Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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River took the scissors and turned to leave the room. She walked slow enough for Ruby and Jennifer to keep up. While walking, she ran the blade of the scissors over her arm creating a small cut that began to bleed. She was baffled as to how she was supposed to be dead and yet she could still bleed and feel pain. It didn't make sense. Sighing, she continued to walk and look for another room they could explore.
Jennifer lightly tugs at River's arm. Her voice sounding tiny and low, she says, "We can free the dog now."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Thinking to herself as to what this third murder would mean, Erika had a feeling that this would involve a lot of speculation due to the fact that she felt like there wasn't much information for her to think this out. If it were that bad, then it would be considered a Devil's Proof. However, she didn't want to resort to that because that method was actually inferior to the other techniques and base theories that she knew from heart. However, even if she didn't like this other method, it would be necessary to think this one out for once, just to narrow it down.

"It's been awhile since I've used this theory. Correct me if I make a misstep Dlanor, surely I know that the chessboard effect would help me think through this," Erika mentioned, to which Dlanor simply nods to the detective. Well then, let this flipped stance on the "chessboard" begin.

"Flipping this chessboard, I have to think in the way that a traitor would, or how I would think out things if I were a traitor for instance. The victims were Risa and Connor, and apparently no one has seen much of them until now, so it's possible that the traitor wanted to take the opportunity to kill off those that make no action to avoid getting much attention at first. The blood trails and the location of their corpses show a connection to the outside of the room and the harvesting room. It's safe to say that they were killed there, and possibly to confuse the innocents, the traitor thought it as necessary to move the corpses outside the room. Given the way that they were killed, it's possible to say that Connor was killed first because he was killed with little signs of a struggle, which is a contrast to Risa's body. The door itself seems as tough as a vault door in a bank, maybe that certain location such as the harvesting room was chosen because it was the most secure location to pull off these murders without being interrupted. Given how the door functions, it would at least require two people to hold it open and drag out the bodies, which highly seems to be the case. Desmond's involvement happens to be quite strange in itself, but I see that there are chances that he isn't a traitor. Leia's notes did say that everyone that had died upon arriving here is not a traitor. So, I have a theory in mind as to what happened," Erika seemed to be really analyzing everything, doing all of this just to narrow down the choices as to who could be a traitor.

"My theory in the blue. It's simple. Risa and Connor travel on their own, so it's easy to assume that they had made their way to the harvesting room before anyone else. Unfortunately they find themselves in a room where one of the traitors lie. With the fact that Connor had less of a struggle show on his body, he was taken down first by the traitor, and it could be assumed that it was a surprise attack while Risa is possibly just walking into the room due to the fact that the door has to be held open by someone to stay open. Seeing that Connor had been killed, Risa knew of the traitor's existence in the room, and struggled to stay alive as the traitor made his or her move. After those stab marks are made onto her, Risa is killed, and the traitor drags the two bodies out of the room, thus creating that blood trail. It could be assumed that something before the murders of Risa and Connor took place, Desmond had found the harvesting room even before the traitors, but found himself in a sticky situation against the undead. It's clear that he was bitten and turned into them, and that his short-lived battle against the undead is the reason why his hidden blade is left bloody. I won't include this in my Blue Truth to be sure of this, but I also find it possible that there were two traitors at work here. There are multiple anyways," Erika presented her Blue Truth, taking a moment to see a response from Dlanor to confirm it's possibility with the current knowledge they know of this event. Knowing that none of this contradicts the information given, Dlanor simply gave Erika a slight nod, allowing the detective to be assured that this is plausible for now, and this would kinda help with narrowing down the suspects.

"So, any ideas? What do you think, everyone?" Erika asked this simple question right after this lengthy explanation.

"It is a sound theory." Funny admitted. "But I have an alternative explanation to Risa seeming more worse for ware. Perhaps we are dealing with a culprit who has a thing for harming women? The women who have lost their life have suffered quite violent deaths after all...we also have a blade having been used in multiple murders. It is quite vexing."

@Gummi Bunnies
Jennifer lightly tugs at River's arm. Her voice sounding tiny and low, she says, "We can free the dog now."

