Murder Game IV: Monokuma Rising

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There seems to be people in the Library and some within the Facility...

Where do you go?

@Crazy 8 Nate
Jean decides that it might be possible to find the others from the Scout Regiment. Maybe they were brought here to. He decides to head for the Library first. Maybe Armin would be there, after all, Armin loved books, it would make sense for him to be there.
Jean decides that it might be possible to find the others from the Scout Regiment. Maybe they were brought here to. He decides to head for the Library first. Maybe Armin would be there, after all, Armin loved books, it would make sense for him to be there.
Welcome to the library, which actually doesn't look like a library at all. It is a sterile white room, with computers sitting about. Currently, images float around the walls and a wooden door opens to an abyss. There are people here.

@Crazy 8 Nate
@Josh M
Frank blinks, staring at the list. "I want to go everywhere, truthfully," he says. "But that sounds like as good as any place to start.

You and Frank navigate the facility, eventually getting to the Observation Rooms. Here, scientists watch people through windows. You see a group of people just leaving, and a female scientist approaches you. Jack, another 'student', is with her. Frank is quick to start taking photos.


"You must be a part of the kidnapped group," she says. She gives Frank a curious look before nodding. "I should explain... we're working on a cure for the zombies affliction here in this facility. My name is Isabela." She then holds out a hand to shake Axel's hand.

@Ryu Keiko
Axel looked at the female scientist's hand before taking it in his, shaking gently. "My name is Axel." he said with a smirk. "Got it memorized? A-X-E-L." he said as he took his hand back. "As for an explanation, a little more of a Q and A would help subdue my curiosity." He said looked at her before he felt a new presence behind him.

Wuya followed the others till once more they need to deiced on where to go. 'Hmm... Where might have any Shen Gon Wu?' She looked a moment not sure and finally deiced to let one of the others choose.

Jack watched as Wuya and the others left for he deiced to stay with Isabela for he wanted to let Wuya have her space and well he need a break from her being her. 'She always ignores me and calls me a failure maybe we need to stop trying to work together. ' Jack sighed then looked seeing Axel he waited seeing what Axel would say and what he was meant to do now.

@Atomyk @Wuya's group @Ryu Keiko
He looked back and saw Jack standing behind him and waved a slight wave. "Well, looks like we have a newcomer Frank." He said.

@Atomyk @Raven
Jean arched his eyebrows in confusion when he walked into the library, what kind of place was this. He obviously recognized Bayonetta form earlier. He frowned when he noticed the group of strangers with her. His instincts told either to flee or fight, but he put his instincts aside and paced over to the group. "Hey there folks, what's going on?" He asked.

@Everyone in the library
( I'm going to assume no one's staying with Isabela? )

Your escort nods, moving you toward a sign on the wall--

Labs A

Labs B

Observation Rooms

Main Entrance

Waste Disposal

Harvesting Room
"Well...let's see, before we do anything..." Erika said, seemingly looking at this directory for any areas of interest. Obviously they weren't going to go for the Waste Disposal after what happened back there. However, before she decided, she felt like this was necessary.

"In case something were to happen..." she began as she walked over to Robin...and taking out her roll of duct tape.


It didn't take long, but with the help of her duct tape, Erika had successfully taped Robin's left wrist against her right wrist. It was like makeshift handcuffs, and by was easy to assume that Erika didn't fully trust him yet.

"Sorry if this was sudden, but I just don't want to lose sight and track of you. Especially in a place like this," Erika said to Robin with a slight smile, putting away her roll of duct tape. By how tightly she made the tape that forced them to be together, it would be a pain to try and peel it off...

@The Pimp Tactician @Verite @Raven @KayThePilotChapter @Atomyk
He looked back and saw Jack standing behind him and waved a slight wave. "Well, looks like we have a newcomer Frank." He said.
Frank nodded to Jack, remembering him from the mall. Isabela, looking Axel over, put her hands into her pockets. "Understandable. We conduct experiments here. Our goal is a cure, but a vaccine is likely all we'll be able to manufacture any time soon." She looks down at her feet. "The world has ended, and as far as I know, we're the last people looking into a solution."

