Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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Castle just couldn't catch a break. Thirty years of hunting down criminals and it seemed like this might be where it ended, staring down a huge bear while voting on who should die with a bunch of strangers. He didn't like this at all; these people seemed good, so far. There was even a priest, though he talked about 'mana transfers'. He couldn't kill them. What if they killed someone innocent, though?

Frank began to go through the files. His expression darkened as those around seriously began to consider the vote. These people might deserve to die, after all. He still didn't know who to pick, though, so he stayed completely silent. The priest wasn't looking too nice; he was in a war similar to his own, something Frank didn't like.

He waited to hear the others' arguments before voting, quietly tapping the Zombrex in his pocket.

@everyone else that I don't care to find
"My idea for Mister Desmond being a traitor still stands. Perhaps he had been distracted while dragging the bodies, allowing the beasts to get a killing bite on his neck. However, he wouldn't have been killed instantly as the disease and blood loss aren't that fast. He could have returned to the Harvesting Room's apparent processing area to try and escape," Robin tapped on his id to examine wounds of the victims. Narrowing his eyes, he grimaced, "If the wounds on the other two were puncture based, then Desmond's blade could be the murder weapon."
Thinking to herself as to what this third murder would mean, Erika had a feeling that this would involve a lot of speculation due to the fact that she felt like there wasn't much information for her to think this out. If it were that bad, then it would be considered a Devil's Proof. However, she didn't want to resort to that because that method was actually inferior to the other techniques and base theories that she knew from heart. However, even if she didn't like this other method, it would be necessary to think this one out for once, just to narrow it down.

"It's been awhile since I've used this theory. Correct me if I make a misstep Dlanor, surely I know that the chessboard effect would help me think through this," Erika mentioned, to which Dlanor simply nods to the detective. Well then, let this flipped stance on the "chessboard" begin.

"Flipping this chessboard, I have to think in the way that a traitor would, or how I would think out things if I were a traitor for instance. The victims were Risa and Connor, and apparently no one has seen much of them until now, so it's possible that the traitor wanted to take the opportunity to kill off those that make no action to avoid getting much attention at first. The blood trails and the location of their corpses show a connection to the outside of the room and the harvesting room. It's safe to say that they were killed there, and possibly to confuse the innocents, the traitor thought it as necessary to move the corpses outside the room. Given the way that they were killed, it's possible to say that Connor was killed first because he was killed with little signs of a struggle, which is a contrast to Risa's body. The door itself seems as tough as a vault door in a bank, maybe that certain location such as the harvesting room was chosen because it was the most secure location to pull off these murders without being interrupted. Given how the door functions, it would at least require two people to hold it open and drag out the bodies, which highly seems to be the case. Desmond's involvement happens to be quite strange in itself, but I see that there are chances that he isn't a traitor. Leia's notes did say that everyone that had died upon arriving here is not a traitor. So, I have a theory in mind as to what happened," Erika seemed to be really analyzing everything, doing all of this just to narrow down the choices as to who could be a traitor.

"My theory in the blue. It's simple. Risa and Connor travel on their own, so it's easy to assume that they had made their way to the harvesting room before anyone else. Unfortunately they find themselves in a room where one of the traitors lie. With the fact that Connor had less of a struggle show on his body, he was taken down first by the traitor, and it could be assumed that it was a surprise attack while Risa is possibly just walking into the room due to the fact that the door has to be held open by someone to stay open. Seeing that Connor had been killed, Risa knew of the traitor's existence in the room, and struggled to stay alive as the traitor made his or her move. After those stab marks are made onto her, Risa is killed, and the traitor drags the two bodies out of the room, thus creating that blood trail. It could be assumed that something before the murders of Risa and Connor took place, Desmond had found the harvesting room even before the traitors, but found himself in a sticky situation against the undead. It's clear that he was bitten and turned into them, and that his short-lived battle against the undead is the reason why his hidden blade is left bloody. I won't include this in my Blue Truth to be sure of this, but I also find it possible that there were two traitors at work here. There are multiple anyways," Erika presented her Blue Truth, taking a moment to see a response from Dlanor to confirm it's possibility with the current knowledge they know of this event. Knowing that none of this contradicts the information given, Dlanor simply gave Erika a slight nod, allowing the detective to be assured that this is plausible for now, and this would kinda help with narrowing down the suspects.