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
Ruby suddenly looked excited again and moved to stop River "Come on! Come on! Let's free the dog!" she begged her, remembering roughly wehre the room the dog was in was at, though she hoped he was still alive.
Robin growled at the dog as he pulled out his hunting knife, "I suggest you get off of me, Cosmo. My vote will not be changed through violence."
Using her vectors, she leaped up, wrapping two of the 'arms' around the bear's neck. "Where am I?" Lucy snarled at the bear, feeling a bit less stronger than normal. She used her other 'arms' to hold her body upright, as her legs felt weak and pathetically human-like.
"A secret underground facility!" Monokuma happily exclaims. "But soon you guys will be free! You just have to participate in one more vote... Upuhehehe! I'd be careful not to hurt me, though... I've been known to explode with bearly a care in the world!"

Ruby suddenly looked excited again and moved to stop River "Come on! Come on! Let's free the dog!" she begged her, remembering roughly wehre the room the dog was in was at, though she hoped he was still alive.

River followed Ruby (because Klutzy made her XD), but dragged her feet. "Just what, pray tell, will freeing a dog accomplish? We need to escape, not find a new pet..." River narrowed her eyes angrily. Besides, she wasn't too trusting of dogs right now. She was very suspicious of that Cosmo dog who was still with the survivors...

@Atomyk @york
Current Votes

Robin - Arya
Noob/Engineer - Arya
Keroro/Giroro - Kotomine
Frank - Robin


Arya - 2
Kotomine - 1
Robin - 1
Frank looked around the group and finally pressed one, though the decision was extremely difficult. His finger lingered over Arya, as she was one of the only people with a bladed stabbing weapon. That is, until Robin drew his knife. Frank watched the exchange quietly and looked back and forth between the two suspects.

Arya reminded him a lot of Lisa; she was only a few years older than Lisa had been when she was shot dead while on a picnic with her father, Frank, and the rest of his family. On the other hand, her weapon was clearly extremely deadly.

Robin had no such sentiment aimed at him. Frank disliked the man, but only as much as he disliked everyone else he met. He clearly knew how to use a knife, though.

He had never met Desmond, of course, so he didn't know what to think about what was found there.

Finally, his hand moved over to the button that read 'Robin', and he pressed it.

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River followed Ruby (because Klutzy made her XD), but dragged her feet. "Just what, pray tell, will freeing a dog accomplish? We need to escape, not find a new pet..." River narrowed her eyes angrily. Besides, she wasn't too trusting of dogs right now. She was very suspicious of that Cosmo dog who was still with the survivors...

@Atomyk @york
"Would you say that if I switched places with that dog?" Ruby asked, sounding curious as she tilted her head, sometimes River really did remind her of Weiss, but, perhaps just a little less uncaring at times. Though even Weiss had a soft spot for Zwei, so, perhaps River might not think so lowly of him if he was here with them...
"Would you say that if I switched places with that dog?" Ruby asked, sounding curious as she tilted her head, sometimes River really did remind her of Weiss, but, perhaps just a little less uncaring at times. Though even Weiss had a soft spot for Zwei, so, perhaps River might not think so lowly of him if he was here with them...

@Atomyk @york

"I would help you," River mumbled, watching the ground as she walked. "But only because you're my companion. A strange dog we've met along the way isn't. Besides, what if we can't trust it? I'll leave it up to you, but I'm finding it hard to be in the mood to trust a dog."
Wuya could keep quiet no longer. She had been listing to everyone and what got her was only one tried to give many explications. Only one seemed to try and make the others change there focus. She then all of a sudden looked at the detective Erika. "I believe we have all been blind." She then walked closer to Erika. "You have said many interesting things Miss Erika I give you that. You have even for a time thrown me off. But I got to thinking. You may seem all sweet and innocent but your not are you?" She grinned evilly as if she knew something and saw through a deices that others could not see. "Now I know I could be wrong but I do not think I am on the fact I found someone pretending to be a Xiaolin when really your just another hiding within the light when really are a friend of the dark. A heylin might I dare say. And a good try at that but I'm calling you out right here and now. With my and Jack's vote. No Jack is not in on this destitution he never his for he is a good boy who listens to his master. I payed little mind at your flatter toward my puppy. But he did for a time fall for it." She glanced at Jack then took out her ID device for once. "Now here I shall use this. I vote You Erika If I'm wrong I'll be damned. But if I turn out right then show me. Show me the weapon hidden on you or a sign hmm..."