@Ryu Keiko
Ratchet awakes inside a sterile white room. You are disoriented, with little memory of what you were doing before you blacked out. A search of your own body will reveal that any weapons you had on you are missing. Your item of importance is also not with you.

Looking around, you'll find a sparse single bed in a corner of the room. In another corner is a small sink and toilet. A lone doorway separates you from the outside world.

" everything" Ratchet moaned as he got up from lying on the floor, scratching his head. He looked like his was in prison...again! He tried to think back to what got him in this apparent prison, but it was all a blank, Too many video games perhaps? All a blur...but someone's bound to know about it. He also realized something else, although this one was pretty obvious...HIS WEAPONS ARE GONE!!! Like everything was gone (except for his clothes, thank goodness for that). He was, to be frank, utterly confused, it sucks. He goes up to the door, leading to the outside, and tries to open it...
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"Not yet, but that is the next step. Even if something goes wrong, we'll be able to combat the infection with a medicine. It has to be be administered every twenty-fours hours, but otherwise you will be the same as before. We just need to see the initial effects of the virus on your body."

The voice is dry and clinical. You can tell he's practiced this statement.


Castle's attempts to escape became more and more frantic. He felt a bone in his shoulder fracture, but he persisted. "Let me the fuck out here!" His anger was clear; chances are, if he got out, he wouldn't be friendly.
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" everything" Ratchet moaned as he got up from lying on the floor, scratching his head. He looked like his was in prison...again! He tried to think back to what got him in this apparent prison, but it was all a blank, Too many video games perhaps? All a blur...but someone's bound to know about it. He also realized something else, although this one was pretty obvious...HIS WEAPONS ARE GONE!!! Like everything was gone (except for his clothes, thank goodness for that). He was, to be frank, utterly confused, it sucks. He goes up to the door, leading to the outside, and tries to open it...
It doesn't budge, perhaps not surprisingly. A male voice suddenly echoes throughout your prison. "Attention, state your name and place of origin." Who knows where it's coming from.

@El Presidente
Castle's attempts to escape became more and more frantic. He felt his shoulder fracture, but he persisted. "Let me the fuck out here!" His anger was clear; chances are, if he got out, he wouldn't be friendly.
The voice may not have been expecting this, and so turns a tad sharper. "Your memories, Frank. Your memories are messed up. If you do not calm down, we will have to sedate you!"

He finally stopped, though he clearly wasn't calming down. Frank looked around the room for any sign of a way they could sedate him remotely. If they had to send someone in to do it...

He finally stopped, though he clearly wasn't calming down. Frank looked around the room for any sign of a way they could sedate him remotely. If they had to send someone in to do it...
"Will you listen now?" the voice asks. "Please, calm down and understand the situation. I'll ask you, are you ready to begin the next step in our experimentation?"

"Will you listen now?" the voice asks. "Please, calm down and understand the situation. I'll ask you, are you ready to begin the next step in our experimentation?"

Frank clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but responded as calmly as he could. "Fine. How will you expose me to the virus, though?"
Frank clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, but responded as calmly as he could. "Fine. How will you expose me to the virus, though?"
"Not through a bite, but through exposure to the parasitic insect that was the source of the virus. It is easier for us to manage. A sting is far less traumatic than a bite. All that will be required of you is to stay calm and allow it to inject you."

"Not through a bite, but through exposure to the parasitic insect that was the source of the virus. It is easier for us to manage. A sting is far less traumatic than a bite. All that will be required of you is to stay calm and allow it to inject you."

He was anything but calm, but he saw no other course of action. Frank knew as well that, if he'd volunteered for this, that there must be some reason.

That's what his rational mind told him, at least. With a few violent curses aimed at the voice, Frank once again tried the door stubbornly.
He was anything but calm, but he saw no other course of action. Frank knew as well that, if he'd volunteered for this, that there must be some reason.