"So, any ideas? What do you think, everyone?" Erika asked this simple question right after this lengthy explanation.

Urushihara listened to every lengthy word of Erika's explanation, taking in her theory very seriously. More people were dying, and another innocent could be killed because of it. "Erika's theory could be right," He stated, reviewing the information in his mind. He had remembered having one or maybe more conversations with Desmond, and could never remember fully trusting him.
"My idea for Mister Desmond being a traitor still stands. Perhaps he had been distracted while dragging the bodies, allowing the beasts to get a killing bite on his neck. However, he wouldn't have been killed instantly as the disease and blood loss aren't that fast. He could have returned to the Harvesting Room's apparent processing area to try and escape," Robin tapped on his id to examine wounds of the victims. Narrowing his eyes, he grimaced, "If the wounds on the other two were puncture based, then Desmond's blade could be the murder weapon."
"Then again, Robin's theory could also be correct," Urushihara pondered, attempting to combine the theories together. "Or it could have went down like this: Desmond could have made it to the harvesting room before anyone else. Risa and Connor found their way to the harvesting room soon after, but Connor went in first. Desmond could have surprise-attacked him, accidentally killing him out of fear he was a zombie. When Risa found her way in, she saw Connor's body, and Desmond, wanting no witnesses, killed her too. He had been bitten soon before he had entered the harvesting room, so after he killed them, he turned into zombie. Those theories don't mean he wasn't a traitor." Urushihara theorized.

@The Pimp Tactician
@Gummi Bunnies
@Anyone else in area
Wuya listened and she had figured everything might led together some how but how she was unsure. "See Jack this is why I don't have a led. Hmm..." Jack nodded and tried to think but had nothing. Wuya then began to speak. "If or If he was or wasn't a traitor either way he is dead. Wouldn't another maybe take his place? If not if we vote for the dead wouldn't that damn bear try and make us vote for someone alive?"


"Hmm... yes, yes," he nodded, taking in everyone's theories, "While I admire the effort you put into your explanation, young Erika, I personally must side with Robin on this one, though I won't discard anyone else's theory for sure either," the priest spoke, "Whatever the case, the stage is gradually clearing up. Our chances of catching the traitors are increasing, though whether or not fate is on our side will be determined by what we ultimately decide. Since young Desmond is already dead, does it really matter that much if we vote that he was a traitor? If he was, he's not exactly in a state to hurt anyone any further..." Kotomine inquired, "But it does bring to mind... just in case it wasn't him, who else present has access to sharp weaponry?"

Heh... and then there were none, eh? Are you having fun with your little game, bear? If I could get my hands on you, I would crush your face until it became dust.

"If we cannot get to the bottom of this, we'll just have to take another shot in the dark and rely on God's miracles."

You all move to the Main Entrance after discussing the dead bodies at length. This room sits completely bare, with not a soul in sight, dead or otherwise. A heavy metal door sits here, this one looking more durable than the previous doors. Here, you all find a lone girl, Lucy, slowly awaking from an unconscious state.
Continued from here.


Congratulations are in order! You have all managed to get through the facility alive, even in the midst of a containment breach! All of you eventually find yourselves at the Main Entrance, where the final door awaits. But that's not just all...


Monokuma's back, and he looks pretty pleased with himself. "Ah..." the bear moans, fanning himself. "That was such a nice nap! I hope you guys haven't destroyed yourselves in my absence!"

Then, he notices the new faces. "Ah! The transfer students have arrived! We don't normally take on new students during a field trip, but it was an emergency. The bear then waves his hands in the air and speaks with Lucy, D, John, Frank, Jean, Morrigan, Abelas, Keroro, Giroro, Ratchet, and Hercule Poirot.

"Looks like you guys need a rundown on how things go around here. I, your beary headmaster of grizzly grace, am your savior from your dying worlds! But don't take my word for it, ask your fellow students! Hidden amongst you all are some dastardly traitors! They'll proceed to kill every single one of you... but you can end their reign of terror by voting to execute them! After every kill, I'll hold a vote for you all to decide. Thankfully for you all, there's been a new murder!"

"But just who are these potential traitors...?"