Jack started wide eyed he moved toward Wuya. "Let's not be to hasty let her prove you wrong. I'm sure she would have something hidden on her if she was a traitor correct. Why not ask then we vote." Wuya glared at him then put down her voting hand. "Well Miss Erika speak now or forever hold your peace. If you do not convince me then I will have no choice but to add your name to my list of those to gain revenge upon."

@Gummi Bunnies @Everyone Else
@Atomyk @york

"I would help you," River mumbled, watching the ground as she walked. "But only because you're my companion. A strange dog we've met along the way isn't. Besides, what if we can't trust it? I'll leave it up to you, but I'm finding it hard to be in the mood to trust a dog."
Ruby nodded, she seemed to understand to some extend what River was saying, but she didn't talk much more, instead, she started to head off towards where they'd last seen that tied up dog, with any luck, he should still be in a good condition.
Well, at least there was another in this group that was a detective, but her pride was already tipped by Wuya's accusation.

"I'm afraid you've missed this certain red truth from earlier. I'll repeat it. I cannot be the culprit due to the 7th commandment of the Knox's Decalogue. It states that the detective cannot be the culprit. The red does not lie," Erika said, this red truth having to be repeated. That was proof enough that she had been innocent, besides, she always had an alibi with someone, along with Dlanor.
Ruby nodded, she seemed to understand to some extend what River was saying, but she didn't talk much more, instead, she started to head off towards where they'd last seen that tied up dog, with any luck, he should still be in a good condition.

The poor thing is still in the same position as before. It whines when you near it, indicating that it's still alive, at least.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

The poor thing is still in the same position as before. It whines when you near it, indicating that it's still alive, at least.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@Atomyk @york

When they arrived to where the dog was, River walked up to it with the scissors. "All right, if it's what you wish I'll free it." River began to cut at the rope with the scissors to try and free it.
Wuya looked at her not convinced. "I'm a heylin witch do you think mere words can convince me?" Jack then smiled. "Wuya challenge her to a Xiaolin Showdown the play truth or lies." Wuya looked at Jack and smiled. "For once he's a genius. Well Miss Erika to prove that your word is truth. She held out her scissors grab the other side. Will have some fun. And if you win this game of truth then I will change my mind." Wuya said with a grin. "But if we do not I will still put your head within the vote of death bucket."

@Gummi Bunnies @Everyone Else
@Atomyk @york

When they arrived to where the dog was, River walked up to it with the scissors. "All right, if it's what you wish I'll free it." River began to cut at the rope with the scissors to try and free it.
Ruby, looking at the dog for a moment as River began cutting him free suddenly realized he would fall if she didn't do something, so rushing to support the dog from underneath with her hands, she hoped they could get the job done before long. "Why did they have a dog tied up like this?" She thought out loud.
// I suppose I'll vote for Arya. IC reasons to be expanded upon later.
Poirot wagged a finger at Wuya. "Ne, mon ami, I believe you are wrong. While I have known cases when the culprit is, in fact, the policeman in charge of the case, or - Dieu nous preserve! - the detective, I do not believe you are correct. While I do not know enough to point the finger without doubt, I cannot believe she would make the case so cleverly, simply to avoid detection of herself."

Poirot folds his hands over his tablet. "I believe that whoever is killing, on behalf of the Ours du Diable," the detective takes a moment to glare over at Monokumo, "he or she would not concoct a clever story. Ne, such a person would hide in the shadows, to let our squabbling conceal his or her movements."

He sighs, looking over the group in the main room. "So. We look at who sulks in the back, who does not yell for attention . . . " He looks over the tablet in his hand, using one index finger to look over the names and pictures in the tablet. "Once this is done, we are closer to the killer."

@everyone else
Well, at least there was another in this group that was a detective, but her pride was already tipped by Wuya's accusation.

"I'm afraid you've missed this certain red truth from earlier. I'll repeat it. I cannot be the culprit due to the 7th commandment of the Knox's Decalogue. It states that the detective cannot be the culprit. The red does not lie," Erika said, this red truth having to be repeated. That was proof enough that she had been innocent, besides, she always had an alibi with someone, along with Dlanor.
Monokuma flails his arms. "Hehe~ I really should show you guys something!" Monokuma brings out his device and shows it to you all. "I got access to that weird computer! There was an interesting bit on there... something about traitor data!"

Moving his paw across the screen, Monokuma presses the file labeled "ld00". On screen is shown...


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