That's what his rational mind told him, at least. With a few violent curses aimed at the voice, Frank once again tried the door stubbornly.

The voice is short with you now. "This is your last warning. We didn't want to administer the virus while you were unconscious."

"I won't be locked up like some lab rat while people are out there dying!" He hit the door one last time before punching the wall with frustration and flopping down on to the bed. "Damn you. Send in the stupid bug." If he was lucky, maybe it would kill him.
"I won't be locked up like some lab rat while people are out there dying!" He hit the door one last time before punching the wall with frustration and flopping down on to the bed. "Damn you. Send in the stupid bug." If he was lucky, maybe it would kill him.
There's no response on the other end. In a few short moment, the small panel in the wall slides open, and out comes what looks to be a large wasp. It lingers about the room before approaching you. It readies its stinger for the injection.

There's no response on the other end. In a few short moment, the small panel in the wall slides open, and out comes what looks to be a large wasp. It lingers about the room before approaching you. It readies its stinger for the injection.


Frank seemed to await the sting. That is, until it got close. He went to crush the bug with his hand. Way he saw it, it was a win-win. Either the bug stung him and he stayed to help, or it died and they hopefully sent someone into the room, at which point he could try to escape.
Continued from here.

"Containment Breach"
Those of you with the kind escort may have noticed he's big enough to crush most any of with just his hands! Some of you may be wary of him, so surely it can't be too surprising that he immediately turns on you all.

Stepping out of the observation, the escort lingers back and presses a button on his wrist. Metal bars lined with electricity slam down, trapping you all inside. A gas erupts from the floor around your feet...

For those of you with Isabela, a similar moment occurs. She nonchalantly leads your group into the adjacent hallway, where you all become trapped.​

It's not long before you have all blacked out.


For The Engineer, he finds that the man made of data start to form into something real and tangible-- A burly, muscle-bound male.


He looks human, except for the odd look in his eyes. In fact, you can see that he doesn't have pupils at all! "..." He looks about ready to say something, but instead, his neck violently flips at an 180 degree angle, a sick wet *'crack!'* affirming the horrific sight. Black, diseased veins pulsate softly against his body. He screams wordlessly, looking about ready to lunge at you.

For those of you in the library, the void beyond the wooden door suddenly begins to change shape and form. Something is trying to form, but it just quite can't--​
Uh oh. Something is coming out of the door.


It lurches forward, moaning. It's followed by another... and another... and that's not all--


Before any of you can really do anything about this sudden flood of monsters, a burst echoes from the open door, sending you all flying. The floor of the library gives away, sending you all down into the abyss...
Kotomine, Robin, Erika, Dlanor, Wuya, and Lucifer find themselves waking up in a large glass tank. Surrounding you all is lab equipment and scientists. There is a latch above you and a door in the glass wall connecting you to a tank full of zombies. Leia gasps at the sight of it.​
Across the zombie tank, a second group is waking up. Morrigan, Abelas, Axel and Jack find themselves in a similar glass tank with scientists observing them as well. Morrigan and Abelas happen to find a Student ID on their person now. Frank rushes forward and slam against the glass wall. "What's going on?!" he cries. "What do you people think you're doing?!"

A voice comes on over an intercom, speaking to both groups. It's Isabela's voice. "I'm sorry that we have to do this," Isabela says. "What you all represent... is an amazing opportunity. If you come from other worlds as you say... as we expected... then there's no other choice for us here. Some of you likely possess supernatural abilities and physiologies we could only imagine. The cure that is possible years from now... could be made in just a few short months."

"This can't be happening!" Leia cries. "How am I supposed to write my story if I'm being experimented on?!"

"... These are just holding tanks," Isabela explains. "Once you're all exposed to the virus, we will continue further experimentation from there."
But then an alert starts its shrill scream throughout the facility.​
For those of you generally hanging around the facility, including Yang, Pretty Boy, Natsu, and Sandor Clegane, you hear screams of a monstrous nature. It isn't long before you all find yourselves faced with the living dead!

