now wide open with an expression on her face that looked like something out of an excited cat. Her Red Key and Blue Key blades were just waiting to slice Ratchet apart, it was something the Witch Hunter wanted to do so sooon.

@El Presidente
"I'm not Roxas," he says. "I'm... well, I'm not really sure. The data became corrupted at some point. I have no memories, so I'm afraid I can't help you much in finding your friend." He looks down, sadly, before sighing. "But I can say that you're not going to find him here. Not in this... world."

@Ryu Keiko
He blinks and tilts his head. "This world? Not Roxas? Corrupted data?" He repeated, trying to piece it together. "What are you talking about? You ARE Roxas... You have to be... There is only.... One of you." he sighed as he leaned against a nearby post, putting his head in his hand. "What do you mean I wouldn't find him in this world?" He asked as he continued to keep his head down.

He blinks and tilts his head. "This world? Not Roxas? Corrupted data?" He repeated, trying to piece it together. "What are you talking about? You ARE Roxas... You have to be... There is only.... One of you." he sighed as he leaned against a nearby post, putting his head in his hand. "What do you mean I wouldn't find him in this world?" He asked as he continued to keep his head down.
"Do you remember how you got here?" he asks. "You see, I'm just... data. I'm not real. If I look like your friend, it doesn't matter, because I'm not him." He shrugs. "But I guess... I do remember a few things. Random things. The name Sora. Something about... traitors. A guy named Bane. It's all floating around my head, like sign posts in another language in the middle of a desert."

@Ryu Keiko
The Puppet chuckles as the girl yells about rules and how she cannot be denied powers to their full extent
Clashing his ghostly rapier against her scythe he grins wickedly
"You're not a detective, and thus have no authority!" he states, letting the suggestion sink in, depriving her of her powers altogether now!
"See...that is your flaw, Erika...YOU BRAG TOO MUCH"
He slams a skull into her chest suddenly and chuckles

@Gummi Bunnies
@The Pimp Tactician
"And you're not a real ghost, asshole! You're just a spirit throwing a temper tantrum!" Robn roared as he fired a fireball at the Puppet's back.
"I think it's time I evened the odds"
Soo many people to attack and kill. A simple rocket launcher wouldn't do that alone. SO he got some help! He brought out three weapons: The Rift Inducer 5000, The Judiciator, and of course, the Groovibomb Glove (For some 'Explosive' dance moves) He Burst out a rift right above that darn dragon Robin, and let Fred deal with something...more his size ;) He preceeded to slow down the attacks engaged at him by throwing his groovitron bombs, Making anyone who even thought about attacking him burst out into the best dance of thier lives, without any control unless they have really hard-ass minds, in which hopefully the explosion will take care of that. He locked and loaded his Judicator at anyone who could possibly pass the dancing, and serve that with some more primed up missiles. Meanwhile, he got to work spreading more and more chaos around the room, Having his own personal robots, and even hacking Jack's robots, since he was his next intended victim, into his own robot army! complete with a nearly infinite supply of Mr.Zurkons, Kilonoids, Agents of Dread, and Jacks makeshift robot army. Now with an army ad an arsenal to back himself. He readied up his gun, and aimed on the first most fortunate victim.

"Who is ready to party?"

Kotomine stood back and watched as Ratchet unloaded all his ammo, observing his weapons and capabilities, taking them all in while he attacked Arya, Ruby, and others.


Taking off his priest robes, it was time to get down to business.

"I'm ready."

Several strange marks are on his arm. Command Spells. Makeshift Magic Crests that can temporarily boost his stats. He hadn't used this in such a long time. If he was going to go all-out, he'd increase these as well. The red marks on his arm glowed a bit, before one disappeared.

With his inhuman strength, he bashed aside any robot who got in his way. Kotomine was feeling good. Better than he had ever felt in a long time. He easily punched one robot's head straight off, punched another one right into a wall, roundhouse kicked one's head right off. But this wasn't enough. He needed more. He wanted to kill. He wanted to make suffer. HE WANTED MORE.


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! THIS IS IT! THE RUSH I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR IN BATTLE! THIS BATTLE THAT HAS UPPED THE STAKES LIKE NEVER BEFORE. THIS IS NOT MERELY A BATTLE FOR ONE'S OWN SURVIVAL ANYMORE, IS IT? IT'S A BATTLE WITH ENTIRE DIMENSIONS AT STAKE!!" The mad priest practically screamed, grabbing one of the robots by the head and crushing it with the sheer power in his hand. Tossing it aside, he sprinted forward with great speed. Momentum that should not be gained so quickly by a normal human body. But with a makeshift Magic Crest, one of many, his body was beyond human for now.