The transfer students who already received a Student ID find theirs flashing to life. Monokuma hands out more to anyone who hasn't already picked one up. "These are super important!" the bear explains. "They let you keep up with recent events! They let you take pictures! They even offer you handy maps when I deem it is appropriate!" He then swipes his hand across his own device, indicating for the rest of you to do the same. "With just a swipe of your claw, you can flip between every student's profile, where you're provided some fun info about them!"

@CrossingCassie @Hazard @BarrenThin @Spartan Bennett @Crazy 8 Nate @TheColourlessRainbow @penguin055 @El Presidente @Iowan Corn

Then, the bear turns on everyone else, brandishing a claw. "Now that we're all gathered, let's start the vote!"

Leia then steps forward, a little nervous around the bear and being around so many people. "Right, let's all review what we know..."

Leia's Notes State...

Together, you found a secret passage in the mall that led to a science facility hidden below. Unfortunately, not all of you made it along the way, and none of those that died were traitors.

Some of you encountered a few mysterious computers. Most of the data was corrupted, but they showed videos of what was likely alternate realities. In addition, they contained "traitor data", and showed to us images of two people.

You encountered a group of scientists who claimed they were working on a cure for the zombie virus. A female scientist named Isabela explained that the virus came about from experimentation with a parasitic wasp. In addition to bites, it turns out that a sting from a female wasp will also infect an individual.

Two of you became infected with the virus, Frank Castle and Axel. Thankfully, both of you can prevent yourselves from turning by taking a drug called Zombrex every 24 hours.

Isabela captured a number of you, hoping to use you in experimentation to further her research. Though you all escaped and her facility faced a containment breach, Isabela still likely remains at large...

From now on, abstaining from the vote will result in a default vote for oneself.

Items found during exploration...

Three doses of Zombrex. Nothing else of note, unfortunately.

The Bucket Knight's Epitaph...


[River's name written in Gallifreyan]

Concerning the traitors' third murder...
The Ultimate Runaway, Risa Megan Ward, and the Ultimate Rebel, Connor Lassiter, were murdered.

Both bodies were found outside the Harvesting Room. A trail of blood led from their corpses and into the room. The door to the room was closed.

Connor died of a single stab wound to his neck. Risa died of multiple stab wounds to her chest.

There were signs of a struggle on both of the bodies, but Risa looked worse.

The door to the Harvesting Room looks tough, but a normal human could get the door open. The door automatically shuts when no one is holding it open.

The Ultimate Sacrifice, Desmond Miles, had also died.

Desmond was found as a zombie within the Harvesting Room. Whether his death was an accident or a murder is unknown.

Desmond was found with a human bite on his neck, indicating that it was a zombie that ultimately killed him.

Desmond's hidden blade weapon was bloody, for whatever reason.

Desmond was last seen with the library group, but he became separated from them when they were dumped near the Harvesting Room. Risa and Connor were known to travel mostly by themselves.
Lucy held her eyes closed, fearing she'd awake in none other the bright lights of the Diclonius Research Institute. Listening to what the 'bear' was talking about, she quickly realized that she was nowhere near the Institute, opening her pink eyes. In fact, she was in a place she didn't recognize. Honestly, when he talked about the death of the three humans, she honestly didn't care. Humans were disgusting pigs. Additionally, he spoke about traitors, voting, IDs... things she rarely heard about unless she was being interrogated, but then she'd kill the interrogator. No one got her to speak unless she wanted to. Surveying the area, she saw several others like her, appearing clueless towards the system most recently explained. Most of the people she saw were humans. More of the disgusting pigs.

Using her vectors, she leaped up, wrapping two of the 'arms' around the bear's neck. "Where am I?" Lucy snarled at the bear, feeling a bit less stronger than normal. She used her other 'arms' to hold her body upright, as her legs felt weak and pathetically human-like.

@Anyone who wish to talk to her
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"I do, however, I was with you all this whole time. Plus, with my knife, the wounds would have been slashes, not stabs," Robin explained for the hundredth time how he would use his knife.
You find a small sitting room with a lone girl inside.


She doesn't look terribly interested in any of you. Beside her is a bird cage with a small red bird inside.

You see some crafts on the desk... maybe you could find scissors here?