Frank Castle, leaving his fate up to chance, manages to crush the bug in his hand... not before it gets a sting in! Thankfully for him, there are ways to stave off the infection... For him and the rest of you trapped in the Observation Rooms, a sudden alert begins to blare inside your rooms. Ratchet, D, and John find the doors of their rooms suddenly slam open. Outside, you'll find scientists scrambling every which way to avoid zombies streaming in from the hallway. All four of you happen to find what looks to be a tablet outside your doors. "This is your student ID!" a note taped to the side explains. "Even transfer students needs to keep up with their peers!"

Bayonetta, Funny, Arya, The Noob, Cosmo, and Jean find themselves awaking in a spacious room. Jean will happen to find a Student ID on his possession now. From your aches and pains, it's likely you all fell quite a distance. To your right is what looks to be a heavy metal door. In front of that door are two dead bodies-- Risa and Connor. They both seem to display stab wounds. Despite the lack of Monokuma hanging around, this is displayed on everyone's Student IDs.
The Ultimate Runaway, Risa Megan Ward, and the Ultimate Rebel, Connor Lassiter, are dead.


Finally, amidst the chaos, your Student IDs offer a map of the facility...
Labs A: Where you guys find have found yourselves in a sticky situation!

Labs B: Some interesting things are going on here...

Observation Rooms: Where the transfer students were being observed!

Main Entrance: Could this be the exit you all seek?

Waste Disposal: It's said that the terrible MegaKuma lurks here...

Harvesting Room: Where the dead bodies of Risa and Connor were found.

Continued here.

Cast List:

@Akibahara as The Noob and The Engineer (Battlefield Friends)
@Joellie as Edward Kenway (Assassin's Creed)
@Ziogen as Revya and Gig (Soul Nomad)
@Dallas as Don "Wardaddy" Collier (Fury)
@Verite as Kirei Kotomine (Fate/stay night)
@Zadok shadows as Zane Bowerstone (Fable)
@Krieg as Arya Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
@MrDubWubs as Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)
@Raven as Wuya and Jack Spicer (Xiaolin Showdown)
@DapperDogman as Intersection's Pretty Boy (Undying Love)
@Nassione as Korra (The Legend of Korra)
@Conrad Norwood as Robin (Fire Emblem)
@Xibilation as Elizabeth Swann-Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean)
@Gummi Bunnies as Erika Furudo and Dlanor A. Knox (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni Chiru)
@ChemicalLove as Adain Lee (Original Character)
@KayThePilotChapter as Hanzou Urushihara (The Devil Is A Part-Timer!)
@SirDerpingtonIV as Sandor Clegane (A Song Of Ice And Fire)
@penguin055 as Lyle Dylandy (Gundam 00)
@ShadowPrime as Sting Eucliffe and Lector (Fairy Tale)
@Thuro Pendragon as Desmond Miles (Assassin's Creed)
@SuperChocoMilk as Zer0 (Borderlands)
@ItsToppyTippers as Yang Xiao Long (RWBY)
@Jeremi as Funny Valentine (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
@Ryu Keiko as Axel (Kingdom Hearts)
@Mari as Bayonetta (Bayonetta)
@ShiroKiyoshi as Chung Seiker (Elsword)
@Josh M as Cosmo (Guardians of the Galaxy)
@Crazy 8 Nate as Jean Kirstein (Attack on Titan)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Morrigan and Abelas Adahle (Dragon Age)
@Hazard as D (Vampire Hunter D)
@Spartan Bennett as John-117 (Halo)
@BarrenThin as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
@El Presidente as Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank)

Oz and Willow Rosenburg - DIED! INNOCENT! CRUSHED TO DEATH
William "Billy" Borden - DIED! INNOCENT! A BLAZE OF GLORY
Ley von Crimson River and Rufus Wilde - DIED! INNOCENT! DEVOURED
Anastasia Saunders - DIED! INNOCENT! DEVOURED
Risa Megan Ward and Connor Lassiter
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