Like a juggernaut, he knocked through any robot that got in his way, drawing a trio of Black Keys and throwing the blades straight at Ratchet! He leapt straight forward, swinging his bare fist at the creature.

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"Do you remember how you got here?" he asks. "You see, I'm just... data. I'm not real. If I look like your friend, it doesn't matter, because I'm not him." He shrugs. "But I guess... I do remember a few things. Random things. The name Sora. Something about... traitors. A guy named Bane. It's all floating around my head, like sign posts in another language in the middle of a desert."

@Ryu Keiko
He nods and shrugs. "I don't even know where HERE is." He said as he looked up at the Roxas look a like. "I just remember, I was with a group of.... people... Then suddenly it was dark and I was alone." He said as he stood up. "And the name is Axel by the way, make sure you memorize that." He said.

"I think it's time I evened the odds"
Soo many people to attack and kill. A simple rocket launcher wouldn't do that alone. SO he got some help! He brought out three weapons: The Rift Inducer 5000, The Judiciator, and of course, the Groovibomb Glove (For some 'Explosive' dance moves) He Burst out a rift right above that darn dragon Robin, and let Fred deal with something...more his size ;) He preceeded to slow down the attacks engaged at him by throwing his groovitron bombs, Making anyone who even thought about attacking him burst out into the best dance of thier lives, without any control unless they have really hard-ass minds, in which hopefully the explosion will take care of that. He locked and loaded his Judicator at anyone who could possibly pass the dancing, and serve that with some more primed up missiles. Meanwhile, he got to work spreading more and more chaos around the room, Having his own personal robots, and even hacking Jack's robots, since he was his next intended victim, into his own robot army! complete with a nearly infinite supply of Mr.Zurkons, Kilonoids, Agents of Dread, and Jacks makeshift robot army. Now with an army ad an arsenal to back himself. He readied up his gun, and aimed on the first most fortunate victim.

"Who is ready to party?"

Ruby started firing again, blowing up and avoiding the missiles with surprising agility, she looked towards the oncoming army of robots the trator had sent out and started directing her weaponfire towards the robots which have surrounded Ratchet, trying to clear a path through them. After a while, she launched herself forwards as fast as she could at the remaining robots, standing within her path, she rushed forwards, her cloak spinning wildly and gathering up quite the momentum as she rushed towards Ratchet with her scythe outstretched, she took to the air, aiming down at him as the fired off a volley of shots before she went plunging towards him with her weapon aimed at the ground, she had switched magazines in midair and prepared to fire a high impact dust round right at Ratchet.
@El Presidente
The puppet yelps as he catches fire, his wooden shell burning as he yelps, his focus broken the shields come down, the glowing head of the marionette growing rather dim now

"D-Damn it" he yelps as he pats the fire out "What the hell are you doing?" he growls, forming up armor for his body and throwing skulls at Robin

@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
He nods and shrugs. "I don't even know where HERE is." He said as he looked up at the Roxas look a like. "I just remember, I was with a group of.... people... Then suddenly it was dark and I was alone." He said as he stood up. "And the name is Axel by the way, make sure you memorize that." He said.
"Ah, no, not here, I meant..." He trails off, suddenly smiling. "I'm not so good at explaining things. Where we are right now is... a dead place. It's deep, buried within the system. You're normally not supposed to be here, but something went wrong. Right now, that charm and its data is making this place appear the way it is. Making me appear. Otherwise it would be... nothing. It would look like an endless nothing."

@Ryu Keiko
Ratchet was the last one.

Bayonetta thought so.


"I hope none of you hesitate this time!" she yelled out to everyone as she begun her assault.


She fired a large number of rounds.


Her next action would be based on what reaction Ratchet would have to the bullets sent his way.
Chung stuck in the dance like state had a split second to think, the groovitrons, missiles, Ratchet, and Puppet Master. "My turn!" Chung started using the dancing to his advantage moving closer to the groovitrons. As each missile came at Chung he would dodge by twirling or some other risque move and cause it to hit the groovitrons, once each one had been destroyed Chung awakened. The Hyper Active's countdown was at 30, just like the time left for the enchantment buff. Chung threw his cannon on his shoulder and faced Ratchet. "Wanna see who's got more boom. Job Change." Seiker Changed into Tactical Trooper using the Job Change medal. "Cause I bet I do." Chung threw a grenade that exploded causing the Agents of Dread to explode which in turn caused the Kilonoids to go boom, leaving Jack's worthless toys and the Mr.Zurkons. Chung took care of Jack's robots by using a back blast shot granted by his new class. "Say Uncle." Chung starts shooting at Ratchet, but now he shoots both ways being able to fire at Ratchet and his minions simultaneously.
"Ah, no, not here, I meant..." He trails off, suddenly smiling. "I'm not so good at explaining things. Where we are right now is... a dead place. It's deep, buried within the system. You're normally not supposed to be here, but something went wrong. Right now, that charm and its data is making this place appear the way it is. Making me appear. Otherwise it would be... nothing. It would look like an endless nothing."