River followed Ruby, not really paying much attention to her surroundings. Just as the strange girl was not terribly interested in them, River wasn't terribly interested in her either. She walked over to the table to see if she could find a pair is scissors.

@Atomyk @york

//ooc: Back from my Rp Christmas break. ^^
Wuya gave a sigh and dragged out her scissors. "And I have scissors but I wouldn't dare. Look there not even sharp never were. And they definably have no ones blood. Now my hands on the other hand." She gave a chuckle. "I have no blood on them from anyone here. Now I do from back at home but that is a story for another day." Jack gave a gulp and nodded. "I don't have anything my Jack Bot I believe is missing and well... I don't know fully how to aim probable a gun and therefore here is all my ammo."

Pretty Boy returns to the group with a slight chuckle

"Yang, got you a gift" he mutters as he hands her the gloves, her power to get stronger as she was hit, combined with the gloves cross counter ability made for some deadly counters, no doubt

"Uhh. . .thanks?" Yang slowly said as she took the gloves and slipped them on. They did not feel like Ember Celica at all, but the gloves were similar.

"If I use these, maybe you can get my knives. I think I'd just be punching my way through everything to comes my way," she then suggested, nodding towards her sheathed knives that were at her hips.
~Everyone & Anybody Harvest Room~

"A maiden so fair, she kicked and screamed and wailed and cried, for she came upon a bear~" a soft chime escaped Arya's lips within this large room, her thrusting rapier Needle unsheathed and sharpening it quietly. From an outsider's standpoint, it was a glorified dagger, but thanks to magics unheard of her from the Black Dimension at the Mall, the sword had a phantom extension of a blade. One that, to be precise, made it actually a two-handed rapier-an Estoc. Hearing the rest of the group mingle and debate, Arya abruptly spoke out once more, sitting on the floor and using her tunic to clean her blade.

"The hells you think evidence is going to work this time? It hasn't before, that damned bear wants you to look at one murder so he can get another laugh. No, hells to him, look at all the murders that have happened together. Its all patterns, it just can't be randomness in this." Arya fiercely remarked, picking up on how every time logic was applied to the murder directly, it never worked. However, if logic was applied correlating to the murders themselves, particularly, how Arya saw that loved ones dear to others were voted out...

It could very well mean the ones that were so called "in fits of grief" were in reality snickering away as they drove attention from themselves.
That Poirot was not happy would have been an understatement. Kidnapped by an insane madman to deduce murders in a slaughterhouse that not even the dead had the decency to stay dead . . . . Cher Dieu, what madness! Now, here, they were to decide who was the traitor, the murderer by vote . . . this was not in the least any sense of order and method.

And yet there was hope among the wreckage . . .

A woman, small but obviously blessed with order in the little grey cells was speaking:

"Flipping this chessboard, I have to think in the way that a traitor would, or how I would think out things if I were a traitor for instance. The victims were Risa and Connor, and apparently no one has seen much of them until now, so it's possible that the traitor wanted to take the opportunity to kill off those that make no action to avoid getting much attention at first. The blood trails and the location of their corpses show a connection to the outside of the room and the harvesting room. It's safe to say that they were killed there, and possibly to confuse the innocents, the traitor thought it as necessary to move the corpses outside the room. Given the way that they were killed, it's possible to say that Connor was killed first because he was killed with little signs of a struggle, which is a contrast to Risa's body. The door itself seems as tough as a vault door in a bank, maybe that certain location such as the harvesting room was chosen because it was the most secure location to pull off these murders without being interrupted. Given how the door functions, it would at least require two people to hold it open and drag out the bodies, which highly seems to be the case. Desmond's involvement happens to be quite strange in itself, but I see that there are chances that he isn't a traitor. Leia's notes did say that everyone that had died upon arriving here is not a traitor. So, I have a theory in mind as to what happened," Erika seemed to be really analyzing everything, doing all of this just to narrow down the choices as to who could be a traitor.

Poirot smiled kindly at Erika. "Precisely spoken. You have the order of thought most beautifully spoken, mademoiselle." He gives a little bow in her direction. "As I have just arrived, I am glad to find someone who has already begun the investigation in such a way. If you would permit me, I would like to assist you in any way I can, once I know more of this case."