@Ryu Keiko
He blinked as he looked at him confused. "Wait, what?" He asked, trying to comprehend everything. "You don't mean I'm dead, do you?" He asked as he looked down at his charm around his neck. "And I'm not sure why this charm is doing... Whatever it is you are saying." He mumbled. "I know for some reason, it's special to me... Really special." He sighed.

He blinked as he looked at him confused. "Wait, what?" He asked, trying to comprehend everything. "You don't mean I'm dead, do you?" He asked as he looked down at his charm around his neck. "And I'm not sure why this charm is doing... Whatever it is you are saying." He mumbled. "I know for some reason, it's special to me... Really special." He sighed.
"... Dead?" He honestly looks confused at this. "... Oh. You mean... Yes, you're probably dead, then." He looks down at the charm. "If it's special to you, and I look like your friend... maybe you have some connection to some of the data here? I thought it was your memories that made that charm appear to you, but I think it's more than that now."

He starts walking toward you. "But I guess it doesn't matter. You should tell me me more about your friend. The one who's missing."

@Ryu Keiko
(don't worry guys, this isn't the end for her. :3)

"W-What!?" Erika's eyes widened upon hearing that. Did he just set up a Logic Error against her? Was she...baited in? Before she could try and defend herself, her scythe didn't do much as her truths were nullified, forcing her to be struck hard by the skulls. It hurt...a lot. With a rough crash to a nearby wall, Erika was injured bad...and her Truths powerless left her in a state similar to a human. Hell, it seemed that Erika was struck hard by that Logic Error, seemingly falling into a 'coma.'
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"Dodging and burning you alive, dastard!" Robin yelled as he began to again dodge and weave as he attacked, "Give it up already, you've lost this battle!"
"... Dead?" He honestly looks confused at this. "... Oh. You mean... Yes, you're probably dead, then." He looks down at the charm. "If it's special to you, and I look like your friend... maybe you have some connection to some of the data here? I thought it was your memories that made that charm appear to you, but I think it's more than that now."

He starts walking toward you. "But I guess it doesn't matter. You should tell me me more about your friend. The one who's missing."

@Ryu Keiko
He groaned as he sat down on the ground, placing his head into his lap. "I figured I was..." he mumbled. He clutched the charm in his hands as he sighed, making sure to not cry, it's not like he should have feelings. He is a Nobody afterall. As 'Roxas' came towards him, he looked up at his face. Why couldn't you be the real Roxas... I wouldn't mind being dead if I were with him. He thought. "Roxas? You want to know about him? But why?" He asked.

Chung smiled "Scare Chase!" He reloads then shoots a homing shot at the machine. "Shooting Star!" 12 guided missiles go for the machine as well and Chung reloads his cannon and draws on Ratchet shooting for his hands. "My name is not Deadly Chaser for no reason!" He then spins and starts waltzing backwards, he jumps up at the same time Ruby does and blasts himself down toward Ratchet. "Gigantic Impact!" Chung lands creating a massive crater under ratchet. He then starts whacking ratchet with his cannon and shooting him with his S.S. until he's moved back behind the group. "Let's go again! Blessed Aura!" Everyone's weapon receive random enchantments.

@The Pimp Tactician - Freezing
@Krieg - Poison
@Klutzy Ninja Kitty - Poison
@Gummi Bunnies - Petrifying
@Mari -Burning
@BarrenThin -Burning
@Raven - Freezing
@york - Freezing
@BarrenThin - Piercing
@Ryu Keiko - Petrifying

@El Presidente and @DapperDogman and @Atomyk
"Burning rounds?" Bayonetta asked herself as she saw the illumination on her firing.


"Now that's new."
He groaned as he sat down on the ground, placing his head into his lap. "I figured I was..." he mumbled. He clutched the charm in his hands as he sighed, making sure to not cry, it's not like he should have feelings. He is a Nobody afterall. As 'Roxas' came towards him, he looked up at his face. Why couldn't you be the real Roxas... I wouldn't mind being dead if I were with him. He thought. "Roxas? You want to know about him? But why?" He asked.
"Down here, your memories can influence what appears. Maybe if you talk about him, he'll appear." He smiles at you, trying to make you feel better.

@Ryu Keiko
The Puppet turns back to Robin with a grin and chuckles coldly "I think your girlfriend needs some beat me in a battle...I'll restore her powers..." his words hand with grim purpose

"Lose...and she'll become one of my ghosts" he says, grinning wickedly and getting into a battle stance "So...Tactician, do you care to fight against a fellow string puller?"

@The Pimp Tactician
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