@Gummi Bunnies

"Have you noticed the past few deaths have been loved ones? Ruby? Miss Rivers?" Arya remarks, choking a bit on Miss Rivers name, sorrowed by it and missing that nice lady. "Keep in mind these...traitors from what we know can also vote. Is it then, not out of the possibility, that they are distracting attention from themselves?" Arya concluded, knowing she was trending light waters.

Poirot glanced over at Arya, and nodded. "This is also true - to notice the psychological aspect of the murders. Whlie madness is a plausible motive in this most madding of places, the other motives, that is to say, revenge, jealousy, ill gotten gain . . . these too may provide a reason to murder." He gestures with his hands, opening the one hand not holding onto the tablet to show the palm as he holds them out to his side. "Seeing other deaths, one may see an opportunity to eliminate someone they need to be rid of."
@everybody else
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Robin sighed to himself as he ran through the possiblities of killers. If not Desmond, then who had the means. Finally, he nodded to himself as he quietly placed his vote on Arya.
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Pretty Boy reaches for the knives and smiles, pulling them, but forgetting to undo the sheathes first, causing him to pull himself into her slightly "Well...this is...Cozy" he mutters with a blush as he moves back a little, evidently a little flustered "Sorry..." he mutters as he starts trying to work the clasps to remove the sheathes, his shaky hands betraying his slight nervousness, he'd just given the girl boxing gloves, he didn't care to be the first to get beat with them

(( OOC: Vote for Arya Stark. Will give IC explanation later on late-afternoon. ))
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Continued from here.


Congratulations are in order! You have all managed to get through the facility alive, even in the midst of a containment breach! All of you eventually find yourselves at the Main Entrance, where the final door awaits. But that's not just all...


Monokuma's back, and he looks pretty pleased with himself. "Ah..." the bear moans, fanning himself. "That was such a nice nap! I hope you guys haven't destroyed yourselves in my absence!"

Then, he notices the new faces. "Ah! The transfer students have arrived! We don't normally take on new students during a field trip, but it was an emergency. The bear then waves his hands in the air and speaks with Lucy, D, John, Frank, Jean, Morrigan, Abelas, Keroro, Giroro, Ratchet, and Hercule Poirot.

"Looks like you guys need a rundown on how things go around here. I, your beary headmaster of grizzly grace, am your savior from your dying worlds! But don't take my word for it, ask your fellow students! Hidden amongst you all are some dastardly traitors! They'll proceed to kill every single one of you... but you can end their reign of terror by voting to execute them! After every kill, I'll hold a vote for you all to decide. Thankfully for you all, there's been a new murder!"

"But just who are these potential traitors...?"

The transfer students who already received a Student ID find theirs flashing to life. Monokuma hands out more to anyone who hasn't already picked one up. "These are super important!" the bear explains. "They let you keep up with recent events! They let you take pictures! They even offer you handy maps when I deem it is appropriate!" He then swipes his hand across his own device, indicating for the rest of you to do the same. "With just a swipe of your claw, you can flip between every student's profile, where you're provided some fun info about them!"

@CrossingCassie @Hazard @BarrenThin @Spartan Bennett @Crazy 8 Nate @TheColourlessRainbow @penguin055 @El Presidente @Iowan Corn

Then, the bear turns on everyone else, brandishing a claw. "Now that we're all gathered, let's start the vote!"

Leia then steps forward, a little nervous around the bear and being around so many people. "Right, let's all review what we know..."

Leia's Notes State...

Together, you found a secret passage in the mall that led to a science facility hidden below. Unfortunately, not all of you made it along the way, and none of those that died were traitors.

Some of you encountered a few mysterious computers. Most of the data was corrupted, but they showed videos of what was likely alternate realities. In addition, they contained "traitor data", and showed to us images of two people.

You encountered a group of scientists who claimed they were working on a cure for the zombie virus. A female scientist named Isabela explained that the virus came about from experimentation with a parasitic wasp. In addition to bites, it turns out that a sting from a female wasp will also infect an individual.

Two of you became infected with the virus, Frank Castle and Axel. Thankfully, both of you can prevent yourselves from turning by taking a drug called Zombrex every 24 hours.

Isabela captured a number of you, hoping to use you in experimentation to further her research. Though you all escaped and her facility faced a containment breach, Isabela still likely remains at large...

From now on, abstaining from the vote will result in a default vote for oneself.

Items found during exploration...

Three doses of Zombrex. Nothing else of note, unfortunately.

The Bucket Knight's Epitaph...


[River's name written in Gallifreyan]

Concerning the traitors' third murder...
The Ultimate Runaway, Risa Megan Ward, and the Ultimate Rebel, Connor Lassiter, were murdered.

Both bodies were found outside the Harvesting Room. A trail of blood led from their corpses and into the room. The door to the room was closed.

Connor died of a single stab wound to his neck. Risa died of multiple stab wounds to her chest.

There were signs of a struggle on both of the bodies, but Risa looked worse.

The door to the Harvesting Room looks tough, but a normal human could get the door open. The door automatically shuts when no one is holding it open.

The Ultimate Sacrifice, Desmond Miles, had also died.

Desmond was found as a zombie within the Harvesting Room. Whether his death was an accident or a murder is unknown.

Desmond was found with a human bite on his neck, indicating that it was a zombie that ultimately killed him.

Desmond's hidden blade weapon was bloody, for whatever reason.

Desmond was last seen with the library group, but he became separated from them when they were dumped near the Harvesting Room. Risa and Connor were known to travel mostly by themselves.
Keroro mostly ignored Monokuma and Leia, being too busy exploring the camera feature of the ID. Giroro, however, listened attentively and knew that they were in a very grim situation. He knew he needed to slap some sense into Keroro, as he usually did, and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

"Keroro, this is a serious situation! Pay attention!" He proceeded to slap Keroro across the face and dropped him on the floor.

"I was paying attention! I was just, uh, taking pictures of our surroundings just in case we needed them for something." He got back to his feet and tried to hide his bluff. "So, what exactly is going on?"

"Three Pekoponians have died, and someone here is the murderer. We need to vote on who we think did it."

"Oh! I see! So we use this, huh?" He opened up his ID again and found the profiles section. "Ooh! It's us!" He clearly hadn't been paying full attention to Giroro and was about to tap the vote button. Giroro noticed and hit his hand away.

"Keroro you idiot! If you press that you would basically be admitting to murder!"

"M-murder?" Keroro began to shake at the word. "There's been a murder?"

"Weren't you listening to me at all?" Giroro hit him in the face again.

"Ah, I get it now... So we're like detectives? We have to solve the murder?"

"Yes, kinda like that. Now we need to get some more information, so let's talk to some of these Pekoponians." Giroro walked over to Erika and all the people near her, as he noticed they seemed to be having a serious conversation about the Murder. "You guys seem to know what you're doing. Got any information?"

Keroro followed closely behind him and was looking over the people there. He saw Kotomine and thought that he looked suspicious, so he opened the profiles on the ID and voted for Kotomine. Giroro noticed a second too late. "KERORO! What did you do?!" he shouted, outraged at Keroro's thoughtless action.

"Well, I thought this guy looked kinda suspicious, so I voted for him." Giroro facepalmed, frustrated at Keroro's stupidity.

Giroro turned to the man Keroro labeled "suspicious" and apologized to him. "Excuse Keroro. He doesn't know what he's doing."

@Gummi Bunnies
@The Pimp Tactician
@anyone else in this group
River followed Ruby, not really paying much attention to her surroundings. Just as the strange girl was not terribly interested in them, River wasn't terribly interested in her either. She walked over to the table to see if she could find a pair is scissors.
You find a pair amongst the litter. The girl doesn't seem to care and there doesn't seem to be much left left here to do.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty
You find a pair amongst the litter. The girl doesn't seem to care and there doesn't seem to be much left left here to do.

@Klutzy Ninja Kitty

@Atomyk @york

River took the scissors and turned to leave the room. She walked slow enough for Ruby and Jennifer to keep up. While walking, she ran the blade of the scissors over her arm creating a small cut that began to bleed. She was baffled as to how she was supposed to be dead and yet she could still bleed and feel pain. It didn't make sense. Sighing, she continued to walk and look for another room they could explore.
@The Pimp Tactician
As Arya's name was spoke by Robin. Cosmo would snap at the tactician, sending him In to the Ground. As Robin laid on the ground, Cosmo would slowly walk towards him, Cosmos eyes glowing.

"Take it back, comrade. You don't want to start war with Russian dog."
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